SIDEBAR #56 - Travis Alexander forum

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Happy Thanksgiving to all you wonderful friends! :loveyou:

LOL that is just our first seating at noon, and we have kids and grandkids that wander in, and might bring a friend or to.

Tomorrow is going to be kinda quite day. My nephews girlfriend had surgery today. It was to remove a malignant tumor in her colon. They removed the tumor and seven inches of colon on each side, a part of her stomach, liver and spleen, and "shaved" ( ? Oh Zuri and dhmd) some places on her pancreas, and there is spot on one of her lungs. The dr's think chemo and radiation will work.

Oh dear. She must be quite young? Makes me wonder what kind of symptoms led to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment...
No, she turn fifty last April 1. Her mother calls her her April fools baby. She lives with her parents (late seventies), her son and her granddaughter, age two, who is slowing wearing everyone down, so she thought she was just tried all the time from that. Then she got bronchitis, and pleurisy (strange to hear that now a days. I guess I thought it was one of the eradicated ones diseases) and was just not getting better, so they checked her blood and she was very anemic, I mean extreme. She had two pints of blood at the er the other night, did the blood in your poop test it was positives for blood, she had an upper and lower gi yesterday, and they were concerned that if they found any polyps they wouldn't be able to remove them because she was so anemic. They found a tumor of good size and she was scheduled for surgery today.

So answering your question not anything all of a sudden just yet, the bronchitis just made her released just how tired she.

Isn't it terrible, but aren't some of the most rewarding conversations in a hospital waiting rooms? My sister and I took my nephew up to sit with her parents, so we had about five hours to talk and had a nice visit ( down south you're usually given a time limit, such as "come in, sit a minute" or "sit a spell" which can be an hour to and hour and a half, then you stand up. and it was nice talking with them, hope they take the hint and leave) is one that's more busy talk, but it's on a more intimate level and you know when you've had one.
Have a wonderful day, my friends


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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,

Hope you have a blessed day enjoying family, friends and lots of delicious food.
Peace to all.
Hello Dmacky!! Miss you :hug:
First of all ~ wishing a Happy Friends-Giving to all my SB friends, I am thankful for this group and you are loved. :grouphug:
Aww coffeej ~ I have missed you too, as well as all my SB buddies :heartbeat:
I have been staying at my cousin's house since the day that I finally finished my PT. I was going stark raving mad :crazy: laying around the house alone for 3 L.O.N.G months. She lives on a lake and it is absolutely lovely here. Very peaceful with lots of deer that actually stand in her yard and wait for her to feed them :smile:

Unfortunately, I gave my new laptop to my **daughter who's crashed right before she moved out last year. So now I have to use my cousins old dinosaur PC that she bought when computers first came out! Half the time I can't get the darn thing to work, so I haven't been able to catch up like I used to. She is definitely not a computer person. She's more tomboyish and loves to work in the yard all day. She owns a couple of lots beside her house, and she is LITERALLY stays outside all day long.
Every time she see's me on the computer she accuses me of being addicted to WS and tells me she needs to get the family together to stage an intervention :giggle: Hi, I'm macky and I'm a websleuth-a-holic...

PagesI did get to see the picture of our SB baby Lily, and she is absolutely beautiful! I would love to be able to kiss those little chubby cheeks :blowkiss:

I see YoN has read and posted info from Laurence Kirk's book!
Can't wait to read them... but I have to wait until I get back home. :frown: Thanks for your work YoN :hug:

Zuri I still haven't got my house totally back in order...I think I'll just move lol

** Just wanted to tell you all that my daughter (who's fiancée dumped her before the wedding) WAS able to refinance in her name only! Thank goodness for that. Her payment did go UP about 20 or 30 bucks a month, as she refinanced the closing costs as well. So basically she had to buy the same house twice in the same year :mad:
She is still very young (21) but she has always had a very good head for
saving money. That is the only thing she got from me. She skated through school with a 4.0 GPA and full scholarship for college, again with straight A's and on deans list. She certainly DIDN'T get her "book learin" from her mother...or her dad either for that matter :thinking: I wonder how many generations back her genes came from? lol
To say I'm proud of her is an understatement! BUT (seems there's always a but) unfortunately her OLDER sister is another story :frown:

Sending love ~ light ~ prayers ~ and healing energy to all who are facing hard times in their lives. I know that 2015 has not been kind to a lot of us! :grouphug:


Thanksgiving+Keep+Calm+Gather+Here+With+Grateful+H  earts+printable.jpg

Link: earts+printable.jpg

Just popping in to say hi to everyone.

Taking a break from cooking. The turkey breast is in the oven, the stuffed mushrooms too. Carrots steaming before I glaze them. Prepared the Brussels sprouts for sauteing in bacon/garlic. Still have to make the pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, green beans. :scared:

I hope you all enjoy this day, whether you are with lots of family/friends, few people, or alone. :blowkiss:

If you stop by for a break or to say hello, some music to listen to:

and for some fun: :facepalm:

A Thanksgiving Miracle - SNL





Again, this is just me with a weird attention to detail. Looking at that very dated recipe, it actually calls for something called, "DREAM WHIP Whipped Toppping Mix. LOL

At any rate, I don't touch that kind of stuff. Only real whipped cream for me...

BBM You are impossible my dear GigiG :facepalm:

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as I have done every year since early memory. What a difference a color tv makes as I think back lol. My favorite float was the Santa with reindeer as a child and still is. I remember squealing with delight with my brothers and sister when we saw it.

