Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

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As for Sandusky's interview and the characterization of him as a "big kid."-

I have seen that description time and time again with offenders. These children, ages 8-13, were supposed to see Sandusky as a peer...that is what this statement implies. Not as a more than middle aged adult-just as a peer who would soap himself and children up in the showers...just like other boys. Right?

Anyone buying this? Of course not-crickets are going to chirp because JS's atty just had him cop to the only activity he actually confessed to in the hearing of sworn officers of the law. But what a telling statement it is.

Sandusky is behaving like a jilted lover with these kids. IMO, he is absolutely sexually attracted to children and children who are near him are not safe at all and never will be.

His attorney was clearly not aware that this describes "fixated pedophile". Fixated pedophiles are "child centered" and see themselves as the peers of the child. They interact with the children on their emotional level. These individuals are true pedophiles; they are only sexually aroused by kids (some pedophiles are interested in adults and children). If you asked a fixated pedophile what his sexual orientation is he will tell you that he is a homosexual even though his behavior does NOT fit the definition of homosexuality because he is interested in male CHILDREN.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
and too lazy to find references this afternoon
Re: McQueary's statement by proxy (as released by someone on his email list) -

I went back and read that section of the presentment and I'm wondering if he's considered the fact that he might be perjuring himself.

From the presentment:

1. The graduate assistant was shocked but noticed that both Victim 2 and Sandusky saw him.

2. The graduate assistant left immediately, distraught.

3. The graduate assistant went to his office and called his father, reporting to him what he had seen. His father told the graduate assistant to leave the building and come to his home.

What he's saying now:

I didn't just turn and run…I made sure it stopped…I had to make quick tough decisions.

So...what quick, tough decision did he make? The presentment indicates he "left immediately." Was that the quick, tough decision?

thank you for this. I have to say I was too miffed to dignify the change in statements. the apparent change I should say.

I think I would want to read all of his grand jury testimony but the latest stuff looks like spin.

Stopped him how? With a shocked deer in the headlight glance?
Thanks for confirming what this layman believed to be true Pensfan.
Francesa: Without question. They knew, especially in a place that small. People talk, people know, coaches know. They knew this guy was a freak, they knew he was an animal. In 98’ Paterno gets that report, let’s say he confronts Sandusky, and says ya know “I can’t work with you anymore. You can go your own way.” Sandusky denies it to the moon “I’m a family man, they’re kids” and Joe buys it, because it’s so outside the realm of possibility that this guy’s is actually attacking little boys “Alright I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. One crazy kid.” When 2002 happened, that’s all gone. It’s no longer an incident. It’s now and who knows what else Joe knows, I mean he is Penn State, he runs the police force, it’s a little town, they must be hearing something. Yes, Joe tells Curley, but it never goes to the police, it would have been a huge story, it’s Penn State. What really hurts in the 23 pages, I read it twice, what comes off in there, is that the powers that be at Penn state, and Paterno didn’t even care to know a little boys name. They didn’t care enough about him to find out what happened to him, or what his name was. That seems almost so despicable, it almost makes Paterno look like a fraud for everything he ever stood for.
I doubt Sandusky would have ever said his orientation was homosexual, he was married to a woman.

I'm going to play Devil's Advocate for a minute...say you are a normal grown up man who is not in any way sexually attracted to children, but you are fond of kids. You get involved in a children's charity, and sometimes after sporting events you shower with them. You don't see any harm in this, and you're naive enough not to realise that other people might draw sinister conclusions from it.

Then one day, one of those kids arrives home with his hair wet. The mother questions him, and finds out you and he took a shower together and she hits the roof. The police are called, you find your self being asked all manner of creepy questions - where were the child's buttocks, did your genitals touch, etc. In the end, no charges are brought but the police tell you never to shower with a boy again.

Here's your multiple choice question, dear reader....what do you do next?

A) Think yourself lucky you had such a close shave with being falsely convicted of child molestation, and take the police's advice to heart. or

B) Carry on showering with young boys?
$3 million state grant for Second Mile put on hold

The state has put a freeze on the $3 million grant The Second Mile was slated to get for its new learning center, the future of which seems uncertain.

