Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #4

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Would you ever say that about a male victim? If you don't know Samantha then that's just speculation and frankly unfair.
I think Kemug was merely pointing out what a lot of us have read about SM. Even her daughter referred to SM has being a strong person. It doesn't sound unfair to me. I would say the same thing about a male. Not a male/female issue in this instance. Look at Russell Hill case.
Today would been extra hard, Ballarat still has the bushfires going. Wind dropped today and smoke has settled on Ballarat.
My Understanding Partner had to go to Melbourne he returning this afternoon he could see it on Ballarat and smell it.
Where we live we are blanketed in Smoke.
Count my blessings, struggling to breath, special Needs Child whose been on Overloaded sensery whose having meltdowns throughout the afternoon, that I have not left my home due to fire risk, lost home to fire and I am not fighting the Fire.
I pray that if Sam has died, that her body has not been left in the National Forrest where the Bushfire Burning.
Thinking of you. You take care
There are currently 42 fires which been breaking out since Thursday. Mount Cole Forrest fire is 91 km from Mount Clear, 1 hour and 30 mins Drive. The Beaufort fires are 51 km away around 45 mins drive.
We live 1 hour drive from Mt Cole Fires. We live near from Ballarat Airport.

How far away from Mount Clear are these bush fires I am not familiar with that area and they are reporting west of Ballarat. MOO
If someone was following her in a car, two possibilities come to mind. First, he speeds up, passes her, stops, walks towards her as though he has something to say, pops the trunk, alternatively he hits her with his vehicle from behind. Same result.

She was wearing a smart watch on the morning that she vanished. I don't have the link anymore, attached photo from missing photos.

Investigators can look at phone numbers connecting with a cell tower in a window of time, but how busy was the golf course at 5 PM on Sunday? Was the suspect's phone turned off before her phone pinged nearby? Probably yes.

If investigators know that she jogged to Canadian Plantation, they must have tracked her smartwatch and phone data to that location. I doubt that her phone was completely turned off during her runs. My impression is that both stopped transmitting near that location, so maybe the phone and watch are in the bushes?
Golf course closses at 5pm on Sunday
Hi all some good posts today, have just caught up. Not much new to go on sadly.

Not sure where I’m going with this but I wondered if the damaged vehicle could be a disgruntled customer, someone who brought a vehicle in, perhaps attempting insurance fraud or something, and was refused by SM. Bit of a long bow i think but thought I’d throw it in the mix.

Parking that aside, this is my timeline theory MOO based on what little we do know:

Sat evening - dinner involving SM, MM and friends, at which SM mentions a 14km run in the morning, before it gets too hot.

7am - SM embarks on the planned 14km run (after letting dogs out and picking up after them…). For what it’s worth SM does not take water, that is not her custom as it’s hard to carry and run, it was still nice and cool in the morning, she hydrates before and after running (like me, noting others think it’s irresponsible). SMs run usually takes less than 2 hrs and she intends to be home by 9am to get ready for the rest of her day, however at the half way mark Mt Clear around 8am SM meets with foul play. Multiple theories possible, in my order of likelihood (MOO) below the timeline.

7am -9am - while SM is running, back at the house if it’s anything like my household which is a similar makeup, everyone else has a bit of a sleep in, starts to stir, have breakfast, jump on devices, social media, etc. MM potentially starts a few jobs in the garden, it’s a big property I think would require a fair bit of work on weekends. There’s a possibility one or more of the kids had an activity eg a swimming lesson, or a play date at a friends, so MM could have been out and back home one or more times with one or more kids in tow. Or maybe MM fires up the BBQ and cooks breakfast for the kids. In any event the family are all together doing things and able to corroborate this time window easily.

9am - 11am - sometime in this window family start to wonder where is SM. A family brunch is planned at 11am. SM possibly also had a 10am meeting. So I’d say by 10am someone in the house has put a few texts and calls in to SM, where are you mum/Sam? No answer. Does it ring out? Or go straight to voicemail? Do they check FindMy and see SM is not on the usual running route anymore? By 10am they’re in the car driving the route, looking for Sam/mum. She might be tired or hurt and need a lift back. Maybe her battery died. Maybe there driving beyond the route to where FindMy shows a phone location.

By 11am family are really worried. There has been no sight of Sam, not answered phone. Maybe the person SM was meeting in Ballarat at 10am has also called MM to see if he is with her (after trying SMs phone with no luck).

Around 11am MM contacts police and the official search begins.

