Paint tote

Do you have any idea at all how Insane and disgusting that all sounded ...practiced among royalty. Never since Adam and Eve has that been justifiable or normal. Sexual relations with family members? Not that they did not act like some kind of royalty with the pagent thing and the crowns and tiaras. But this is NOT acceptable or normal familial behaviour. Also we know there were abnormalities found. Enlarged hymenal opening consistent with digital penetration etc.

Thats why I referred to the practice as 'sick' (please read my original post). Perhaps you should look up the practice in your history book, as the concept of incest and royalty appears new to you.
Any such contact with a child IS VIOLENCE. What you and your ilk cannot seem to fathom is that John and Patsy are incapable of this sort of activity. JonBenet shows signs of being abused whether or not you care to acknowledge it. Her hymen was barely there - that is abuse. The had CHRONIC INFLAMMATION. Not my words - those words are in the autopsy. CHRONIC inflammation connotes "healing" over time. There is the word "erosion" also in the autopsy report.

Yes these are all symptoms of poor hygiene. IN YOUR DREAMS.

You're spouting off stuff you know nothing about. Nobody does except the coroner and the pediatrician, the only outsiders to have examined JBR in life and death. And THEY don't share your silly, crass ideas. What about that??
You're spouting off stuff you know nothing about. Nobody does except the coroner and the pediatrician, the only outsiders to have examined JBR in life and death. And THEY don't share your silly, crass ideas. What about that??

They don't? Meyer told Ardnt that he believed JonBenet was abused. The autopsy report speaks for itself. The hyman is near gone, there is erosion there is chronic inflammation (chronic mean more than once and before that DATE OF EXAMINATION).

What is the matter Holdon, too much for you to delve into. The child was abused sexually or corporally for punishment sake. A hymen just does not disappear, no way, no how.
They don't? Meyer told Ardnt that he believed JonBenet was abused. The autopsy report speaks for itself. The hyman is near gone, there is erosion there is chronic inflammation (chronic mean more than once and before that DATE OF EXAMINATION).

What is the matter Holdon, too much for you to delve into. The child was abused sexually or corporally for punishment sake. A hymen just does not disappear, no way, no how.

What your post conveniently and suspiciously omits, is that Meyer never made any conclusion of sexual assault, only that JBR could have been sexually assaulted. Never did Meyer tell Ardnt that he believed Jonbenet was abused. Thats an idea that you made up because you saw the word 'chronic' in the autopsy report and misinterpreted its meaning, because you don't know how to read autopsy reports. Maybe we should leave that to people trained in such matters.
It was OKAY... with THEM. I think it was a more common practice hundreds of years ago in Europe.

I think you're barking up the wrong tree with your innuendos. I'd save those for someone who cares.

You are correct, that any such contact with a child is sexual assault. Thats why the rage accident theory fails, because there is hard evidence of another motive at work. You'd have to be a total sucker to believe PR staged a sexual assault on her own daughter. This is hard evidence that rage accident theory cant quite handle.

Huh? What innuendos?? And I would save your "Ramsey's didn't do it" belief for someone who cares. My mind is made up...IMO...I know what happened that night.
ST seems just a little biased toward RDI. Naturally his 'panel' is going to favor his POV. Its like the R's hiring their own lie detector. See what I mean?

he had access to all the evidence..why would he be biased? If the R's were innocent,I believe he wouldn't have been afraid to say so.

ST's panel never unanimously attended JBR, so their opinion is second hand at best.
they can read the reports,view the photos and gleam the truth from them,Hold.Chronic inflammation and all the other signs something was wrong were there.I thought Thomas was very fair in ruling out sexual abuse by JR.He should have been grateful for it.
Exactly what is your theory of what happened that night to JB? Who do you think did it and why? I'm totally open to other peoples opinions and would be interested to hear what yours is.

I think it was a botched kidnapping by foreigners, but not for money. They wanted JBR. At least one of the three intruders was a foreigner, and at least one was a pedophile.

The RN was written by an ESL (English as 2nd language) who wanted JR to sit on his hands that morning and not call police.

