Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #16

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And that was about the allergy/addiction syndrome. I even posted a link to a study where young adults or children who had committed criminal acts underwent extensive diet and other tests and changes, and most who stayed on their diet had greatly diminished criminal behavior.

I think you would be interested in the Autism gluten/dairy Youtube videos. Just those dietary restrictions have reversed autism in some kids. Many parents of autistic kids have sworn that their child was never the same after getting vaccinated. Vaccinations are a very unnatural way to get a disease, i.e. instantly shooting millions of viral units, and several different kinds at that, into the bloodstream. That's not the manner in which we usually get viral infections. So, my own thought is that the immune system goes whack, and whatever there is a large quantity of in the intestines...especially compounds that many are allergic to anyway...becomes an enemy combatant in the gut).

There is a pricey drug rehab in Austin, TX, BTW, that uses diet (and exercise, and probably fish oil) in their program (Starr Recovery as I recall). Reportedly, they have good results (or at least better than the avg. 10-15% recovery rate of most rehabs).
In reading the news about Monday's hearing before a Judge, I note that he will get psychiatric evaluations.

Maybe you have discussed this here before I joined?

Does anyone know what Peruvian law allows as far as the equivalent of the insanity defense or plea that exists in American states?

Of course, in the USA, I think it usually boils down to is the perpetrator able to comprehend the difference betwen right and wrong or illegalites.

So I don't think American law would save Joran. But that's not relevant. Maybe Peruvian law is more lenient as far as "insanity."

I think they know he is not insane per se, but does raise a question of what happens to the insane in Peru? Prison? Asylum?
I think they know he is not insane per se, but does raise a question of what happens to the insane in Peru? Prison? Asylum?

:waitasec: I have been googling that for past hour or so and can't find much other than the mentally ill are cared for in regular hospitals (sounds like there's no special facilities for mental health patients)....might be the catch22 AVDS with lawyers are hoping for so that he could go the Netherlands or Aruba for treatment?
I thought I read somewhere that an 'insanity plea' in Peru only applied if the defendant was totally irrationally insane, which Joran is clearly not.

How in the world are they going to do a psych evaluation? Do you think they will bring someone in to translate? Can his Spanish be that good?

This link is interesting because AVDS indicated that he was somewhat paranoid

According to Joran's mother her son after the death of his father severely mentally entangled. Ze stelt dat hij zichzelf de schuld gaf van diens vroegtijdig overlijden. She said he blamed himself for his early death. Kort voor het overlijden van de Peruaanse Stephany Flores had Anita van de Sloot nog contact met haar zoon, waarbij hij zeer paranoïde klonk, zo vertelt ze in het interview. Shortly before the death of the Peruvian Anita Stephany Flores had the ditch in touch with her son, and he sounded very paranoid, she says in the interview. "Hij voelde zich gevolgd en bekeken”. "He was followed and watched.

His mother would naturally be worried that the paranoia was a bad sign that he was troubled .

In reality though it was Justified paranoia given that he had just extorted money from BH for NH's whereabouts -- well deserved guilt. But he's working his mama on this one.
Great find Newone!
And it was a fine article with a good translation.

We see that Joran was supposed to possibly be institutionalized 2 years ago.

You could see perhaps his desperate "thinking." First with Thailand. "I'll show them, I can run a business and make money like anyone else (I am writing of the deli now not the trafficking in women).

Then when that failed, and psychiatric committment again looming over him he does the stupid extortion--likely to get money for the Peruvian Poker tournament. Again desperately "thinking" I'll show them, I can make plenty of money by playing poker. I am cool. When all he did was quickly lose $25K, and not even have money to fly home. OR MAYBE HE NO LONGER HAD A HOME OR ANYWHERE TO FLY TO?

Or he felt his mother now was abandoning him (wanted him committed), his father (who may have been his evil accomplice) died, his world was ending, and he didn't even have money to go anywhere, and earlier someone here found he was even asking friends for money for food.

He thought he found an easy mark who had some nice amount of money on her, and she dared to resist his theft and maybe now some part of him even felt he had nothing to lose as his world was over anyway. He probably has depraved indifference to human, and animal, life (his own dog) under the best of circumstances!

Imagine now with his world closing in around him, in his view. He wouldn't have viewed committment as help. (I am not sure how much different my own opinion is of standard psychiatry, but that's for another day. I think his brain is fried from alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, weed, and who knows what else. But he may be "off" even in the best of environmental circumstances).

The point is his world and freedom were ending, and this last ditch (Sloot in Dutch) attempt/fantasy to win "fame and fortune" in that poker tournament ended up in total failure and desperation.

Stephany's winnings were in his mind his very last hope to "stay in the game." I wrote days ago, he probably was "thinking" as he was horrifically beating her, "Look what YOU made me do." Blaming her.

I think this monster now, and forever will only feel sorry for himself in the killing of Stephany. She just ruined his chances of getting back in the game and put him where ever he ends up.

Also people--we see now why Anita is coming to Peru--the psychiatric defense begins.

