Prosecution of Casey Anthony movie discussion thread

It was a total miscarriage of justice .. who would cover up and accident to make it look like a kidnapping then languish in jail for three years (or let their daughter do so) before coming out with an explanation? Obvious conclusion to that is that the accident story was a lie. It's just so frustrating. I know she'll do something horrible in the future. I pity the next person who suffers because of her because she shouldn't be free to do so.

great post
I haven't watched and have a question. :)
Was the 'pigs in a blanket' statement used?
Was the 'Dessert Lady' mentioned?


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I read many books that they turn into a movie but this was the first time I knew every piece of evidence,what every real person looked like before hand.The casting is always off but IMO this cast was good.Jeff(Lowe)Was going after FCA as all prosecutors do when evidence points to guilt,that is their job!They fight for the victims.His saying he will make her the most hated woman in America was my favorite part,with FCA it was easy but he made her the most hated around the world!IMO.He showed it in the real trial by showing the real FCA!JB actor seemed to be reading from index cards (Iphone)in court.GA seemed in in the middle not out to get FCA but one who did not stand by her.Yes he was sleppy and so is GA the grandpa.CA came off like the mother who lied for her no good daughter,and not the glamorous grandmother she thinks she is! Linda should have been more passionate,she was to low key but she did not write the book and JA was the lead!And FCA was very good because she was just there in the background!I wish they would have shown her crazy frustrated jail house visit scene but Nancy grace showed it so much I think everyone saw it!If they portrayed her like she was might have seemed over the top,since FCA was just in the background WHERE she belonged!For me watching it knowing the family and JB were watching it made my night.I bet phone lines were burning because no way was FCA,CA,JB,GA happy with the casting and maybe that is very small of me but I did get a kick knowing them all as I have for the past 4 yrs.Ja was prominent in the movie and then so was Caylee!She had top billing over that family I have come to hate. I erased what I know and watched it with a pretty clean slate. I did cry but not like I thought I would,for me it was a cleansing.As someone who has lost a family member to violent crime I have always hated the word closure!No such thing! but I now do feel I have closure and can finally feel the love for Caylee ,without breaking down when thinking about her.Like JA said at the end sometimes there is something bigger,there is Karma.I wish I remembered it word for word.It must really upset FCA that Caylee had more screen time then her.Small but I will take it.All JMO.


I don't think that JA made FCA the most hated woman in the world. She did it on her own by her actions after murdering Caylee. I think any mother (or father) killing their child would provoke a lot of anger and disgust among the public, but in this case it went way beyond that.

Also, I thought someone posted up thread that JA tweeted something like he did agree with it even though he didn't said it.

Did anyone notice the way that the woman juror Jennifer Ford looked at JA during the proceedings?

And third, I didn't agree with the casting in the first viewing, but by the second time I was able to settle down and see the cast for why they were picked. And, I did enjoy remembering as they tried to recreate some of the antics that FCA, JB and the A's did during this whole tragedy. I think knowing the whole story helped a lot in understanding the movie version of the truth since so much had been left out.
Prosecuting Casey Anthony will air tonight at 8:00PM (EST) on Lifetime.
I get a sick feeling in my stomach every time I think about this situation now .. how I wish rebuttal had been stronger, but nobody thought the jury would buy what Baez was selling, perhaps we were all to confident in the evidence - circumstantial AND forensic.

This is just my honest opinion, but I think there were those on that jury whose only objective was delivering the verdict that would insure the book deals and paid interviews. Justice for Caylee was not going to do that, in their minds. They needed another OJ-type shocker so that every news outlet and talking head out there would be clamoring to speak to them. They layed their heads down at night, not with the visions we saw of little Caylee duct taped and decomposing in her mother's trunk, but with dreams of six figure book deals and all of the spoils they would purchase after this windfall came to them. They probably stood in the mirror, deciding which side was their best so that when Geraldo and Barbara called they would be ready. I find it disgusting that not one person on that jury had enough fortitude to sit there and hang on to what was clearly demonstrated and obvious with a grain of common sense and hang that jury instead of bending to the pressure of the other jurors and getting to go home. Must not have been a good menu that day. They should all be ashamed for not even trying to render a thoughtful verdict. They spent less time deliberating than I spent last month in the bathroom. Sad! Nothing anyone could have done different at trial was going to stop these jurors from doing what they did. They had an agenda that was all their own. I despise them all for it. MOO.
After watching the movie I can't help but wonder if CA watched it. And what her reaction would have been. Would she be angry and cussing. Or would she laugh because she knew how it ended. Or (and I think this would be most likely) would she be mostly critical of the actress who played her. Did she turn the TV off after watching and go about her business like it was every other movie or did it continue to disturb her. And if it did disturb her, did she feel anger or sadness.......... can't help but wonder.
This is just my honest opinion, but I think there were those on that jury whose only objective was delivering the verdict that would insure the book deals and paid interviews. Justice for Caylee was not going to do that, in their minds. They needed another OJ-type shocker so that every news outlet and talking head out there would be clamoring to speak to them. They layed their heads down at night, not with the visions we saw of little Caylee duct taped and decomposing in her mother's trunk, but with dreams of six figure book deals and all of the spoils they would purchase after this windfall came to them. They probably stood in the mirror, deciding which side was their best so that when Geraldo and Barbara called they would be ready. I find it disgusting that not one person on that jury had enough fortitude to sit there and hang on to what was clearly demonstrated and obvious with a grain of common sense and hang that jury instead of bending to the pressure of the other jurors and getting to go home. Must not have been a good menu that day. They should all be ashamed for not even trying to render a thoughtful verdict. They spent less time deliberating than I spent last month in the bathroom. Sad! Nothing anyone could have done different at trial was going to stop these jurors from doing what they did. They had an agenda that was all their own. I despise them all for it. MOO.