When things went wrong, they used the garrote to strangle JBR, then they headbashed her so she couldn't be revived.
LOL.I suspect english was the RN's author's first language,and trying to appear a foreigner was a failed misery.If it had been written by a foreigner,I would expect it read more like 'we has your daughter',because foreigners usually get the syntax all wrong,while they don't necessarily spell all that poorly.They tend to get the verbs wrong,and they also add 's','es' and 'ed' where they don't belong-or leave them out where they should go.
Have you ever taken a foreign language class? There is a huge emphasis on conjugating verbs and phrasing adverbs and tenses for that reason.(or at least there used to be).it's been awhile,but I do recall that.
LOL.I suspect english was the RN's author's first language,and trying to appear a foreigner was a failed misery.If it had been written by a foreigner,I would expect it read more like 'we has your daughter',because foreigners usually get the syntax all wrong,while they don't necessarily spell all that poorly.They tend to get the verbs wrong,and they also add 's','es' and 'ed' where they don't belong-or leave them out where they should go.
Have you ever taken a foreign language class? There is a huge emphasis on conjugating verbs and phrasing adverbs and tenses for that reason.(or at least there used to be).it's been awhile,but I do recall that.

This POV is as stale as the investigation.

Why only 3 foreigners? Why not 5 or 6??

Also, what part of their plan do you think went wrong? When the pedophile couldn't control his urges and raped JB? I suppose his two cohorts at the time were too busy eating pineapple. Right??

If they were kidnapping JB, for not for ransom, then for what reason?? To fly her back to their foreign country to sell to the slave market?? uh huh.
he had access to all the evidence..why would he be biased? If the R's were innocent,I believe he wouldn't have been afraid to say so.

they can read the reports,view the photos and gleam the truth from them,Hold.Chronic inflammation and all the other signs something was wrong were there.I thought Thomas was very fair in ruling out sexual abuse by JR.He should have been grateful for it.

Right, and ST wouldn't have quit his job over this case either.
I think it was a botched kidnapping by foreigners, but not for money. They wanted JBR. At least one of the three intruders was a foreigner, and at least one was a pedophile.

The RN was written by an ESL (English as 2nd language) who wanted JR to sit on his hands that morning and not call police.

When things went wrong, they used the garrote to strangle JBR, then they headbashed her so she couldn't be revived.

Blotched KIDNAPPING? What sort of kidnapper, kidnaps his victim, and then heads straight for the BASEMENT, instead of heading out the door? Not only does heading out the door make a WHOLE lot more sense....but, even the front door would have been a whole lot closer for them, than heading to the basement. Your scenario makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

And so you think that the small foreign faction was hiding in the basement, and when 911 was called...they used the garrote to strangle JBR and then bashed her in the head?? Okayyyyyyy....and I guess that you think that all three of them, then left through that window in the basement, without making so much as a peep. :rolleyes: Are you related to the Ramseys?? A friend maybe?? Or do you REALLY believe this is what happened...:confused:
Blotched KIDNAPPING? What sort of kidnapper, kidnaps his victim, and then heads straight for the BASEMENT, instead of heading out the door? Not only does heading out the door make a WHOLE lot more sense....but, even the front door would have been a whole lot closer for them, than heading to the basement. Your scenario makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

And so you think that the small foreign faction was hiding in the basement, and when 911 was called...they used the garrote to strangle JBR and then bashed her in the head?? Okayyyyyyy....and I guess that you think that all three of them, then left through that window in the basement, without making so much as a peep. :rolleyes: Are you related to the Ramseys?? A friend maybe?? Or do you REALLY believe this is what happened...:confused:

You're making up all this scenario, and claiming its my idea. I never posted that they were there for the 911 call, you did.

Sticking to this 'PR wrote the note' idea, even when most ABFDE certified document examiners don't say so, even when the federal government (treasury dept.) says she didn't write it, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Its funny to see RDI always in total opposition to professional opinion, and to the evidence, thats for sure.

Why only 3 foreigners? Why not 5 or 6??

Also, what part of their plan do you think went wrong? When the pedophile couldn't control his urges and raped JB? I suppose his two cohorts at the time were too busy eating pineapple. Right??

If they were kidnapping JB, for not for ransom, then for what reason?? To fly her back to their foreign country to sell to the slave market?? uh huh.

