OR OR - David 'Dave' Lewis, 46, Ashland, 4 September 2008

Good questions Gemmie!!

(in our opinion) referencing Dave's big sister. That needle doesn't thread. As to: just show up and inheritance, driving distance, cremain ashes, Dave's mother's suicide, Dave's talk ( he discussed everyone ) and etc etc etc.

That just-show-up, is responsible for Dave's and now Troy's murder? And firewood delivery?
Info about Troy's murder ( spoiler: doesn't make arrest's or sense )

It's a redherring all right...
OK. I just had a WTH moment times 2.

1) First of all, why would the person Dave expected "to just show up" (and may have done just that) talk to Troy's mom about the firewood job? That seems more than odd to me.

2) How would the person that was "expected to just show up" even know that Troy HAD that firewood delivering job???

What is the connection between those 3 individuals? (Dave, Troy and "person expected to just show up")?

Lastly, why would the "person expected to just show up" be trying to link Dave to Troy? What would that link even be? It would have to be more than firewood delivery the day of or just before their murders.

Any idea when that person asked Troy's mom about that? The day the news got out about the 2 deaths and fires? Days/weeks/months later? If immediately, it really sets off my hinky meter and makes me go Hmmmm...

More WTHs from me. Why would the "person expected to just show up" be snooping around asking Q's of truck stop employees about TROY? All these questions from the "person expected to just show up" is really puzzling as to motive. They wanted something, but what exactly? And more than what... WHY?

That's.... odd. But we're back to that this was the "person expected to just show up". WHY would the "person expected to just show up" at DAVE'S accuse Troy's mom of driving there from FL to kill her own son??? WHY would the "person expected to just show up" care more about Troy's murder, and who committed it, than DAVE'S murder???

Sign me Puzzled to the Nth degree. Something seems very off here.
I sincerely hope that LE will finally arrest "the person David expected to just show up"

After 15 plus years, that would indeed be justice.




Arrested for what RCH ? :) Dave and Troy's murder ? Or firewood delivery ? Or demanding justice ? Or knowing other truths ?
Ding ️ Ding ️ Ding ️
These are the exact same questions and concerns that LW has relayed to me about this series of events.

I don't have exact dates in front of me but LW was contacted by "the person who Dave was expecting to just show up" shortly after my mom @dreamweaver had reached out to LW to help her set up emails and social media for Troy, probably between the 7th-11th of September 2008. LW told me that my mom got her email from someone at the Jackson County Sheriff's Office. LW has also told me that my mom @dreamweaver never spoke with her about Dave's case and that she (LW) never asked ANYONE about Dave's case, she only cared about her own son Troy and only tolerated the contact with "the person Dave expected to just show up" in order to glean any possible tidbit about what may have happened to Troy.

Like you are pointing out @Gemmie this person had what LW described as an "obsession" with Troy, and was always trying to make connections between Dave & Troy that were just not there (per my recent communication with LW).

The only possible connection, IMO, between Troy & Dave, AS FAR AS I CAN TELL, is the "person David expected to just show up"



Troy's mom aware of your postings RC? Herrings.

Always trying to make connections?
Basics 101.

@Sleuth2010 Please help me out here. Three times you’ve indicated that @Red Clover is implicating Dave’s sister (who ever that is) in Dave’s murder, (and now also Troy’s). I have reread @red Clover’s posts and I can’t find any reference to Dave’s sister. I guess I’m not seeing what you see, as I’m not an insider. But you seem to be “connecting the dots” in her posts to reach this conclusion. I’d be much obliged if you could clear up my confusion.

I’ve also asked previously about the fourth fire you’ve referred to and not received an answer. If Red Clover is accusing “Dave’s sister” of four fires, but is only aware of three (as you state), how can that be?

Thanks so much for your help! :)


Yes, just-showing-up is a sibling. It takes a really sick mind to attack a family member of a murder victim.
Troy's mom aware of your postings RC? Herrings.

Always trying to make connections?
Basics 101.
Yes, @Troy's mom is aware of my postings here on WS, LW has communicated to me that she has read through the thread in the last few days.

IMOO- I believe what LW has told me about "the person David expected to just show up"

IMO- LW has never had a reason to lie about these interactions that she experienced.

@Sleuth2010 ---
Did you know that this person that "David expected to just show up" accused LW of having had enough time to come out to Oregon to murder her own son?

Can you imagine saying something like that? Thank goodness LW kept such good notes.

AFAIK- From what LW has relayed to me directly in recent personal communication, LW caught onto this person right away and only tolerated contact in order to possibly glean information about what happened to Troy.