But, a little more than a week after Sandusky was charged with sexual abuse of minors, the county no longer wants to be part of the project.

The county, which would have acted as a conduit of the funds, notified The Second Mile on Monday that it does not want to be involved in the project.
thank you for this. I have to say I was too miffed to dignify the change in statements. the apparent change I should say.

I think I would want to read all of his grand jury testimony but the latest stuff looks like spin.

Stopped him how? With a shocked deer in the headlight glance?

I don't remember which poster stated this yesterday but must give them kudos for this idea which was theirs, not mine:

I wonder how many of Sandusky's victims AFTER 2002 would agree with McQueary that he "stopped" ANYTHING.

Whoever you were, please step forward, because that was all I needed to read to bring McQ's "mea culpa" emails into full and horrifying focus.
I think Sandusky hated Paterno. I think it was no accident that the rape witnessed by McQ took place right under the nose, as it were, of Paterno and his staff. I think that if the "big kid" Sandusky wanted to ingratiate himself and become one with some of the kids unfortunately in his care then there were others, and I bet they were as a rule far less compliant, that he wanted to exert power over, dominate. By doing so on PSU's campus, he was extending that domination to Paterno, to whom he was subordinate, especially by the end when he had been ruled out of the succession.

University campuses are thick with good and smart people who make great and often unheralded contributions to our worlds. They are also dense with power networks, egos and arrested development. I think the same is doubly true of departments like athletics that have the added complication of big money and therefore greater latitude. All kinds of commentators have noted the effects of these crimes on PSU. But they were in my view ALWAYS about PSU, an organization that systematically (in his view) undervalued Sandusky. Well, he showed them.

I think this may partly explain why so little attention was paid then (and now) to the victims, the boys subjected to terrible and forceful rape and molestation. They, appallingly, were not Penn State.

This small group of criminals is also not Penn State. This is an example of Penn State students acting as Penn State:

Since 1977, THON has raised more than $78 million for The Four Diamonds Fund at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital.
This HUGE event has the majority of the 80,000 enrolled students helping to raise money every year.
If Sandusky remembers everything that happened that night, showers on, sliding across the floor, towels popping then he MUST remember who the kid was. How can it be so hard to find them if he knows his name and spent so much time with him. Why isn't a matter of pulling the records from the center?!


He does say that he didn't sexually molest EVERY child that he helped.

I honestly don't understand how Sandusky cannot remember this kid, especially after being caught with him. No way he would forget that because it would be "traumatic" for him as an abuser.

Also, didn't McQueary say something yesterday about the fact that he did intercede for the abused boy, and the media has it wrong? If so, does he expect us to believe he never asked the boy his name or told him to call home?

None of this rings true.
This is a question for people who know a lot more about funding of programs then I do.

Second Mile was a very big organization with a lot of money being raised and spent but looking over the annual report I could not find anywhere where State or Fed money was used.

It seems strange to me when you can get fed and state money for just about anything this organization that appeared to do a lot of good was not.

It has me wondering if they did not seek fed or state money because of the possible oversight then?

Here is their annual report for 2010, maybe I am missing something.
I doubt Sandusky would have ever said his orientation was homosexual, he was married to a woman.
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate for a minute...say you are a normal grown up man who is not in any way sexually attracted to children, but you are fond of kids. You get involved in a children's charity, and sometimes after sporting events you shower with them. You don't see any harm in this, and you're naive enough not to realise that other people might draw sinister conclusions from it.

Then one day, one of those kids arrives home with his hair wet. The mother questions him, and finds out you and he took a shower together and she hits the roof. The police are called, you find your self being asked all manner of creepy questions - where were the child's buttocks, did your genitals touch, etc. In the end, no charges are brought but the police tell you never to shower with a boy again.

Here's your multiple choice question, dear reader....what do you do next?

A) Think yourself lucky you had such a close shave with being falsely convicted of child molestation, and take the police's advice to heart. or

B) Carry on showering with young boys?

BBM Where/when was it ever claimed that Sandusky is homosexual? My understanding is that he is a pedophile, not homosexual??:waitasec:
I was responding to Pensfan's post here....

