SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #8

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I think it's time to tell y'all a story.

I live in a sleepy little Southern town, that in some ways, I suppose, isn't too different from Hampton. It's about 4 times the size of Hampton, but still not too large to prevent most of us from knowing each other's business. I grew up here, although I moved away to go to college, and it was even more intimate, back then in the 60s and 70s.

By the "accident of birth" I mentioned earlier, meaning where I grew up, a number of my neighbors and friends were well-connected in that group I also mentioned earlier. They were our equivalents of the Murdaughs and Harpootlians (although not as vile). And because I was an engaging and active teenager, I was invited into the junior rank of that organization. And I must say, that they were a fun bunch. The drink always flowed freely, even (or perhaps especially) when inappropriate; they had all the right connections, and got all of the breaks in life. But, fortunately, I got out, when it dawned on me just how things work with them. I wouldn't have done well; I abhor corruption and cronyism.

We moved away from this town in 1978. The following events took place shortly afterward.

There was a man who served as the district attorney here. I didn't know him well, but my parents did. He was a pleasant sort, and in fact helped my parents out of a little jam that they wouldn't have been able to resolve without him speaking to the right person. But he was a member of that organization, as was our local sheriff (I referenced him in previous posts on another thread, in regards to narcotics smuggling and unsolved murders). It was something that one simply had to do, to attain elective office here, back then.

Now, as a member of that group, he was expected to serve their interests...meaning, that when the interests of that group conflicted with justice, the group was meant to prevail. So, from time to time, someone from the group would instruct him on how a trial should go.

Now, not long after we moved away, there was a trial, and he was told what the verdict should be. But the opposite happened. The group was angered.

Shortly after the conclusion of the trial, his teenage daughter was raped, by an unknown assailant. The group had sent the D.A. a message: Don't let that happen again. And though he may not have known who committed the crime, he would have known who ordered it up, and why. And so would the sheriff.

I was acquainted with that girl, but only vaguely. My sister knew her better; they both took dance lessons at the same studio. The girl was no Timmy; she was nice, and very proper, and I assure you, quite innocent.

But though innocent, she was no dunce. She knew why she had been raped. To be raped is bad enough; to know that she was raped, because of the actions (or, perhaps, inaction) of her father, and that her D.A. father and the local sheriff could have pursued a prosecution of the rapist, and refused to, was more than she could bear.

After struggling with this issue for a while, she committed suicide. It was a small-town tragedy that cast a dark and painful shadow over a lot of hearts.

Plombo o plata, as it is said in Mexico. Lead or Silver. It's your choice. You can have all of the Silver you want, if you play the corruption game correctly, which means discreetly. But if you mess up, you get Lead.

So, I'm going top speculate again, and again, I'm going to assert that this is informed speculation, because I know how that group works.

When Maggie and Paul were murdered, the Plombo o Plata explanation lurked dimly in the back of my mind, as a possibility. Now, in light of recent events, and from what little news has trickled out of the investigations, I find this explanation the most likely. I think AM was being sent a message.

You messed up, Alex. You had it all, but you messed up. You and Timmy got careless. Now, there is public scrutiny. Soon you will head into court, not as an attorney, but as a witness and as a defendant, and you had better keep your damn mouth shut....because there is plenty more where this came from.

I suspect that, as Alex stood there, gazing at the bodies of his wife and son on the ground at the kennel, he didn't know who had killed them, but he would have known why they were killed, and probably, who ordered up the murders.

Shut up. Zip that lip. Don't make us come to Islandton again.

So Dick Harpootlian was brought in to manage the crisis, to put a lid on, to shut out the light. I think the story about oxycodone addiction was concocted, or at least exaggerated, so that he could be whisked away to some private treatment clinic, where, presumably, his conversations would be privileged by HIPAA laws.

Again, this is just speculation, but it makes the most sense to me.

I really hope that Mr. Keel succeeds, that his investigations go where they should go, and uncover what they should uncover. But I won't hold my breath. Because I know how that group works.

And i feel strongly that Randolph III was in THAT group...........
And if so.... we will never know.
Alex would never be able to expose Dad, unless he really does want.. to just be dead.... But am sure the threats would include Buster too.
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My impressions of CS at bond hearing -- He was (to me) responsive and cognizant.. Nodding and following along as the judge spoke to him and asked him questions, his voice was surprisingly strong (I was expecting frailty based on what we've seen and heard so far.. Namely that guttural phlegmy cough while being taken out of the police cruiser). He was rocking at times, as he was in first appearance but sat still at other times, including when he read and signed documents so whatever's wrong with him (medical condition, withdrawls, cold?) doesn't render him incapacitated by any means.

surprised AM won't now try to throw CS under the bus for MM and PM murders
This is how racism and sexism and lots of other-isms have persisted in America regardless of what laws are passed. If you’re an outsider, you couldn’t REALLY make it in Small Town, USA. The American Dream is rigged.
Times are a-changing though, slowly, yes, but they will.
Well there is a saying down here in the south.


