Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #15

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They had Caylee's little red wagon for sale ( they are asking $400! ) at their yard sale. Must have no takers... maybe if they put it on ebay as Murderabilia it would raise that much.

Oh don't give them any idea's :banghead:
They had Caylee's little red wagon for sale ( they are asking $400! ) at their yard sale. Must have no takers... maybe if they put it on ebay as Murderabilia it would raise that much.

Yes, I am as outraged as you are but now you are giving them ideas..we'll have to check and see if it ends up there. Whoops cuppy beat me to it!
The whole family makes me ill. I have to say I like Rick but he disappeared and never heard from him once the trial started...darn shame.

It appears c&g kept Caylee apart from everyone. Not much socializing, if any at all. She was a little princess locked in their ivory tower. No one wanted her and not many cared about her existence either.

Cindy knew all along that Caylee was being babysat right under her own roof. She knew the felon never had a job but she wanted to save money on baby-sitting so she let her lying spawn fill in. Cindy had to know about the felon's temperament but overlooked it for the almighty dollar.

She and maybe George also knew Caylee had died on the very first day. She had known it when she called 911. It took her three calls to finally admit she hadn't seen her and report it, since the tow yard knew of the smell. I swear, if that car didn't get towed, I doubt anyone would know about the baby's demise. Cindy was backed into a corner.

George and Cindy could have found that baby within a matter of hours or days right after the felon left the house. All they had to do was call the car in stolen. George also could have explained things to LE and told them what was going on. They would have located that car ASAP. Cindy and George put their heads in the sand, all to protect the evil spawn.
I also believe they have the mobster "protect the family" kind of attitude. I agree that writing was on the wall the day of the tow yard incident and smell. Talk about pieces filling into place. The rest was just damage control. I think the inkling was the "my caylee is missing post" and not missing in my heart (what a crock) Zanny was a convinent imaginary person to blame. CA even gave depositions where she explained that zanny wasn't as much of daily fixture as the public was lead to believe. That CA and FCA did most of the childcare and Zanny was only used a few times a month. Deep down she must have known FCA didn't have a job and was severely neglectful to Caylee and most days just putting up with the child. They had to have known FCA was a loose cannon.
Is it true George and Cindys son is due a baby soon? If so, does anyone know if they're in contact, close etc?
If the judge who is trying the Zimmerman trial had replaced Judge B. Perry

in the Anthony murder case? She is so no nonsense, I can't imagine her

putting up with FCA's:seeya::seeya: defense. Since that trial, I have watched a few other

trials and am shocked that the lawyers are so much more professional

and courteous, unlike Baez and company. I think the Anthony trial was

the first I had ever watched. I didn't know enough to be unhappy with

Judge Perry then, but I am very critical of him, as well as the defense

lawyers now. I have no idea why I am telling you this!
This is such a perfect description, Frigga, I had to bold it. :)

Sociopaths find other sociopaths, I am convinced. She is one, her mother is one, George is some sort of master enabler alternating with dufus maximus whipping boy.

Don't even get me started on all these shmarmy attorneys. They will all get theirs, I am convinced- later rather then sooner, unfortunately, but they will. She will. I have no doubt.

In the interim I get so pizzed and disgusted.

Bless you all for keeping this forum alive and not ending up on the cuckoo farm~ Frigga

Sometimes I wonder if any of the Anthonys are fully human. They seem like some weird lab spawn run amok; the Frankenanthonys. There's just this disconnect from reality. I'm reminded of a line from one of my favorite novels, Brideshead Revisted...a character is describing her ex-husband as (and I'm paraphrasing here) "a bit of a person, unnaturally developed." That's what I see with not only Casey Anthony but her parents, as well. There's just no there there. They are missing not only a conscience, but also empathy and sympathy.

And poor Caylee had to be born into that freak show. She was doomed at conception. :(
I am amazed that this group of people (more than just the family alone) continues to find new lows that knock the scab off of my not-yet-healed heart. Our legal system seems to agree with all of their actions and deeds. I wonder when justice will ever catch up with them. Will it be here on earth or not for our eyes to ever see?
I am distressed at the example they are setting for others to follow as well as the distrust they have instilled in lawful citizens towards our legal system.
Logicalgirl and RR, ya think we could have a 3-way mailbox session? :blowkiss:

Thank you! You've said exactly what I've been feeling for so long now.
This is the case that has opened so many door's and window's into how law's (IMO) were made (no doubt in my mind by lawyer's) and put into effect to suit (again IMO) these same lawyer's who will line their pocket's even sometime down the road and never even bat an eye for any victim's anywhere.
IMO, it's down right shameful.

If justice is ever served in this case in our lifetime, that will be the day I die, as I will die from a heart attack from the shock of it.
Most interesting to me was his response to how the money would be distributed- according to the bankruptcy code the first people to be paid will be the bankruptcy lawyers and administrators!!! Screw people like Tim Miller, he can get in line -
When I got to the part where he thinks some people are vindictive I gave up.
She kills Caylee and lies her way into this huge debt and he thinks people are penalizing her unjustly ? She is lucky she's not on death row, that's where she should be ..

