Found Deceased OK - Mark Chastain, Billy Chastain, Mike Sparks, Alex Stevens, Okmulgee, 9 Oct 2022

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Question: And I ask this with all respect. These men are found. And dead. And there's a suspect. So why are they still in the missing persons forum?
Any psychology folks here?? Something I have never understood…**IF** JK commits suicide, then seriously, what was the point of dismembering and dumping the bodies? When does the choice of suicide come into play? After shooting them? Then why go through the disgusting, messy (sorry), physically exhausting work of dismembering FOUR people, loading them up, and dumping them, if you know the entire time that you’re going to commit suicide after? Or does suicide only enter the mind after they realize they might not get away with it? And even then……why?

Anyone have insight on the psychology of this? TIA
Not a psychologist, but I've followed a lot of cases where the suspect has wound up killing himself.

Planned or not, he would have dismembered the bodies and dumped them in the river, in an effort to get away with this.

At some point he realized that he was done for, and that's where we stand now.
Any psychology folks here?? Something I have never understood…**IF** JK commits suicide, then seriously, what was the point of dismembering and dumping the bodies? When does the choice of suicide come into play? After shooting them? Then why go through the disgusting, messy (sorry), physically exhausting work of dismembering FOUR people, loading them up, and dumping them, if you know the entire time that you’re going to commit suicide after? Or does suicide only enter the mind after they realize they might not get away with it? And even then……why?

Anyone have insight on the psychology of this? TIA
Zero psychology background here, but my best uneducated guess is that it was extremely traumatic to do what he apparently [unconfirmed] did. In no way am I defending his alleged actions, which, IMHO, were horrific and borne out of extremely poor decisions. But for sake of argument, let's say he acted out of pure panic and adrenaline, and only afterward started feeling extreme remorse, to the point of being suicidal. Really, there is no going back to normal life after this. JMHO
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Any psychology folks here?? Something I have never understood…**IF** JK commits suicide, then seriously, what was the point of dismembering and dumping the bodies? When does the choice of suicide come into play? After shooting them? Then why go through the disgusting, messy (sorry), physically exhausting work of dismembering FOUR people, loading them up, and dumping them, if you know the entire time that you’re going to commit suicide after? Or does suicide only enter the mind after they realize they might not get away with it? And even then……why?

Anyone have insight on the psychology of this? TIA

I don’t have any psychology knowledge but I imagine he has a fair bit of PTSD from first killing, then dismembering 4 people. I’m sure he’s having nightmares and regret.

I’m just shocked by all of this, I felt bad for the owner of the salvage yard that this all took place at his business but now finding out he was involved is just shocking.
I have to think JK is on the run in some undistinguished reliable transportation vehicle who's registration and plates have been taken out of circulation for years. Keeping to the back roads. Doesn't seem the kind of guy to head for Canada. Maybe he's hardly even been out of the state. Bet he doesn't use a bank or credit cards much, so not much expectation for any charges to show up. All cash, for gas, for food. Sticking to the kind of country he knows best.

LE should be checking plate readers for plates with long-expired tags.
But that wouldn't have required a bicycle trailer, surely, unless the transactions were all in coins.

Whatever they were stealing was heavy enough that it needed multiple bicycle trailers to transport. I assume back to their own garages.

The only things I can think of would have been catalytic convertors, but that doesn't make that much sense because there is only 3-7 g of platinum-group metals in one and you have to have a significant technology strip them. Not something that the 5 guys would be able to do on their own. The salvage place has the contacts to buy the metals, not the guys stealing it, surely.

And word would certainly be getting around town and back to Joe Kennedy that someone else was edging in on his CC sales.


I wonder if there's a possibility JK was a witness to the murder and is running in fear of his life?
My thought from the beginning was similar. Imagine if (speculation coming up) JK was making a stack of extra cash by allowing some really dangerous types to store/deal illegal goods (weapons, hard drugs, whatever) out of some junker food truck or trailer on one of the salvage yards. These guys need some part to fix a car they’re working on and decide to try to steal it from the yard, and instead of running into an angry owner and his dog, run in to a group who wants no witnesses.
IMO it’s possible JK didn’t kill anyone but was caught up in something with those who did kill these men and is now either suicidal or on the run from these people now that bodies have been discovered.
Edit for autocorrect
20 years ago JK was charged with fencing stolen goods. Eventually the case was dismissed.
This is why I feel that JK had some sort of arrangement with the four guys. This stolen catalytic converter stuff is a gold mine for scrap companies.
Then, you have the history where he shot the people who tried to burglarize him. He was charged and pled guilty to aggravated assault in that case. The people who were arrested for the supposed burglary apparently were not charged because I can't find any court records for them.
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Hey folks,

When LE specifically states they don't wish a photo to be publicized, they have very specific reasons for doing so. We don't know their reasons, but as Websleuths is pro-LE, we honour that request. It's fine to link to the MSM article that contains the photo (that's on MSM's shoulders, not WS) and it's fine to discuss other information in the article.
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