I really believe your 100% correct at that jury.They only were in it for a big fat payday!They thought everyone shocked would buy their books and pay them for interviews to find out why! I hope they all are haunted by what was done to Caylee.
The show that came on after the LIFETIME show, based on Ashton's book, was very much pro-defense. The last two minutes of this show, on video online now, shows Cindy and George on the beach. Wonder if the grandparents were paid, recently, for this video of them, or if it was part of what they were already paid by ABC previously?

Jan 19, 2013
Beyond the Headlines: The Casey Anthony Story

includes interviews with Baez, Mason, Lawrence Kobilinsky, Ashton, Cindy, George, Bill Sheaffer, Louis B. Schlesinger, Forensic Psychologist

Produced by CBS Eye Productions for Lifetime

Narrator - Sheila Head [narrator for "Secret Lives of Women" on CBS]

Special Thanks to Peter Golenbock [ghostwriter for Baez' book]

Additional Materials Provided by -
Associated Press [bought rights to Baez' book]
Corbis Images [ SPLASH ]

Eduardo Hapke/Hispanic Target Magazine
Getty Images
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The AP bought the rights to Jose's book? Am I reading that right?
The AP bought the rights to Jose's book? Am I reading that right?

Sure looks like it:furious:........................I am gonna be sick...................WHO do we ban,boycott ? AP= Associated Press?:blushing:

Maybe just for the after show? I did not watch it because I did not know who made money off of it!
This is just my honest opinion, but I think there were those on that jury whose only objective was delivering the verdict that would insure the book deals and paid interviews. Justice for Caylee was not going to do that, in their minds. They needed another OJ-type shocker so that every news outlet and talking head out there would be clamoring to speak to them. They layed their heads down at night, not with the visions we saw of little Caylee duct taped and decomposing in her mother's trunk, but with dreams of six figure book deals and all of the spoils they would purchase after this windfall came to them. They probably stood in the mirror, deciding which side was their best so that when Geraldo and Barbara called they would be ready. I find it disgusting that not one person on that jury had enough fortitude to sit there and hang on to what was clearly demonstrated and obvious with a grain of common sense and hang that jury instead of bending to the pressure of the other jurors and getting to go home. Must not have been a good menu that day. They should all be ashamed for not even trying to render a thoughtful verdict. They spent less time deliberating than I spent last month in the bathroom. Sad! Nothing anyone could have done different at trial was going to stop these jurors from doing what they did. They had an agenda that was all their own. I despise them all for it. MOO.

:goodpost::goodpost: Well put ... and I totally agree with everything you posted here !

Book "IMPERFECT JUSTICE Prosecuting Casey Anthony", by prosecutor Jeff Ashton. George Anthony says, on the day before the trial began, May 22, 2011: "I know that Casey did something to Caylee, I just don't know what."

This was reenacted in the LIFETIME movie based on Ashton's book, aired January 19, 2013.


OMG ... Really, George ? You have NOT figured it out that your daughter murdered your granddaughter :banghead:

And THANKS ThinkTank for posting this ... I have not finished reading Mr. Ashton's book !

Sure looks like it:furious:........................I am gonna be sick...................WHO do we ban,boycott ? AP= Associated Press?:blushing:

Maybe just for the after show? I did not watch it because I did not know who made money off of it!

:floorlaugh: I bet that's one business decision they have regretted :floorlaugh:
I haven't read all the comments here yet. I watch the movie and I thought Mason actor was the best one that looks like him. Back to reading.
Baez saying KC was a remarkable young woman? Lets see: high school drop out, admitted liar, party girl *advertiser censored* (he called her a *advertiser censored*, not me), lazy and jobless, living off parents she said abused her, thief? Does that cover all her remarkable qualities? No, wait. Child murderer. Sorry I sound so angry but this movie brought it up again. I could not watch it all. MOO

I got angry all over again and had to turn it off too. Baez and the jury both sicken me.

Baez saying KC was a remarkable young woman? Lets see: high school drop out, admitted liar, party girl *advertiser censored* (he called her a *advertiser censored*, not me), lazy and jobless, living off parents she said abused her, thief? Does that cover all her remarkable qualities? No, wait. Child murderer. Sorry I sound so angry but this movie brought it up again. I could not watch it all. MOO

Remarkable? as in Extraordinary! :floorlaugh: Distinguished :floorlaugh:

Unremarkable is more fitting.

Oh I would say CA was remarkable

re·mark·a·ble (r-märk-bl)
1. Worthy of notice.
2. Attracting notice as being unusual or extraordinary

Yes I think she is worthy of notice. I hope LE is keeping an eye on her and does so for a long time.

Attracting notice by being unusual. I hope to goodness that she is unusual. I would hate to live in a world where she was considered usual.
The AP bought the rights to Jose's book? Am I reading that right?

Yes, The Associated Press bought the rights to Baez' book sometime in May 2012.
Baez approached another media source and wanted $ 10,000 for the rights but was refused.
That is why the AP was the first to publish quotes from the book.

Presumed Guilty was featured in the Associated Press on May 8, 2012.
June 25, 2012: Feature in Associated Press: Worldwide distribution
July 5, 2012: Author interview and feature in Associated Press: Internationally distributed

BY IBTimes Staff Reporter | June 27 2012 3:55 PM
Presumed Guilty: Casey Anthony: The Inside Story, is scheduled for release on July 3. The book, published by BenBella, recounts Baez's defense of the Florida woman as she was tried for murder.

The Associated Press purchased a copy of Presumed Guilty and released some details about the content.

[NOTE: AP bought the "rights", not just a "copy" of the book]

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