Other crimes?

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Oh yes, I remember that article and pic. Another related SUN UKarticle shows him in the same flat cap when the reporter went back to his room above the pub to continue interviewing him (the famous "what is your name?" audio clip)

do u have a link to this?
Previous threads have referenced the "Vancouver cat killings" that appeared to have occurred in "batches" over the period 2007-2011

In searching, it seems there was perhaps a corrollary set of oddities, as referenced in the Wikipedia article "Salish Sea human foot discoveries"

Salish Sea human foot discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (not sure this is going to be an actual link...in the learning process)....

But basically describes a statistically incredible amount of human feet found in the waters off of Vancouver...in approximately the same time span as the cat killings, and perhaps LM's presence in the Vancouver area...

Previous threads have referenced the "Vancouver cat killings" that appeared to have occurred in "batches" over the period 2007-2011

In searching, it seems there was perhaps a corrollary set of oddities, as referenced in the Wikipedia article "Salish Sea human foot discoveries"

Salish Sea human foot discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (not sure this is going to be an actual link...in the learning process)....

But basically describes a statistically incredible amount of human feet found in the waters off of Vancouver...in approximately the same time span as the cat killings, and perhaps LM's presence in the Vancouver area...


Tucarra, i don't have all the info in front of me right now (huge computer problems this week). IIRC, most of the "feet" cases were matched through DNA (suicides) .. there may be one or two at the most unsolved

One thing that does stand out in my mind though was a torso that was found a couple of years ago in Washington State. The ME in WA was in touch with Canadian LE, and I have never heard that the torso case was matched up with any of the floating feet.

Re the cat killings in Maple Ridge and Langley (not REALLY Vancouver):


I'm not really buying that though.
I GOT IT!!!!!!

Yay!! I found these too, but I haven't found any of the others. I understand that some of the Graffiti might be new, so I gave up on trying to find the brick with the white graffiti and the wall of graffiti after looking for what seemed like forever. I would have thought I would have found the Tan Brickish style place and the Brick with Blue railings by now.

Here's mine, but they are basically the exact same as yours. I hope someone finds the others; just to satisfy curious cats in us all :)

edit: Sort of funny. I posted this to one of the groups on Facebook that we created to find Luka, all proud of myself. A while later one of the members posted a link to this thread and I was like "awwww!" hee hee. Humbling at least ;)


Yay!! I found these too, but I haven't found any of the others. I understand that some of the Graffiti might be new, so I gave up on trying to find the brick with the white graffiti and the wall of graffiti after looking for what seemed like forever. I would have thought I would have found the Tan Brickish style place and the Brick with Blue railings by now.

Here's mine, but they are basically the exact same as yours. I hope someone finds the others; just to satisfy curious cats in us all :)

edit: Sort of funny. I posted this to one of the groups on Facebook that we created to find Luka, all proud of myself. A while later one of the members posted a link to this thread and I was like "awwww!" hee hee. Humbling at least ;)

Might be difficult to find all the spots, much as I'd be interested too. These 2 spots on Augustin are 1.2 kms away from his then apt at 695 Rue Charlevoix, so it appears they really went for a good walk around the neighbourhood to find suitable spots to photograph.
Don't know, but was more referring to


Where the cats were 'sliced cleanly in half'...

This is terrible to even type about...

Your link and mine are the same cases Tucarra. I just don't know about the explanation they are giving, and really have to question if they are on a mis-information campaign. Seriously, how does one sicko wander around BC, find cats that have been killed by coyotes in order to mutiliate them post-mortem? BTW, apparently there are some cases cropping up in Kamloops now.

The SPCA was publicly making the connection between the cat killings and the potential the perp could go on to humans. On the same day, one of BC's well-known criminologists commented to the effect that "not all cat killers go on to ..." blah blah. My immediate thought was "this criminologist doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground". A few days later Lin Jun's case hit the news :(

Having said that, years ago I had a cat come home one night, muddied, but not bloodied, seemingly none the worse for wear ... until I saw him trying to lick his chest. When I checked further, it was just like someone had taken a knife and made a surgical 3 corner slice. I rushed him to the vet, and they suspected he had had a run-in with a coyote.

If you are so inclined, check out my blog (above right corner) to read my personal story that may possibly relate to the cat killings wrt post-mortem mutiliation. At the moment, we don't know where this dude is. Further to my blog entries, both Alberta and BC news media wanted to run with a story, but the kids were/are too terrified of any repurcussions (the info would be know to have come from them) and we've all had to understand their fear and respect their wishes. As of right now, we don't know where dude is, but I suspect it's not the last we've heard of him.
Might be difficult to find all the spots, much as I'd be interested too. These 2 spots on Augustin are 1.2 kms away from his then apt at 695 Rue Charlevoix, so it appears they really went for a good walk around the neighbourhood to find suitable spots to photograph.