His attorney was clearly not aware that this describes "fixated pedophile". Fixated pedophiles are "child centered" and see themselves as the peers of the child. They interact with the children on their emotional level. These individuals are true pedophiles; they are only sexually aroused by kids (some pedophiles are interested in adults and children). If you asked a fixated pedophile what his sexual orientation is he will tell you that he is a homosexual even though his behavior does NOT fit the definition of homosexuality because he is interested in male CHILDREN.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
and too lazy to find references this afternoon
Interview excerpt from Anderson Cooper's show “State of Shame: The Penn State Scandal”

Sandusky camp attendee Troy Craig speaks about how Sandusky made him uncomfortable.

Cooper: Troy you attended Sandusky's Second Mile camp from age 11 to 14. When you were alone with him riding in cars, was there ever any incident where he did something?

Troy Craig: Anytime riding in a vehicle with him. I can remember clearly the first time that I got into the car, in the passenger seat, we were alone in the car, I mean I'm there with him for two seconds before the doors closed and his hand is on my left thigh and it stays there, and stays there the entire car ride, and from my place to campus is about 25 to 30 minutes.

Anderson: Did he say anything about the hand?

Troy Craig: No, he wouldn't draw attention to the hand, he would treat it as if it wasn't there. We would have a conversation about how I was doing in school, what could I expect to see later that afternoon, wherever we were going.
"Anderson" will be airing a special episode Tuesday, November 15, 2011, "State of Shame: The Penn State Scandal." Anderson, whose audience will consist of 120 Penn State students, will speak with former members of the Penn State community, who say they considered Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky as family.
BBM Where/when was it ever claimed that Sandusky is homosexual? My understanding is that he is a pedophile, not homosexual??:waitasec:

See my post above. He is not a homosexual. He is a fixated pedophile. When asked, a fixated pedophile will tell their mental health counselors that they are homosexuals because they are interested in males. Fixated pedophiles see nothing wrong with their sexual attraction to same-sex children so they will tell their counselor that they are homosexual. They are not homosexuals though.
I honestly don't understand how Sandusky cannot remember this kid, especially after being caught with him. No way he would forget that because it would be "traumatic" for him as an abuser.

Also, didn't McQueary say something yesterday about the fact that he did intercede for the abused boy, and the media has it wrong? If so, does he expect us to believe he never asked the boy his name or told him to call home?

None of this rings true.

I saw McQueary say he did the right thing and that it was stopped. Not that he stopped it or said anything, just that it did stop and that he did the right thing. The grandjury docs say that McQueary stated that the victim and Sandusky saw him (him being McQueary). To mean that says Sandusky stopped when he saw McQueary standing there. McQueary retreated to his office and called his dad while Sandusky got his victim dressed and out the door.

Had anyone called the police clearly he would have been in Sandusky's car or in Sandusky's home, physical evidence intact for the most part, an eye witness to the event and a child that could receive counseling.

My heart breaks for him. As a child that was abused and felt no one would help me I cannot imagine this little boy knowing that someone had seen what Sandusky was doing and they walked away. Nothing liking reaffirming a child's belief that no one will believe them or help them.

Part of me wants to believe that McQueary thought he did the right thing. I know in my heart he had heard that Sandusky was a pedophile prior because his shock at the situation was not great enough. More like being confronted by the truth than OMG my ex coach is raping a child in front of my eyes. If he drove by the same child after having seen him hit by a hit and run driver he would have helped him. But he knew the college knew about this man and his deeds and that calling the police wasn't the universally condoned response.

He knew about Sandusky, and he knew everyone else knew. I wish his dad had counseled him better that night, he was obviously looking for guidance and his first call wasn't to Joe P (and obviously wasn't to the police). His father was older, a professional, and not so emeshed in a clearly toxic environment of shame and secrets. He should have given the directive to call the police.

It is shocking how many people don't intervene. This case is a great example of multiple people knowing, multiple adults seeing children being raped, and no one doing anything.
This is just MOO-But I really think they should take down that statue of JP!!
This is just MOO-But I really think they should take down that statue of JP!!

Its taken them till today to even get rid of the Sandusky ice cream from the creamery. I think we'll have a bit of a wait till they deal with the statue.
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