GUILTY OR - David, 61, & Marilyn Jondle, 58, murdered, Dallas, 31 Aug 2010

I don't usually comment on appearances either, but that is one fugly woman. Good gracious, what could the boy have possibly seen in her? It certainly doesn't seem to have been her shining personality.
Authorities say this kid was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol when he bludgeoned to death his parents.

It was the desicion the Jundle's made not to give their son $500.00 for rent that was the catalyst for the murder. It was rage fueled said the police.

Meanwhile Cindy Lou Who there needed money to get her kids out of foster care.

How very, very sad.

What a horrible scenario!!

How pray tell, does money get your children out of foster care??? Doesn't one ususally have to follow some form of plan with parental classes and such. I've never heard that "money" will get your child(ren) out of foster care and back into parental care..

Something is horribly wrong. Couldn't pay their rent! Mom and dad disapprove of this relationship, doesn't give the money, instead the son and girlfriend take their lives and this is how you get your children back???? :furious: She can now say bye-bye for a very long time if not forever..MONEY is always a sad...JMHO
Being in Oregon and working closely with (not for, but with) DHS for years, maybe I can somewhat help explain the female suspect's sorely misguided goal of getting money to "get her children back".

When children are removed from a parent and placed in foster care, an action plan (which is actually a contract) is quickly drawn up. States are under federal mandate to follow certain timeframes and scenarios (and yes there are horrid failures to do so). If they fail with their timelines or in following the regulations, they can lose federal dollars which finance their child welfare systems. Each state has what is called a State Plan which must be renewed and approved each year by the feds. States are "graded" on their adherence to that plan.

One of the issues often encountered by DHS when attempting to return children to their parent, is that the parent must have a safe place to live. My guess (I do not know this case) is that this woman was badly behind on her rent. Paying her rent on time might have been one of the issues that needed to be addressed for her children to return to her. DHS assists each parent in accessing all appropriate services and housing funds are available for those who are disabled or unemployed--especially those with children. She would also have had to visit with her children (usually weekly), attend parenting classes, and submit to drug testing. There are frequent court hearings so that the judge can assess her improvement.

It is NOT illegal to be homeless. However, DHS and the federal law, requires that children have a safe place to stay. If she couldn't pay her rent, even with financial assistance, she could have arranged to live with family or friends. My guess is that this woman had an upcoming court date and became frantic about coming up with back rent. My guess, also, is that she'd been using her welfare funds or trading her Oregon Trail Card funds (food stamps) for drugs. Because her behavior seems to me to be incredibly erratic, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there were numerous reasons that her children were not being returned and that back rent was merely one of the issues.

It doesn't seem that Andrew was working so I don't see how he could have assisted with rent. I've read that he approached his parents for money and they had been refusing. They had even taken away a car he was using. They clearly did not approve of his lifestyle. Given the exact same set of circumstances, I would have reacted the same way. He is an adult and can choose to live any way he chooses. The parent, however, is not required to support that chosen lifestyle.

For whatever reason, Andrew, is a young man with pent up rage. Even though LE is saying that drugs did not play a part, I'm not so sure that the suspects weren't using at all. He might have been clean when arrested and that might have been part of the problem. If you look at the suspects' erratic behavior in their own neighborhood, something is terribly amiss. If it's not drugs, both have serious mental health issues. I shudder to think what might have happened if the rent money was paid and DHS returned the children. Andrew has been reported to have been aggressive and frightening to neighbor children. How would he have responded to this woman's children. IMO, we need to recognize that DHS made the correct call here by not returning those children. They are safe, thank God.

I would still like to know how these two met and what the draw was for Andrew. That's the mystery for me.

My prayers continue for the other family members and friends. And even the animals.
There had to have been other 'odd' behaviors on the part of Andrew that preceded this.
Had he been in a public or private school, those behaviors might have been picked up on at an earlier age by people less vested in the little darling. and could possibly have been 'treated'.

This is just way beyond any kind of normal teenage or young adult rebellion.
I don't believe in home schooling. The children don't get to socialize enough and imo lack street smarts. He was prey for that loser degenerate 46 year old.

They were a military family for a long time since the father was an Air Force Captain before becoming an engineer programmer in California and the family moved around a lot when in the service.

I don't hold it against them for home schooling their children. I don't think this had one thing to do with his prior schooling.

This was due to greed and wanting what he wanted when he wanted it. We have seen this happen over and over again when children murder their parents for their own financial gain or because the parents aren't in agreement with any and everything they want to do.

Any child that can look into the eyes of his own parents and murder one with a scythe and the other one with a metal pipe is a monster imo. THAT type of behavior has nothing to do with home schooling.

