OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #9

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curiosity, I meant the "Looking for the Jamisons" page you mentioned. Have a link? I don't think I ever saw that one, and couldn't find it in FB so thought maybe it was a website.

I'm very familiar with the Find the Jamisons FB page.


Cazzie -
Okie dokie, well, I'm doing this by cell and strangely enough sometimes when I go through the Net browser to get to FB, I "see" one theme/set up, sometimes, I "see" a different theme/setup, just trying to explain this next part. I do try to list 'sources', but apparently I go the name wrong in my past post. It took a bit to figure out how to get to it, but was able to find the info again.

As you state you are very familiar with the "Finding the Jamisons" FB page, then you should be able to easily locate what I had called the "Looking for the Jamisons" FB page.
The page I was referring to is listed under N. Shenold as her place of employment, and when I clicked on it, it came up as a separate page for, but not much was listed on it really. *shrugs* The correct name is: "FIND THE JAMISONS 24/7 WORKING TO FIND THEM" to be completely correct with the page name. I admit that I made a mistake with the name previously, so I have listed them all out below, along with the URL's and the FB member number totals.

Another route to it, and how I found it an alternate way previously was by clicking the "Search" button on the top right side, then in the Search box that showed up on the bottom of my page, I typed in: "Find the Jamisons"

(2,335 Members)

(17 Members)

(27 Members)

"Has Anyone seen Jamisons Car or Seen her drive in the past couple years?"
(2 Members)

"Niki Senhold"
(Individual page so no 'members' listed)
Here is the website for OETA TV: http://www.oeta.tv/

They will be airing the story on the missing Jamison family on, Friday September 16, 2011, at 7:pM.

For the people who live out of town, it will be posted on Youtube.

Little726 or Oriah - or Any WS -
Q: Does anyone have an update or link to this?
I am out of area, not even sure if I can view the youtube on my cell, but I looked on OETA and did a search on youtube this a.m., but was unable to locate any video. Hopefully I can view it somehow, and if not, hopefully, someone will give a rundown on the program.

Thanks in advance!
has anybody seen it yet? was it even broadcast on Fri? did it leave everyone speechless? ;)
has anybody seen it yet? was it even broadcast on Fri? did it leave everyone speechless? ;)

I was wondering that myself, nanny.

According to the, Find The Jamison Family FB page, OETA had technical difficulties. They will post a link on Tuesday. I'm not sure if it was broadcast or not.

Cazzie -
Okie dokie, well, I'm doing this by cell and strangely enough sometimes when I go through the Net browser to get to FB, I "see" one theme/set up, sometimes, I "see" a different theme/setup, just trying to explain this next part. I do try to list 'sources', but apparently I go the name wrong in my past post. It took a bit to figure out how to get to it, but was able to find the info again.

As you state you are very familiar with the "Finding the Jamisons" FB page, then you should be able to easily locate what I had called the "Looking for the Jamisons" FB page.
The page I was referring to is listed under N. Shenold as her place of employment, and when I clicked on it, it came up as a separate page for, but not much was listed on it really. *shrugs* The correct name is: "FIND THE JAMISONS 24/7 WORKING TO FIND THEM" to be completely correct with the page name. I admit that I made a mistake with the name previously, so I have listed them all out below, along with the URL's and the FB member number totals.

Another route to it, and how I found it an alternate way previously was by clicking the "Search" button on the top right side, then in the Search box that showed up on the bottom of my page, I typed in: "Find the Jamisons"

(2,335 Members)

(17 Members)

(27 Members)

"Has Anyone seen Jamisons Car or Seen her drive in the past couple years?"
(2 Members)

"Niki Senhold"
(Individual page so no 'members' listed)
Thank you, curiosity!

If I had a dollar for every time I mis-remembered something, I would be rich! (and could find the Jamisons) ;) and would treat us all to some decadent chocolate-y something or other...or whatever choice...or better yet, pay all our bills!
has anybody seen it yet? was it even broadcast on Fri? did it leave everyone speechless? ;)

It wasn't broadcast on Friday. Sorry- I should have said that on Friday!
But the one from the 15th is a goodie, don't ya think? :)
It wasn't broadcast on Friday. Sorry- I should have said that on Friday!
But the one from the 15th is a goodie, don't ya think? :)

i found it quite interesting. i hope sending all those undercover cops to learn how to cook meth doesn't backfire on them. if there's one thing i have learned in my many years, nomatter how good your intentions are at the outset, if you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change, it changes you.
I was wondering that myself, nanny.

According to the, Find The Jamison Family FB page, OETA had technical difficulties. They will post a link on Tuesday. I'm not sure if it was broadcast or not.

I hear twlight zone music in my head everytime I think about this case. The more I look at it the weirder it is. Technical difficulties??
I hear twlight zone music in my head everytime I think about this case. The more I look at it the weirder it is. Technical difficulties??

They forgot to wrap the station in tinfoil before the airing, Soul. They're working on that now.
It sure makes you wonder, Soul!!

Yes. Lot of let down from alot of people with this case. People who should know better.

No media, No evidence, vanishing professionals( term used lacklusterly I assure you).
Off topic,

This seems like an interesting scam. Big money pretty fast for people flipping over real estate. Then what happens where the person does not want the buyer to pocket the extra cash and then also knows someone who could approve unapprovable home loans for people likely to lose the house by default? Or 100 other corrupt issues?



Don't know that that's all that O/T, Soul... thanks for the link. :)
It isnt working for me either. I signed in to facebook an everything!. Maybe a direct link?
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