OR OR - Stephanie Warner, 43, Ruch, 4 Jul 2013 - #2

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I am getting ready for a "thanksgiving" feast. My two daughter's and their babies & husbands will be at my home (we don't REALLY celebrate a traditional "thanksgiving") it's just another excuse to get together. I cook, we all eat and discuss what we are "THANKFUL" FOR. I am thankful for YOU WS'ers, truly.

I have been crying all day. Cooking and crying; Steph would have laughed at me. She would have cleaned out my fridge, eaten everything. and she would have laughed.

My little Sissy won't be joining us for our family celebration as she did last year. My son cried for his Auntie again tonight. I held him while we BOTH cried. Nothing has been the same since she was TAKEN FROM US, July 4th.

This is for you, POI. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell us where she is. My son needs to know. He cries for her. He misses her. You KNOW how much she meant to him and to me and to my mama and to her Mama. PLEASE let us know where she is so that we may have some sort of "closure." If you have a heart, please, please, please tell us where she is! It is winter and she wants to be "found." I am begging you. Please.

I put the garden and our greenhouse to "bed" today. No Sissy. It was quiet. No laughter; the air was clean and sharp and empty of her laughter. My heart aches. How long does this go on? I HATE THIS! I WANT HER BODY FOUND so we can find closure.

Know that a little boy who loved his aunty Steph is depending on you.

Know that I am grateful that you WS people with loving, compassionate, caring hearts are here!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You brought tears to my eyes. I hope that POI or ANYONE ELSE that may know where she is reads your post & comes forward with answers.
The holidays are going to take a toll on you and I am praying that God Blesses You and your family through this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Heartbreaking for you and yours and all those who love Stephanie, Dicentra.

But how wonderful to know there are such devoted people holding the lamp for her. And young ones too. That means no matter how long it takes and no matter how many years pass, she will never be forgotten. Someone will always be there to look for her. It will be terrible for her loved ones if she is not found soon, but quite the life of torment for whoever disappeared her. Especially if he/she/they is aware people won't stop looking.

I was looking at this case yesterday (don't click unless you have a lot of time. It's hard to stop reading once started and is very long). Over fifty years. I think the person of interest (though they were just called suspects in those days) was somewhat surprised to find his past catching up with him. I'm sure he thought he was safe at his age. What a tragedy for his last family too, caught up in a horror they'd had nothing to do with.


Even after all that time, he was still talking about his victim in a way that caused LE's hinky meter to start ticking furiously. Unusually, he didn't verbally attack or demean the victim though, or get others to do it for him. I think that's very common when a POI is trying to hide something, and it's a dead giveaway, in my opinion.
Still thinking about and praying for Stephanie.

So sorry for you and your boy, Dicentra. Stay strong. :)
Even after all that time, he was still talking about his victim in a way that caused LE's hinky meter to start ticking furiously. Unusually, he didn't verbally attack or demean the victim though, or get others to do it for him. I think that's very common when a POI is trying to hide something, and it's a dead giveaway, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

The person who verbally attacked Stephanie the MOST was POI's son. This occurred in the car on the ride up to see if she was at the (bunker) camp 04/08/2013. He went on and on and I had to tell him that I just couldn't hear it any more and told him to stop. He became so agitated during that drive that he was literally bouncing around the passenger seat. His speech was pressured (that's psych-talk for babble) and as we got closer, it increased in volume and speed; his affect bounced from frantic to tearful to scared to excited and back again.

Interesting that (in the other case you referred to) HE's hinky meter was kicked into play by suspects' abusive/negative verbalizations. Thank you for this insightful and interesting information!

I've always believed that he was the key to solving this case.
We are all doing better today. Thank you for your loving support; it really does help!
We are all doing better today. Thank you for your loving support; it really does help!

So glad you're better Dicentra. :)

Just for clarity for anyone new, we know you meant that you drove out to the camp on 7/8/13...not 4/8. My inner proofreader just had to post. LOL
Lennie's son and his girlfriend were the one who Stephanie had forbidden from entering her house, I think?

Yet they and Dad Lennie and someone else? were all inside the house, shortly after Stephanie disappeared? Several times? Possibly living there? And Lennie allowed his son to denigrate his missing girlfriend to her friend, while he was sitting right beside him in the car....how, well....hinky.