"Judge my son is good, but sick in the head. He didn't mean to do harm to anyone. Just let me take him back for treatment. Or treat him here for his illness.",std_9eae67020c7342ad86a36d9a60788c3e

I love that song and totally agree.

If Joran has mental issues that are bad enough for him to kill, then he needs to be in a mental facility or a jail that will be sure he takes his daily medications. He obviously cannot be trusted to follow through with any medical plan on his own or with his mom.

In fact, at this point, I am not feeling sorry for him at all. I usually feel sorry the mentally ill, but this may just be a ploy to garner sympathy for Joran.

I am curious about what illness would cause you to murder so randomly and so far apart, if he did kill NH too. For some reason I cannot feel sorry for him. It is indeed to late.
Well said Rotterdam!

I have said I am an expert on vastly deeper conspiratorial matters, and usually don't get involved in matters like JVDS. But thought this was a matter that does involve much deeper things with many of the deeper conspiracies. Not just the Van Der Sloots. If you know anything about that (and I will not get into it here), you merely need to go to Peter DeVries website and see his phone number...

What is so mysterious about the phone number?
This is the problem with psychopaths isn't it? Not insane ... But definitely sick in the head, as I think Joran himself has acknowledged.
This certainly isn't directed at you, Eileen O'B, or anyone else commenting on JVS's ex-girlfriend, but I couldn't care any less about what she has to say about how sweet and wonderful he was/is. She's just looking to cash in and glorifying the criminal and I find it disgusting.

The old girlfriend should be thanking her lucky stars that she is still alive to say she is an old girlfriend.
Thanks for posting the link of Anita's e-mail on this thread. Of course, it's all the fault of the American media: she's gotta have someone to blame other than Joran. She must be consulting with Jackie Peterson.:steamed::steamed:

How can she be in denial when her son has admitted to killing the girl? She must read the papers and listen to the news. Isn't she aware of all of the evidence LE has for pity sake. But the bottom line is that her son has confessed. It was said on Nancy or by Jean that Anita is having a difficult time financially and that is why she isn't in Peru yet. If that was my kid I wouldn't spend the money to go there to see him. This is the second girl he has murdered that we are aware of and if he was my son he would be on his own.
HLN just reported that Aruba has asked Mr Holloway and Mr Miller to back off from searching and let them do it. Officials in Aruba are afraid of volunteer search parties compromising evidence.

If this just doesn't make my blood boil!:furious: All of a sudden Aruba wants to seach for Natalee. I wonder why?:waitasec:

The HLN anchor is the pretty lady with flawless light brown complexion (Sorry don't know her name but she's wearing a beautiful necklace!) I promise I heard this correctly. Maybe it will repeat of could be found on

Sorry if already been posted.


Hearing this info so ruffled my feathers that I felt inclined to 'go advanced' and add some similes to my post ! :0

I hope that Dave and Tim Miller told Aruba what they can do with their search! They have had five years to search and search and search. They aren't going to do anything concerning Natalie. Tim and Co have all of their gear over there and they are ready to go. I hope Dave and Tim and Co just go ahead and do their search and Aruba can stick it where the son don't shine. They had their chance.
No kidding ! If there is only enough water for showers once a week, how much water could there be for hand-washing? arggghhhhhhh

No one handling food had gloves on!!! I know I wouldn't be buying anything. Lord only knows where their hands have been.
No one handling food had gloves on!!! I know I wouldn't be buying anything. Lord only knows where their hands have been.

That's exactly what I thought when Jean C. picked up one of those tarts and popped it in her mouth. I almost shouted STOP!! through the tv. LOL
Sorry folks, but I just finished reading all the posts from where I left off last night and have been looking again at the photos from ROL and do not see the tennis racquet among the items they showed. Has it been stated where that object may be at this point? Did I miss it?
Watching the clip in the Cook's Galley.....wooie.....ya think one of them are vying for a spot on TOP CHEFS?
I don't understand how JC could touch that food when water is so scarce for showers.

Do they have the Health Dept come in to inspect the place???

Let's send in Gordon Ramsey.....he'd straighten out that kitchen fast LOL
Catching up from overnight...

So... Anita is floating the theory that JVS was 'set up' via the extortion - that he orchestrated - which, in turn forced him to kill Stephany because of his delicate psychiatric condition. Did I get this right? There aren't words! Well, there are, but I can't say them here except to say she is one delusional woman!

Re: Melody's interview... I don't know about anyone else, but I would be mortified to have my teen-age, puppy love meanderings broadcast on national TV. Especially if they turned out to be those of an admitted killer. Then again, perhaps I could be persuaded if it richly lined my pockets.

I'd love to know if Melody was every interview in the NH case.
Perhaps she too is trying to figure this guy out.....when and how he 'changed'...
While going out with her he began to lie.....she questioned him about his 'stories' and he
told her 'people change'.

It may have been the time that daddy gave him $$$$ and free access to the casinos.
He realized all the fun he could have there...with the many tourist girls, and that was all he wrote.
'Let's lie to Melody and just have ablast for myself'.

However, he went too far and NH was the 'tourist victim' ....and he then ran to daddy for disposing of her body....IMO
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