Results from Genealogy DNA testing are in!

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DNA Solves
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I have a question about the DNA, mutations etc.

1. It appears that in some cases, Powells married Powells. Would that do something to the DNA lineage? Would that cause a mutation? Would that show DNA lineage from the mother?

2. So we are strictly looking at male lineage, because the DNA would not be passed by female? So if say Joe Smith had a daughter, Amy Smith, and she married Roger Rogers, they had a son Adam Smith Rogers, then he would not have Joe Smith DNA lineage, he would have Roger Rogers?
I have a question about the DNA, mutations etc.

1. It appears that in some cases, Powells married Powells. Would that do something to the DNA lineage? Would that cause a mutation? Would that show DNA lineage from the mother?

2. So we are strictly looking at male lineage, because the DNA would not be passed by female? So if say Joe Smith had a daughter, Amy Smith, and she married Roger Rogers, they had a son Adam Smith Rogers, then he would not have Joe Smith DNA lineage, he would have Roger Rogers?

Well, you know anything is possible. But the way I understand it y-dna is only passed through the father to the son.
mtdna would be passed by the mother. Ben has had both done. mtdna will only show which tribe his mother came from, will not give a name.
It's been a while since I looked at this mtdna, but I'll see if I can find the links and post it for you to look at, might give all of us a clearer picture of mtdna.
Mutation to a gene, they believe happens about every 500 years, I believe I read on ysearch.
This is a good read on ydna, which is what Ben had done.
"Y chromosome DNA is organised into 23 huge strings called chromosomes. We each carry two copies of each of our chromosomes, one from our father and one from our mother, except for a special chromosome called the Y chromosome. This is because the Y chromosome’s function is to determine that a baby is a boy, so it is only inherited from the father to the son. Women do not carry a Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is a very useful piece of DNA as a huge number of markers are known on the Y chromosome. Adding all of them together makes it a very powerful for identifying ancestral lineages, from recent times to tens of thousands of years ago. There are around 30 million unique letters on the Y chromosome and so there are many more markers to be found."
link to this is at:

Here is some on mtdna:
Thanks Carolwood! So realistically, unless BK was adopted and raised under another last name, his name should be Powell, correct? It almost appears as if researchers are able to tell when a genetic mutation takes place too, if there are enough samples from various similar sources? Do we know what BK's MtDna results were--I see that he has searchs done on several Mtdna databases.
Thanks Carolwood! So realistically, unless BK was adopted and raised under another last name, his name should be Powell, correct? It almost appears as if researchers are able to tell when a genetic mutation takes place too, if there are enough samples from various similar sources? Do we know what BK's MtDna results were--I see that he has searchs done on several Mtdna databases.
That is correct, his name should be Powell, unless adoption or something else took place.
And yes, if there are enough markers in a group from one family, I do think they can tell when a mutation would have taken place. I don't think his mtdna results are public. Mtdna would not give us a name of family like ydna does, it only tells which tribe his mother was from, and I believe there are 5 tribes of Eve.
Did anyone watch GMA friday morning? Well George S. had his mtdna tested and he and Hillary Clinton, are related genetically, probably 10,000 years ago. They stem from the same "tribe of Eve", as they called it, and apparently a rare one.
Did more research--this is so fascinating!!

That is correct, his name should be Powell, unless adoption or something else took place.
And yes, if there are enough markers in a group from one family, I do think they can tell when a mutation would have taken place. I don't think his mtdna results are public. Mtdna would not give us a name of family like ydna does, it only tells which tribe his mother was from, and I believe there are 5 tribes of Eve.
Did anyone watch GMA friday morning? Well George S. had his mtdna tested and he and Hillary Clinton, are related genetically, probably 10,000 years ago. They stem from the same "tribe of Eve", as they called it, and apparently a rare one.
thank you believe!

Honestly, I have no clue how to interpret those results...

How does this differ from the Powell surname? :waitasec:
Trying to understand this... it looks like

the first person listed with the Davison surname, has 12 matches. At least that is how I am reading the highlighted part.. Since the differences are not listed, and that first ancestor or member only has 12 markers shown, does this mean they only tested for 12 markers?

Then the second has missing markers? or numbers that are 1 off.

I really don't know how to interpret these results, at least in what is of most interest to myself: which is how many generations apart does this mean? IIRC, the Possible Powell surname was 7-8 generations back....

I really need someone to explain this in very simplistic laymans terms. Reading these results is waaaay over my head, lol.
thank you believe!

Honestly, I have no clue how to interpret those results...

