SC - Mallory Beach, 19, found deceased after boat crash, Beaufort Co, 24 Feb 2019 *Alex Murdaugh charged*

I have just started following this case and it is tragic and so interesting. Beautiful people, wealth, privilege and bad behavior all rolled into one sordid, sad tale. I have seen the depositions of Anthony Cook and Miley Altman. Could anyone provide links to those of Morgan Doughty and Connor Cook? I have tried searching online and had no luck. Thanks in advance.
See answer #75 provided by @eag

You will find the depos there. Sorry, not sure how to bring them over.
"SCDNR has not yet been served with the petition but will respond in accordance with the Rules of Court if served. However, SCDNR‘s investigation resulted in felony BUI charges being brought against Paul Murdaugh. Charges were never brought against Connor Cook. To date, Mr. Cook has not provided law enforcement with a statement about who was operating the boat on Feb. 24, 2019, despite numerous requests and opportunities to do so."

Murdaugh Killings: SCDNR responds to conspiracy allegations
"SCDNR has not yet been served with the petition but will respond in accordance with the Rules of Court if served. However, SCDNR‘s investigation resulted in felony BUI charges being brought against Paul Murdaugh. Charges were never brought against Connor Cook. To date, Mr. Cook has not provided law enforcement with a statement about who was operating the boat on Feb. 24, 2019, despite numerous requests and opportunities to do so."

Murdaugh Killings: SCDNR responds to conspiracy allegations

IMO, it is entirely possible that Connor Cook was driving the boat at the time of the accident. Consider the following:
  • No boat occupant was able to definitively say PM was driving
  • Paul was away from wheel numerous times forcing CC to take control
  • Paul idled the boat in circles on several occasions and stepped away from the wheel to remove his clothes and harass other boat occupants including MD
At some point, perhaps CC grew increasingly frustrated at PM's antics and the amount of time it was taking to get home. IIRC, one of the girls had to work the next morning and made that clear in the boat. All speculation on my part.

And also, the timing of CC's filing is suspicious to me. Filed after the murders and when the only remaining person that could contest whether CC was driving was dead. Hmm ...

Critics of this idea will say PM was indicted on 3 felony charges but as Judge Sol Wachtler said "a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich". When the Beach civil trial finally happens, you can bet AM and his lawyers will do their best to dispel the unproven belief that PM was driving the boat.
IMO, it is entirely possible that Connor Cook was driving the boat at the time of the accident. Consider the following:
  • No boat occupant was able to definitively say PM was driving
  • Paul was away from wheel numerous times forcing CC to take control
  • Paul idled the boat in circles on several occasions and stepped away from the wheel to remove his clothes and harass other boat occupants including MD
At some point, perhaps CC grew increasingly frustrated at PM's antics and the amount of time it was taking to get home. IIRC, one of the girls had to work the next morning and made that clear in the boat. All speculation on my part.

And also, the timing of CC's filing is suspicious to me. Filed after the murders and when the only remaining person that could contest whether CC was driving was dead. Hmm ...

Critics of this idea will say PM was indicted on 3 felony charges but as Judge Sol Wachtler said "a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich". When the Beach civil trial finally happens, you can bet AM and his lawyers will do their best to dispel the unproven belief that PM was driving the boat.
After two days of reading depositions there is no way PM was not responsible for driving that boat.

After hearing a recording of the conversation, Pritcher testified at his deposition that Anthony Cook had said that Paul Murdaugh was the driver. The agent said he did not know why he didn’t document that comment

Connor Cook told Pritcher in the hospital that he did not remember who was driving. But in a deposition almost a year after the crash, he said he knew Paul Murdaugh was behind the wheel all along. He said he was not honest with officers because Alex Murdaugh had told him at the hospital that he didn’t need to tell anyone who was driving.
After two days of reading depositions there is no way PM was not responsible for driving that boat.

After hearing a recording of the conversation, Pritcher testified at his deposition that Anthony Cook had said that Paul Murdaugh was the driver. The agent said he did not know why he didn’t document that comment

Connor Cook told Pritcher in the hospital that he did not remember who was driving. But in a deposition almost a year after the crash, he said he knew Paul Murdaugh was behind the wheel all along. He said he was not honest with officers because Alex Murdaugh had told him at the hospital that he didn’t need to tell anyone who was driving.

Does law enforcement need a separate statement from Connor Cook if he stated he knew it was Paul during the civil deposition?
After two days of reading depositions there is no way PM was not responsible for driving that boat.

After hearing a recording of the conversation, Pritcher testified at his deposition that Anthony Cook had said that Paul Murdaugh was the driver. The agent said he did not know why he didn’t document that comment

Connor Cook told Pritcher in the hospital that he did not remember who was driving. But in a deposition almost a year after the crash, he said he knew Paul Murdaugh was behind the wheel all along. He said he was not honest with officers because Alex Murdaugh had told him at the hospital that he didn’t need to tell anyone who was driving.

