Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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You don't tell someone you can mark him as SK, that's pretty rude and provokes a response you may not like. And yes, my books are fiction, therefore we call them novels. But on another level, since I just got another check for it and since I pay bills from the income of my writing, I think, they are very real. Of course, if you're able to read (I suggest at least two languages), you could also look them up on my website. Or just enter my name at Amazon. Sooo ... as usual, I prove my point while you spread only insults and hot air. Hush, back in you closet, kid!

IN THE FIRST PLACE I DIDN'T SAY I 'WOULD' MARK YOU AS A SERIAL KILLER. all I said was I could mark you as a serial killer with enough time and resources. I could do that with most anyone I set out to do it to. Even ISamantha Spade, if I tried hard enough.

I even took a stab at making myself the 'man on the grassy knoll.' I had enough facts mixed with fiction that could have made me a suspect. I posted my 'credentials' and you might be surprised how many folks thought.....could it be?

Making someone out to be a criminal is really not hard to do. Juries are inherently stupid and arrogant that they would think they could make a life changing decision on someone's life based on BS, and lies.
Go to Google Earth (you'll have to download) and type in #8 The Fairway, Oak Beach, New York. Google Earth has aerial photos from 1994-2012. If you scroll to the right you can see the changes in the area where Shannon was found. If you scroll left you can go to the area where the bodies were found at Gilgo Beach. Also, do the same for the Holiday Inn Express in Happauge. Notably on 4/29/2001 holes were dug for planting trees at the site where the GB4 were found. You can also see from these views that there is a turnaround in that area. Later you can see where the trees grew. Odd to me that trees were planted right there in that location and no where else along that area.

Ah, I misunderstood the first time I read this: you were referring to a location other than Ocean Parkway. Mapquest still has the old aerial photos and I do not see tire tracks: Beach&state=NY as do a few Real Estate sites. Still, your note about trees planted at the other location is intriguing.

Btw, no need to type in Fairway and scroll if you use Google Earth. It's faster to enter any ol' address in 70s on Haswer and create 90 degree angle to the Parkway.
It's called "intelligent" and means the use of logic instead of hunches.

You have an old-fashioned definition of "intelligence." The word has updated itself. A few professional writers here had a few words of wisdom once, for Daneille Steele:

也许是更好地掌握一种语言比平庸的三、 四。读、 写、 讲多种语言的能力,智力--无,没有关系不够滩。一个职业作家可能更好地时间他正在考虑人的条件和锻造工艺,旨在交流有关人性的东西。否则,他是比自我、 多语种的猴子没有更多的人才。不仅如此,不连猴子得到那个傻 !

Now, fellow sleuthers, you'll have to use a translator to get to the surface of that. For the deeper meaning, you'll need to rely on your gift for hunches.
SS, thanks for the wing support. I was going to post a message to ask other readers if they construed as to what I wrote a ‘threat’ to RB. You beat me to the punch. If there are any threats made I think they come from PB.

PROFILERS: We had a murder case of a 13 year old that went cold. I was assigned to take another look at it. A Profile from a NYPD profiler provided us with such a profile.

He told us the killer was very close to the victim. That we should have a sit down with the family and expand it outwards until we found a viable suspect.

He told us the killer would probably skip the wake and funeral. That he would be obsessed with the TV coverage. We might find some satanic literature in his room. We should then look for stressors that drove the killer to kill.

What we found was a reluctance of certain family members to re-open the case.
We found that the victim’s older ‘uncle’ was actually her brother. We found that the suspect was forced to live with his grandparents in relative squalor while his ‘sister’ lived in a relatively secure home in the first floor apartment with her and HIS mother and her father.

We visited the grandparents apartment in July. There were cats running around the house. Hair balls littered the floor. A once live Christmas Tree with ornaments was still on the living room floor. The suspect’s room was littered with satanic material and he had an obsession with the Dungeons and Dragons game. We brought him in for questioning.

He admitted that he began molesting her when she was only 7 years old. He was at least 10 years older. He started by peeing with the bathroom door and it progressed to ‘you show me yours and I’ll show you mine. They then went into touch and feel. He never admitted to fornicating with her. He then learns the horrible truth that it was his sister. That is sister, the mother of the girl was actually his mother. Talk about triggers.

He also found out his ‘brother’ was actually his uncle, the brother of the mother. It was the brother/uncle that didn’t want us to pursue this case. The suspect had severely deformed hands. I thought it was a genetic disorder from incest.

On the night before the murder the suspect stayed with his friend after going out doing the town. While he was doing his thing in NYC the car was broken into and his treasured music collection was stolen. He would return home later the next day and learn the girl was missing. She was found later between her home and the newsstand where she went to get the paper at 7AM, on the coldest day of the year. She wanted to read a story about Wayne Newton. Weird, isn’t it.

