SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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Not to fond of needles myself. When I was a kid I developed a real bad earache in the middle of the night. It burst and liquid came out and the pain went away, but that wasn't the end of it. Mom called the DR. They made house calls then. He came out and had to give me a shot of antibiotics. This poor DR. had to chase me around the house. I hid behind a chair in the living room. I had to give in and let him stick that needle in. Dad had to pretend to take all shots first before I would allow a Drs. near me with a needle. Poor Dad...Poor doc I literally gave him a run for his money.

Ah, yes. I remember when doctors made house calls. We had Dr Cahill- he was so great. I think he charged $15. Now it cost $180 to see the Dr and that's without labs, etc.
I had to have B12 shots every 3 days when I was about 12 because I was anemic and the Dr. came to us. This lasted for months and gradually became every week. Horrible. I was very pale then- like a ghost.
It was a beautiful morning and was glad to see one on my hummingbirds at the feeder. I also saw my poor red-winged blackbird cerking for his food. Poor thing- all the feathers from his face are gone. I wonder if he has some sort of disease or maybe when he was still in the nest, the others pecked him all around his face. These blackbirds are really beautiful. He has no feathers all around his face and neck.

Lambchop- how many pages are you going to let the Sidebar go 'til we start another thread?
Originally Posted by Jane Jetson
Ah, now you've done it. You've TOTALLY made me crave a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Or peanut butter and banana with dill pickles and potato chips (and mayo, of course). Hmmm, which one...

{unrelated rant snipped}

Definitely going for the PB/BP and PC (with mayo )!

That must be an acquired taste. Sounds like a pregnancy craving that developed into a habit :lol:. PB and mayo with pickles...hmmmmm. Do you put the potato chips on the sandwich?

Reminds me of this (love this movie by the way - Ali Sheedy was awesome).

The Breakfast Club-The Lunch Scene - YouTube

Yep, the potato chips go directly onto the sandwich. Unfortunately, I did not have any chips, but the sammy was still SO good! :smile:

Sheen's lunch reminds me of what I fix for hubby for work: two entrees, two eggs and a meat (e. g., sausage), serving of cheese, serving of raw nuts, 1/4cup of Ghiradelli 60% cacao chocky chips, a fruit, some flavored stevia powder for drinks, and a serving of frozen veggies. Boy also eats dinner and dessert when he gets home!

And wouldn't you know it - he doesn't gain an ounce. :facepalm:
I watched the movie Sliding Doors and thought it had a fascinating premise. It showed how just a simple little change in your life can have such different consequences. Interesting. It got me thinking about fate and destiny.
I don't know if I believe in fate- I think you make your own luck/destiny and that takes a lot of work on your part.

It’s expected for us human beings that when we find ourselves in any type of undesirable circumstance to immediately think back to situations where we could have altered our behavior or decision in order to receive a better outcome. This of course is a necessary measure that needs to be taken because if we don’t learn from our past mistakes how can we effectively avoid repeating the same ones in the future. But one thing we need to accept is that sometimes no matter how well or affectively we strategize our lives, there are always external forces that hand us little and sometimes not so little surprises


SLIDING DOORS is a study of how a single event in our lives can drastically change our future. This movie explores what would happen if a young British woman, named Helen (Gwyneth Paltrow), just barely caught the subway train traveling home after a difficult day and what would happen if she just missed the train. The movie alternates between these two lives showing the similarities and differences of Helen's two different futures based on that single event.

I do not believe in predetermined destiny, divine destiny, or even manifest destiny.

Our actions as humans are solely ours to make bases on our evaluations and choices. Of course there is a number of additional outside forces: economy, society, political, your parents, etc....but any claim that something happened "because that's how its supposed to be" is a cop out.

As soon as we are born we are introduced into a world full of assigned meanings and values and most of these are instilled within us, however, through rationalized critical thinking it is up to the individual to decide exactly what they believe (or if they believe anything at all!).

To say that something happened out of fate or for some divine reason takes away from the real human condition of decision-making. We are free to make our own decisions and sometimes this decisions result in good or bad a result people build perspective and learn through experience.

Anything good that has happened in your life...congratulations you earned it ! (even if helped)
Anything bad that has happened in your life...congratulations have learned something new.

Sliding Doors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lambchop- how many pages are you going to let the Sidebar go 'til we start another thread?

Can't say myself. There are quite a few interesting cases that are coming up in the near future that look very interesting which means this thread will probably slow down quite a bit once the other trials start. :moo:
Yes, it is much to rich. I do not like things that weigh in the tummy. My sister makes mac and cheese with 4 cheeses. I just can't eat it, and I love cheese, but the way you make it sounds good, especially with the bacon and onion.