And I rest my case on law's being made by lawyer's to suit the lawyer's who made them.
:mad: as a hen.
I have a few thoughts. One of them-25K is an awful lot of sexual favors, but perhaps that is unfair and vindictive of me. The other is that Watkins doesnt seem to be very objective to me-am I not understanding this process very well? He seems to be saying that 25K is a fair assessment for a woman who has nothing more than a HS education. Shouldnt the trustees be looking at the potential revenue of that story, not what Casey has the capacity to pay for it?

One more thing-Casey never worked in any real sense prior to the murder of Caylee. What difference does notoriety make now? I am sure she has some hold back photos and videos in a safety deposit box waiting for the dust to settle here. Why cant the TTEE's take possession of that stuff? If they ruled that the story is an asset, what about the rest of the "memories" she and her family are holding on to?

Shoot, we could have pooled our money together and bought it for 30K.
The $25,000 payment will settle $800,000 worth of debts Anthony owes to lawyers and other creditors since she was acquitted of killing her daughter Caylee in 2011.

Can someone explain this statement from the link? Is this just bad reporting?
One last thought-anyone want to lay bets on Cheney Mason "lending" the 25K?
One last thought-anyone want to lay bets on Cheney Mason "lending" the 25K?

In my opinion, "whoever" is "loaning" her the $ 25,000 has absolutely no worry about being repaid. They know she is good for the money one way or another.

Either she already has that much money, and more, stashed away secretly...
or .... she already has "talks" with media outlets who have already verbally agreed to BIG MONEY deals for her after this pesky bankruptcy thing is swept away for her.
The $25,000 payment will settle $800,000 worth of debts Anthony owes to lawyers and other creditors
since she was acquitted of killing her daughter Caylee in 2011.

Can someone explain this statement from the link? Is this just bad reporting?

In my opinion, it is rather crudely put, but true nonetheless.
This joint "deal" the Trustee AND Casey Anthony have concocted, will allow her to completely skate free on all debts she listed in her bankruptcy filing, totalling nearly $ 800,000.

The Trustee and his attorney will get their pay out of the first piece of the $ 25,000 -- which means there will be NOTHING left to pay any other true Creditors, and the bankruptcy case will be CLOSED soon after she pays a measly $ 25,000.

Now, all she is waiting for is the bankruptcy judge [who is completely sympathetic towards her] to throw out the civil suits of Zenaida, Kronk, and TES so they can never come after her for any money they might ever win in their suits.
Most interesting to me was his response to how the money would be distributed- according to the bankruptcy code the first people to be paid will be the bankruptcy lawyers and administrators!!! Screw people like Tim Miller, he can get in line -
When I got to the part where he thinks some people are vindictive I gave up.
She kills Caylee and lies her way into this huge debt and he thinks people are penalizing her unjustly ? She is lucky she's not on death row, that's where she should be ..

I just had a thought about the distribution of funds. Her bk attorney is already in record as working pro bono. This means he is not a
ble to claim any of the funds.
I have a few thoughts. One of them-25K is an awful lot of sexual favors, but perhaps that is unfair and vindictive of me. The other is that Watkins doesnt seem to be very objective to me-am I not understanding this process very well? He seems to be saying that 25K is a fair assessment for a woman who has nothing more than a HS education. Shouldnt the trustees be looking at the potential revenue of that story, not what Casey has the capacity to pay for it?

One more thing-Casey never worked in any real sense prior to the murder of Caylee. What difference does notoriety make now? I am sure she has some hold back photos and videos in a safety deposit box waiting for the dust to settle here. Why cant the TTEE's take possession of that stuff? If they ruled that the story is an asset, what about the rest of the "memories" she and her family are holding on to?

Shoot, we could have pooled our money together and bought it for 30K.

The Trustee's "job" which he and his attorney will be getting paid for, no matter what happens to any of the other Creditors, was to FIND ASSETS that could be sold to pay the Creditors.

In my opinion the Trustee has not done much of anything to actually find those assets that everyone KNOWS she has.

What happened to the Motion to force her to turn over her laptop? Dropped by the Trustee?

What happened to asking Baez, under oath, about money and gifts she was given? Dropped by the Trustee and his attorney?

Why haven't people and financial records been forced to be turned over by subpoena from the Trustee?

Why hasn't Baez' Proof of Claim been investigated for authenticity?
Originally Posted by ZsaZsa
Most interesting to me was his response to how the money would be distributed- according to the bankruptcy code the first people to be paid will be the bankruptcy lawyers and administrators!!! Screw people like Tim Miller, he can get in line -
When I got to the part where he thinks some people are vindictive I gave up.
She kills Caylee and lies her way into this huge debt and he thinks people are penalizing her unjustly ? She is lucky she's not on death row, that's where she should be ..

I just had a thought about the distribution of funds. Her bk attorney is already in record as working pro bono. This means he is not a
ble to claim any of the funds.

My understanding is that what they meant by "bankruptcy lawyers and administrators" was not HER bankruptcy attorney, but only the bankruptcy attorney for the Trustee/Administrator, who is quoted in the ABC article.
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