'the two gentlemen watching over your daughter' + RN author = 3. There's no reason to doubt this part of the RN, unless you're hopelessly RDI. Then you doubt the whole RN plus all the rest of the evidence.

Not sure what went wrong, but it seems a long way to travel and a lot of risk operating in the house at night, for 118K and/or pedophile gratification.

Not sure what went wrong, but it seems a long way to travel and a lot of risk operating in the house at night, for 118K and/or pedophile gratification.

By your OWN admission above, you are questioning why 3 foreigners would travel so far and risk so much in a house at night for $118,000 and/or pedophile gratificaton.

I will admit that I am pretty much a RDI poster, but if someone can post some good theories on why/how they couldn't have been involved, I am more than willing to think it over and debate it.

By your OWN admission above, you are questioning why 3 foreigners would travel so far and risk so much in a house at night for $118,000 and/or pedophile gratificaton.

I will admit that I am pretty much a RDI poster, but if someone can post some good theories on why/how they couldn't have been involved, I am more than willing to think it over and debate it.

Uh, you conveniently missed the whole point. And put a spin on my words.

In this scenario, JBR was to be kidnapped but something went wrong. Kidnapping seems a more plausible motive because 118K or quick pedophile gratification doesn't seem worth the travel or the risk. Kidnapping JBR might have been worth the travel and the risk, to the perp, for some as yet unknown reason.

I will admit that I am pretty much a RDI poster, but if someone can post some good theories on why/how they couldn't have been involved, I am more than willing to think it over and debate it.

Is this the same thing as saying you're RDI, and if anyone raises any other IDI point of view, you'll just belittle ridicule and argue it?

RDI has to stand on its own feet, and it doesn't. Local and federal LE can't make RDI work, even though there was a handwritten note, the victim, and the murder weapon at the scene. That should tell even the densest person something.
I think it was a botched kidnapping by foreigners, but not for money. They wanted JBR. At least one of the three intruders was a foreigner, and at least one was a pedophile.

The RN was written by an ESL (English as 2nd language) who wanted JR to sit on his hands that morning and not call police.

When things went wrong, they used the garrote to strangle JBR, then they headbashed her so she couldn't be revived.

Why would you think it wa at least three kidnappersand one being a foreigner? The R's according their statements seems to believe that there was only one killer. One killer and then there was the person that killer confided in.

What do you think went wrong that they couldn't get her out of the house? No one heard anything? They got in w/o being heard, got JB out of her bed and downstairs w/o being heard, so why couldn't they get her out?

Just curious your take on how to explain these things away along with the R's statements.

In this scenario, JBR was to be kidnapped but something went wrong. Kidnapping seems a more plausible motive because 118K or quick pedophile gratification doesn't seem worth the travel or the risk. Kidnapping JBR might have been worth the travel and the risk, to the perp, for some as yet unknown reason.

If you read your post that you originally put up that I responded to, it was confusing.

Now the one above, which is your latest post: your theory is JBR was to be kidnapped, but something went wrong.

And the kidnappers didn't write the ranson note for $118,000 or for quick pedophile gratification?

Based on your post, you believe that 3 people went to the house to kidnap JonBonet for a reason that is still not clear to you.

Is that at least correct?

Is this the same thing as saying you're RDI, and if anyone raises any other IDI point of view, you'll just belittle ridicule and argue it?

No. But if you take the time to reread some of your posts, you might see where you have riduled and argued an RDI posting. I have just come here this year...........but have been a lurker on this site before then.

I have a question for you. I've seen where some posters have actually gone to Colorado, have you had a chance to see the house, etc.????
'the two gentlemen watching over your daughter' + RN author = 3. There's no reason to doubt this part of the RN, unless you're hopelessly RDI. Then you doubt the whole RN plus all the rest of the evidence.

Not sure what went wrong, but it seems a long way to travel and a lot of risk operating in the house at night, for 118K and/or pedophile gratification.

well,the 118K is a nice,convenient amt for JR to go to the bank and withdraw without suspicion,since the RN specifically says not to alert bank authorities.I think that's why JR threw that amt in there.AS well as the part about not alerting bank authorities.He covered his arse pretty well with those 2 lines.

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