Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 21

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Someone asked the other day about attys allowing people to lie. They walk a fine line of pretending to know nothing other than that people on their side tell them. So you get things like this that would happen with Matt McGee using made-up dates.

Travis and I met for water on March 1st, 2008, and he told me he had raped and abused Deanna the night before.

These flight and hotel records show that you were in the middle of a vacation in Canada, Travis was in the middle of a vacation to Florida, and Deanna was on a mission in Costa Rica on those days, so you are lying about all this right?

Is it possible that you recall the date incorrectly? Yes.
But you swear under oath that it happened, right? Yes.

KN would later say that he's just going by what people tell him. For all he knows there could be identical twin siblings who were on those trips, so it all could have really happened the way his witness testified. Or maybe the documents were fakes, because after all the prosecution has a history of illegally manipulating evidence.
Good morning!

I have no clue as to any testimony today, but I am eagerly awaiting the transcript and a ruling from the judge.
IIRC, they also interrupted her when she was about to answer a question or was in the middle of speaking.

I remember saying to myself : wait, wait...she's about to answer....let her finish.


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YESS! When she said "He never raped me.. He never.."
Flores interrupted her and I just know she was about to say never hit me. :gaah:
Hey everyone, Good morning :) So today this judge could decide to remove the DP? I just can't imagine that happening, but I am still wondering how all this NOT CHILD *advertiser censored* crap is allowed in :/ God bless Travis and Travis' family.

Thanks everyone for all the tweets and posts :) I've been doing ALOT of reading over the week-end, that video someone put out the other day from DATELINE was very interesting, I had never seen it before. When the murderer was walking out the door, (in her stripes) the look she gave was, wow! so scary and evil! I think she thought she was looking good.
Does anyone else find Nurmi's phrase "(she hasn't ) actualized her mitigation" extremely annoying?

Really, what the heck does that silly sounding, empty attempt even mean?
In another potential development, transcripts from Arias' secret testimony could be released Monday.

Read more:

"The Arias defense team continued to try and convince the jury that Arias was a victim and suffered from some type of mental illness in the hope jurors might give her life in prison and not the death penalty. Legal experts believe the Arias defense team is trying to show that the convicted killer has a personality disorder that was brought on by a lifetime of physical and emotional abuse, which could be a mitigating factor in the jury's decision to sentence Arias to death or life in prison."

That strategy makes perfect sense to me, especially given Nurmi's opening statement centered around "A mentally ill Jodi Arias does not deserve the death penalty." But JA's mental history has yet to make an appearance imo. It's been all about the evil T-Dogg/Mr. Hyde/*advertiser censored* addict TA. It makes no sense to me for the defense to devote their entire time to revictimizing/demonizing Travis Alexander, instead of focusing of why JA's lifelong pathologies crested and tragically broke upon a flawed but basically good TA. The only explanation for the defense butchering TA's character now is for the temporary personal satisfaction it's giving JA. It certainly isn't helping her avoid the DP imo.
IIRC, they also interrupted her when she was about to answer a question or was in the middle of speaking.

I remember saying to myself : wait, wait...she's about to answer....let her finish.


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Seriously, I think he was trying to rattle her but not seriously (see below)

Maybe a seasoned Detective knows who he is dealing with? Perhaps he knew that she would go on and on and suddenly, out of nowhere, like Ninjas, Pepe La Pew would show up in her story giving her flowers and chocolates and possibly even some undies that say Le Pew on them! LOL
Someone asked the other day about attys allowing people to lie. They walk a fine line of pretending to know nothing other than that people on their side tell them. So you get things like this that would happen with Matt McGee using made-up dates.

Travis and I met for water on March 1st, 2008, and he told me he had raped and abused Deanna the night before.

These flight and hotel records show that you were in the middle of a vacation in Canada, Travis was in the middle of a vacation to Florida, and Deanna was on a mission in Costa Rica on those days, so you are lying about all this right?

Is it possible that you recall the date incorrectly? Yes.
But you swear under oath that it happened, right? Yes.

KN would later say that he's just going by what people tell him. For all he knows there could be identical twin siblings who were on those trips, so it all could have really happened the way his witness testified. Or maybe the documents were fakes, because after all the prosecution has a history of illegally manipulating evidence.

In the same way that JA probably justifies it to herself...'Travis got mad at me often so it's kind of like abuse. And he banged his head once. He almost hit me. Actually he probably did but it was all so terrifying that I blocked it and don't remember it now. Hmmm, I really am a victim of domestic violence.

And I guess I did kill him in self-defense. After all, he did threaten to ruin my reputation and destroy my life. And, he did try to grab the gun from me as I stabbed he really did attack me! I have a cut on my finger to prove it too. Yep, Travis abused me and I killed him in self-defense. '

In other words, both the lawyer and his defendant will knowingly lie to themselves...Nurmi for $$$ and Arias to get away with murder.
Does anyone else find Nurmi's phrase "(she hasn't ) actualized her mitigation" extremely annoying?