There is a wake and a funeral. He doesn’t show up for at least the wake. He decides he is going out with his friend doing the town.

He admits that he and his friend took delight in mutilating her dolls by cutting out the breast area.

We take him for a poly. He fails big time. He pleads for a do over. The poly experts tell us it is not necessary. He did it, no question about it. They relent and give us another appointment for the next morning. I go to pick him up. He is living in an apartment now with his uncle/brother, or maybe his father. The door is locked. I fear that he may have committed suicide. We bust open the door, he isn’t there. We find out later that he went to Pennsylvania with his pal and they went to a library to research how to beat a polygraph.

His friend is asked to take a poly. He is unresponsive to the questions by answering the questions in muti-worded responses. He is shifting his feet and moving around, presumably to throw the examination off.

A super great profile. We never made the case and 22 years later it remains unsolved.

I later learn that the same profiler does a work-up for a Westchester PD on a 16 year old kid named Jeffrey Deskovic. Jeffrey fit’s the profile. He becomes suspect #1 for the cops. They work on him and he ‘confesses’ to a crime he didn’t commit. That was proven beyond any doubt after he received a compressive and updated DNA review. He was released soon thereafter, and the real killer was identified and convicted of a crime that Deksovic served 16 years for.

Deskovic will tell you the profile may have been the biggest factor that got the cops interested in him and forced a false confession from him

PS. The real killer lived only doors away from the victim and never came to the attention of the police.

Profiles are like police sketches or *advertiser censored* on a bull. Worthless. They make for great reading. In my case we just couldn’t push it through. One reason is we had an equally good suspect not only a few blocks from where the girl lived. She had to pass his home on the way to the newsstand. Months later he would be arrested and convicted for raping a woman on the side of the Van Wyck Expressway at 7am in the morning. He was drunk and his efforts to get into the home of his girlfriend were turned down. He went looking for someone to take his rage out on.

IMO, and it is purely subjective, the girlfriend that denied him entry into her apartment and the lady that was raped could have been the victim only 10yrs older, the GF and the victim 25 years older. They looked almost like family.

He threatened the rape victim with a large stone he found nearby. He told her he would bash her brains in if she didn’t comply. The 13 year old was killed with a blow to the head by a large piece of stone found at the murder scene.

Profilers are entertainment to assuage the public thirst for cases to be solved. When that fails they turn to psychics. Both are for entertainment and PR purposes only.

Okay, you found two examples for bad profiles combined with bad police work. Which proves exactly what? Ever heard of Wayne Williams? Robert Hanson, Herb Baumeister, Ted Bund? Just to call some cases, the profilers were right. So laugh till the LISK is caught. It's your last chance because after everyone can see him in the media, we will see, who was right. Of course, then everyone will move on to other threads and never speak a wor about the whole story again. Too embarrassing, but that will hold back nobody from doing the same stuff again next time.
And saying you could mark someone as SK includes a threat. So I warned you. Now you back off on it and try another angle, fine. You think, you're right, I think, I'm right. Work your angle, get your evidence, prove you're right. Do it, but stop whining about what you allegedly know and why you don't move to prove it. You obviously have found at least one person who is active as supplier for that social level in that area. Now you sit there again and whine, no way further and attack me instead of doing something productive. Sorry, but I can't take that too serious. Maybe you can get Samantha out of her mothers basement to show her a bit real life. She talks about it as if it would be something, she has never really seen. Of course, I can't guarantee, Samantha is a girl, but I think, you will find a way around that. So, play mob on me as you want, but please, don't expect me to be impressed.
The difference between us is, I can usually prove what I say ... you turn out every time as hot air with a slight delusional psychopathic tendency. So this discussion is over, you're a waste of time.

Also 许 is better to grasp the 种 语 than mediocre 3, 4. 读, 写, 讲 种 语 more:woohoo: than the capacity, intellectual, 无, 没 关 there is no 够 滩. :banghead::truce:
A 个 职 业 writers might better 时 间 he considering 虑 human 条 parts and 锻 workmanship:what::rocker::fence: 艺, aimed at sharing of 关 human 东 West. :maddening:
则 whether he is more than 语 种 self-, the monkeys 没 more talent. Not 仅 this, not 连 monkeys given the 个 silly! :what:
Oh PB you make me laugh, you feisty weinershnitzle. Now go back to writing your fiction.
I must now retire to the couch in my mothers basement. Good nite Hawk.
Many moons ago I worked with 2 detectives that were given an assignment to tail a guy and get as much information as they could. This went on for a couple of months. It was a legitimate assignment. Reports were made by the two detectives of every movement they observed the target making. some of those moves were incriminating and fit the purpose of what the DA was looking for. ONE PROBLEM! They were following the WRONG guy! The man they were following was just another Joe Schmo that had the same name. Needless to say it was embarrassing.
One thing I can tell you folks that you can take to the bank. Now that I am posting on this BOARD my 'friends' are looking in. Not that I have anything to contribute to the investigation per se.......they already know that I know what they are all about.
It seems to me that Mr.Brendt has his own agenda. He writes on this Board to promote his book writing. Create an audience to buy his books. I checked him out and did see he wrote a serial killer case called "Inside Minds." I also read the reviews (4) and they all praised the book........maybe a little too much. Truthfully, it got me interested in reading the book.

