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And I agree with this guy!

Toxic Foods For Dogs.

Submitted by Ron (not verified) on October 21, 2013 - 5:10pm.
Some items listed here, and elsewhere, are probably toxic and I just will not take a chance. But some items are just crazy, much like feeding rice to wild birds will make them explode... (caged birds probably not a good idea and they need a variety), but wild birds will be fine, imagine how many exploded birds would be around a rice, (and for that matter any grain), field. It is a tale started by the poor guys cleaning up after a wedding.

Any food in large amounts is bad, for humans as well as for dogs. Trimming a large pork shoulder of fat and plopping it into a dog food bowl is bad. But if you boil it, along with the bones, and make a broth to mix with the regular dog food, (minus the bones), adds to the flavor of the dry food. I do the same with leftover chicken and turkey for the broth and remove the bones, except for the tail and some back bone slips in and the very end of wing tips.

My last dog, a large outdoor dog lived to a little over 18 years and she got a lot of foods that are listed as toxic in here, to wit, Thai Food, (my ex is Thai), including onions, garlic, mushrooms and HOT peppers. Yeah, in small quantities over all and only mixed with regular dry dog food. I don't allow begging, always mixed people food with her dog food in her eating bowl and place.

Anything with BBQ sauce has a lot of onion powder and garlic, and although cooked, I do allow my dogs to have those bones in moderation, (one or two at the most). Again, I'll boil the heck out of the rest of them and use the broth and whatever was left on the bone to mix with their food.

I originally found this site researching apples, because my GSD watches the deer under the apple tree eating apples and she gets curious and I find half eaten apples all over the yard. Again, I think she'd have to eat about a bushel of apples to get enough seeds to have any problem.

Every dog I've owned has had pork, always cooked except maybe a bone from the butcher.

But grapes ? A big no no. My son almost lost his GSD to Muscadines, which is a member of the grape family that grows wild here. I can't fault the dog though. They are yummy!

My dog absolutely loves Hibiscus flower, from the Tropical Hibiscus, not the native U.S. ones. which are toxic / poisonous to dogs. I researched the tropical ones and have determined that they are safe, actually used to make herb teas as well. But about three years ago he got very sick and my vet. didn't know what was causing it. So I researched everything in the book for weeks, and at first was thinking it could be those beautiful blooms that he was stealing from my Hibiscus plants. Then I thought it was probably the chicken jerky treats from China. Those, btw, are bad and potentially dangerous because they are sometimes contaminated with melamine and / or other things. In fact, after learning what I did, please don't feed your pets anything that comes from, or manufactured in China. There is not enough control, and many animals have died from those products.

Anyway, out of two different veterinarians, neither one had a clue. We were afraid it might be some kind of genetic disease. :scared: My veterinarian step daughter also had no clue, and neither did the online vet. that I paid on one of those question and answer sites. In fact, he was rather an idiot, imo. I swear I knew more than he did. :facepalm: So, after days and weeks of doing exhaustive research, something finally and suddenly just popped up in my google searches, it was from the FDA website. Come to find out, the food I had been feeding my dog had been recalled due to excess vitamin D, and it had been making dogs sick. Strange that not one single vet. knew about it until I told them. :facepalm: One of the vets. actually acted like he didn't really believe me, :furious: so needless to say I will never use that quack again. The excess Vit. D had been accidentally put in the dog food, that was supposed to be for the chicken feed that was also manufactured in the same plant. It was reported to be a "sequencing error".

My dog baby was so, so sick for a while, a couple of months, hardly ate, limping from joint pain, and had to have IV fluids to flush out his kidneys for acute kidney failure, etc. He was only about a year old at the time and it scared us to death. Thankfully, though my vet. didn't know the cause, he had at least taken him off the offending food to put him on a Kidney diet food. That, and the IV fluids saved his life. Thank you Lord.

Anyway, it was such a traumatic yet eye opening experience, that I now periodically check the FDA website for recalls on pet foods. One can never be too careful. So FYI, here's the link:
We got so much snow! And ice! And bitter cold. On top of it all, I got very sick the day the temps dropped from 70 to 35 while I was out stocking up on groceries. I have been so miserable, coughing like I don't know what and sleeping upright. And I have a job interview tomorrow. Happy for that but we are getting more snow. Ugh. Spring cannot come soon enough!
Oh well, what to expect at 65 years old? This getting old isn't fun.

I got that stuff last year, turned out it was bronchitis. Maybe you should go to your Dr. and get some meds., Curious. Take care of yourself and hope you start feeling better. :seeya:
I got that stuff last year, turned out it was bronchitis. Maybe you should go to your Dr. and get some meds., Curious. Take care of yourself and hope you start feeling better. :seeya:

Hi Neesaki,
Thank you. My doc called in some penicillin Friday and I am also taking Bendryl and Tylenol. Yeah, I get bronchitis easily. It actually felt like strep for the first two days. I used to love winter. Now I am sad. It is so cold and gray now and snow everywhere and here I sit, hurting all over. What I really wish I had is some hot lemonade. Umm, that would be awesome.

