Sidebar Discussion #4

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Well well well. Interesting news this a.m. All I can say is let the good upstanding citizens smoke her out of whatever hole she is hiding in to protect their neighborhoods and their young. Maybe next time she'll learn to keep her big mouth shut, and truly work on reforming herself rather than promoting herself. God Bless America!

Just my opinion and I stand by it. If you disagree, too bad. :smile:
I guess there is just something about killing a child, and your own for that matter, that upsets people. Add in some duct tape and a couple of trash bags and, well, I'm sure you can see my point....... Plus who wants your child to come home and say, "Mommy, we met the lady who killed her baby today at Show and Tell." jmo

Killers can NEVER be trusted. Their rage is unimaginable to a normal law abiding citizen. I do not want any innocent people on the receiving end of her rage. They can/will strike out any time at any person. They feel no remorse and have no conscience.


Thank you both for your thoughtful and non-criticizing replies. I was hesitant to post my question thinking I might get roasted for even asking.

As I sit here now, I'm thinking what a shame it is that I even have to ask the question. If justice had been served, that question I asked wouldn't even have entered my mind because she'd be where I feel she should be instead of where she is at now.

Thank you both for your thoughtful and non-criticizing replies. I was hesitant to post my question thinking I might get roasted for even asking.

As I sit here now, I'm thinking what a shame it is that I even have to ask the question. If justice had been served, that question I asked wouldn't even have entered my mind because she'd be where I feel she should be instead of where she is at now.


Talina (love the nic). You learn by asking. No one is going to criticize you for that. :)
Not knocking you. Just wondering why all the people that say that they're over "it" keep coming back here to read about "it". Happy to hear that you got past "it" but some of us have a hard time letting go of "it" because NO ONE, NOT ONE PERSON has been (held accountable) in any way, shape or form for the death of Caylee. It's as if she never existed. That's a hard thing to get over. Don't knock us because we care and we're having a harder time getting over "it" as opposed to people that find it easier to let go. To the people who are over "it", stop reading about "it".

No kidding. Do some people get a kick out of coming over here and commenting on us being interested in Casey? Why not concentrate on other cases and leave us alone? Besides, Casey is the one who outed herself. She brought this on herself. If she doesn't want to be found, then she needs to shut up, quit releasing videos and pics, and quit acting like some victim, "someone hacked me!", when we all know she did this herself. She can't have it both ways. She can't get the attention she craves then not expect rampant negativity to come her way and disrupt her bella vita life she's having. Sheesh. I'm getting tired of hearing about her myself. I wish she would go away and we'd never hear from her again. But her overconfidence, her remorselessness, her need for attention whatever the cost aggravates me and keeps me coming back here. She may have gotten away with murder, but is she not going to spend the rest of her days basking in the glow of acquittal and profitting from it. She doesn't get to gloat the rest of her life because twelve people were too stupid and weak to do the right thing!

Besides, this is about Caylee. It always has been. She has been forgotten in all of this, and outing Casey at every turn keeps it in Casey's mind that Caylee is not going to be forgotten no matter what Casey does. She be reviled and hated forever for what she did to a innocent, beautiful child she never deserved to have.
Maybe it's just me or I'm in the minority here but I don't get the uproar about CA being around children. Now hear me out, I don't mean babysitting or having a child or stepchild. I would be concerned for her to be around a child that may take attention from her and that would potential be a repeat but I don't get the concern about her being around children near a school, church, just random children in a neighborhood, etc. Why is there a potential risk there? I really am sincerely asking this question because I see a lot of posts like that and I really do not understand why there is such a concern about that.


No one seen the potential risk for Caylee either, why chance it?
I would be bothered if they were living there, but I can't make them move either. The problem is 99.9% of baby killers wouldn't be in my neighborhood, they would be in jail. This isn't any different by the way then living in the same neighborhood as a sex offender. I'm sure there is one living either in your neighborhood or in somewhat close proximity to you today.

I understand your point, but at least with RSO's we can look online and find out where they're living, and can warn our neighbors.
In this case, the not guilty of killing her child felon, we see that there are many people who do not agree with the jury's verdict, and are still outraged with that verdict. Who is responsible for keeping the felon's name in the news? The media, WS'ers, the felon herself, her attorneys, her family, her friends? Maybe the proper thing to do is to just go on with our lives as if Caylee and all of the other little murder victims don't amount to a hill of beans, but we cannot, at least I can't. Every time I read or hear on the news another case in which a child is murdered by their caregiver I am outraged afresh and the angels who preceded them in death come to my mind. What's the solution to the problem of child-killing caregivers? I don't know, it seems to me they can't be stopped because children have the least rights of any members of our society, and most of those convicted receive sentences that would be laughable if this were a joking matter.
Now, when someone comes up with a workable solution to this problem, I would be happy to offer my support. Any ideas?
I'll admit that I'm one of those who really thinks we ought to move on. Moving on doesn't diminish my outrage and heartbreak over this tragedy. In fact, I'll always pray for our little Caylee and do my little bit to keep my own neighbourhood a little safer and sweeter.