His expertise seems to be related to naval ships. He should thiink about keeping his 'day job' and not venture further into the serial killer field until he has acquired more experience of writing one FICTION book on the subject.
It seems to me that Mr.Brendt has his own agenda. He writes on this Board to promote his book writing. Create an audience to buy his books. I checked him out and did see he wrote a serial killer case called "Inside Minds." I also read the reviews (4) and they all praised the book........maybe a little too much. Truthfully, it got me interested in reading the book.

His expertise seems to be related to naval ships. He should thiink about keeping his 'day job' and not venture further into the serial killer field until he has acquired more experience of writing one FICTION book on the subject.

As a matter of fact, Dead Soul was already a serial killer novel, Inside Mind is a serial killer novel and some of the other books include some other cirmes including murder. Of course, since most of my books are in German and you are probably only learned one language in your life, things are hard for you, I understand that.
But seriously, my writing is my day job, since now almost ten years. That doesn't prevent me from having hobbies. So, except for the radio show, where it was hard to avoid, I never mentioned Inside Mind here. If you would be able to read a text completely, you would also know, I don't write true crime books. True crime is one of my hobbies. And yes, I have other interests too. I dive (haven't written a diver novel yet), I cook with my wife (haven't written something about cooking yet) and I like history (admittedly, I wrote something on that subject and I also have the first four of a WWII naval series out in Germany). Soooo ... I take it your interests are limited to whining how bad SCPD is? Or do you have actually a life? Sounds like rather no or you wouldn't be so envious on everybody who has.
This constant attack on the educational and intellectual background of WS members, by one another, is endless...................................It has gone on for well over two this thread. Please, can someone speak on the actual thread topic and/or this case, in general?
I have even tried posting under different threads! It doesn't matter. All of my posts are critqued by our local novelist. Ugh!
This constant attack on the educational and intellectual background of WS members, by one another, is endless...................................It has gone on for well over two this thread. Please, can someone speak on the actual thread topic and/or this case, in general?

I think, we stopped with a list of questions about the theory?
Actually I was pretty proficient in the German language. I went to a pretty tough JHS and my home room teacher was one of the greatest teachers I ever had: Mrs.Limbacher. She also taught the German classes. I had two options for a second language: Spanish or German. I picked German because a family friend was married to a German war bride. Another dumb choice as Spanish would have served me better as a police officer. German folks don't much get in trouble with the law.Not that I regret taking German.

We got hammered everyday by Mrs.Limbacher. We not only had to speak, read, and write in German, but we had to write in German Script. I sometimes felt she would have made a great Nazi prison guard.

Wonderful woman that was a great teacher. Sadly,such teachers are in short supply in the NYC school system.

Only a few words remain and the numbers. I can still do the German alphabet. Never had to use it and so I forgot it.

Truth of the matter is when I was in the NYC school system I was never thought the English language properly. Not even close. Whatever command I have of the language assimilates to the brain by example and repitition. I assure you that with Ms.Limbacher as my teacher there were no such lapses in the rules of the language.
Actually I was pretty proficient in the German language. I went to a pretty tough JHS and my home room teacher was one of the greatest teachers I ever had: Mrs.Limbacher. She also taught the German classes. I had two options for a second language: Spanish or German. I picked German because a family friend was married to a German war bride. Another dumb choice as Spanish would have served me better as a police officer. German folks don't much get in trouble with the law.Not that I regret taking German.

We got hammered everyday by Mrs.Limbacher. We not only had to speak, read, and write in German, but we had to write in German Script. I sometimes felt she would have made a great Nazi prison guard.

Wonderful woman that was a great teacher. Sadly,such teachers are in short supply in the NYC school system.

Only a few words remain and the numbers. I can still do the German alphabet. Never had to use it and so I forgot it.

Truth of the matter is when I was in the NYC school system I was never thought the English language properly. Not even close. Whatever command I have of the language assimilates to the brain by example and repitition. I assure you that with Ms.Limbacher as my teacher there were no such lapses in the rules of the language.

I hear you about that matter. For me it is my French that goes lost more and more. However, since most of my books are in German, you couldn't know, there were SK novels before. And please, I said NOVELS as in fiction. I am thoroughly able to distinguish between profession (writer) and hobby (SKs). Please try to do the same.
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