I believe that 695 Rue Charlevoix apartment came later, in January / February 2012.
Your link and mine are the same cases Tucarra. I just don't know about the explanation they are giving, and really have to question if they are on a mis-information campaign. Seriously, how does one sicko wander around BC, find cats that have been killed by coyotes in order to mutiliate them post-mortem? BTW, apparently there are some cases cropping up in Kamloops now.

The SPCA was publicly making the connection between the cat killings and the potential the perp could go on to humans. On the same day, one of BC's well-known criminologists commented to the effect that "not all cat killers go on to ..." blah blah. My immediate thought was "this criminologist doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground". A few days later Lin Jun's case hit the news :(

Having said that, years ago I had a cat come home one night, muddied, but not bloodied, seemingly none the worse for wear ... until I saw him trying to lick his chest. When I checked further, it was just like someone had taken a knife and made a surgical 3 corner slice. I rushed him to the vet, and they suspected he had had a run-in with a coyote.

If you are so inclined, check out my blog (above right corner) to read my personal story that may possibly relate to the cat killings wrt post-mortem mutiliation. At the moment, we don't know where this dude is. Further to my blog entries, both Alberta and BC news media wanted to run with a story, but the kids were/are too terrified of any repurcussions (the info would be know to have come from them) and we've all had to understand their fear and respect their wishes. As of right now, we don't know where dude is, but I suspect it's not the last we've heard of him.

SB what a well written post; I feel like I need to shower after reading that disturbing info... It is quite admirable that your actions were incredibly compassionate and humanitarian in bringing the animal to receive care.

I agree that the mutilations in those areas are likely unrelated to Magnotta because, as we know, Magnotta takes pride in documenting such actions and the documentation is an important motivation for him.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2
Might be difficult to find all the spots, much as I'd be interested too. These 2 spots on Augustin are 1.2 kms away from his then apt at 695 Rue Charlevoix, so it appears they really went for a good walk around the neighbourhood to find suitable spots to photograph.

We don't when he lived @ charlevoix/rue de rozel and that newsarticle doesnt state it either. The only thing we do know is:
- that he lived @charlevoix/rue de rozel there at one point ( for how long is also unknown )
- 1 street where the graffitishots are taken
- That he lived in the neighbourhood around May 2011 and in Jan/Feb 2012.

Maybe I'm missing something, but if anyone has additional info please, add it to this tiny list.

When did that waitress serve him, was that in 2011 or 2012 ( was in a newsarticle )?
Yay!! I found these too, but I haven't found any of the others. I understand that some of the Graffiti might be new, so I gave up on trying to find the brick with the white graffiti and the wall of graffiti after looking for what seemed like forever. I would have thought I would have found the Tan Brickish style place and the Brick with Blue railings by now.

Here's mine, but they are basically the exact same as yours. I hope someone finds the others; just to satisfy curious cats in us all :)

edit: Sort of funny. I posted this to one of the groups on Facebook that we created to find Luka, all proud of myself. A while later one of the members posted a link to this thread and I was like "awwww!" hee hee. Humbling at least ;)

Hehehe :blushing:, let me give you a hug then :)

Same as you, i also cannot find that building red bricks an the blue railings, that tan wall and the other graffitispots. But in my first stroll around that area ( on google maps though, since in live in europe ) i found a real similair tan brick wall, but i was focussed on the graffiti and i passed by. Now for the life of me i can't find it. There is one picture of LM sitting on the ground in front of a graffiti wall, but you see a sort of curb in that pic. My best guess is, that that graffiti shot is taken @ some parkinglot, since i haven't found such curbs in that area during my strolling.
I'm not giving up and will search further ( im almost disguested with my own curiousity ), maybe you want to chaparrone me? lol

Not sure where to post this.

I am not terribly familiar with this case so please forgive me if I come off like a dunce.

So when Luka went down to Arizona, does anyone know how he got down there? Did he fly or drive?

There was a murder in Oregon (off the I-5 freeway which runs N and S through the US) in Nov 2011 where a person was nearly decapitated. There were no clues as to who could have committed this murder. The victim didn't have any kind of risky lifestyle: he was just walking home from work. LE isn't sure or hasn't released the murder weapon but talk is that it might have been a sword or similar tool.

The reason I think it is a stretch that it was Luka is that there is no indication that he was in OR, and he seemed to like to publicize what he did on the internet.

So I guess what I am trying to ask you all, what to do think about this possibility of this? TIA
Not sure where to post this.

I am not terribly familiar with this case so please forgive me if I come off like a dunce.

So when Luka went down to Arizona, does anyone know how he got down there? Did he fly or drive?

There was a murder in Oregon (off the I-5 freeway which runs N and S through the US) in Nov 2011 where a person was nearly decapitated. There were no clues as to who could have committed this murder. The victim didn't have any kind of risky lifestyle: he was just walking home from work. LE isn't sure or hasn't released the murder weapon but talk is that it might have been a sword or similar tool.