It’s important police establish SM crime at Mt Clear happened around 8am and SM was away from that area shortly after. As long as it is possible that the crime could have happened later, say 10am, then it starts to cross over into the time the family are also in the forest searching. Maybe even searching beyond if FindMy took them there.

While the family are innocent and have done everything right in the eyes of the police, it’s almost impossible to untangle them from the web until the real events are known and proven and the attacker is caught.

This timeline theory to me explains why the police say “they think they are accross all the movements to and from the house”.

Theories for what happens at 8am (MOO):
1. Opportunistic predator crosses paths with SM and acts on suppressed urges.
2A. SM witnesses criminal behaviour eg a bikie and his meth stash, and is silenced.
2B. SM is accidentally struck by a car engaged in criminal behaviour and accident is covered up.
3. SM falls victim to an attacker known to SM, who has either stalked SM from early on the run, or maybe knew of the 14km run/route and staked out the Mt Clear turnaround spot.
4. The usual statistical probabilities are affirmed. Really hoping not but need to keep it in the mix.

All IMO. Theoretic timeline with some known times as bookends.
Very well laid out.
Today would been extra hard, Ballarat still has the bushfires going. Wind dropped today and smoke has settled on Ballarat.
My Understanding Partner had to go to Melbourne he returning this afternoon he could see it on Ballarat and smell it.
Where we live we are blanketed in Smoke.
Count my blessings, struggling to breath, special Needs Child whose been on Overloaded sensery whose having meltdowns throughout the afternoon, that I have not left my home due to fire risk, lost home to fire and I am not fighting the Fire.
I pray that if Sam has died, that her body has not been left in the National Forrest where the Bushfire Burning.
I hope you're all okay
I think Samantha was abducted within a couple of hours of going for a run. I think she was taken somewhere, perhaps 20 miles South of her home, left there, and her phone pinged several hours later near the golf course in the process of destroying evidence.
Maybe a ‘wild’ question but I pose it to those people familiar with the Ballarat area:
When did these current awful fires start ?
How did they start ?
Could they have used to dispose of Sam & an involved vehicle etc ?
I had an experience, but it was over 20 years ago, when I was an OP Shop volunteer.
I attempted to help a man looking for furniture and he flat out said that he "was not going to be served by a woman"

I'll never forget the look of hatred on his face.

I"m in a country town, if that makes a difference.
I experienced the same working in Corrections (Probation/Parole) where many times men (probationers /parolees/prisoners) refused to deal with women officers and were extremely intimidating and often verbally abusive...I would estimate 20% behaved this way....and eventually they are released and continue with this behaviour and attitude in the community ☹️
I think it's a bit odd reporting her missing just after two hours, I would be searching everywhere, before I knew she was definitely missing and something was wrong.

Unless you knew she was not in there and was not going to be found
Going on basis that it was the husband, how big a window is there from when SM’s phone/watch data indicates she stopped travelling by foot and when she is reported missing? Unlike the two men in Sydney killed by the police office ex-boyfriend where the window the killer had with the bodies spans multiple days, my take on SM’s case is it’s possibly 2-3 hours between her being in Mt Clear and then being reported as missing. Which means basically that if MM did it, the this is the only window of time for her to have been killed and dumped (making a number of presumptions here) because surely some kind of police surveillance is put in place (just based on law of averages that husband is likely killer) let alone family and friends activity around the household.
That’s a pretty small window all things considered. I think in Ristevski case Borce had a whole day.
I just feel either it was extremely well planned and carried out if it was him, to ensure no traces have been left, or it’s an external person who would have been able to spend longer dumping a body because they were not yet on police radar.
I feel so incredibly sad for Sam's friends and family and of course Samantha..I really hope they find answers soon...
I think IMO there are so many possibilities but what stands out to me
1 The incredibly quick reporting of her missing and the immediate response from LE
2 The 10am details
3 The search being called off and now full-on (probably because of phone, watch data)
4 Missing details of the previous nights activity (participants, location)
5 The pressers with her daughter and husband (the specific words used regarding "fight" etc, etc, etc)
6 "more than one person involved" "parties"
7 Highly unlikely she's no longer alive from LE
8 looking for damaged vehicle or property
I could go on....I have no doubt when this all gets solved it will be so much more than we could have predicted....I hope Samantha is found soon and that the people who love and care for her will be supported and cared for...
The attack on a senior bandido last October - I wonder if Samantha may have seen something, or know something, about that, seeing it was quite close to the garage? And if she did, that could be a motive for someone to silence her?
Given proximity to their smash repair business, potentially their business cctv or vehicle dash cam captured relevant footage. Depending on relevance of that footage, that may have implicated someone in relation to the Bandido attack and put them in firing line. Just my thoughts.
IMO …. Supt Hatt did seem to imply that until approx 8:00am (1hour) Samantha was on foot, but not so after that … that suggests a vehicle to me …