Really, what the heck does that silly sounding, empty attempt even mean?

It really means that she has not finished lying under oath yet!
Does anyone else find Nurmi's phrase "(she hasn't ) actualized her mitigation" extremely annoying?

Really, what the heck does that silly sounding, empty attempt even mean?

"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

- Macbeth (Act V, Scene V)

Good morning, friends!
I don't know if this is the normal way to be interrogated after an arrest for murder, or if it was just because JA didn't "look" like a typical murderer. But in my opinion Flores and especially the female detective kind of coddled JA. She even threw out things that could/might have happened, which JA promptly soaked up and used in all her lies. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are to blame for any of her lies, it's just that they didn't realize they were interviewing a psychopath. Here are few off the top of my head, but there are many more. The female det. unknowingly gave JA a lot of "ideas"

1. Was there someone else with you, it looks like there could have been two people.
2. Did he get rough with you, and things just got out control
3. Are you trying to protect his reputation

I thought Flores' interrogation was masterful. He knew precisely who and what he was dealing with, IMO. He wasn't coddling her, he made her believe her manipulations were working, so she'd keep talking and hang herself. Which she did.

She didn't have to talk to him at all, could have lawyered up and not said a word. Instead he solicited two ridiculous story-lies, which were used quite effectively against her at trial.

As for the female detective. Didn't matter her approach. JA clearly felt nothing but utter contempt for her and for the most part refused to reply at all.
"More specifically, a Mesa police officer testified during the original trial no pornographic material was found on the computer of murder victim Travis Alexander, Arias' ex-lover, when in fact testimony revealed pornographic images were there."

Read more:

For some reason everyone keeps forgetting that no images was found - just visits to website(s) that stream *advertiser censored*.

Due to trial report by tweet, we only know a little about a smidgen of testimony from an anonymous, high-school educated, self-professed "data scientist" witness.

What was tweeted was that this soft-spoken, bald, bearded, 'pseudonymical' witness with a nickname could only account for what he claimed was a single human-initiated visit to a single website once. And that visit was not, according to him, typed into the URL bar of the browser, but instead clicked through the "Alexa" site popularity rankings page.
I thought Flores' interrogation was masterful. He knew precisely who and what he was dealing with, IMO. He wasn't coddling her, he made her believe her manipulations were working, so she'd keep talking and hang herself. Which she did.

She didn't have to talk to him at all, could have lawyered up and not said a word. Instead he solicited two ridiculous story-lies, which were used quite effectively against her at trial.

As for the female detective. Didn't matter her approach. JA clearly felt nothing but utter contempt for her and for the most part refused to reply at all.

At least a dejected JA told the female detective she despised the baggy, orange jail clothes she was wearing, and, hopefully, will wear every day for the rest of her life.
Lol. Nurmi keeps saying images were found. But iirc there were websites that stream *advertiser censored* on the mirror image of the hard drive

Yes, but LKN has repeatedly lied, so consider the source.
Well, azcentral continues its cyber-bullying of WS'ers and other trial watchers this a.m.

So Travis Alexander's family, as "Jodi Arias junkies", are "addicts who are morbidly hooked on her case"!?!

While EJ Montini, columnist, admits that the [Alexander] family mourns, he also refers to all trial watchers thusly:

"And don't worry about the Jodi junkies suffering withdrawal symptoms. While there may be a dearth of common courtesy and common sense in our world, there is never a shortage of sordidness."

This passes for journalism?

I greet all my fellow 'sordid scandalmongers' this a.m.
Why isn't Pseudonym/John Smith/IHaveOneAndIUseIt continuing his testimony today?

I also cannot understand why this guy is not going to be first on the stand this morning completing his testimony. Not like he has to testify in any other case. So unless he's in having elective surgery, what could he possibly have going on that justifies holding up this trial for another two days? Especially if the DT pulls the "we have no witnesses until Wednesday" stunt that many people believe they will. Doesn't KN have to get stuff prepared for the SC on Friday? I'm sure he'll whine for the time to do that as well.


A look back almost 3 mos. ago to opening statements, which stand in stark contrast to the defense case so far imo.

From that article:
Nurmi told the jury that they would be hearing from domestic violence experts, and that Jodi Arias was a mentally disturbed individual. He cited Borderline Personality Disorder as her key concern which is interesting. When Jodi Arias was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder during her first trial, the defense vehemently disagreed with this diagnosis. Now it seems to work for this phase this time.

Did any of their "experts" mention BPD? Maybe he plans to call DeMarte as a defense witness to offer for them what he said were the incorrect conclusions of an inexperienced psychologist during the original trial.
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