Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #5

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You have a valid point, but if there's anything seemingly not on the up and up, the prosecution doesn't have to bring them into this hearing on 12/13. By the time these other victims get through with their testimony, anyway, the jury might be outraged enough that they won't worry too much about whether this creep is fixated or not.
Yeah. Surely these little ones won't be needed at this upcoming hearing to get this case headed to trial.
You have a valid point, but if there's anything seemingly not on the up and up, the prosecution doesn't have to bring them into this hearing on 12/13. By the time these other victims get through with their testimony, anyway, the jury might be outraged enough that they won't worry too much about whether this creep is fixated or not.

Does Pa. use a jury for a preliminary hearing?...I thought just the judge made the decision whether probable cause was met?
I don't know about all those rec facilities you're mentioning but according to pg 8 of the grand jury report, Curley said he told the freak not to bring children onto the campus. It doesn't say that kids couldn't come on the campus, just that this child rapist couldn't bring them.


I'm not sure exactly what you are asking for when you asked about an article, but above, Curley's testimony is clear that he told TSM's head honcho about the 2002 shower incident.
Hurray! Thank you for remembering where that statement was located!
:rocker: Sara Ganim is awesome.

One of the few admirable persons to emerge from this scandal. Victim one's mother would be another. Mostly, a lot of good people were either cowardly or ignorant. Where have all the heroes gone?
Just because the DA did not prosecute does not mean he felt a crime was not committed.

There are many articles posted about the police reports not being opened to the public.

Rapes of children in Paterno's showers would have been very damning to his image. An image that was promoted and paid for by Penn State.
Rapes? Do you have a link showing that more than one child was raped in the football shower?

Because of a state law and its status as a "state-related" but not fully public institution (only 10% of it’s funds come from the state), Penn State university police records are not open to the public, as municipal police reports would be. This is the same at all state-related universities in PA including Univ. of Pittsburgh, Temple Univ. and others. This doesn’t mean Sandusky’s 1998 report was hidden.

That’s correct, RAPES. In addition to every Victim except #1, in the GJR, we now have two more victims coming forward to detail their being raped by this monster somewhere on Penn State University’s campus.

The latest alleged victim is a 19-year-old central Pennsylvania man. He claims that seven years ago Sandusky gave him whiskey and then molested him in an office of the university's football building.

Another alleged victim........stated in the civil filing that he was molested by Sandusky "over one hundred times" on Penn State's campus, and numerous other places, including at a bowl game.

I’ll save you the trouble of going back to the GJR. Each victim’s statement is chilling.

Victim #2

Victim #3

Victim #4

Victim #5

Victim #6

Victim #7

Victim #8

These are just the times we know about! Yet none of these intellectual scholars and mental giants in charge of the hallowed halls of Penn State University noticed or knew anything?

Better yet, none of these same intellectual scholars or mental giants could figure out how to revoke his emeritus status and ban his sorry, disgusting azz from the campus?

Does that seem even remotely logical or did they have self centered reasons of their own to not see, not hear, and not speak a word to stop this monster and protect these children?

I found the answer to a question I posed earlier in this thread:

The earliest documented report of possible abuse at the hands of Sandusky is in 1995, when his now-legally adopted son was still a teenage foster child in his home.

The adoption file for Matt Sandusky, who had a different name at the time, contains letters of concern from his mother to children and youth officials and to a Centre County judge.

Matt’s biological mother, Debra Long, testified before the grand jury.

And Reader linked to a story about a recent lawsuit that alleges abuse as early as 1992:

BigCat, I happen to see this article today that says the new complainant states his abuse began in 1992:

"The lawsuit claims Sandusky abused the boy from 1992, when the boy was 10, until 1996 in encounters at the coach's State College home, in a Penn State locker room and on trips, including to a bowl game. The account echoes a grand jury's description of trips, gifts and attention lavished on other boys."

I find it interesing, in my own attempt at constructing a psychological history of Sandusky, that at no point in his life did he display sexual interest in adults, and yet the earliest allegations that he was sexually abusing children did not occur until the early to mid 90's. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the civil suits, so perhaps older victims are still to come forward.
I found the answer to a question I posed earlier in this thread:

And Reader linked to a story about a recent lawsuit that alleges abuse as early as 1992:

I find it interesing, in my own attempt at constructing a psychological history of Sandusky, that at no point in his life did he display sexual interest in adults, and yet the earliest allegations that he was sexually abusing children did not occur until the early to mid 90's. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the civil suits, so perhaps older victims are still to come forward.

Quoting myself from above just to let you know you're not the only one to think this started waaaay back...I'd say even to when he worked for his father at the youth center...probably too late for charges, but you are right, they can still file civil suits...

I'm still wondering what his wife is thinking about all of this...did she really know and was she a deliberate enabler? Or is she devastated to have her suspicions confirmed. The mind boggles at how she must feel about the possibility he abused their grandchildren!
Quoting myself from above just to let you know you're not the only one to think this started waaaay back...I'd say even to when he worked for his father at the youth center...probably too late for charges, but you are right, they can still file civil suits...

I'm still wondering what his wife is thinking about all of this...did she really know and was she a deliberate enabler? Or is she devastated to have her suspicions confirmed. The mind boggles at how she must feel about the possibility he abused their grandchildren!

At least one of the victims in the GJ Report states that the wife wasn't at home when this happened.

I can't imagine what his wife's existence must have been like. But at the same time you wonder if she just looked the other way, like so many others in this case.
School: Sandusky denied job after background check

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 12:26 PM EST

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A year and a half after an investigation began into Jerry Sandusky's contact with young boys, the former Penn State assistant football coach applied for a volunteer coaching job at a central Pennsylvania college but was denied the job after a background check.

