Rate Your Risk of being Murdered

30 with a warning about the ex too. Funny thing is, if I were to be murdered, he would most likely be the one to look at lol
I scored 105.
Which doesn't surprise me I put myself in terrible situations all the time.
When you score in the negative numbers you are more likely to kill the perp than get killed.

-7 for me. Black belt, vary my routes (old habit), emergency response is very fast here, and I am apparently pretty mundane. They did ask me if I wanted to be a cop...and cautioned me about the kind of car I drive (ahem...love that thing, will not give it up; bring on the attention!)

And yes, I'm more likely to kill than be killed, if the situation were ever to occur. I've done some dumb things - ran into a burning apartment and put the fire out, for example, while waiting for the firemen (in my shorty nightie, too...don't ask, but the firemen were all smiling...), handling car crashes until para's get there...first out the door if someone is screaming in the street (rare, but has happened...). Et cetera.

And once I get a big black dog, I think that my chances of being murdered will go lower.

Herding Cats
LOL, this is what I needed today.

I was 100.

<It would be a good idea to change your habits lest you be tomorrows headlines.
You are either a target or you suffer from a wanton lifestyle.>


Thanks for the fun poll!
I scored -20. This does not suprise me, though. I do work in a job where I come into contact with bad people, but I'm generally very careful. I vary my routes constantly, and pay more attention than the average person. Someone wrote negatives meant that we're more likely to kill the perp, that is very true here. Doesn't hurt to be more aggressive than your attacker, I guess.
hubby got a 17...that's cause my gun is loaded and closer to me than his is!

P.S. Yes, I've taken all the gun courses and registered with OSBI...lol
41 !!

I need to / want to buy a gun now that my little kids are grown up.

I think I should have gotten some kind of brownie points for having half a dozen cops in the neighborhood who park their squad cars in the driveway....... :)
"Your total is 25.

You are probably a middle class person who faces a normal (low) risk of murder in today's society.
You face more criminal (per capita) in the big city. That adds to some of your risk, but hey..."

Good job I don't frequent my nearest city very often!
I scored a 36. I was expecting it to be lower but since I live so close to Houston maybe that is why it was higher than I thought it would be.
Your total is -25.

I am divorced once but that was well over 20 years ago and he and I are cordial and live over 5,000 miles a part and haven't seen each other face to face in over 6 years. So, I'd say he's a minimal risk LOL
-39 . According to them, I should be LE
"Your total is -26.

(Less than 20)The Metropolitan Police Department is hiring. Look at our main page for hiring details if you think you qualify as a police officer

* Divorce often means emotional upset. Police always consider ex-wives or ex-husbands in murders because they are so often the culprit."

Well, they didn;t list nurse, but I do work on a rather mundane medical/surgical floor and most patients are VERY happy to have me take care of them, since I have the drugs. lol :innocent:
Was this a test to see if I am at risk for Murder or a set up to see if my home should be raided?

I got a 41 my divorces and job puts me at a slight risk I guess.

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