It is comfort food to me. My Grandma (bless her soul), used to make it for me every time we came to visit. At the time we lived in the midwest US, and my grandparents lived in Canada. When we came to visit in the summer she would ask me what I wanted her to make. It was always that macaroni cassarole. Large can of tomatoes, half pound of bacon and a couple of good slices of onion chopped and fried. Cube your cheese in about 1/4 inch pieces and use about a cup and a half. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover it and put it in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the cheese is melted. After it's done, let it cool to close to room temperature and chop it with a large spoon to cut up the cheese. It's better when it's not really hot. Oh, and a Tbsp of bacon grease or so when you add the bacon too to give it flavor and moistness. Yep, healthy food. :floorlaugh:.
Can't say myself. There are quite a few interesting cases that are coming up in the near future that look very interesting which means this thread will probably slow down quite a bit once the other trials start. :moo:

Thanks, Lambchop :seeya: Can't slow down anymore than it is now if you ask me. I guess everyone is busy with whatever.
It was a beautiful morning and was glad to see one on my hummingbirds at the feeder. I also saw my poor red-winged blackbird cerking for his food. Poor thing- all the feathers from his face are gone. I wonder if he has some sort of disease or maybe when he was still in the nest, the others pecked him all around his face. These blackbirds are really beautiful. He has no feathers all around his face and neck.


Ya made it back! How did your defrag go?
hey everyone - rather where is everyone?

Evening daisy. :seeya:
Don't know where anyone is.
How was your day? Not eating anymore chocolate, are you?
Don't let me take out the wooden spoon. :floorlaugh:
Not to fond of needles myself. When I was a kid I developed a real bad earache in the middle of the night. It burst and liquid came out and the pain went away, but that wasn't the end of it. Mom called the DR. They made house calls then. He came out and had to give me a shot of antibiotics. This poor DR. had to chase me around the house. I hid behind a chair in the living room. I had to give in and let him stick that needle in. Dad had to pretend to take all shots first before I would allow a Drs. near me with a needle. Poor Dad...Poor doc I literally gave him a run for his money.

:floorlaugh: My brother had his tonsils out when he was about six, and I remember my mom telling the story about how this little Korean anaesthesiologist (sp?) was chasing my brother around the operating table to give him the needle to make him "sleepy". LMAO, when I had mine out I was five and I took it like a man. :floorlaugh:
Evening daisy. :seeya:
Don't know where anyone is.
How was your day? Not eating anymore chocolate, are you?
Don't let me take out the wooden spoon. :floorlaugh:

Thanks for reminding me as I have one more Hershey bar, but I have a taste for a banana. Also not good for diabetes I might add.

My day was busy. Fasted for 12 hours for CVC blood test, then got all faint and dizzy feeling. LOL mmm, came home and edged the street/driveway, had dinner and started vacuuming. That's about it!

And you?

Forgot to mention going to Walmart and wolfing down a Big Mac as I was starving!
Ya made it back! How did your defrag go?

Evening, Linda. :seeya:
I guess it went well (the computer didn't blow up :floorlaugh:) and started this AM.
It's running well- but I don't want to say anything- the gods will be angry-:floorlaugh:)
It seems that the computer automatically defrags every Wednesday, but I did it again.
It was a beautiful morning and was glad to see one on my hummingbirds at the feeder. I also saw my poor red-winged blackbird cerking for his food. Poor thing- all the feathers from his face are gone. I wonder if he has some sort of disease or maybe when he was still in the nest, the others pecked him all around his face. These blackbirds are really beautiful. He has no feathers all around his face and neck.


We have LOTS of blackbirds in our yard. I love when they do the kamakaze "walk" around the yard. At least 20 of them all walking the same way (the way they jerk their head forward when they walk), and all synchronized and going in the same direction. They are fascinating to watch. But they are not pretty until they spread their wings so you see that orange/red underneath.

We have a really big back yard (almost an acre), and lots of big mature trees, so we have lots of birds. I love to watch them first thing in the morning when they all wake up and they're singing. In the winter we have the deer walking through our back yard LoL. My Pom wants to chase them down and fight them, so we have to be really careful when we let him out. He's a foot tall and thinks he's bullet proof. :floorlaugh:
Update on pandas: "Male giant pandas often vocalise during the mating season, producing calls that can be heard echoing through the mountains. Female giant pandas also use vocalisations such as bleats, moans and barks to advertise their readiness to mate" Pandas do bark.. LOL
:floorlaugh: My brother had his tonsils out when he was about six, and I remember my mom telling the story about how this little Korean anaesthesiologist (sp?) was chasing my brother around the operating table to give him the needle to make him "sleepy". LMAO, when I had mine out I was five and I took it like a man. :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I had them out when I was 12 and cried like a baby- it hurt so much and I didn't want their damn ice cream, either.
Didn't take it like a man. :floorlaugh:
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