The house thing is also a very strange thing for Lennie to have allowed, knowing it went against his girlfriend's wishes. Almost as though he knew she wasn't coming back.
Lennie's son and his girlfriend were the one who Stephanie had forbidden from entering her house, I think?

Yet they and Dad Lennie and someone else? were all inside the house, shortly after Stephanie disappeared? Several times? Possibly living there? And Lennie allowed his son to denigrate his missing girlfriend to her friend, while he was sitting right beside him in the car....how, well....hinky.

The house thing is also a very strange thing for Lennie to have allowed, knowing it went against his girlfriend's wishes. Almost as though he knew she wasn't coming back.


All very hinky. Don't get me started! Oh, never mind, I'll just say it. Who thinks that taking over a missing woman's house against her wishes is appropriate?! Of course, to hear him tell it in his videos, he was doing Stephanie a favor earlier and trying to save her property. He had a lease don't ya know.

Yes, son and his wife were kicked out by Stephanie after an altercation with the wife.

Yes, they moved into Stephanie's along with the wife's mother who moved out here from Georgia in mid-July very suddenly. I really wonder what Mom from Georgia was told. She talked on FB about the beautiful place she was living and never once mentioned Stephanie. She posed for a photo with her daughter on Stephanie's deck. :banghead:

All four of them were living the good life and no one looked for Stephanie or said anything about her disappearance other than a self-serving interview. It appears that having a nice place to live is all that mattered, and he got about six weeks there for free before leaving. He might have gotten longer if he hadn't been named a POI.

Hinky meter is on overload! :liar:
geez......WTF is wrong with those people?????
Heartbreaking for you and yours and all those who love Stephanie, Dicentra.

But how wonderful to know there are such devoted people holding the lamp for her. And young ones too. That means no matter how long it takes and no matter how many years pass, she will never be forgotten. Someone will always be there to look for her. It will be terrible for her loved ones if she is not found soon, but quite the life of torment for whoever disappeared her. Especially if he/she/they is aware people won't stop looking.

I was looking at this case yesterday (don't click unless you have a lot of time. It's hard to stop reading once started and is very long). Over fifty years. I think the person of interest (though they were just called suspects in those days) was somewhat surprised to find his past catching up with him. I'm sure he thought he was safe at his age. What a tragedy for his last family too, caught up in a horror they'd had nothing to do with.


Even after all that time, he was still talking about his victim in a way that caused LE's hinky meter to start ticking furiously. Unusually, he didn't verbally attack or demean the victim though, or get others to do it for him. I think that's very common when a POI is trying to hide something, and it's a dead giveaway, in my opinion.

Zwiebel this was a sad case but very interesting. I saw 2 things in it that I'd like to quote from the article. First, "Secrets often lie at the heart of crimes that remain unsolved for so long they are said to go "cold ". Most are cracked by advances in science, or by someone's need to come clean."

I sure hope Stephanie's disappearance is weighing heavy on the soul(s) of the perp(s) that he/she/they will feel the need to "come clean"!

Second, (quote is snipped by me for space) "there was no DNA, no confession by the killer. This mystery was solved by circumstantial evidence."

I hope that the silence in Stephanie's case from LE is because they are piling up circumstantial evidence.

Parts of the quotes from the Ridulph case were BBM.

Other thoughts were JMO, MOO & IMO.

All very hinky. Don't get me started! Oh, never mind, I'll just say it. Who thinks that taking over a missing woman's house against her wishes is appropriate?! Of course, to hear him tell it in his videos, he was doing Stephanie a favor earlier and trying to save her property. He had a lease don't ya know.

Yes, son and his wife were kicked out by Stephanie after an altercation with the wife.

Yes, they moved into Stephanie's along with the wife's mother who moved out here from Georgia in mid-July very suddenly. I really wonder what Mom from Georgia was told. She talked on FB about the beautiful place she was living and never once mentioned Stephanie. She posed for a photo with her daughter on Stephanie's deck. :banghead:

All four of them were living the good life and no one looked for Stephanie or said anything about her disappearance other than a self-serving interview. It appears that having a nice place to live is all that mattered, and he got about six weeks there for free before leaving. He might have gotten longer if he hadn't been named a POI.

