Scott Tadych/Bobby Dassey

yes, reading your post/my post again... it was late... I misunderstood and thought you couldn't find where she turned, not that when he walked over to see Bobby that he saw it. I will keep my eye out though, because I thought he said it somewhere, interview, LE interrogation, somewhere.

As for Jodi saying what she said, I still think it's because Steven said it to Jodi on the phone, LE was either listening to the jail calls or SA's calls and they used that when talking to Bobby and when questioning Jodi. We know they knew by the the Saturday afternoon, the 5th, because they said it to Bobby, so if they hadn't talked to anyone in the family at that point, there is only one way they could have known that IMO

As for Scott... shady LOL sometimes I come back to Scott and Bobby... because there stories are just fishy... Scott is fishy... how the fire he saw got bigger, his behaviour afterwards, Bobby's testimony, and the fact that they had the opportunity. To me, it would explain how things could be planted as well.. very easily.
I don't recall that I have ever read another statement from Mike O. about the hunting. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist though, especially if someone from DCI interviewed him.

Looking at Bobby's testimony quickly, he is clear that he went deer bow hunting ( a quick google search showed me that he could be bow hunting) the defense doesn't dispute it, so I'm not sure why the others said geese.
Thanks Missy.

I'm just questioning every single thing. Because that's the only way I could be satisfied with what happened. I think if I was on a jury, they'd ring my neck!

I guess for me, it's clear that Brendan said bobby went geese/goose hunting. Bobby said he went deer hunting, and Blaine said Bobby was asleep at home.

As for Jodi, I don't know if she said Steven said it or if the police did her like they did Brendan and got her to say something like it. I don't know if Jodi simply misheard or misunderstood steven. The reason I want to know is because Lenk is the one who told it to the calumet officer on Saturday. They barely "found" the car, and there Lenk is with interview information from Jodi already. Information that they readily use to get bobby to thinking Steven is trying to implicate him.

That, to me, is just more circumstantial evidence that they were singling Steven out from the start.

They asked Jodi why she'd told them such a thing, and she didn't have an answer. I'm thinking they didn't hear it in any jail calls because we never hear about it again and because the police ever seem to take it seriously -- even though Bobby's time was just as unaccounted for as Steven's. In fact, Bobby left the property, just TH had.

It'd be nice if they'd found out exactly where bobby and Scott had gone hunting. Mike O's mom says her kid and Bobby did it behind her house. I don't see yet where the police asked Mike O if he'd gone with Bobby that day. All they were concerned about is a statement Mike O claims Steven made on a day Steven was already in jail. All the prosecution cared about was making that day be 11/3 when Mike O could not possibly have known the prior Tuesday that TH was missing because it hadn't been reported yet.

That is some fishiness.
I was just reading in the CASO, the 1116 pages of police reports, that Steve Avery had told Jodi that Bobby had been with Teresa after SA. I was wondering if this is really possible. It was on page 84, "A conversation with Lenk."

On the stand, Bobby said he woke up 2pm, saw TH at 2:30pm. Watched her take pic(s) and then head toward SA's house.

Bobby claims he took a shower and TH was not there, but her car was. claimed he got ready to go hunting and left. Scott would be able to confirm the time he saw him. When asked why he was sure of that, Bobby said it was because Scott probably looked at the clock when he saw Bobby. Yeah. Right.

Then on cross, he said it was 2:45pm when he saw Scott. Bobby also changed his testimony, saying he saw Teresa go to SA's after Bobby showered.

I feel like if the van was in front of, or closer to, Bobby's house, and TH was told that it was for B Janda, not Steve Avery, why would TH go to SA's house first? How did she know it was Steve she needed to see? And if Steve is so creepy, why not knock on the less creepy door?

I don't know. I just don't like the visualization I get of Bobby watching her do her whole job before heading toward SA's but doesn't watch to see if she wen into Steve's house. I sounds like TH parked across the street, in front of the van, which is further from SA' house.

And then Bobby and Kratz have this exchange on redirect, page 44 of day 4:

Q. (By Attorney Kratz)~ You said that you saw Scott
3 Tadych on the way to deer hunting. About what
4 time was it that you saw him; do you recall?
5 A. Quarter to three.
6 Q. About 2:45 p.m.?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. So you had already seen Teresa Halbach by 2:45
9 and, in fact, had already left your residence; is
10 that right?
11 A. No, she was still there.
12 Q. What I'm saying is, you had already seen her?
13 A. Oh, yes.
14 Q. And had left your residence --
15 A. Yes.

It might be a nitpicky comment, but my hinky meter went off when Bobby said that said TH was still there when he left. He had no reason to say that. and it seemed to be a rare, uncontrolled response, when the rest of the responses he gave that morning were pretty much yes/no answers. unless more is required.

^I think this was a very helpful post.

Here's a theory for everyone to critique, tear up, correct or round out with facts.

BoD is at home alone, on Halloween Oct 31st, viewing disgusting images that are later found on his computer (KZ report). He knows his mom is trying to sell the van, and TH calls the Dassey family home phone and leaves a message, most machines play audibly. BoD possibly hears the message, and has maybe seen TH before. He's thinking about the opportunity he has shaping up to fulfill these sick fantasies. He sees TH out the window about 230 and is ready to go on a hunt, for TH.