There is the issue of Andrew being the youngest. It's highly possible that he felt more entitled and was more "spoiled" than his brothers. He was born when his parents were 38 and 41, a bit on the older side. He's been described as helpful and pleasant but we have no idea what was going on with him privately. He has no record but his parents could have kept him close. There's mention of a brother nearby and possibly Andrew had recently become estranged from him. I'm really reminded of the Kip Kinkel story. Here's a wiki article and another short article about Kip's medical and mental health challenges:

There's so many similarities. Youngest child, doting parents, bucolic living environment (not far at all from Dallas, either) and lots of home tutoring. Kip's problems really ramped up when his sister left for college. There's also the comment about psychotropics. Kip, however, killed his parents first and then went to school and kept on killing.

I wonder if Andrew had taken meds and had recently stopped? When our kids turned 21, they lost their insurance and all stopped taking their meds, even our son with diabetes. He couldn't afford insulin, so he just stopped it. He kept ending up in the ICU every couple of weeks and ran up tens of thousands of dollars in charges. Now, our family hunts him down (he's homeless) and makes sure he has it at all times.

Possibly, when Andrew moved into Salem, his girlfriend convinced him to stop taking his meds. She seemed to wield an incredible amount of power over him. If he'd moved out of his family's home and wasn't in college, it's highly possible that he'd lost his insurance. Many psychotropics cost between $200-1000/month. There are patient assistance programs but they are extremely cumbersome. There's also the possibility of the flip side. Andrew might have desperately needed meds. Just a thought.
Where is the information coming from that this man had mental issues?

I suggested that he might have had previous mental health issues for which he might have taken meds. Many 20 somethings go off their meds due to lack of insurance. That can be disastrous for a person with impulse control issues ie. Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. I also brought up the possibility of an onset of illness due to his age. I have no personal knowledge about this case. I was merely throwing out suggestions. I have a tendency to try to make some sense out of the unfathomable. Obviously, that's not always possible.

It was well reported that he was acting in a strange manner at his apartment in Salem, looking in people's windows, frightening children, knocking on neighbor's doors at odd hours.

And then, the way over the top viciousness of the murders. Something is wrong with the young man.
Probably from the fact that he just murdered both of his parents.

He doesn't have to be mentally ill to do something like this though. It could be just what it is and he murdered them to rob from them. He may have even thought he would inherit the farm or a part of it if they were out of the way.

I suggested that he might have had previous mental health issues for which he might have taken meds. Many 20 somethings go off their meds due to lack of insurance. That can be disastrous for a person with impulse control issues ie. Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. I also brought up the possibility of an onset of illness due to his age. I have no personal knowledge about this case. I was merely throwing out suggestions. I have a tendency to try to make some sense out of the unfathomable. Obviously, that's not always possible.

It was well reported that he was acting in a strange manner at his apartment in Salem, looking in people's windows, frightening children, knocking on neighbor's doors at odd hours.

And then, the way over the top viciousness of the murders. Something is wrong with the young man.

I would say something is wrong with anyone that commits murder much less double homicide in the most gruesome way possible. However that doesnt mean that all of them have mental issues. Some just dont care and do what they want to do.

Maybe he was just a creepy man with a nasty attitude. I don't think it is necessary to think he was mentally ill or off his medication when not one word has been hinted that he has mental issues. And if he had issues then that doesn't mean it rises to the level of criminal insanity.

Imo, many kids today kill at will when they want something and they know their parents aren't going to give into their demands.

I just see no excuses for this monstrous son. IIRC, he had been arrested for theft before. This time he stole from his own parents and murdered them in the process to get what he wanted.

Ocean--ITA, something is seriously wrong with Drew, as he was known by family. I've read several reports that say that he's had disagreements with family since he started living with Beck, his girlfriend. She has prior convictions. He has none that I've seen. They were both reported as acting erratically at their home in Salem. Salem LE say they've received four reports of strange behavior from the pair.

I guess we see things a bit differently. When a young man murders his parents after being refused $500 for rent, in such a vicious manner, I see mental illness. You state that you see greed and that he committed the crime to get what he wanted.

As the parent of 14 children, many with profound mental illness, I have to (trust me, I have to for my own sanity) believe that it is the illness speaking rather than the mind and heart of a beloved son. I have realized for years that is very possible that I could experience a violent death. It certainly wouldn't, IMO, be due to evil. It would be due to mental illness.

My heart goes out to the other family members and friends as they mourn the loss of this couple. My guess is that both parents loved their son dearly and that something caused him to snap. I would have to say that it is some form of mental illness being that there is not long-reported evidence of acting out from rebellion or a response to abuse. To me, there really is no other answer. Sad as it is. JMO
Ocean--ITA, something is seriously wrong with Drew, as he was known by family. I've read several reports that say that he's had disagreements with family since he started living with Beck, his girlfriend. She has prior convictions. He has none that I've seen. They were both reported as acting erratically at their home in Salem. Salem LE say they've received four reports of strange behavior from the pair.