Anthony is his deposition said he wasn't 100% sure - if Anthony was not 100% sure at his deposition, how could he have been 100% sure at the scene when they were all 'grossly intoxicated' ? It is quite possible he assumed PM was driving and was focused on MB being missing at the time. MD initially said CC was driving the boat at the time of the accident and then changed her story. Why ?

Where is PM's deposition ? Only fair that we hear from the accused but I don't believe he was deposed. Why ?

There is enough of a crack in the boat occupants' stories and depos to allow a defense lawyer to rip trial testimony and depos to shreds.

None of the above proves PM wasn't driving, but none of us know for sure and if I was on the civil trial jury, I would have my doubts.

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Lawyer wants to know if police shielded Paul Murdaugh in 2019 fatal boat crash case

Anthony Cook was unequivocal at the scene about who was driving, however. In an expletive-laden tirade, Cook cursed out Paul Murdaugh at the scene for not letting him drive the boat, according to the deposition.

Keener said Anthony Cook was so heated they needed to separate him from Paul Murdaugh.

But in a later statement, Anthony Cook said he was uncertain who was driving the boat at the time of the crash, according to Brock, who initially was the primary investigator in the case.

Karen Taylor, the nurse assigned to Murdaugh’s room, told DNR investigators that “Paul’s father spoke with Connor’s parents and after the conversation they told Connor not to say anything.”


Alex Murdaugh tried to interfere with boat crash investigation at hospital, docs show

Among the documents released Monday, Anthony Cook, in a March 2019 interview with investigators, said he was worried about the Murdaugh family shifting blame from Paul Murdaugh to his cousin, Connor Cook.

“The Murdaughs are out to pin it on him,” he said.


Jmo. PM was operating the boat.

I can’t think of a reason as to why it was so important for AM to assure that no one talk till they were all on board with the same story, not the truth.

Anthony is his deposition said he wasn't 100% sure - if Anthony was not 100% sure at his deposition, how could he have been 100% sure at the scene when they were all 'grossly intoxicated' ? It is quite possible he assumed PM was driving and was focused on MB being missing at the time. MD initially said CC was driving the boat at the time of the accident and then changed her story. Why ?

Where is PM's deposition ? Only fair that we hear from the accused but I don't believe he was deposed. Why ?

There is enough of a crack in the boat occupants' stories and depos to allow a defense lawyer to rip trial testimony and depos to shreds.

None of the above proves PM wasn't driving, but none of us know for sure and if I was on the civil trial jury, I would have my doubts.

That quote is inaccurate about Anthony's deposition.
Anthony's deposition:

Page 57
Q: Who was driving over to Paukie?
A: Paul

Page 65
Q: All right. And when you left who was driving the boat?
A: Paul
Q: And did anyone else drive?
A: Not necessarily drive, hold the wheel for a minute.

Page 78
Q: Now that I have got that clear, you get on the boat, and who is driving from downtown and you're supposed to be headed back to Murdaugh Island?
A: Paul
Q: Paul is driving?
A: Yes

Page 80-81
Q: you said that Paul got mad. What was Paul mad about?
A: because we were trying to--everybody was trying to talk him into letting me drive the boat and he wasn't having it no different.

Q: And what did he say, if you recall?
A: It's his boat and don't nobody know effing river like he does and he is the only one driving the effing boat.

Q: Did anybody drive the boat besides Paul?
A: Connor was holding the wheel when he was taking his clothes off or walking circles in the boat. There were numerous times when he would walk to the front of the boat and leave the boat going.

Q: Connor was – – when Paul walked off, he would grab the wheel?
A: Yes
Q: Is that what he did?
A: Yes

Q: And Paul was at the center console also?
A: I thought you just asked me if Paul was at the center. Connor always stood on the right side of the center console to watch the GPS while Paul was driving.
Q: And Paul is on the left side of the steering wheel?
A: Yes

Page 90-91
Q: the throttle got slammed by someone. Did you ever say that?
A: I did.
Q: And what did you mean by that, the throttle got slammed?
A: We went from a two-mile-per-hour idle to the bow of the boat sticking up in the air and I went to the back.

Q: That's when you fell over?
A: Yes, sir.

Q: and were you looking at who was behind the wheel when it happened?
A: They we're both still sitting right there. Well, Paul was standing on the left side because that was during the argument and then he came back around to the center console, Connor was still on the right side or here. He [Paul] walked to the left and the boat took off.

Q: All right. And where were you looking when the boat took off?
A: Straight I had. I was looking at them.
Q: Okay. That's straight ahead, the front of the boat?
A: Yes, sir, I was looking at them.

Page 91
Q: And someone throttled it?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Do you know who did it?
A: I couldn't tell you that for 100 percent sure, but I imagine it was Paul. I mean, he was the one behind the steering wheel when it happened.
Anthony is his deposition said he wasn't 100% sure - if Anthony was not 100% sure at his deposition, how could he have been 100% sure at the scene when they were all 'grossly intoxicated' ? It is quite possible he assumed PM was driving and was focused on MB being missing at the time. MD initially said CC was driving the boat at the time of the accident and then changed her story. Why ?

Where is PM's deposition ? Only fair that we hear from the accused but I don't believe he was deposed. Why ?

