Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #5

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Quoting myself from above just to let you know you're not the only one to think this started waaaay back...I'd say even to when he worked for his father at the youth center...probably too late for charges, but you are right, they can still file civil suits...

I'm still wondering what his wife is thinking about all of this...did she really know and was she a deliberate enabler? Or is she devastated to have her suspicions confirmed. The mind boggles at how she must feel about the possibility he abused their grandchildren!
If I didn't live in western Pa and see the stoic behavior of the male coal miner and steel mills workers, I would be waiting for possible victims of his dad to step forward.

Sandusky and his dad had extremely similar interests working tirelessly to help underprivileged youth (who are more likely to not have great parental supervision) and volunteering for numerous youth camps/teams (access to prepubescent children). Sandusky is also an only child and sometimes abstinence is the source of small family size.

In addition........
"Among 747 males the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35% for perpetrators and 11% for non-perpetrators."
Still can't find a link, other than a flash on Drudge and Vinnie P's twitter.
sorry, maybe I jumped the gun.

No, you were right! I just happened to see it as breaking news while I was looking for something else on CBS news....didn't see your post until later.
Anxiously waiting....
What is the bond?
What is the bond?
What is the bond?

Goodbye, Sarge's home?
Does Pa. use a jury for a preliminary hearing?...I thought just the judge made the decision whether probable cause was met?
You're jury since it's a 'hearing' rather than a 'trial'.
Anxiously waiting....
What is the bond?
What is the bond?
What is the bond?

Goodbye, Sarge's home?

LOL, for two people who think so differently in some aspects of this case, we think remarkably similiar in the parts that are most important.
Did you guys see this discussion by Beth Chapman (married to Dog the Bounty Hunter) on how Sandusky got out on bail the first time (let's hope it was just the first time he got out...ugh). He was on a tax payers supported bail. Ya gotta watch this. Skip Rosy and watch the facts from Beth about Sandusky's first bail.
[ame=""]How Jerry Sandusky Got Out on Bail - The Rosie Show - Oprah Winfrey Network - YouTube[/ame]
Anxiously waiting....
What is the bond?
What is the bond?
What is the bond?

Goodbye, Sarge's home?

I was reading the comment section yesterday on a PennLive article. Someone posted a comment that Sandusky's house was for sale and provided a link. Unfortunately, I had to know the address to find out if the house was for sale or not. The only reason someone should buy that house with its creepy "Silence of the Lambs" basement is to demolish it.
BigCat said:
.....The only reason someone should buy that house with its creepy "Silence of the Lambs" basement is to demolish it.
Speaking of's new headline :furious:

Alleged Jerry Sandusky victim says his cries for help from the Sandusky basement went unanswered

The man identified as Victim 9 in the Jerry Sandusky grand jury presentment released this afternoon testified that Sandusky's wife did not respond to his scream for help from the basement of their State College home.

"The victim testified that on at least one occasion he screamed for help, knowing that Sandusky's wife was upstairs, but no one ever came to help him," the presentment says.
Wonder if ole Bo, at least, started barking while the screaming was going on?

I hope so.
Read on twitter that bail was set at 250,000 plus monitor. No link so I don;t know how accurate this is.
Thanks, woodville!

Victim 9 says at one time when JS was raping him, he screamed for help knowing the Mrs. was upstairs and no one came to help him.....

omg. omg. omg. :furious:

You know, there are some cases that make me so angry, I almost need to step away from the computer before I lose it. This is one of those cases. There are so many things I want to type but I'm just not going there . . .

Why isn't she being arrested too? There's culpability there. :maddening:
Dangit. I hope that's not right. He can probably make that bond.

@rmusselmanppg ÜT: 40.851995,-77.794503
Ron Musselman covers Penn State football for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

said Sandusky was heading to jail. Also wearing PSU gear.
IMO, when somebody has that many separate charges of this nature against that many individual children, there should be NO BAIL.

This guy needs to spend the holiday season where he belongs... in a jail cell.
@rmusselmanppg ÜT: 40.851995,-77.794503
Ron Musselman covers Penn State football for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

said Sandusky was heading to jail. Also wearing PSU gear.

My personal nominee for the Pulitzer prize says $250,000 CASH

Sara Ganim

Prosecutor says victim 9 is most recent victim and Judge sets #sandusky bail at $250,000 cash

If cash means cash, that'll make the cheese a little more binding.
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