Hinky meter is on overload! :liar:

That mention of a lease is interesting. I thought Stephanie had deeded it to him or something. I think I know what Lennie's plan was to save the house now.

I don't know if this applies in Oregon, but in some states, a bank will struggle to foreclose on a house in which there is a tenant who has been paying rent to their landlord. The tenant can prevent the foreclosure if they have a long tenancy and their rent covers (or they are willing to cover) any mortgage payments. They have the legal right to stop paying their landlord ( if the landlord isn't passing payment to the mortgage co) and pay the mortgage co/lender direct.

This has the affect of
Preventing the landlord/owner from selling the house while a tenancy agreement's in place
Preventing the mortgage holder from foreclosing because that's not allowed when regular payments are being made - it doesn't matter where the payments are coming from.

This might have required some sort of 'proof' the tenant had paid the landlord though, and the payments had not been passed to the mortgage lender. Could that explain why Lennie Ames was saying he had put money into Stephanie's account?

I hope LE have managed to access any communications sent to Stephanie's mortgage lender - they could be very interesting.

Having said all that, I had the impression the house was NOT mortgaged. Had Stephanie taken out a new mortgage on it, or was non-payment of land tax or something the reason it was in danger of being foreclosed? Has it ever been confirmed by anyone other than POI that there were actually financial problems?
I agree Zwiebel. If you go back in this thread to posts 110-134 there is a discussion about this just before you arrived. Briefly, POI was rumored, by what I consider a reliable local source, to have "brainwashed" Stephanie into discontinuing her mortgage payments. If a foreclosure happened, she was to insist that the mortgage company "produce the note" proving they had the right to foreclose. That's a delaying tactic. The endgame could well have involved his lease, which he would produce after her disappearance, and would at least buy him time living there. After some discussion, we decided that he probably wouldn't be able to use "adverse possession" (squatting) to obtain the property, but that wouldn't necessarily stop him from trying.

I don't know how or if he was evicted in September, or if the whole crew just left the area of their own accord a week or so after Detective Henderson served a search warrant. Henderson was quoted as saying that he "found" POI living at Stephanie's when he went with the search warrant. But we were under the impression that he knew they were living there all along.

In any case, follow the money or the advantage. POI and crew got a lovely place to live for almost two months.



That mention of a lease is interesting. I thought Stephanie had deeded it to him or something. I think I know what Lennie's plan was to save the house now.

I don't know if this applies in Oregon, but in some states, a bank will struggle to foreclose on a house in which there is a tenant who has been paying rent to their landlord. The tenant can prevent the foreclosure if they have a long tenancy and their rent covers (or they are willing to cover) any mortgage payments. They have the legal right to stop paying their landlord ( if the landlord isn't passing payment to the mortgage co) and pay the mortgage co/lender direct.

This has the affect of
Preventing the landlord/owner from selling the house while a tenancy agreement's in place
Preventing the mortgage holder from foreclosing because that's not allowed when regular payments are being made - it doesn't matter where the payments are coming from.

This might have required some sort of 'proof' the tenant had paid the landlord though, and the payments had not been passed to the mortgage lender. Could that explain why Lennie Ames was saying he had put money into Stephanie's account?

I hope LE have managed to access any communications sent to Stephanie's mortgage lender - they could be very interesting.

Having said all that, I had the impression the house was NOT mortgaged. Had Stephanie taken out a new mortgage on it, or was non-payment of land tax or something the reason it was in danger of being foreclosed? Has it ever been confirmed by anyone other than POI that there were actually financial problems?
Oh no Lilibet. We set up a thread a few mins apart! I will ask mods to delete mine.
Oh no Lilibet. We set up a thread a few mins apart! I will ask mods to delete mine.

Or I can. I never know the best place to put these. Here's where mine is.

Missing Persons Information and Support (13 Viewing)
This Forum is for Missing Person Reports, Information and Family Support

Is it OK to have two? It seems like you're in the thread for discussion, but mine is more for info. Confusing.
Mmmmm. I don't know either. Mine hasn't been deleted yet, so I'll just wait and see what happens, I guess.
I can just imagine Stephanie laughing at us getting our wires crossed. I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little bit of her thread space being taken up with a helping hand for another missing person though.
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