Rants and Random Ideas ABOUT THE CASE thread #3

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BWAHAHAHA! It looks like KC has been eating too much pizza. I hope she is reading this. Yes, KC- you look fat! GASP! More of you to love for your new wife in prison. :behindbar

Yep, I'm seeing a resemblance.

No, no, no...you are supposed to use axe handles not barns! ;)

OK back on topic: My rant for the day is that this family knows no boundaries of harming innocent people any way they choose. Karma is the great equalizer. It knows no boundaries either.
Also, I'd like to add that Caylee may have been covered under a medicaid-type health insurance plan. I don't know about Florida, but here in Kentucky, if a parent or parents make under a certain amount, like $36,000/year or something close to that (or $0 in Casey's case), their kids are covered completely under Passport Health Insurance.

Yes, in Florida it is called Healthy Kids. Low-cost health insurance for kids. BUT you have to re-certify each year and provide proof of employment(income). Unless she had a job, Caylee would be covered under Medicaid.

Unless, KC was dumb enough to have NO health coverage on Caylee.
I have ranted on here before but I have been really thinking about little Caylee. I hope that this poor child did not suffer when she died. I think about this all the time and it really bothers me to think of a sweet inocent child suffering at all. I just had to get this off my chest.
Hahaha. Did the Anthony's move to a new safehouse? Check out the CAM:


That kind of looks like a protest sign fallen over in the garage. Maybe the cam people decided to go to a protester's house and see how they like it. (Personally, I would love for a webcam to be trained at my house 24/7 -- ensure no burglars, see which neighbor's dog is leaving "presents" on the lawn, get constructive criticism on landscaping, save electricity on outdoor security and porch lights, have an audience for "stupid human tricks," dance steps, etc.)
That kind of looks like a protest sign fallen over in the garage. Maybe the cam people decided to go to a protester's house and see how they like it. (Personally, I would love for a webcam to be trained at my house 24/7 -- ensure no burglars, see which neighbor's dog is leaving "presents" on the lawn, get constructive criticism on landscaping, save electricity on outdoor security and porch lights, have an audience for "stupid human tricks," dance steps, etc.)

OMG I needed a laugh. Too funny!
I wish there was one outside my house, too. Like, gee guys, do you think this jacobs ladder plant makes my rhododendrons look too big? Big as Casey's jailhouse *advertiser censored*?
I have a rant about the myths I keep seeing; like CA rants about innocent until proven guilty.

"Not Guilty" does not mean "Innocent." It only means the jury did not find each element of a crime proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

"Innocent Until Proven Guilty" only applies to the government and the issue of whether or not the government can impose punishment for a crime. It does not prohibit the public from forming their own individual opinions or exercising their First Amendment rights to state their opinion that the person is guilty of the crime.

Thank you -- feel better already. :)
I just want to SLAP the bee-otch!!!!

That's all.
I would love for a webcam to be trained at my house 24/7 -- ensure no burglars, see which neighbor's dog is leaving "presents" on the lawn, get constructive criticism on landscaping, save electricity on outdoor security and porch lights, have an audience for "stupid human tricks," dance steps, etc.)
As I was reading this... before I got to the end...I was thinking the same thing!! Only I would be out there with signs that said, "BOMBSHELL", "BREAKING NEWS", and putting on my best NG act in my green silk shirt with cardboard cutouts of LP and the talking heads. LOL
As I was reading this... before I got to the end...I was thinking the same thing!! Only I would be out there with signs that said, "BOMBSHELL", "BREAKING NEWS", and putting on my best NG act in my green silk shirt with cardboard cutouts of LP and the talking heads. LOL

:clap::clap: Thanks for the laugh SS...
Oh my !!

I think they finally imploded: woohoo::woohoo:
I'm watching Dr. Phil and it's all about the Caylee A case. Finally.
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