There is enough of a crack in the boat occupants' stories and depos to allow a defense lawyer to rip trial testimony and depos to shreds.

None of the above proves PM wasn't driving, but none of us know for sure and if I was on the civil trial jury, I would have my doubts.

You said: "MD initially said CC was driving the boat at the time of the accident and then changed her story. Why ?"

As for MD, Paul's girlfriend at the time, stated she was afraid of Alex.

Alex Murdaugh was seen multiple times trying to get into her ER room. And why? Because he had to tell MD what to say. He wanted to get to her at some point and "tell her what to say." And what was that? That Connor was driving.

She was intimidated by Alex. When he finally got to her she did what he wanted--said Connor was driving.

She changed her statement during the deposition. ** She stated NO less than 9 times Paul was driving.

And Miley Altman stated NO less that 4 times Paul was driving.
Anthony is his deposition said he wasn't 100% sure - if Anthony was not 100% sure at his deposition, how could he have been 100% sure at the scene when they were all 'grossly intoxicated' ? It is quite possible he assumed PM was driving and was focused on MB being missing at the time. MD initially said CC was driving the boat at the time of the accident and then changed her story. Why ?

Where is PM's deposition ? Only fair that we hear from the accused but I don't believe he was deposed. Why ?

There is enough of a crack in the boat occupants' stories and depos to allow a defense lawyer to rip trial testimony and depos to shreds.

None of the above proves PM wasn't driving, but none of us know for sure and if I was on the civil trial jury, I would have my doubts.

You said: "Where is PM's deposition ? Only fair that we hear from the accused but I don't believe he was deposed. Why ?"

The Islandpacket news made it clear in that ER room that AM said his son wasn't giving a statement to LE. Well, his power has carried over to the deposition for Paul, it looks like he made sure he didn't give one.
Anthony is his deposition said he wasn't 100% sure - if Anthony was not 100% sure at his deposition, how could he have been 100% sure at the scene when they were all 'grossly intoxicated' ? It is quite possible he assumed PM was driving and was focused on MB being missing at the time. MD initially said CC was driving the boat at the time of the accident and then changed her story. Why ?

Where is PM's deposition ? Only fair that we hear from the accused but I don't believe he was deposed. Why ?

There is enough of a crack in the boat occupants' stories and depos to allow a defense lawyer to rip trial testimony and depos to shreds.

None of the above proves PM wasn't driving, but none of us know for sure and if I was on the civil trial jury, I would have my doubts.

You said: "There is enough of a crack in the boat occupants' stories and depos to allow a defense lawyer to rip trial testimony and depos to shreds."

Re-reading the depositions is what you might want to do then. Because your sentence is erroneous.
Lawyer wants to know if police shielded Paul Murdaugh in 2019 fatal boat crash case

Anthony Cook was unequivocal at the scene about who was driving, however. In an expletive-laden tirade, Cook cursed out Paul Murdaugh at the scene for not letting him drive the boat, according to the deposition.

Keener said Anthony Cook was so heated they needed to separate him from Paul Murdaugh.

But in a later statement, Anthony Cook said he was uncertain who was driving the boat at the time of the crash, according to Brock, who initially was the primary investigator in the case.

Karen Taylor, the nurse assigned to Murdaugh’s room, told DNR investigators that “Paul’s father spoke with Connor’s parents and after the conversation they told Connor not to say anything.”


Alex Murdaugh tried to interfere with boat crash investigation at hospital, docs show

Among the documents released Monday, Anthony Cook, in a March 2019 interview with investigators, said he was worried about the Murdaugh family shifting blame from Paul Murdaugh to his cousin, Connor Cook.

“The Murdaughs are out to pin it on him,” he said.


Jmo. PM was operating the boat.

I can’t think of a reason as to why it was so important for AM to assure that no one talk till they were all on board with the same story, not the truth.

Exactly @Elley Mae !!
Connor Cook told Pritcher in the hospital that he did not remember who was driving. But his deposition, he said he knew Paul Murdaugh was behind the wheel all along. He said he was not honest with officers because Alex Murdaugh had told him at the hospital that he didn’t need to tell anyone who was driving.
Brock, Pritcher, Kenner, Camlin and Krapf may “have information as to a ‘campaign’ to cloud the investigatory issues and disseminate false information in the community with the intention of misleading law enforcement and prosecution charging parties, and the public, into wrongly and falsely believing Connor Cook should be arrested and charged as the boat operator with multiple counts of Felony Boating Under the Influence,” the filing said.
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*** After hearing a recording of the conversation, Pritcher testified at his deposition that Anthony Cook had said that Paul Murdaugh was the driver. The agent said he did not know why he didn’t document that comment

Evidently, you didn't read the last sentence of my OP.

None of the above proves PM wasn't driving, but none of us know for sure and if I was on the civil trial jury, I would have my doubts.

Nothing in your last 7 (correction 9) responses convinces me with 100% certainty that PM was driving at the time of the accident. If you are trying to force an opinion on me, you have failed.

Thanks for the effort though ...

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