He goes out to his truck, .22 in hand or already in his truck, and drives off while TH is still there, knowing which way she'll be exiting.

He lies in wait on 147 and thinks up a way to stop her. Here comes TH down 147 and he's ready to pounce. She drives past, he pulls out behind her speeds up, nearly overtakes her, but uses his rear bumper to nudge her car in the driver front bumper (popping out the turn signal), and she reacts and pulls to the side as does he. They get out to discuss what happened, and he strikes her on the head, knocking her unconscious, and puts her in back of her own RAV4. He leaves his truck there, after all everyone knows BoD hunts every day. He drives her RAV4 to a secluded spot, one of the local pits, then assaults her and kills her, but not until she fights back and scratches his back. He then scrambles to hide her and the vehicle until he can clean up this mess (another possibility is he already had a place and the means to burn everything.)

ST sees BoD's truck on the road, snoops around and finds BoD, says he'll help him and comes up with the idea to frame SA, because if they don't, BoD is going down for this, BoD is all about himself, his own desires and own freedom, and ST would rather not hear about SA's millions that he was about to be awarded in the next couple weeks. They retrieve the Janda burn barrel and collect most of cremains, then BoD deposits most of them when SA is working the next day. Under nightfall he drives the RAV4 from pit to its final resting place til it can be crushed, or wait a minute, it looks even more damning for SA if we leave, eureka. BoD and ST have just committed a crime they won't go to jail for, at least for 15 years.
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@entrustEd I have thought for a long time that she was run off the road (damage to the front of the RAV4), and was at the back of her vehicle and was hit over the head (blood spatter on back cargo door). Bobby places himself around at the time that TH was there and could have left. Scott places himself and actually alibi's Bobby for that same time frame. It's all possible IMO
Here's a possible indication BoD may have been experiencing physical stress.
Could it be due to committing an unspeakable crime, lying about it, knowing your uncle is in jail for you, and now LE is pummeling your little brother?

Transcript of March 1st 2006 interrogation of BD, after it's all over, his mom speaking to investigators.
I also watched the int. video to watch her say this while sitting on couch next to BD.


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More on BoD

November 6 2005 BD roadside cop car interrogation

I listened to entire thing, mainly to listen for him speaking about BoD which he did as I post below. But I also feel he is protective of SA in his forthcoming answers because BD believes SA is innocent at this time, the damning evidence hasn't been found yet, the key, the bones, the blood tested for SA.

BD "lying" may NOT be due to his own guilt. It could be to cover for someone in his family, even someone from his own home, --->BoD.

At 5:35 BoD comes up
At 6:00 he is asked does BoD live with you, I don't hear him answer.
At 6:50 "Did Bobby ever say anything about seeing her Monday?"
Loooong pause, then investigator asks "No?"
I didn't hear BD answer. (That gives me a chill)

After 7:00 he says the scratch on his nose is from a dog, "My brother's, Bobby
". (BoD uses the same excuse for the scratches discovered on his back)
So who do you think is the source of BD's story telling?

I think BoD is the polar opposite of BD, intelligent, handsome, fit, brooding, dark eyes, like a freaking shark, a predator.

If I met someone like BoD in passing, he would put me on high alert, because his appearance makes me not trust him.
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Fellow sleuths, if KZ is pointing at BoD, I think we should have an honest discussion about him and be pouring over the available information.
I'd really like some feedback and thoughts from other members.

I'd like to see a solid theory put forth and thoroughly reviewed right here on WS
...It doesn't appear from his interviews that he was even remotely trying to say Bobby saw TH last. He was merely trying to say he went to see bobby after, but bobby was gone. THEY asking SA if he thought bobby saw her, and SA was like, you have to ask him. SNIP

It sounds like SA was trying not to say BoD was last to see her, even though he may have thought it was true. This is logical if he says 'You have to ask him'.
Seems to me SA really cared about his nephews and doesn't want to point a finger.
Fellow sleuths, if KZ is pointing at BoD, I think we should have an honest discussion about him and be pouring over the available information.
I'd really like some feedback and thoughts from other members.

I'd like to see a solid theory put forth and thoroughly reviewed right here on WS

I think in all of these threads the theory of Bobby and/or Scott has been explored. We now know that there was some very disturbing searches and images on the Dassey computer, and there is a chance that Bobby was the one doing those searches. I'm still waiting to see what else Zellner has, because that computer was accessible to others in that house, not just Bobby. Scott... well, we don't know much more about him other than the phone call with Barb and Steve with Scott in the background.

I have always thought that it is more likely that it was someone 'close' to SA that did it if it wasn't SA. I think the planting could have been done by the real killer and LE, and it doesn't have to be together. LE could have planted the key to just ensure evidence pointed more directly to SA. At that point, they had nothing that connected SA directly to TH. The plates, the RAV, the remains, the electronics, could have easily been placed where they were if someone lived on the property. The blood... I'm still not sure about the blood, but I don't find it logical at all that he was so smart to clean stuff up yet leaves blood in the RAV4 like that, he had days to go back and "clean" the RAV4 and didn't do that.

sigh then I think about the calls RH had with LE on the Friday night, how is that explained? So many questions still!
It sounds like SA was trying not to say BoD was last to see her, even though he may have thought it was true. This is logical if he says 'You have to ask him'.
Seems to me SA really cared about his nephews and doesn't want to point a finger.

