Sidebar Discussion

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Beach, what if 2, 5, 10, 15 years from now FCA is arrested for something..might the old threads be valuable? If I'm correct they won't go away just archived right?
Oh and I saw SIDEBAR and thought, RUT ROH what another hearing and I'm missing it. *Laugh*
Well now THIS is a bit of a shocker....Shhhh - it doesn't belong in this thread....

At least to me it was......

...or a ruse.

(maybe not, but at this point I must accept everything uttered by these people as lies)
Wow, LG. I can't believe CA wants her to have a family, another child. W.T.F! Cause that worked so well the FIRST TIME AROUND, Cindy! Unbelievable! At least George seems to have his head on straight.

Sure, Cindy, she'll have a great career and someday be mom of the year! If that gets you to sleep at night...what a fantasy!!!!
Wow, LG. I can't believe CA wants her to have a family, another child. W.T.F! Cause that worked so well the FIRST TIME AROUND, Cindy! Unbelievable! At least George seems to have his head on straight.

Sure, Cindy, she'll have a great career and someday be mom of the year! If that gets you to sleep at night...what a fantasy!!!!

Did this article say that? I just read the part about not being welcome home...guess I'd better reread it. What is the matter with that crazy woman? One dead grandchild wasn't enough? She is certifiable!
"You know, I'd love for her to get married if she so chooses and, if she's healthy, to be able to be a mom again."

At some point, I hope to see Cindy Anthony get EVERYTHING she so richly deserves.
Wow, LG. I can't believe CA wants her to have a family, another child. W.T.F! Cause that worked so well the FIRST TIME AROUND, Cindy! Unbelievable! At least George seems to have his head on straight.

Sure, Cindy, she'll have a great career and someday be mom of the year! If that gets you to sleep at night...what a fantasy!!!!

Holy Smoke!! Cindy is mentally ill and needs as much help as the "<modsnip>". She wants that <modsnip> to concieve more children!!! Are you kidding me? If you can kill your child once you can do it again!! Cindy is truly a <modsnip>! <modsnip>!
Did this article say that? I just read the part about not being welcome home...guess I'd better reread it. What is the matter with that crazy woman? One dead grandchild wasn't enough? She is certifiable!

Yeah, she thinks Casey will choose to fix herself one day and be able to be happy in a career with a family. What. A. Lunatic!!!! Sure, it's just going to be more lies from Casey's mouth that she'll be believing!!!! Cindy needs some serious mental help. I've made fun of her up until now, but there is something seriously wrong with Cindy Anthony. Seriously wrong.

From article:

"I would love to see her be happy either in a career or in a family setting," Cindy Anthony said, according to a transcript provided by the show. "You know, I'd love for her to get married if she so chooses and, if she's healthy, to be able to be a mom again."
Another thing that bothers me is the whole RC thing. Somehow RC managed to play right into the hands of the defense and they were able to convince the jury that even though she admitted she lied in her statements to LE and her depo that she was somehow credible. Just the fact that RC's sister was delivering books to KC's section in jail and may have had a chance to talk to KC is a huge red flag.

All of a sudden RC appears to help GA get through this period in his life. RC claims she gave GA money but never produced any proof any of her money was missing (if she had any to begin with), we still have no proof. Just too much of a coincidence with the sister in jail and RC decides to hook up with GA and then becomes a star witness in the case to discredit GA. Wish we knew more about them. Something is just not sitting right with this whole RC incident. We know they lie because both woman said RC had compromising pictures with GA. The sister said one was on a bed. We never saw pictures other than those taken at the tent. jmo
Yeah, she thinks Casey will choose to fix herself one day and be able to be happy in a career with a family. What. A. Lunatic!!!! Sure, it's just going to be more lies from Casey's mouth that she'll be believing!!!! Cindy needs some serious mental help. I've made fun of her up until now, but there is something seriously wrong with Cindy Anthony. Seriously wrong.

Would this be a real career or the normal make-believe kind for which KC is highly qualified????
I seen a clip of the interview on the local news here.

CA was talking about FCA having seizures (WTF) never heard this before.

She said they believe FCA was having a seizure and they believe that is when Caylee drowned in the pool.

Yea she was havng a seizure alright.
I seen a clip of the interview on the local news here.

CA was talking about FCA having seizures (WTF) never heard this before.

She said they believe FCA was having a seizure and they believe that is when Caylee drowned in the pool.

Yea she was havng a seizure alright.

And George was in the house with her but didn't notice until FCA got up off the floor and started running around looking for Caylee, but just then George fished her out of the pool....and then....Does CA even know what happens during a seizure and how long it take s to come out of one? Never mind needing to shower and change your clothes because of "body fluids" as George calls them...

CA is just so annoying! I wish she would think out a plan at least before she opens her mouth and starts least think it through from A to B to C...she's like her daughter - says stuff that is completely illogical in her lies...
Let me say this again. CA is a mirror image of the felon. They are cut from the same cloth. They are enmeshed. There are no boundaries. They are co-dependent. They can never be alone. They are not nice people despite all their effort of trying to present they are. They are both narcissistic. They are both manipulative. They are both greedy and worship at the shrine of the Dollar. They are both selfish human beings and long for people to notice and admire them. They are both envious of others. There only redeeming quality is their cleanliness...but even that can be served up to OCD and an extreme desire to impress.
That Cindy would wish that horror of a mother on another innocent child just defies logic.
Let's suspend reality for moment and say the OS was true. The way Casey reacted is in that story is still beyond what a good parent would do.
A parent who discovered their child lifeless would start CPR and call for help. Just ask my husband and my daughter .You never give up on your child.
Well now THIS is a bit of a shocker....Shhhh - it doesn't belong in this thread....

At least to me it was......

Shocking, of course, but truthful? I call BS. Cindy has probably met with her
many times. I live in a world where I believe the exact opposite of what any Anthony says. As for Dr. Phil acting all self-righteous for giving money to the charity the Anthonys started, run and get freaking paychecks from, he can....
well, I think you know where I am going with this.

I pray none of them walk in front of a car I am driving.:slap:
That Cindy would wish that horror of a mother on another innocent child just defies logic.
Let's suspend reality for moment and say the OS was true. The way Casey reacted is in that story is still beyond what a good parent would do.
A parent who discovered their child lifeless would start CPR and call for help. Just ask my husband and my daughter .You never give up on your child.

KC was the daughter of an ex-cop and a nurse. What do you think the odds are that she did not know CPR? As controlling as CA was she was not around Caylee 24/7 so CA had to have instructed KC what to do if Caylee choked or stopped breathing. It's what grandmother's do with a new baby....give advise. Sometimes welcomed.....sometimes not. jmo
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