Oscar Pistorius - Sentencing - 6.13.2016

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I'm afraid I don't get this. Masipa is bound by the decision of the SCA. Roux wants to put his own spin on their verdict.

It's always been the Roux and Masipa show. I think she will take his bait and run with it as she did before. Hook, line and sinker as Judge Greenland lamented after her first verdict.
I believe he already said as much. I think she will seize the opportunity.

I suspect she will give him 6 years reduced to 5 for time served and then he will be sent to a hospital for a year and out again on mansion arrest but this time with no restrictions.

I think we will be looking at an appeal on sentencing by the state and I will still be getting up a 2:30 a.m. for the rest of my life waiting to see him get a proper sentence!

Aww - it's 2.30 for you Marfa, I forgot. Jeez. Birds aren't even tweeting for you.

I am not pessimistic yet , even though I didn't even see it!!!
Others may not agree with me, but given this judge, I think this is BRILLIANT from Roux. He is going to make Masipa feel like everyone wants to superimpose DD onto the SCA's judgment and DE verdict, and he is reaffirming all her original findings. He is making it seem like Masipa has an obligation to consider a reduced blame-worthiness because he was vulnerable and scared and only wanted to protect his girlfriend. "You cannot ignore that" Roux says.

I completely agree.

Roux is, and always has been, a quite exceptional lawyer. It's down to him that we're still here waiting for Pistorius to be sentenced 2 years after the trial.

Nel is brilliant too....but he is nowhere near as eloquent and most of his zingers get lost in mumble. Very frustrating.

(And I mean no personal disrespect to Nel saying that. He is conducting a major trial in a second language and, unfortunately, Roux is the more fluent).
David Dadic ‏@DavidDadic 3m3 minutes ago
Really can't see Nel leaving the Vleis analogy alone. I think it's very poor.
Barry Bateman
#OscarPistorius Roux: OP accepts that he fired intentionally. We must accept the court judgment. He has moved on and accepts blame

Roux: the accused can never resume his career - he has punished himself more than any court can.
OP going to commit himself to public service in memory of Reeva. How dare he say that - quite sick.
Barry Bateman
#OscarPistorius Roux: OP accepts that he fired intentionally. We must accept the court judgment. He has moved on and accepts blame

Roux: the accused can never resume his career - he has punished himself more than any court can.

#OscarPistorius Roux: he is paying constantly - he has paid emotionally, physically, financially, socially - he is vilified publicly
OP accepts that he fired intentionally?

Proof positive that he spent the entire trial LYING to Milady then because he insisted over and over and over again that he hadn't. "It just happened".

Nel has to nail this unless he wants to be trotting back to the SCA.
Oscar woke up to listen to Roux cite his past glories.

Roux also misrepresents the online degree program OP was enrolled in through Univ. of London correspondence courses. They want the cachet of saying he is studying at the London School of Economics.

The LSE has disavowed these claims and stated that they do not offer any correspondence courses nor do they offer the Bachelors degree in Business Management and Law that he claims to be pursuing. The closest connection is apparently that LSE helped Univ. of London set up their program so that it would meet their accreditation standards. There is no other affiliation.
where is Oscar going to find this mysterious public that is willing to receive his 'service'?? on the other hand, Roux is making it part of the Endless Mitigation of Oscar that the public is in the habit of randomly 'vilifying ' him.. cant have it both ways, surely?

The problem with this line of reasoning is that the only reason the "facts as established in Masipa’s ruling" weren't overturned is because the way the law is written did not allow for it to be challenged. Hopefully Nel is allowed to underline that when he hopefully also addresses all the things Roux is asserting that are not at all what the transcripts read.
unbelievably.. .. Roux is taking the position that Mr and Mrs Steenkamps agony and heartbreak was entirely the product of the State 's accusation of murder...

following Roux logic, therefore, if the State had said, a la the rugby player, .. 'oh well, Oscar, you have been punished enough' then Barry and June would be ok.

* gobsmacked*
Barry Bateman
#OscarPistorius Roux: we understand Barry Steenkamp’s pain - it’s compounded by being exposed to the incorrect version presented by state

#OscarPistorius Roux: Steenkamp’s pain is exacerbated by the belief there was a fight before the shooting. It’s not the truth.
David Dadic ‏@DavidDadic 1m1 minute ago

Roux deliberately avoiding all the other nasty **** Oscar has got up to. Nel won't.
Oscar woke up to listen to Roux cite his past glories.

Roux also misrepresents the online degree program OP was enrolled in through Univ. of London correspondence courses. They want the cachet of saying he is studying at the London School of Economics.

The LSE has disavowed these claims and stated that they do not offer any correspondence courses nor do they offer the Bachelors degree in Business Management and Law that he claims to be pursuing. The closest connection is apparently that LSE helped Univ. of London set up their program so that it would meet their accreditation standards. There is no other affiliation.

I caught a snippet of that

And he claims he can't get online so if he goes back to jail he will need to discontinue the degree!!

We all knew he only took this degree for future mitigation but didnt know he chose online precisely because there is no www at Kgosi
David Dadic
Roux deliberately avoiding all the other nasty **** Oscar has got up to. Nel won't.
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