I hope everyone has a beautiful, cheerful Christmas. I haven't even began to decorate. I love coming here and seeing all these neat lit up icons. You guys are the best!:seeya:
Hi Neesaki,
Thank you. My doc called in some penicillin Friday and I am also taking Bendryl and Tylenol. Yeah, I get bronchitis easily. It actually felt like strep for the first two days. I used to love winter. Now I am sad. It is so cold and gray now and snow everywhere and here I sit, hurting all over. What I really wish I had is some hot lemonade. Umm, that would be awesome.

I hope everyone has a beautiful, cheerful Christmas. I haven't even began to decorate. I love coming here and seeing all these neat lit up icons. You guys are the best!:seeya:

Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon. Sorry you hurt all over.
Quote snipped for bandwidth space~~
The excess Vit. D had been accidentally put in the dog food, that was supposed to be for the chicken feed that was also manufactured in the same plant. It was reported to be a "sequencing error".

My dog baby was so, so sick for a while, a couple of months, hardly ate, limping from joint pain, and had to have IV fluids to flush out his kidneys for acute kidney failure, etc. He was only about a year old at the time and it scared us to death. Thankfully, though my vet. didn't know the cause, he had at least taken him off the offending food to put him on a Kidney diet food. That, and the IV fluids saved his life. Thank you Lord.

Anyway, it was such a traumatic yet eye opening experience, that I now periodically check the FDA website for recalls on pet foods. One can never be too careful. So FYI, here's the link:

I'm so happy your dog baby is doing OK now. I'm sure if he could talk he would thank you for your tireless work in investigating his ailments.

Thank you for the FDA link. I used to check it all the time when the pet food scare got really bad a few years ago. Going to check my cat foods there now. I only feed them Fancy Feast canned and Purina Healthy weight dry food so maybe I'm still OK on that. :)
I went to see my son in FL as I needed to take care of some things down there with him. He has been sober now for a year and I am so happy to say I have my son back. He is the son I knew.... I don't know when they changed the seats on an airplane, but I was in agony getting off that plane. They are the most uncomfortable seats. I guess they want ppl with bad backs to fly first class.

It rained the entire time I was there with torrential downpours. I had to up my medicine as I woke up the next morning unable to stand straight. Ugh. The Valium makes me totally loopy which is what I take for really bad muscle spasms so that was not an option. So it was back to steroids no pun intended. Ugh. It at least allowed me to take care of the business with my son.

An interesting side note. Do you all know what a marriage enhancer is and does? I did not. I was standing watching the herons at the water area/fountain sprays at the hotel in the parking lot. A man was watching them as well. He walked over and started talking to me. He was there to pick up his team of fellow marriage enhancers. He asked me why I was there yada yada and I told him. I asked him what a marriage enhancer does. He informed me that they do couples sex therapy. OMG. He asked me how I relaxed, what I did to care of myself. I told him I liked the beach and riding horse before I became disabled and that I got my hair done. Well that is not what he meant by those questions!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. I am not a prude, but seriously!

Once I got home, I spent the next 8 days in bed in horrific pain. But the trip was worth it minus my marriage enhancer free parking lot consultation. :D


OMG! Zuri that is so funny. :floorlaugh: I thought a marriage enhancer was KY jelly or something like that! :banghead: That had to be a real trip!!
I am so sorry for your pain. I honestly think the change in weather has a lot to do with it. Oh horses are such beautiful animals..:loveyou:

OMG! Zuri that is so funny. :floorlaugh: I thought a marriage enhancer was KY jelly or something like that! :banghead: That had to be a real trip!!
I am so sorry for your pain. I honestly think the change in weather has a lot to do with it. Oh horses are such beautiful animals..:loveyou:

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Hahaha! Nore you are too funny! I thought maybe one of those Trojan things (sex toys) that the commercials say will blow your hair back. :blushing:
I have 4 aging indoor dogs. I cook a chicken every other night for them to have with their dog food. At bedtime, the dogs each get a slice of cheese.
All my dogs are rescued dogs. The oldest is 14 and the youngest is 9.
Every once in a while, I go to McDonalds and get them double cheeseburgers.

I don't eat chicken, I don't eat ham and I don't eat at McDonalds.

I have never cooked a ham so I hope it turns out good. The darn ham was almost $35.00.

