Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 6.13.2016

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and this is what Roux is trying to float.. that no punishment any court can lay out on Oscar would be greater than the punishment he gives himself day in , day out because of his realisation of his big mistake..

har de har har.. .. like.. as if!...
OP's face, what you can see of it, appears to be getting very red.
Such BS equating the likelihood of killing with the father shooting at a car being driven away and OP firing four bullets at a stationary person behind a door just a couple of metres away.
ah god help us.. I think Oscar is going to start that dreadful snotdribbling crying-vomiting stuff... . I cannot bear it. I want to kick his backside.
which father was not prosecuted for his mistake? WHICH case is he citing or is it another made- up scenario

Imo. It doesn't matter. The father and daughter wasn't sleeping in the same bed while naked and cuddling. Jmo.

That case is very different and Roux knows it.

Oscar screamed. Get out of my house to Reeva while trapping her in the toilet area.

So hopefully Nel will wake Massipa up.
Roux missing the point by a country mile......"What if he didn't do it?"

This is not about whether he knowingly killed Reeva or not. It is about whether he indirectly intended the death of the human being he knew to be behind the door, whoever that happened to be.

So there is no scope for "What if he didn't do it?" here. He's been found guilty of murder. Fact.

And you guys know who "the enemies" are, right? The people who can't be objective, refuse to look at facts and are basing their conclusions on emotion. That'll be......us!

Excuse me, Mr Roux...we looked at your facts and your dishonest timeline and rejected them for sound, logical and sensible reasons. Sorry about that.
No sympathy from the public for Mr Pistorius ... but there was for the man who shot his daughter.
truly. this equating of Oscar with Visagie is like the correlation between the colour green and the number seven. none.

no one is going to buy that line.. not anyone.
What's with OP's weird hairdo? What's with the mark on the right side of his forehead? He probably hit the bottle and walked into a door.
Lol. How long has she's been a judge. What do you mean that she didn't understand it.

Please. Don't drink the Kool-aid. Jmo.

Now either she was paid off or sympathetic to Oscar because she was jealous of the law degree /model Reeva. Jmo

Because if Reeva was Winnie. Then Oscar would have been sentenced to 30 years from the gate. Jmo

Im just offering my opinion. I'm as entitled to do so as you are. There's no need to be rude.

Masipa seemed unable to accurately interpret the difference between DE and DD. I think if she'd been paid off she would have done a better job of ironing out the mistakes in her judgment.
who can forget the special bullets Oscar chased down, and bought illegally, on the sly, and loaded his gun with them, ... his thrill when he tested those bullets on the watermelon at the firing range... he knew the damage , he specifically acquired them because of their capacity to annihilate... he carefully loaded the gun , each chamber , with those black bullets.
Roux, talking of case law. Won't discuss the facts ... they're not important. Hahaha, the facts weren't important in OP's trial either, as far as Roux was concerned.
Roux seems to be arguing that actually there's not much difference between DE and CH...I don't know why he's going over the DD arguments when we all know the court of appeal found OP guilty of DE. Maybe he's got nothing else. He's starting to sound a little hysterical.

sky feed gone in favour of showing the odious Philip Green giving evidence of how he stripped BHS of its cash and sold it for a quid.
Roux – Closing. Head of argument

Masipa we took your J and compared it to the SCA j and compared and we concluded with the distilled facts to give you a complete pic - a reconciliation between the two.
But before hand but there are serious enemies in this matter. Firstly perception created that Op wanted to kill RS, direct intent and this perception does not go away because some people who want to trust the court and the facts – those will consider is it true it was DD or what happened ( basically)

A father is hurting because what was put in his mind is there.
And it's not for me to cross the father on the courts findngs.

Missed the rest , feed down, here's Gdn.


misperceptions and look at the true facts
You mean instead of the deliberate and repetitive attempts from OP to plant his version that he thought it was an intruder instead of letting the evidence speak for itself?
Karyn Maughan
Roux stresses #OscarPistorius never found to have "evil intent" to kill Reeva. This is important in evaluating "moral blame worthiness"
Oscar can't have the green bucket......I've got it here and am using it as I type.....
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