SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #13

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I found that spring me link to be just kind of silly teen stuff like *******...nothing that really tells much about her, IMO.

Right, I agree... Except it does tell us one semi-important fact - that during HS she was committed to attending her cosmetology classes while on a medical home bound leave from her HS, plus she was blatantly bullied. I'm assuming homebound is like being tutored at home, or maybe she just does her work at home but sends it into her school?
No, sorry. That is a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. I know it says otherwise but I promise it's a 2/2.

Thank you so much Moonlite. I'm trying to find backup for the 2/2 so I can get the correct layout of the rooms. Just being thorough, I believe you.
ITA - I think about 90% of girls went through the same thing in high school. I know I did. I was blackballed and bullied M-T, and Friday I was everyone best friend because I was a cheerleader. The same exact stuff on her page was thrown in my face all the time. It's just something that girls do to other girls. I am NOT IN ANYWAY condoning this behavior! But I don't see her responses being a true indication of HE's personality. When this stuff happens, you pull up your big girl panties, put on a stone face and deal until you can remove the issue. I get the feeling she feed on the hostility a bit, whether in a negative or positive way IDK. But she continued to respond to and play with the Anon comments. That to me says she was getting something out of it - like I said, positive or negative I don't know.

I agree with you guys. I have a question. This old Formspring, would she have the option of posting the questions & answers? Or do they automatically post if she answers? Would she have the option of selecting what she wants to show, as in could she selectively delete some while leaving others up?

& Moonlite, that sucks sugar. :( :hug:
I'm not sure why someone who left his wife cares who sees his vehicle.

because they may be lying on order to string Heather along or there maybe someone or 2 very upset or any1 else who might have wished Heather harm would not choose so obvious a place as an apartment complex. Plenty of out of the way places including PTL
ITA - I think about 90% of girls went through the same thing in high school. I know I did. I was blackballed and bullied M-T, and Friday I was everyone best friend because I was a cheerleader. The same exact stuff on her page was thrown in my face all the time. It's just something that girls do to other girls. I am NOT IN ANYWAY condoning this behavior! But I don't see her responses being a true indication of HE's personality. When this stuff happens, you pull up your big girl panties, put on a stone face and deal until you can remove the issue. I get the feeling she feed on the hostility a bit, whether in a negative or positive way IDK. But she continued to respond to and play with the Anon comments. That to me says she was getting something out of it - like I said, positive or negative I don't know.

I think the reason why Heather did not ignore the posts was because she wanted everyone to see how many "haters" she had. The whole "haters" thing is very big among teenagers. It's very immature IMO.
because they may be lying on order to string Heather along or there maybe someone or 2 very upset or any1 else who might have wished Heather harm would not choose so obvious a place as an apartment complex. Plenty of out of the way places including PTL

I don't think much happened at PTL.
For those of you who may wonder what LE is doing behind the scenes, I can tell you a little bit about a case going on here in my town. The girl went missing almost a year ago, and right from the start, it seemed apparent something horrible happened. Her vacant car was found at WalMart. However, LE said no foul play. After a month or so, they would give out another little tidbit of info, here and there. I was handing out flyers a few months later, and a gentleman I gave one to told me his kids babysitter lived by the suspect, and LE reviewed all their security footage. I brought flyers into a 7-11 about 5 miles away and the workers said, "Oh, the cops came in and asked us about her months ago." The family and community got together for a search, and there was an apparent grave that smelled really bad. They called 9-11 and when the cop came, he said something along the lines that they had already searched that field with cadaver dogs. (Grave was a deer btw) The family had no idea this had been done. I spoke with the mother and she said LE told them basically nothing. I get it. They don't want the family spilling the beans and tipping off suspects. But, with what little I learned from handing out flyers was that the police were so thorough! Unfortunately, the girl has yet to be found. I'm not happy with the way the police have handled this, but I have the idea they do know more than we do, and they don't tell the public much. So when people wonder if HE's car or apartment has been processed, I'd have to say that of course they were. I'll bet they've spoken to every store clerk within 20 miles. They've checked with airlines, trains, buses, financial institutions and her social security number. Do they know more than they're saying? Yes. Do they make mistakes? Yes, and sometimes it's on purpose to achieve results we cannot comprehend because we know so little facts. Do I think that if I were a parent of a missing person, LE should be sharing details with me about my child's case? Yep. And I'd be enraged when I found out they don't do this. There's so much we don't know, but I'm gonna bet LE knows so much more than we do.
I'm out at a bar I'm usually a regular at but have been sick or out of town for the past month... But I see all these college kids out & can't help but think of Heather :(

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Thank you for reposting this. This is what me really like Heather. She was so brave and honest answering those questions! I really admire her for the way she handled herself. The kids were jerks to her, and she remained steadfast. Between that and her twitter, which I find amusing, not horrible, I feel like I have a grasp on her personality. She's very intelligent, witty, strong, and pretty honest about her flaws. I think that she would have been an amazing woman. I'm sad that this bright young flame has seemingly been snuffed out.

I just read it and I totally agree with you....
PS. I always keep my ears open for random chatter.

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Howdy all!

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I've been thinking about that game that teachers play with their students at an early age to teach them about gossip. The one where you whisper something in the ear of the person next to you & they do the same and so on, and at the end, the original message is all messed up. But usually one thing (the general meaning behind it) remains the same but all the details change. I try to keep that in mind & look for one central theme. [modsnip] But people are def talking and I think if you extract all the specific details... the story doesn't change. So I'm still listening for different versions of the story hoping I can extract the general theme & maybe it will give us a clue as to what might have happened to her.

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I've been thinking about that game that teachers play with their students at an early age to teach them about gossip. The one where you whisper something in the ear of the person next to you & they do the same and so on, and at the end, the original message is all messed up. But usually one thing (the general meaning behind it) remains the same but all the details change. I try to keep that in mind & look for one central theme. [modsnip]That was literally the last time I was out at a bar. But people are def talking and I think if you extract all the specific details... the story doesn't change. So I'm still listening for different versions of the story hoping I can extract the general theme & maybe it will give us a clue as to what might have happened to her.

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I also believe the answers are in the holes-like what's left out or doesn't quite fit together.
It's very interesting to do a search with certain words like HE ,TK,SC etc and see what comes up! Amazing what you find...I'd never use google tho-DuckDuckGo one of my faves ;)
I also believe the answers are in the holes-like what's left out or doesn't quite fit together.

It's very interesting to do a search with certain words like HE ,TK,SC etc and see what comes up! Amazing what you find...I'd never use google tho-DuckDuckGo one of my faves ;)

But I'm assuming (& hoping others are contacting the tip line like I did) that many people are hearing different versions of the story & that HCPD is piecing them all together to find out what remains consistent throughout all of them.

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