Hi Kensie, when I get Arbys I always get one for Buffy. He loves them! I'm cooking things for him and I, stew etc. I am so afraid of food coming in from China in dog food. I no longer give him treats except MilkBone and roasted turkey. Buffy is getting old (8) and I worry about what he eats, my Red was 15 yrs. God bless his baby soul. Amy and Johnny have two Pugs.:beagle:
Hi Kensie, when I get Arbys I always get one for Buffy. He loves them! I'm cooking things for him and I, stew etc. I am so afraid of food coming in from China in dog food. I no longer give him treats except MilkBone and roasted turkey. Buffy is getting old (8) and I worry about what he eats, my Red was 15 yrs. God bless his baby soul. Amy and Johnny have two Pugs.:beagle:

I know what you mean. I only get chicken jerky from a place in Utah that has chickens raised and processed in the USA. I also give my dogs milk bones.

I had an Arby's sandwich for lunch.
I know what you mean. I only get chicken jerky from a place in Utah that has chickens raised and processed in the USA. I also give my dogs milk bones.

I had an Arby's sandwich for lunch.

HI, I contacted Tyson my friend contacted Purdue about chickens. They have no plans to buy chicken from China. Tyson said they have their own chicken farms in the US.. This is getting serious. I have found cans of mushrooms etc. on shelves in food stores marked "Product of China!" I will not buy food from China!! I feel safe with products from Canada, England, thats it. We need to rebel against this. Our Johnny has chicken Tenders from Tyson every day after school. He loves them. Friends in Canada! have you noticed any of this China cr&p going on? I am concerned... :loveyou: P.S. I do eat cookiess etc. from European countries. They are clean.
Hi Neesaki,
Thank you. My doc called in some penicillin Friday and I am also taking Bendryl and Tylenol. Yeah, I get bronchitis easily. It actually felt like strep for the first two days. I used to love winter. Now I am sad. It is so cold and gray now and snow everywhere and here I sit, hurting all over. What I really wish I had is some hot lemonade. Umm, that would be awesome.

I hope everyone has a beautiful, cheerful Christmas. I haven't even began to decorate. I love coming here and seeing all these neat lit up icons. You guys are the best!:seeya:

My father swore by hot toddys. If you have sugar or honey and a slice of lemon , and some rum (whiskey, bourbon will work also) make a hot toddy. After a few of them you aren't feeling no pain.

If we got sick we got our throats swabbed with monkey blood and leaned over a sink of hot water with a towel over your head.

I always felt sorry for my mother. One year we all had chicken pox, not at the sometime, but one of us, one right after the other.

From today until the twenty eighth my sister (the loud cook) and I are the same age.

OMG! Zuri that is so funny. :floorlaugh: I thought a marriage enhancer was KY jelly or something like that! :banghead: That had to be a real trip!!
I am so sorry for your pain. I honestly think the change in weather has a lot to do with it. Oh horses are such beautiful animals..:loveyou:

I really love you Nore. You bring such light and warmth to this thread. :loveyou:
:blowkiss: :heartluv:
"I have never cooked a ham so I hope it turns out good. The darn ham was almost $35.00."

Four lucky dogs! No matter how it turns out, they'll get 35 THOUSAND dollars worth of yum-yum out of it. I think ham freezes really well, too, so you can chunk some of it up for another time.

My two granddogs are rescues. The black lab's got an "ugly" eye; the little Boston/Border Collie's is the one who can't go to the dog park, because he tries to herd the biggest dogs there. Snaps at their heels, and they take offense.

UH-OH! Sorry for being so enthusiastic about the ham, if it might be toxic to dogs!
I hope everybody who is sick feels better soon. There is a wicked virus going around. Dr. Zuri is recommending Gatorade, Mucinex, Robitussin D, Allegra D or Zyrtec or Claritin to his patients. You gotta make it drain thus the Robitussin D or Mucinex.
If you have colored secretions, you need antibiotic to prevent/ treat secondary infections. Consult your doctor as the last thing you want for ChristmS is a snotty nose. LOL. Hope it works for you!
Tulessa how are your knee? Bless your heart. Thinking of you. :loveyou:
HI, I contacted Tyson my friend contacted Purdue about chickens. They have no plans to buy chicken from China. Tyson said they have their own chicken farms in the US.. This is getting serious. I have found cans of mushrooms etc. on shelves in food stores marked "Product of China!" I will not buy food from China!! I feel safe with products from Canada, England, thats it. We need to rebel against this. Our Johnny has chicken Tenders from Tyson every day after school. He loves them. Friends in Canada! have you noticed any of this China cr&p going on? I am concerned... :loveyou: P.S. I do eat cookiess etc. from European countries. They are clean.

Purdue has fields and fields of corn growing for feeding their chickens in Elizabeth City, NC. I know there are plants in either Maryland or Virginia where for both Tyson and Purdue. So I think their chickens are very safe to eat. jmo
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