SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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Never did the "Mary Poppins" :floorlaugh: , but I did convince my friend that we should play "Batman" and rappel down his chimney. :floorlaugh:

We ended up buying a good rope from the hardware store and rigged up our own 3-point harness around our waists. Then we attached 2 ropes around the chimney, and used some old T-shirts stuffed at the corners so the chimney would not cut through the rope from our weight. Then as we slowly worked our way to the outside of the chimney, we both were doing great until the 3-point harness gave us the worst "wedgie" we have ever expereinced. We rapelled down super fast like pros. Not because we wanted to, but because the wedgies were killing us. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

OMG, the mental movie I have of this is hilarious! I tried to read this to my husband but would get into such a fit of laughter that I finally had to just hand him my laptop to read it himself! Oh, geez, thank you - that was an awesome fit of laughter!
PS my husband said he relates - he got "busted" on his porch roof in only his Superhero Underoos and a cape. His parents STILL bring that story up!
Can someone please tell me if the jury WAS only asking a question about being deadlocked or did they say they were indeed unable to reach a unanimous verdict? I heard it was only a question about the form if they were unable to reach it NOT THEY WERE UNABLE? So which is the truth?

I'm not sure we really know what happened today.

The Judge said "Ladies and gentlemen, I have received your note indicating that you are unable to come to a unanimous decision."

However, later it was reported that the jury simply had had the following question: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

Either the Judge and the attorneys interpreted the question completely wrong, or the report is wrong.

I guess we'll find out.
Aww come back, we thought we scared you off with our unmoderated and OT nonsense. There are lots of people in there when the trial is live streaming.

:floorlaugh: Scared? Surely you jest.
I love WS....the education is awesome! Rotaries? Never heard of 'em,lol...when I first starting reading I thought did she mean "rosaries" lol.

Basic rotary:

Rotary on crack:

If you're heading down the Cape this long weekend,
BOTH the Bourne and the Sagamore bridges after the rotary
will look like this ... and this isn't even a traffic jam, yet. lol

I've got to agree with the "my Samantha" creepiness.

Yes, and he keeps offering counselling .. he could always make that offer PRIVATELY .. and maybe they'd prefer someone a little more discreet, and not someone who would likely brag about it on air afterwards.
Some nights I really like Abe A. and on others he comes across as skeevy and gives me the creeps.

Can't you just imagine Abe's LegalShield pitch?

"What's wrong with you, prospective client!?! Not buying legal insurance is like being naked in Antarctica. They have penguins there!"
Yes, and he keeps offering counselling .. he could always make that offer PRIVATELY .. and maybe they'd prefer someone a little more discreet, and not someone who would likely brag about it on air afterwards.

I really wouldn't want people talking about my obvious trauma every night on television.
I know all about rotaries, lived in MA. They are everywhere!
Your first sentence made me laugh "Do y'all have rotaries?" I was like... oh yeah, rotaries, must be from New England, but "yall" maybe from the South. Or maybe has gone around one too many rotaries. lol

Crazy that you got ticketed for that... people don't know how to navigate rotaries.. tourists are the worst, you get those people who NEVER make a move and then you have those who don't realize if they don't know where to get off, you can just GO AROUND AGAIN!! OMG so frustrating.

We just got 2 put in the general area about 5 years ago, never heard them called "rotaries", but they are fondly referred to here as "cluster ******s". They really have no place out here, semi's with cattle, hay, horses, or heavy equipment..........yep, real bright. It helps when giving directions though, "Go south on 89 to the "cluster ******" and get off it going east." That's in Chino Valley, though, they have 3 traffic lights and a Safeway, wooHoo!!!:scared:
No his father's status had nothing to do with the delay, they had so much evidence to sift through.

Yes a darling girl was just killed, she worked at my vets office and I feel so bad for her....

How horrible! I haven't seen anything on it in the FP, News or COD in the last few days (or did I miss it?). Do they have a suspect?
So Katie Wick is going to educate Dr Drew and HLN that the note to the judge this morning didn't indicate a deadlock, but was actually just an enquiry on how to fill out the forms .. that'll be fun to watch.

Link please

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Who actually saw the jury question, in order to quote it? I know it's listed on the az central site, but who actually saw it?

From the Maricopa County Superior Court Official Twitter @courtpio:
MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 7h

Jury's question is what to do if they can not reach a verdict #JodiArias Judge is giving them further instruction
Exactly. Do you know any TRUE dv victim whose first advice is document it? No, the first advice is get the f out!

Jumping off of your post MidwestMama.. not directing my rant at you. What is a "TRUE dv victim"? Who or what agency determines what a "TRUE" victim is? Not so easy to "get the f out" especially if a woman was raised to be a wife/mother in a patriarchial religion..or born in 1956 like I was or a woman who has no support from friends or family and there are a lot of women out there that have zero support. I cringe at the word "true" for anything. I was raised in the most "true" religion in the USA. (Not in my opinon) I am a fan of documenting everything..
Do y'all have rotaries? It's just a big arse circle, around which are exits. Could be 3 exits or 8. Some rotaries are very tight and you can barely get your car around it.

I was approaching a rotary on the way home from work. During rush hour. In BOSTON. Where everyone seems to drive with their damned eyes closed.

The road I was on approaching the rotary is two lanes. I was in the wrong lane and neeeeeeeeded to get into the left lane but not one of the friendly Boston peeps one would let me in and I was too grumpy to charm them so I plotted.

Cars were taking too long to merge. Dang, GO already. No one in the rotary will ever slow down to let you go.

Ugh. Waiting, waiting, waiting. I was not going to sit all night waiting for one of the 20 cars going around the rotary to give me permission, I pulled into the rotary and over to the left lane.

Then all I saw were flashing blue lights in my rear view.


Why is this cop at a rotary??? Aren't there criminals to go catch? :mad: :mad:

Even looking at a ticket, I was in no mood to be charming so I did not say a word. Just gimme the ticket already and let me be on my way. I'll appeal it. Whatever.

He told me that I cut off multiple cars in the rotary and ... by the way, did I know one of my brake lights was out. He went on and on and on about the brake light. :facepalm:

I just handed over my license and registration. I had nothing to say.

He came back a few minutes later with a warning for the brake light. Tells me the rotary cut off would have been a $150 fine but he was letting me go on that one. Then he gave me another lecture on the brake lights.

What I took from this? It's ok to cut off everyone in sight, just make sure all of your brake lights are in working order.

Then .. "all I ask is that you're careful in the rotary next time."

"Ok," I said, lying like JA. "I will."


Never heard them called rotaries-I thought they were roundabouts-or traffic circles.
we used to light bottle rockets and shoot each other.....

our neighbor kids' mom used to lock them out of the house from sunup til sundown. If it was raining they came over to our porch or garage
we never went in the house to pee, we just peed outside....we played in the creek and went to the dump and rummaged through stuff and brought it home....LOL
we drank out of the hose and we never wore shoes
we played kick ball in the street and rode our bikes everywhere (so many stubbed toes, ouch)
oh, the good old days.....
and my nana had a REAL wooden spoon! Heck, one time, she smacked my sister with the hot metal pancake turner - left a mark, yep...LOL
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