AFAIK, she, Troy's mom LW was in close communication with LE about this person's continued meddling in Troy's case.

IIRC, LE advised LW to NOT communicate with the person that "David expected to just show up."

IMO- This person KNEW that LW was grieving her son and they still accused her of taking part in her son's death anyway.

JMO- I agree with LW that this person was deliberately cruel, all under the guise of "investigating" these senseless murders.

Q: Why do you think this person that "David expected to just show up" was so obsessed with Troy?

JMO- It is entirely possible that this person that "David expected to just show up" needed to frame someone for David's ultimate murder (IF it was indeed premeditated)

AND -IMOO- when "the person David expected to just show up" was unable to frame Troy because he wasn't going along with being taken up to Hyatt Lake or along for a firewood delivery job, this person killed Troy.

JMO- Could this supposed 4th fire been another attempt to frame someone? Perhaps JF & JH? They lived near Emigrant Lake at the time.

I guess I could reach out and ask JF if they were aware of a fire at a "hay shack" around September 2008.


Yes, just-showing-up is a sibling. It takes a really sick mind to attack a family member of a murder victim.
Here are some facts on family violence from the US Department of Justice-Bureau of Justice Statistics





*I am unable to copy/paste text from this PDF document so I am including the link and screenshots from the US DOJ-Bureau of Justice Statistics.


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Arrested for what RCH ? :) Dave and Troy's murder ? Or firewood delivery ? Or demanding justice ? Or knowing other truths ?
Yes, I would like to see this person arrested and convicted for the murders of David Edwin Lewis and Troy Dean Carney and the three arsons associated with the murders in September 2008.

I would never want anyone convicted that is innocent of these heinous crimes; AND as I have stated many times privately, I HOPE I AM WRONG.


Yes, just-showing-up is a sibling. It takes a really sick mind to attack a family member of a murder victim.

With all due respect @Sleuth2010, in a now-archived website in local publications, Dave’s sister spent several years publicly implicating and attacking various individuals as having knowledge of or being involved in Dave’s murder. See the long list here.

As time went on, accusations of corruption in Jackson County were inexplicably tied to Dave’s murder in ways that escaped this careful reader. The Chinese? The former mayor of Ashland? A helicopter company? It was bizarre, and made me question her mental health, although I expect it all made sense in the mind of Dave’s sister. Grief and anger can certainly distort one’s thinking. And yet, a reader could legitimately wonder if there was a “method to the madness“ as some here do. So if Dave’s sister was willing to attack and accuse so many in the community, one would hope (whoever she is) that she would be able to absorb the concerns of WS members couched in much more gentle language.


ETA: Just for the record, it’s good to be aware that a very defensive murderer once participated in a victim’s thread. Abraham Shakespeare’s killer Dee Dee Moore posted on his thread in 2009. After she stopped posting, her 14 year old son started posting using her name. It was before my time here, but I’ve since read the threads. The members here were quite instrumental in researching her possible involvement.

BTW @Red Clover, your Mom @dreamweaver was very active on those threads. :)
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With all due respect @Sleuth2010, in a now-archived website in local publications, Dave’s sister spent several years publicly implicating and attacking various individuals as having knowledge of or being involved in Dave’s murder. See the long list here.

As time went on, accusations of corruption in Jackson County were inexplicably tied to Dave’s murder in ways that escaped this careful reader. The Chinese? The former mayor of Ashland? A helicopter company? It was bizarre, and made me question her mental health, although I expect it all made sense in the mind of Dave’s sister. Grief and anger can certainly distort one’s thinking. And yet, a reader could legitimately wonder if there was a “method to the madness“ as some here do. So if Dave’s sister was willing to attack and accuse so many in the community, one would hope (whoever she is) that she would be able to absorb the concerns of WS members couched in much more gentle language.


ETA: Just for the record, it’s good to be aware that a very defensive murderer once participated in a victim’s thread. Abraham Shakespeare’s killer Dee Dee Moore posted on his thread in 2009. After she stopped posting, her 14 year old son started posting using her name. It was before my time here, but I’ve since read the threads. The members here were quite instrumental in researching her possible involvement.

BTW @Red Clover, your Mom @dreamweaver was very active on those threads. :)

The website you refer to was started by a friend of Dave. Overtime, it morphed into a website which began to cover the corruption in Southern Oregon and beyond. More and more and more. Including unethical behavior, dollar on the table crime, deaths, sex offenders, felons, updates.

Your interpretation, careful reader, is not what other's have shared with us.
People have loved Dave, his website, his family and reached out, from places and with facts we never could have believed! Facts and truth.