I hope that your day is filled with laughter and good food. Prayers and Jingles to those with family or friends that are ill and wishing them well. To those that may be eating alone today, please know you are in my thoughts. Peace.
Hey all! :wave:

Are you all busy cooking?!! I don't have to start until later, as the Huz likes to eat about 6 or 7...

As I was doing my errands yesterday - it started to snow, than the snow turned into little hail bits, and than it just started to pour!!! Yikes!! I was just parking in the Target lot when the skies opened up! I was going to get the next two books in Connelly's books yesterday from the library, but it was raining too hard! So, since I have a bunch to Time magazines and Reader's Digest from the last month to read, I'm doing that. So going to share a few jokes from my Reader's Digest for you all!

A scientist tells a pharmacist, "Give me some prepared tablets of acetylsalicylic acid." "Do you mean aspirin?" asks the pharmacist. The scientist slaps his forehead. "That's it!" he says. "I can never remember the name."

What did the Tin Man say when he got run over by a steamrooler?
"Curses! Foil again!"

I wonder if Superman ever put glasses on Lois Lane's dog and she was like, "I've never seen this dog before. Is this a new dog?" :lol:

Once You Pop
Inventor Fredric Baur designed the iconic tubular Pringles can in 1966... and had his ashes buried in one in 2008.

I have two more Reader's to read, so will post more jokes later!

I hope you all have a quiet and safe Thanksgiving!

It's going to be 46 today, and 36 tonight - brrrrrr.... very cold!!

Okay - going to get ready for Skype with my sisters and brother!

Take care everyone! :seeya:

LOL that is just our first seating at noon, and we have kids and grandkids that wander in, and might bring a friend or to.

Tomorrow is going to be kinda quite day. My nephews girlfriend had surgery today. It was to remove a malignant tumor in her colon. They removed the tumor and seven inches of colon on each side, a part of her stomach, liver and spleen, and "shaved" ( ? Oh Zuri and dhmd) some places on her pancreas, and there is spot on one of her lungs. The dr's think chemo and radiation will work.

Wow Pages. I am so sorry she is going through this. You alone make me thankful every day as I have never known anyone who has gone through as much as you and your family have. And you all are still standing which is amazing. I admire your strength and fortitude.

Shaving her pancreas? Not sure, but it sounds like they may have shaved/scraped the tissue of some suspicious areas? and sent the tissue for biopsy? No clue on that one other than what it sounds like.

I hope the chemo and radiation will work as it has spread to a lot of organs. She is so young to have to endure this. So glad she has the support of such a nice family.
BBM You are impossible my dear GigiG :facepalm:


It's a blessing and a curse. Like, 20% blessing and 80% curse. Aside from being annoying, can you imagine how frustrating it is to have these little errors constantly jumping out at you? I suppose it's an occupational hazard from years of magazine and newspaper work.

Strangely enough, it doesn't translate to other areas of my life. I have been known to leave the house with mismatched shoes, which I typically don't even notice until the day is half over and I realize I feel oddly unbalanced...

Please forgive this idiosyncrasy of mine. I promise that going forward I will try to keep the strange inner workings of my mind better in check.

Wishing you and your son a wonderful Thanksgiving. The menu sounds great and I very much appreciated the music you shared. :)
Happy Thanksgiving my friends, I am back home and stuffed. Dh had to work (it's double time, and you gotta get the mail out), so I made him a plate. We had thirty one for lunch, it was so nice just talking and visiting.

Lily sang and banged her spoon to entertain us. She is such a ham. She flirts by tilting her little head and smiling and bats her eyes. We haven't had a baby at the table in along time. It sure felt good.

I'm sure YoN has already posted this, but I just saw it... So JUST in case anyone else somehow missed it, I'm re-posting it.

I read this article earlier today. As usual, I found the comments very interesting. How can it be that so much misinformation is still out there?

I really appreciate that YoNo is reading his book and posting with an open mind. I unfortunately do not have an open mind when it comes to Nurmi and how he conducted the defense of Heinous. I truly believe that a lawyer is capable of defending his client effectively without crucifying the victim, or murdering him 12 times over.

Granted, he did not like his client and wanted off the case. I downloaded "Our Friend Travis" by Chris and Skye Hughes and read it yesterday. They address their 2010 communication with Nurmi surrounding the fake pedophile letter that Nurmi said was 100% authentic. I had either forgotten or never knew that Nurmi contacted them multiple times after he forwarded the fake pedo letter, in hopes that they would affirm some part of that letter.

Skye and Chris realized that Travis did not write that letter and They also contacted Detective Flores and asked him if child *advertiser censored* had ever been found on Travis' computer. Flores was stunned and said no, and asked them what/why were they referring to and the Hughes told him. Flores called Juan immediately and Juan called the Hughes within minutes and asked them about "what letter" as he was unaware of its' existence. So Flores and Juan were just as shocked as the Hughes about the 100% authenticated FAKE pedo letter.

Yet Nurmi ran with it. IMO, it is possible to defend a client without sinking into the gutter and to their client's level. Nurmi did have a choice. It was interesting to me that the Hughes were never on any witness list and were only listed as a witness for the defense when Skye appeared in Court one day and Heinous threw a fit. Skye was immediately served with a subpoena, requiring her to leave the courtroom.

So far, I have read nothing redeeming that Nurmi has put forth in his book from what YoNo has posted. I am also not holding my breath. IMO
If anyone is interested, I can make a list of points from "Our Friend Travis" that are salient if anyone is interested. There were some things I did not know before reading it.

Not YoNo's depth or quotes, just points. I am no YoNo :)
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