(From the presser - that was my take on the information given)
Either in vehicle which would show change in velocity. Or not moving, indicating either dead or Watch/phone removed
Going on basis that it was the husband, how big a window is there from when SM’s phone/watch data indicates she stopped travelling by foot and when she is reported missing? Unlike the two men in Sydney killed by the police office ex-boyfriend where the window the killer had with the bodies spans multiple days, my take on SM’s case is it’s possibly 2-3 hours between her being in Mt Clear and then being reported as missing. Which means basically that if MM did it, the this is the only window of time for her to have been killed and dumped (making a number of presumptions here) because surely some kind of police surveillance is put in place (just based on law of averages that husband is likely killer) let alone family and friends activity around the household.
That’s a pretty small window all things considered. I think in Ristevski case Borce had a whole day.
I just feel either it was extremely well planned and carried out if it was him, to ensure no traces have been left, or it’s an external person who would have been able to spend longer dumping a body because they were not yet on police radar.
Well put. This is essentially why it’s low on my list of possibilities. Yes statistics and the usual financial motives - control of business, house, etc - are there but the window of opportunity is not. Police seem sure SM indeed left for the jog and made it to Mt Clear around 8am. There was a family brunch planned at 11am, maybe also a SM meeting at 10am according to uncle, leaving very little time. If SM has not been seen since the dinner the night before, and the whole 14km run was a fabrication, then it would be I think similar to the Baden Clay case and this scenario more likely, like an altercation overnight gone wrong. But given it’s really a 2-3 hr window available, in a small country town, a well known seemingly happy and well loved and respected family, I can’t see it being likely - but still possible until ruled out. And for the reasons outlined in my last post, it’s actually not possible for police to rule it out until they find the actual attacker and evidence to convict.
My profile theory of the attacker (MOO) for my most likely scenario:
- is not known to SM
- lives in Ballarat
- has committed sexual assault before
- has a long wrap sheet, moves in shady circles, petty crime, drugs are day to day norm.
- has been involved in a murder before, as an accomplice, by helping hide a body in a mineshaft.
- was caught and convicted due to phone ping data near the mineshaft and is therefore very savvy about phone pings and covering/concealing their data tracks.
- served time in prison but only a few years, recently released.
- got off on the whole experience and has been thinking about it ever since.
- has taken those urges to the next level.
- either stalked SM (SM unawares) for some time prior, having noticed her around town beforehand, maybe even aware she ran in the forest.
- or, staked out the forest knowing someone random would come along and SM was unfortunately in the wrong place, wrong time.
- attacked and covered tracks calmly and well, including own and SM phone data trail, having had some prior experience.
- perhaps not a mine shaft this time to conceal, found another spot which police are yet to find.
- has provided an alibi with some shady mates covering for them.

All MOO taking an educated guess. Hopefully for SM, her family, closure is found soon.
Maybe a ‘wild’ question but I pose it to those people familiar with the Ballarat area:
When did these current awful fires start ?
How did they start ?
Could they have used to dispose of Sam & an involved vehicle etc ?
They are still looking at the cause of the fires, but this coming Wednesday they are worried about dry lightening strikes in the area, plus winds and high temperatures.
My profile theory of the attacker (MOO) for my most likely scenario:
- is not known to SM
- lives in Ballarat
- has committed sexual assault before
- has a long wrap sheet, moves in shady circles, petty crime, drugs are day to day norm.
- has been involved in a murder before, as an accomplice, by helping hide a body in a mineshaft.
- was caught and convicted due to phone ping data near the mineshaft and is therefore very savvy about phone pings and covering/concealing their data tracks.
- served time in prison but only a few years, recently released.
- got off on the whole experience and has been thinking about it ever since.
- has taken those urges to the next level.
- either stalked SM (SM unawares) for some time prior, having noticed her around town beforehand, maybe even aware she ran in the forest.
- or, staked out the forest knowing someone random would come along and SM was unfortunately in the wrong place, wrong time.
- attacked and covered tracks calmly and well, including own and SM phone data trail, having had some prior experience.
- perhaps not a mine shaft this time to conceal, found another spot which police are yet to find.
- has provided an alibi with some shady mates covering for them.

All MOO taking an educated guess. Hopefully for SM, her family, closure is found soon.
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