To coin the phrase, one intelligent contributor sent : " corruption runs to the bone in Jackson County Oregon." Inquiring minds want to know.
Things like: Who is a registered sex offender, specifically, the one who Dave punched out (" it was the best punch I ever had, " said Dave! )

Dave's sister ( just-show-up) or Dave's family, isn't involved.

It was a heinous sick murder, arson and body burning.
With all due respect @Sleuth2010, in a now-archived website in local publications, Dave’s sister spent several years publicly implicating and attacking various individuals as having knowledge of or being involved in Dave’s murder. See the long list here.

As time went on, accusations of corruption in Jackson County were inexplicably tied to Dave’s murder in ways that escaped this careful reader. The Chinese? The former mayor of Ashland? A helicopter company? It was bizarre, and made me question her mental health, although I expect it all made sense in the mind of Dave’s sister. Grief and anger can certainly distort one’s thinking. And yet, a reader could legitimately wonder if there was a “method to the madness“ as some here do. So if Dave’s sister was willing to attack and accuse so many in the community, one would hope (whoever she is) that she would be able to absorb the concerns of WS members couched in much more gentle language.


ETA: Just for the record, it’s good to be aware that a very defensive murderer once participated in a victim’s thread. Abraham Shakespeare’s killer Dee Dee Moore posted on his thread in 2009. After she stopped posting, her 14 year old son started posting using her name. It was before my time here, but I’ve since read the threads. The members here were quite instrumental in researching her possible involvement.

BTW @Red Clover, your Mom @dreamweaver was very active on those threads. :)
Thanks @Lilibet ✌️
I came here to WS exactly one year ago this week after watching the Abraham Shakespeare episode on Netflix. It reminded me that Dave's case was still unresolved.

When I came to WS, which was always my mom's thing, I searched her name and I saw that Tricia (the owner of WS) had posted a callout for WS members that had participated on the thread.

Although my mom @dreamweaver had passed in 2016 I was very proud to see her name as one of those who had been instrumental enough to be asked to participate in a show on Netflix. I haven't read through the Abraham Shakespeare thread myself but I have watched the episode several times.

If my mom was interested in solving a case after her own death I believe IMO that Dave's would be the case she would want solved along with Troy's. She would want Troy's mom LW to have the peace of knowing what happened to her son.
Dave's actual next of kin, his sons, deserve that same peace as well.



Post in thread 'FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #4'
GUILTY - FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #4


What are Murder statistics for jilted hook-ups, xgf, xwives & clan critters, homosexual hookups, cartels, pedophiles and truckers? The list goes on...

Dave lived for nearly 30 years in Ashland,Oregon, and was a solid, beloved, community member without trouble ( sans the divorce) until they destroyed Hyatt Lake. His favorite fishing lake. Dave's lake. We called him FISHHOOK.
Then all heck broke loose. They even had a meeting about him at the Lindsay Ranch on 9/3/2008. BMcN and his wife ( JPe' ) were trying to buy it... along-side with Lily Glen Horse Corral Government Lease.

" Millions of Dollars Down the Drain," was the titled article, one of many, the paper wrote about Hyatt.

Sounds like vindictiveness on this thread, seems not everyone wants facts and truth. Just "was told" and "opinion" everyone has one of those.

We have tried repeatedly to share facts and truth. This case should never have gone cold.
We want arrests made. They should have been made, long ago.

IMO MOO LMNOP Justice4DaveLewis
What are Murder statistics for jilted hook-ups, xgf, xwives & clan critters, homosexual hookups, cartels, pedophiles and truckers? The list goes on...

Dave lived for nearly 30 years in Ashland,Oregon, and was a solid, beloved, community member without trouble ( sans the divorce) until they destroyed Hyatt Lake. His favorite fishing lake. Dave's lake. We called him FISHHOOK.
Then all heck broke loose. They even had a meeting about him at the Lindsay Ranch on 9/3/2008. BMcN and his wife ( JPe' ) were trying to buy it... along-side with Lily Glen Horse Corral Government Lease.

" Millions of Dollars Down the Drain," was the titled article, one of many, the paper wrote about Hyatt.

Sounds like vindictiveness on this thread, seems not everyone wants facts and truth. Just "was told" and "opinion" everyone has one of those.

We have tried repeatedly to share facts and truth. This case should never have gone cold.
We want arrests made. They should have been made, long ago.