If you move from the north down south of the Mason/Dixon line we don't care if you live here 30 years and all your kids are born here. You and they are still Northerners and no one will forget that. After all if the cat has kittens in the oven we don't call them biscuits. lol Just a little southern wit for y'all up north.

In context though...PM's current crime being thrush into the spotlight was an underage kid driving drunk and accidentally killing a "friend".

MM's crime COULD have been exposing, by digging into financials, a really rich, well-connected and wide-spread group of movers and shakers.

I think she was the main target
So do I.
The photos / video of CES after he was arrested deserve a closer look. The blood(?) at both corners of his mouth (and from nose?) in his mugshot, then the wild hair, distressed, uncoordinated behavior in court.

With his recent statement that AM set him up, I'm starting to think AM-friendly LE roughed CES up (read: intimidation) before his bond hearing ... perhaps they even slipped him some disorienting, sedative drug to induce the 'special effects'.

Never underestimate a rich, privileged, powerful man trying to stay out of prison.
Murdaugh’s lawyers said he has been in drug rehab for about 10 days after his law firm fired him over missing money that could total millions of dollars.

Murdaugh’s lawyers said he decided to kill himself the next day, but have someone else shoot him. Murdaugh gave Curtis Edward Smith a gun and they headed to lonely Old Salkehatchie Road. Smith fired one shot that only grazed Murdaugh’s head, a State Law Enforcement Division agent said in a sworn statement.
Lawyer Says Murdaugh to Turn Himself in on Insurance Fraud

Smith answered basic questions and signed forms, affirming that he understood the proceedings against hm. Alexander asked Smith if he'll apply for representation by a public defender."I'm probably going to go for one, yes," he responded.
Bail set at $55,000 for man accused of attempting to stage Alex Murdaugh's suicide

Curtis 'Eddie' Smith boasted to friends that cops 'wouldn't find anything' when they searched his home and appeared untroubled despite being told he was a suspect in the shooting of Alex Murdaugh, can reveal.

But, while neighbors expressed shock at this latest twist in the spiraling Murdaugh saga, one long-time acquaintance told that Smith had been talking of his potential involvement in the crime when out in Walterboro last week.

According to Henry Vandermark, who has known the man he described as 'straight-dealing' and 'friendly,' for more than a decade, Smith was blasé when he told him that cops had visited his Walterboro home last week and informed him that he was a suspect in the bizarre roadside shooting.

He said: 'He told me, 'the police have been round and told me I'm a suspect [in the Alex Murdaugh shooting] and wanted to search my house.' 'I said, 'Go ahead, you won't find anything.'

Despite Smith's admission, Vandermark said that he 'couldn't believe it' when he saw that his long-time acquaintance had been arrested Tuesday.

In fact, investigators had been closing in on the man whom Murdaugh hired to shoot him while attorneys for Murdaugh were still publicly peddling the tale of a random roadside ambush even offering more 'facts' given by their client in a bid to shore up his story.

He had rocked to and fro in his seat throughout the hearing and as he made to leave muttered: 'This is bogus. It's all bogus.' Asked by the judge if he had anything else to say he remained silent.
Alex Murdaugh's 'hitman' boasted that cops 'wouldn't find anything' at his South Carolina home | Daily Mail Online

Why bail at 20k for AM and 55k for CS...conspiracy to commit murder... bail should be the same.. oh, I forgot this is AM
Glad to see he's looking healthier and not hacking up a lung or vomiting.

It's hard to get a clear picture, from that short clip, of just who Fast Cousin Eddie is but one things for sure, he's declares himself in the article ready to rock and roll with AM if he comes for him. I hope those words don't get him killed.
He may have some other high profile and powerful clients. More powerful than Alex. I think the phrase is "That's a lot of oxy Dick.."

Scoppe: Someone didn't get the message that honoring dodgy SC politicians is out

Scoppe: Someone didn't get the message that honoring dodgy SC politicians is out

The 259th and final pre-filed bill, also a resolution, also by Rep. Williams, directs the Transportation Department to erect signs designating a new “Randolph ‘Buster’ Murdaugh Interchange,” to honor the longtime solicitor who was once indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly telling a local bootlegger to move his whiskey still so he wouldn’t be arrested. He too was acquitted.


Once, in a rape case, he warned jurors that if they acquitted the defendant, he would drop the charges against other accused rapists. H.4821 omits all of this — even what office Mr. Murdaugh held.
There is an incident in 1940 involving the eldest Murdaugh but the source isn’t TOS. If anyone has come across it from an approved source please post it.

The accident is referenced in this biograph about the firm and family.

There have, apparently, always been questions as to why he died in a car on the tracks at 2am in the morning, after a heavy night of gambling.

Law firm celebrates 100 years
So....they were running moonshine....or turning a blind eye to who was making and running it. Public sentiment in the south would have been on their side and against the Government, since making moonshine from your own corn grown on your own land then selling it is not considered a crime by most people in the south. It is still done albeit a bit more discreetly. I can see why Murdaugh SR would have no problem being re elected and indeed was probably hailed as a hero by most people in 1956. Now also. Think Hank JR.
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