How does this differ from the Powell surname? :waitasec:

The way I am reading this is that BK is an exact match for the group 110 of the Davidson/Davison family. Now, the two folks I mentioned need to have the extended marker testing to see if he is actually related and if it is within 1 or 2 generations.....WOW.....

Powell was much more of a crap shoot because there were no exact matches within 4 generations.
Thank you believe!!!!!! Just checking thank you wasn't enough. I relate to this DNA stuff in terms of generations, lol.

If I understand correctly, I am going to pray these two members will agree to the further testing to see if BK is within 1-2 generations. Wouldn't that be fantastic!

If I may ask, based on what data is available, can we determine an appx number of generations between these two and BK? or is there not enough data to do so?

Can you explain what you mean by exact match with this? As hard as I try, this is just one of those things that does not sink into my brain.
Thank you believe!!!!!! Just checking thank you wasn't enough. I relate to this DNA stuff in terms of generations, lol.

If I understand correctly, I am going to pray these two members will agree to the further testing to see if BK is within 1-2 generations. Wouldn't that be fantastic!

If I may ask, based on what data is available, can we determine an appx number of generations between these two and BK? or is there not enough data to do so?

Can you explain what you mean by exact match with this? As hard as I try, this is just one of those things that does not sink into my brain.

Neither of these men have enough info to rule out spontaneous mutation, so there is still not enough data I think to pick a generation number. Given what I have been told regarding BK's DNA being unusual, it has to be very energizing to those who are running this stuff for him.

We need carolwood to weigh in here, I think, since she has been digging into the Powell line so intensely....
Lifting a post of mine from a few months ago:
"The earlier Y-DNA testing results are normally stated as probabilities: For example, a perfect 12/12 marker test match gives a 50% likelihood of the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) being within 7 generations back, while a 67 of 67 marker match gives a 95% likelihood of the MRCA being within 6 generations back."

We are talking common ancestors here 7 generations back which is about 150 years, correct? So 12/12 simply means that there is a 50% chance they shared a common ancestor 150 years ago and 67/67 makes it a 95% chance.

This is why Mr. Kyle thinks all of this is a lightning stike, lol, and I applaud all of you who continue to plug away at it. It makes my head spin
The way I am reading this is that BK is an exact match for the group 110 of the Davidson/Davison family. Now, the two folks I mentioned need to have the extended marker testing to see if he is actually related and if it is within 1 or 2 generations.....WOW.....

Powell was much more of a crap shoot because there were no exact matches within 4 generations.

If Wikipedia is to be believed, then we are still talking about having a common ancestor in 6 generations. Right?? :waitasec:
Thank you believe. Yes, I am eagerly awaiting Carolwood to drop in and post.

Maybe she can explain the differences between what this means in comparison to the Powell surname.

forgot to add, it is still another line which can be researched... which is good, another avenue to explore.
Morning everyone.
As I see, jmo, we are at a 50% with the davidson/davison line. Further testing will have to be done, no doubt about it.
On the Powell line, there is not a difference in a marker number until marker 32, for N48878.
Then a difference at marker 34, 59, and 60.
I applaud the efforts being made, this does tell us work is being done, and further families are being checked. I hope the two Davidson family members will have the further testing done.
I would be very interested in the Robert Holden Davidson, reason being he may have only had certain markers tested, but if you notice, he matches even on the higher marker 60, which is one that Powell is not the same.
Interestingly enough, I did find a Powell/Davidson link:
The one most interesting is George Alexander Davidson m. Stella Morriss Powell in 1872, Parkersburg, W.Virginia.
They had a son Stephen Powell Davidson, 9-18-1915.
Another interesting note, I have been to Parkersburg, WV, staying mainly in Marieta, OH.
Here are a couple of more: Don't know if there are ties to the Powell family:
William Powell Davidson, b. Maryland
John Powell Davidson, b. 1842, OH
Joseph Powell Davidson, b. 1856, TN
Joseph Powell Davidson, b. 1857 Arkansas
Powell M. Davidson, b. 1858, Missouri
Powell Davidson, b. 1861, Illinois
Henry Powell Davidson, b. 1887, Ontario
Prosper Powell Davidson, 1901, Indiana
Powell Davidson, b. 1908 Alabama
Richard Powell Davidson, b. 1950, OR
Powell A. Davidson, b. 1910 W V
Wow, I haven't caught up on this case until I saw this thread - incredible. Genealogy DNA testing is very good, I have a lot of hope!

If he hasn't already, Benjamin should reach out to the various Genealogy DNA groups, especially the ones that focus on his haplogroup (R), some of them are very good "detectives."
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