I wonder if this behaviour was more about the years he spent in prison? Not wanting to be a "snitch"?
I think in all of these threads the theory of Bobby and/or Scott has been explored. We now know that there was some very disturbing searches and images on the Dassey computer, and there is a chance that Bobby was the one doing those searches. I'm still waiting to see what else Zellner has, because that computer was accessible to others in that house, not just Bobby. Scott... well, we don't know much more about him other than the phone call with Barb and Steve with Scott in the background.

'Making a Murderer': Defense Implicates New Avery Nephew in Murder

Zellner alleges that new forensic testing performed on the Dassey family computer recovered "images of Ms. Halbach, many images of violent *advertiser censored* involving young females" ............the disturbing photographs were accessed at times when only Bobby Dassey was home.

sigh then I think about the calls RH had with LE on the Friday night, how is that explained? So many questions still!

This theory explains MH and RH involvement pretty well
I do not read too much into it. They passed each other on the road and why wouldn't they wave at each other? Another Red Herring I think. There is absolutely no evidence that they were involved in the disappearance of TH.

Care to re-evaluate your opinion with regards to this statement in light of the new information?
On another discussion board, I read an interesting take on how the Dassey brothers Brendan and Bobby were treated by police could be interpreted as attacks on Steven Avery's alibi.

According to the recent Blaine Dassey affidavit: “I distinctly remember Bobby telling me, ‘Steven could not have killed her because I saw her leave the property on October 31, 2005.'”

The evidence of pornographic and violent images found on the Dassey computer, attributable to Bobby, would make fine blackmail material to silence a witness so long as the disturbing searches could be kept from the public.

Of course, we already know what happened to Brendan to destroy him as an alibi witness...
SNIP: The evidence of pornographic and violent images found on the Dassey computer, attributable to Bobby, would make fine blackmail material to silence a witness so long as the disturbing searches could be kept from the public....SNIP

I had the same thought and feeling after MaM2, now that I know the 7 "CDs" (actually DVDs requiring EnCase program to access) were turned over with little time for defense to review.
Also, Fassbender keeps Velie summary report on the 8th disc, actually a CD, in his possession, and doesn't turn it over to the defense. Smells like Kratz!
Then they twist BoD's arm with what they found.

Kratz is a master of using deception to win, therefore such a hypocrite, hence why he is viewed with utter disgust by those with a natural sense of justice.

Kratz was there from the beginning like a mistro, on the Avery property Nov 5, 2005, coaching the sheriff's departments, forcing everything into place.

The sick thing about the justice system is the laws are not written to protect TRUTH, requiring TRUTH in all things.
The majority of us think TRUTH is innate to the system and LE authority, "the good guys", but they constantly use deception. Kratz only has to convince the jury of defendants guilt. That is their mission. And they can hide behind their titles and public trust, and their perception in public eye, the media.

Even if Kratz later realized he framed SA in haste, and BoD actually had motive and opportunity, it's too late. He just continues on to win for his own victory and to stop the proceedings in lawsuit.
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Here's a possible indication BoD may have been experiencing physical stress.
Could it be due to committing an unspeakable crime, lying about it, knowing your uncle is in jail for you, and now LE is pummeling your little brother?

Transcript of March 1st 2006 interrogation of BD, after it's all over, his mom speaking to investigators.
I also watched the int. video to watch her say this while sitting on couch next to BD.

I am mistaken in the above post on Barb referring to Bobby, I thought BoD was the Oldest, however Bryan is the oldest, BoD said he is 2nd oldest in 11/17/17 interview.
Wasn't Tadych trying to sell a .22 the next day? The same caliber that Theresa was killed by? I never understood why that was never further expanded upon.
@entrustEd I have thought for a long time that she was run off the road (damage to the front of the RAV4), and was at the back of her vehicle and was hit over the head (blood spatter on back cargo door). Bobby places himself around at the time that TH was there and could have left. Scott places himself and actually alibi's Bobby for that same time frame. It's all possible IMO

I have very similar thoughts about this.

I think its possible that TH was killed in the road at some point.

I think it is also possible that TH was killed intentionally (blow to the head etc), or completely by accident (hunting accident with rifle, vehicular accident, etc).

Either ways, if neither Bobby or Scott wanted to explain what happened, an elaborate setup of Steven would be an easy choice. The cops already had a vendetta against him for multiple reasons and SA already had a reputation from a stint in prison.

If Scott and Bobby had nothing to do with it, they are acting very strange about it. This has made me wonder if they were doing something together that was completely unrelated to TH's death, or one was doing something shady at the time (buying/doing drugs, cheating, with a prostitute) all of this happened and asked the other to vouch for him in order to keep his actions and whereabouts undisclosed.

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