Moving on is good. Jeff Ashton himself has said that the best thing we can do is ignore KC. Yes, by following her daily dramas we can perhaps help ensure that she doesn't benefit financially etc but ignoring her is the very best way for us to make sure she ends up as an absolute nothing. She loves any attention and I bet she gets some twisted thrill from this overwhelming negative attention.

It's quite unhealthy to go on and on with KC but I always end up here anyways. Can't explain it...
I'll admit that I'm one of those who really thinks we ought to move on. Moving on doesn't diminish my outrage and heartbreak over this tragedy. In fact, I'll always pray for our little Caylee and do my little bit to keep my own neighbourhood a little safer and sweeter.

Moving on is good. Jeff Ashton himself has said that the best thing we can do is ignore KC. Yes, by following her daily dramas we can perhaps help ensure that she doesn't benefit financially etc but ignoring her is the very best way for us to make sure she ends up as an absolute nothing. She loves any attention and I bet she gets some twisted thrill from this overwhelming negative attention.

It's quite unhealthy to go on and on with KC but I always end up here anyways. Can't explain it...

You know, that is what kills me. I was all set to go on this year, hoping Casey would keep hiding quietly, and I would just keep getting updates on the civil cases. And then all this video and picture bullcarp happens, and now it's where in the world is Casey Anthony, and it's like the whole case is happening all over again. All the old wounds that were starting to scab are ripped open and bleeding anew. I'm just outraged. She has learned nothing, will never learn anything, and there will always be fools looking out for her. Gah! I hate it so much. So much for me trying to move on...
No one seen the potential risk for Caylee either, why chance it?

While it seems that way from what they've publicly said, I just can't believe her family really thought she was a good mother. Based on what we know, I do think I'd have been concerned for the well being of Casey, at the very least parental neglect when only in Casey's care. Her family is no way going to admit that today for a variety of reasons and even if they ever do admit it to themselves, we'll never know. It's also possible that to a great extent maybe didn't consciously admit it during the time when they could have done something about it. Such as going for custody instead of enabling.

I have to ask, what happened in the Port St. Lucie thread? I was going to check it this morning, and it's under review...
I have to ask, what happened in the Port St. Lucie thread? I was going to check it this morning, and it's under review...

From what I've gathered, a lot of tweets (nonmsm) lots of talking about rumors on other tweets, etc.

Mods were non too happy.

The video forum got locked as well for same reason it looks like to me.

So here we are :innocent:
Over it means I have accepted the verdict. It also means I realize I can do nothing to change things one iota. I come here very infrequently, just to see how many are still hanging on/trying to work something out, although I have no idea what since most are not related in any way and we see similar crimes every day on here. Guess I'm just nosey, curious why people can't let it go.

I love to see the bad guys get what's coming to them. :great:
Guess that's why I'm still hanging around and yes, I'm nosey. :giggle:
I have to ask, what happened in the Port St. Lucie thread? I was going to check it this morning, and it's under review...

Uhmm, I think some of our posters went a little twitter-wild last night.:giggle:
Not knocking you. Just wondering why all the people that say that they're over "it" keep coming back here to read about "it". Happy to hear that you got past "it" but some of us have a hard time letting go of "it" because NO ONE, NOT ONE PERSON has been (held accountable) in any way, shape or form for the death of Caylee. It's as if she never existed. That's a hard thing to get over. Don't knock us because we care and we're having a harder time getting over "it" as opposed to people that find it easier to let go. To the people who are over "it", stop reading about "it".

But it's so much fun to read.
The stark reality of your very simple wish just breaks my heart.

"Rest", is usually for the tired & weary, the elderly who have lived a lifetime and therefore earned their "rest".

Caylee didn't get to live long enough to BE tired, thanks to Casey! :(

This entire case, as well as the murderer and her "parents", (if you'd like to call them that), absolutely incenses me like no other case yet to date.
Thanks for that heartfelt response Dignity. I agree completely.
(my apologies - it's taken me so long to even realize you did so)
I'll admit that I'm one of those who really thinks we ought to move on. Moving on doesn't diminish my outrage and heartbreak over this tragedy. In fact, I'll always pray for our little Caylee and do my little bit to keep my own neighbourhood a little safer and sweeter.

Moving on is good. Jeff Ashton himself has said that the best thing we can do is ignore KC. Yes, by following her daily dramas we can perhaps help ensure that she doesn't benefit financially etc but ignoring her is the very best way for us to make sure she ends up as an absolute nothing. She loves any attention and I bet she gets some twisted thrill from this overwhelming negative attention.

It's quite unhealthy to go on and on with KC but I always end up here anyways. Can't explain it...

I agree with you 100%. I think there are some that think that 'moving on' means somehow forgetting about Caylee, which couldn't be farther from the truth. You don't need to constantly talk about OCA to keep that child's memory strong, just like with any other human being who falls prey to someone else. I'm pretty sure Jessica Lunsfords parents don't constantly talk about John Couey.

I understand what this forum is about and I don't fault anyone for coming here to air out thoughts since it's still relatively fresh in most people minds. But the time will come where it will be that 'time' to move on. It happens to everyone. That doesn't mean Caylee will be forgotten though.
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