The reason I think it is a stretch that it was Luka is that there is no indication that he was in OR, and he seemed to like to publicize what he did on the internet.

So I guess what I am trying to ask you all, what to do think about this possibility of this? TIA

Actually, there's no real evidence, so far, that he was even in Arizona. He was posting on an AZ board, yes, but he posted on tons of boards, claiming to be in Russia, LA, Miami, New York, New Jersey and on and on. Hay MAY have visited some of these places at sometime, or he may not have. A lot of his was to hype his persona as a world traveller model and *advertiser censored* star. We know he was in London in at least November-December 2011. The rest is a big question mark. As for your inquiry about an unsolved OREGON murder, highly unlikely, if you ask me. People have differing opinions on whether the JL murder was his first human, but I truly believe it is, until undeniable hard proof is shown otherwise.
Not sure where to post this.

I am not terribly familiar with this case so please forgive me if I come off like a dunce.

So when Luka went down to Arizona, does anyone know how he got down there? Did he fly or drive?

There was a murder in Oregon (off the I-5 freeway which runs N and S through the US) in Nov 2011 where a person was nearly decapitated. There were no clues as to who could have committed this murder. The victim didn't have any kind of risky lifestyle: he was just walking home from work. LE isn't sure or hasn't released the murder weapon but talk is that it might have been a sword or similar tool.

The reason I think it is a stretch that it was Luka is that there is no indication that he was in OR, and he seemed to like to publicize what he did on the internet.

So I guess what I am trying to ask you all, what to do think about this possibility of this? TIA
I think that deep in our minds we want to link Luka to all these crimes because that would mean the perp is now behind bars, and we are all safe(r). Unfortunately, there are way too many creeps out there committing these sick crimes. It's a pretty sad state of affairs.
Okay, I've been lurking here for quite some time and have no idea where to post this...? Does anyone have any info on LRM's whereabouts during 2009? The reason I'm wondering is bc a woman went missing in my neighborhood in 2009 and I can't shake the feeling that LRM is somehow connected.

The woman was apparently a sex trade worker who (as the papers & LE put) "lived a high-risk lifestyle". I remember her because she just kind of appeared in my neighborhood and she stuck out like a sore thumb bc my area is just not shady like that if you kwim. It lasted probably several weeks where I'd see her walking along the sidewalk always at kind of the same section of sidewalk/road. Then, she just kind of left as oddly as she appeared, like nothing.

One day in particular though, I recall walking home up the sidewalk I would typically see her on, and I passed a black Jeep/Jimmy (I think it was a pickup, not 100% but about 80% lol sry). There was this guy sitting in it, and I could feel him kind of watching me, it was the most disturbing feeling I've ever gotten from a guy looking at me. It wasn't a "dirty, undressing you" feeling, it was like I could feel this person imagining me in a scary way.

The reason I even noticed him was bc he slightly resembled my friend, only this guy was scarier and had a "Bert" (from Bert and Ernie) kinda hairdo & eyebrow thing going on (LRM anyone?). (also, looked like the pic of LRM w major brows in a white longsleeve, sitting next to a vase of tulips on a couch)

I felt so uncomfortable that I still recall telling myself to get home like n.o.w, and as I picked up the pace, the mystery woman comes up saying "Oh hey" to the driver of the Jeep, and I can only assume she got in and they left... I didn't turn around to find out.

I also read in one of the threads here, someone posted something about being paranoid about thinking LRM was her neighbor, and that the cops came to investigate but thought she was nuts. She said she thought her & her husband had seen the *same missing woman* help a man and his "nephew" move into the townhouse next to her. That the man who lived there kept odd hours. The newspaper article describes the owner of the townhouse as a late 40's male with white hair, driving a BMW. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NEPHEW??? Could it have been LRM?

I swear to the everything that is good and right in the world that I have seen LRM here in my town. That pic of him in the red "Russia" jacket w the newsboy cap, is also eerily familiar to me...

I just don't know of any dates to link him to where I live, the pics are never timestamped and the timeline here doesn't outline where he lived in 2009-2010. I'm extremely sorry for the length of this post!!!! I have been holding this all in for months bc I felt I was making false memories but I can't ignore it anymore, esp now with the "Parts Case" in T.O.

For reference, I am in London Ontario which is only 2 hours away from T.O and not far from where LRM grew up. **Missing womans' name: Kathryn Patricia Bordato**

*again, I'm sorry this was so long*
While it doesn't technically qualify as a crime, it is a crime of casting:
I hate to admit it but I recently watched one of Magnotta's adult entertainment scenes; if I didn't have knowledge of the crimes he Is accused or hadn't viewed the infamous video of Magnotta committing unspeakable acts, based solely on seeing him in this very vanilla *advertiser censored* video I would think he is one of the creepiest people on the planet who is void of emotion.
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