I guess we see things a bit differently. When a young man murders his parents after being refused $500 for rent, in such a vicious manner, I see mental illness. You state that you see greed and that he committed the crime to get what he wanted.

As the parent of 14 children, many with profound mental illness, I have to (trust me, I have to for my own sanity) believe that it is the illness speaking rather than the mind and heart of a beloved son. I have realized for years that is very possible that I could experience a violent death. It certainly wouldn't, IMO, be due to evil. It would be due to mental illness.

My heart goes out to the other family members and friends as they mourn the loss of this couple. My guess is that both parents loved their son dearly and that something caused him to snap. I would have to say that it is some form of mental illness being that there is not long-reported evidence of acting out from rebellion or a response to abuse. To me, there really is no other answer. Sad as it is. JMO

I know that you usually see it that way Missizzy and I highly respect your opinion.

However I do not believe there will be any mental illness at play in this case.

Yes, he needed the money so that he could help pay his girlfriend's rent and it would not be the first son or daughter that killed their parents to get what they wanted.

He simply thought more of his girlfriend than his own family,imo. They were the means to what he needed but he knew they would not give him the money willingly. So he killed his father to get it and then walked into the home and premeditatedly killed his mother imo to make sure he left no living witnesses behind.

I believe he premeditated the entire thing. I see no evidence that he suddenly snapped. He came to his parents home with this in mind and he carried it out imo.

It doesn't have to be mental illness, it could very well be drug use. Plus anger that his parents did not like his girlfriend.
Ocean--ITA, something is seriously wrong with Drew, as he was known by family. I've read several reports that say that he's had disagreements with family since he started living with Beck, his girlfriend. She has prior convictions. He has none that I've seen. They were both reported as acting erratically at their home in Salem. Salem LE say they've received four reports of strange behavior from the pair.

I guess we see things a bit differently. When a young man murders his parents after being refused $500 for rent, in such a vicious manner, I see mental illness. You state that you see greed and that he committed the crime to get what he wanted.

As the parent of 14 children, many with profound mental illness, I have to (trust me, I have to for my own sanity) believe that it is the illness speaking rather than the mind and heart of a beloved son. I have realized for years that is very possible that I could experience a violent death. It certainly wouldn't, IMO, be due to evil. It would be due to mental illness.

My heart goes out to the other family members and friends as they mourn the loss of this couple. My guess is that both parents loved their son dearly and that something caused him to snap. I would have to say that it is some form of mental illness being that there is not long-reported evidence of acting out from rebellion or a response to abuse. To me, there really is no other answer. Sad as it is. JMO

I agree with you about the idea of mental illness when it comes to Drew and his vicious attacks. His eys simply seem blank in all his photos.
He was also said by a neighbor, to be "rocking back and forth" with a "hoodie on his head" in a kind of fetal position.....(said the neighbor)

That doesn't sound like a healthy person., although I'm sure he knew he should not have murdered his parents, (the legal definition for knowing right from wrong), yet I hope they check him thoroughly for mental illnesses.

You offered you had 14 children and I wondered if some were adopted or a blended family?

That's a lot of kids to raise, lol.

I barely made it out with 3.


IF anyone has the dates of birth of the parents and Andrew I'd appreciate knowing them for the astrology end.
I really and truly do wonder about drug use given the description of his and the girlfriend's behavior over the last couple of months. Knocking on your neighbor's door in the middle of the night for a cigarette?

I'm no expert on different drugs and reactions but I know that Oregon is having a sharp uptick in heroin use. It's price has plummeted and a very different crowd is using it. Drew might not have been using anything at the time of his arrest but that doesn't mean that whatever money he and his girlfriend had wasn't going for drugs.
Meth is a HUGE problem in Oregon.

These kinds of cases scare the pants off me! I am so thankful for my boys and pray they never get involved with drugs or get influenced by a woman like this or WhATEVER happened in this case. It's so frightening!
Three by birth, ten adopted. All in my heart.

I'd forgotten about the rocking. That could be from the sheer magnitude of shock or could be indicative of something. The hoodie is very much a Salem thing. It's kind of a not so nice joke in Oregon. Salem teens like their hoodies.

I'll see if I can find birthdates for the parents.
Kimster--You are totally correct. The impact of meth on Oregon cannot be underestimated. However, I would think it would have been mentioned by now. LE said that they don't believe drugs were a factor and that tells me that they ruled meth out. Any other ideas? What would cause the erratic behavior, sleeplessness, outbursts, violence, thinking errors?

In some ways this video is heartbreaking to watch. On the other hand, Marilyn and Scott did get to live their dream for 10 years. My guess is that this is the way they'd want to be remembered. This is a different video than the first one posted and shows Drew working on the farm:

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