IMO MOO LMNOP Justice4DaveLewis
The DOJ Bureau of Justice Statistics also compiles the facts and data for non family violence. It's actually pretty interesting. JMO
Here you can search for statistics on your topic of choice

The website you refer to was started by a friend of Dave. Overtime, it morphed into a website which began to cover the corruption in Southern Oregon and beyond. More and more and more. Including unethical behavior, dollar on the table crime, deaths, sex offenders, felons, updates.

Your interpretation, careful reader, is not what other's have shared with us.
People have loved Dave, his website, his family and reached out, from places and with facts we never could have believed! Facts and truth.

To coin the phrase, one intelligent contributor sent : " corruption runs to the bone in Jackson County Oregon." Inquiring minds want to know.
Things like: Who is a registered sex offender, specifically, the one who Dave punched out (" it was the best punch I ever had, " said Dave! )

Dave's sister ( just-show-up) or Dave's family, isn't involved.

It was a heinous sick murder, arson and body burning.

@Sleuth2010, I’m sorry for mistaking a friend of Dave’s for his sister. I’m not sure why I always had that impression, except that the level of anger expressed on the website toward so many struck me as only coming from a family member.

The “Actors and Players” section was only the fourth item listed on the website and was already extremely bitter toward close associates of Dave in connection with rather random “corrupt” events. So IMO, whoever was writing this website was not serving Dave’s interests in a logical, understandable way, but was lashing out randomly.
Link posted for reference only per SillyBilly’s instructions 1/30/23 quoted below.

I’m glad it produced “facts and truth” for Dave’s family anyway. But my main point in bringing up the website still stands. If the family is going to sanction bitter and random attacks on possibly innocent people, it ought to be able to accept that they might also come under suspicion themselves, as far out as that idea might seem. I expect that many of these people who have been attacked (such as the sex offender) have also been “cleared by LE“ as you claim that family has been. No one on WS is trying to hurt family members (victims), but just get at “facts and truth” wherever they lie.
Wishing you well.


Per SB: “If specific individuals (i.e. BB, etc) are discussed at the above website, if they have not been officially named in MSM or by LE to be POIs or suspects, members may not make insinuations, direct or indirect accusations, or cast aspersions against them, and they are not open to public sleuthing at Websleuths.”
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@Sleuth2010, I’m sorry for mistaking a friend of Dave’s for his sister. I’m not sure why I always had that impression, except that the level of anger expressed on the website toward so many struck me as only coming from a family member.

The “Actors and Players” section was only the fourth item listed on the website and was already extremely bitter toward close associates of Dave in connection with rather random “corrupt” events. So IMO, whoever was writing this website was not serving Dave’s interests in a logical, understandable way, but was lashing out randomly.
Link posted for reference only per SillyBilly’s instructions 1/30/23 quoted below.

I’m glad it produced “facts and truth” for Dave’s family anyway. But my main point in bringing up the website still stands. If the family is going to sanction bitter and random attacks on possibly innocent people, it ought to be able to accept that they might also come under suspicion themselves, as far out as that idea might seem. I expect that many of these people who have been attacked (such as the sex offender) have also been “cleared by LE“ as you claim that family has been. No one on WS is trying to hurt family members (victims), but just get at “facts and truth” wherever they lie.
Wishing you well.


Per SB: “If specific individuals (i.e. BB, etc) are discussed at the above website, if they have not been officially named in MSM or by LE to be POIs or suspects, members may not make insinuations, direct or indirect accusations, or cast aspersions against them, and they are not open to public sleuthing at Websleuths.

We are aware.
Detectives and good law enforcement explain and as most WS know: the crime is worked from
the victim outward and timeline PRIOR to their killing.

another red herring???

I have lived in Jackson County since 1966 and have never heard of a Jackson County cartel. Ever.

Are you speaking about specific county officials?

Are you speaking more generally about cartels that might operate in the county?

Are you saying that this the name of a specific cartel operating in Jackson County?

Please explain or provide a link as to what is meant by "The cartel of Jackson County" and how this is related to the murder of Dave Lewis or Troy Carney.

Thank you in advance✌️


They could, but will they?
Who will the new DA be prosecuting?



The person Dave told me he was "expecting to just show up"?

Someone else?


Never heard of the cartel running thru Jackson County, Oregon ?
If David had put the inheritance money in bank,
this person would have come in vain.
I mean,
only David had access to it.

if somebody threatened me,
I would immediately contact Police.

If the will of parents was clear,
I really don't see how anybody could demand the part of somebody else's inheritance.

Did this person feel as an injured party by parents?

Was parents' will not fair according to this person?

Such cases are resolved in Courts.
Inheritance issues.

As wise people say:

"Money does not bring happiness".

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