Officials at Juniata College said Wednesday that Sandusky applied for the volunteer football coaching job in May 2010 and rejected the following month after a background check showed a high school where Sandusky previously volunteered was investigating him.

Juniata spokesman John Wall said the college was not informed of the details of the investigation or the existence of a grand jury, but based on the report informed its coaches Sandusky was not to have contact with the program.

"We basically did our due-diligence," Wall said.

Good for them!

The new 2004 complainant: Schmidt told the AP that his client was 12 years old, dealing with the death of his mother and suffering emotional issues at the time of the campus incident. The lawyer said the two met through The Second Mile and his client claims Sandusky gave him liquor while in the office on campus. The grand jury report did not allege any instances of Sandusky giving boys alcohol.

Schmidt said his law firm is conducting its own investigation into the client's claims........."Everything that we've been able to unearth since has corroborated what he told us, but we'll continue to do our due diligence."

The preliminary hearing could last a day or more, since the defense has the right to cross-examine the state's witnesses. The judge would then rule if there's probable cause to uphold the charges.

Former sex-crimes prosecutor Richard DeSipio said prosecutors may have to call the six known accusers for the judge to uphold the 40 counts. Defense lawyers sometimes waive preliminary hearings if they are worried about publicity for their clients, but DeSipio said he is not surprised Amendola is demanding the hearing.

More at link....
How Dorothy Sandusky Could Have Been Duped
by Darlene Ellison

When news of former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky’s alleged sex crimes broke, I froze in my steps. My stomach knotted. A fog seemed to fill my head, and all I could think was “It’s happening again.” Then “I wonder if he has a wife and kids." I wasn’t reacting as a college-football fan; I was reacting as the ex-wife of a pedophile.

Often, as I eventually learned, these predators are masters of deceit, creating a façade of the “ideal family” to protect their image, or perhaps convince themselves that they’re not a deviant to society, all the while acting on their sick desire to engage in sexual acts with kids.

While I would never be so bold as to presume what Sandusky’s loved ones knew, it seems entirely plausible to me that he was living a “secret life” right under their noses; that he took great pains to hide his alleged abusive behaviors from those closest to him. Sex offenders’ families are often collateral damage to their crimes.

Of course, it’s also entirely plausible that Dottie and other adults living under his roof knew about these alleged criminal behaviors—and if this proves true, they should be tried for failure to report suspected abuse. But I know firsthand that someone can be married to a man for years, share a bed with him, raise children with him, and still have no clue that he spent his days as a predator of young boys. I never suspected a thing.

As for Sandusky’s family, I suspect they have many painful months ahead as they sift through the legal tornado of charges, the scrutiny of the public, and worst of all, if he's found guilty, the self-doubt of “How did we not see this?” Regardless of her actions, when the lights go out at night, Dottie is alone with her thoughts and must wonder, “What has he done to these innocent boys?” and “Did he lay a hand on our children or grandchildren?” We can only hope that, when the dust settles and those who knew of alleged abuses and did not report them are punished, this case provides us all with insight into the “red flags” of child predators. We can only hope that the light at the end of this very dark tunnel finds us empowered to do more to prevent child abuse.

Darlene Ellison, M.S., is the author of the award-winning book, The Predator Next Door. She addresses audiences across the country on overcoming obstacles and child-abuse prevention.

Much more at link...
In Session is reporting that JS was re-arrested today!

Off to look for a link.
School: Sandusky denied job after background check

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 12:26 PM EST

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A year and a half after an investigation began into Jerry Sandusky's contact with young boys, the former Penn State assistant football coach applied for a volunteer coaching job at a central Pennsylvania college but was denied the job after a background check.

Officials at Juniata College said Wednesday that Sandusky applied for the volunteer football coaching job in May 2010 and rejected the following month after a background check showed a high school where Sandusky previously volunteered was investigating him.

Juniata spokesman John Wall said the college was not informed of the details of the investigation or the existence of a grand jury, but based on the report informed its coaches Sandusky was not to have contact with the program.

"We basically did our due-diligence," Wall said.

Good for them!

The new 2004 complainant: Schmidt told the AP that his client was 12 years old, dealing with the death of his mother and suffering emotional issues at the time of the campus incident. The lawyer said the two met through The Second Mile and his client claims Sandusky gave him liquor while in the office on campus. The grand jury report did not allege any instances of Sandusky giving boys alcohol.

Schmidt said his law firm is conducting its own investigation into the client's claims........."Everything that we've been able to unearth since has corroborated what he told us, but we'll continue to do our due diligence."

The preliminary hearing could last a day or more, since the defense has the right to cross-examine the state's witnesses. The judge would then rule if there's probable cause to uphold the charges.

Former sex-crimes prosecutor Richard DeSipio said prosecutors may have to call the six known accusers for the judge to uphold the 40 counts. Defense lawyers sometimes waive preliminary hearings if they are worried about publicity for their clients, but DeSipio said he is not surprised Amendola is demanding the hearing.

More at link....

Sounds like Jer was jus tryin to go back to where it all began. He was an assistant track and basketball coach at Juniata College in 1967 after graduating from Penn State in 1966.
Still can't find a link, other than a flash on Drudge and Vinnie P's twitter.
sorry, maybe I jumped the gun.
Breaking Ex-Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky arrested on new sex abuse charges

Attorney General Linda L. Kelly said the latest criminal charges come following grand jury testimony from two additional young men, identified as Victim 9 and Victim 10, who were allegedly targeted by Sandusky when they were children.

"As in many of the other cases identified to date, the contact with Sandusky allegedly fit a pattern of 'grooming' victims," Kelly said, "Beginning with outings to football games and gifts; they later included physical contact that escalated to sexual assaults."
He's done!

I bet Amendola's lost his voice!
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