Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #15

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Thanks tt. That sounds right. Now I have another thought. It sounds like the bribe got big enough. There had been no mention of getting a copy of the supposed retainer with jb for $500,000. That alone would reduce.her debt to the point that at her age she could reasonably be able to pay off during her life.
The $25,000 payment will settle $800,000 worth of debts Anthony owes to lawyers and other creditors
since she was acquitted of killing her daughter Caylee in 2011.

In my opinion, it is rather crudely put, but true nonetheless.
This joint "deal" the Trustee AND Casey Anthony have concocted, will allow her to completely skate free on all debts she listed in her bankruptcy filing, totalling nearly $ 800,000.

The Trustee and his attorney will get their pay out of the first piece of the $ 25,000 -- which means there will be NOTHING left to pay any other true Creditors, and the bankruptcy case will be CLOSED soon after she pays a measly $ 25,000.

Now, all she is waiting for is the bankruptcy judge [who is completely sympathetic towards her] to throw out the civil suits of Zenaida, Kronk, and TES so they can never come after her for any money they might ever win in their suits.
TT, is that normally how a Trustee is paid? The Courts don't pay them? Seems to me if that's the case then this entire negotiation was very self-serving. WTH???!! How can the Trustee be working in good faith for the claimants?
Thanks tt. That sounds right. Now I have another thought. It sounds like the bribe got big enough. There had been no mention of getting a copy of the supposed retainer with jb for $500,000. That alone would reduce.her debt to the point that at her age she could reasonably be able to pay off during her life.
This entire thing stinks!!
In my opinion, "whoever" is "loaning" her the $ 25,000 has absolutely no worry about being repaid. They know she is good for the money one way or another.

Either she already has that much money, and more, stashed away secretly...
or .... she already has "talks" with media outlets who have already verbally agreed to BIG MONEY deals for her after this pesky bankruptcy thing is swept away for her.

There seems to be a bottomless pit of idiots willing to give this murderer money - starting with Leonard Padilla and still going on today. God only knows what they hope to get out of it? :sick:
The Trustee's "job" which he and his attorney will be getting paid for, no matter what happens to any of the other Creditors, was to FIND ASSETS that could be sold to pay the Creditors.

In my opinion the Trustee has not done much of anything to actually find those assets that everyone KNOWS she has.

What happened to the Motion to force her to turn over her laptop? Dropped by the Trustee?

What happened to asking Baez, under oath, about money and gifts she was given? Dropped by the Trustee and his attorney?

Why haven't people and financial records been forced to be turned over by subpoena from the Trustee?

Why hasn't Baez' Proof of Claim been investigated for authenticity?

I have written to the Trustee a few times and got prompt responses.
Why don't you ask him those questions...? The public has a right to know.
TT, is that normally how a Trustee is paid? The Courts don't pay them? Seems to me if that's the case then this entire negotiation was very self-serving. WTH???!! How can the Trustee be working in good faith for the claimants?

the TRUSTEE will get money if he finds Casey's HIDDEN assets.
in this case however, it appears that the Trustee decided it was not financially productive for him to do the work to actually find her hidden assets
the Trustee negotiated this deal with Casey Anthony, so he gets a cut of the $ 25,000 and also gets paid for his "work" on the case

"The Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee is paid a small, flat fee for each case they handle. However, the trustee also receives a commission based on a percentage of the value of the assets liquidated in a case.
This gives the Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee incentive to liquidate as many assets as legally allowed."


Casey Anthony: How much is her story worth?
March 9, 2013|By Hal Boedeker, Staff writer

“People have already offered the trutee money for her story, and I think there’s going to be a dividend. [Law definition - a sum out of an insolvent estate paid to creditors. ]
This is not a no-asset case
,” Shuker [attorney for Zenaida] told Warmoth"

"Shuker added that he is “dubious” about Anthony’s statement that no one is negotiating to sell her story."
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
The Trustee's "job" which he and his attorney will be getting paid for, no matter what happens to any of the other Creditors, was to FIND ASSETS that could be sold to pay the Creditors.

In my opinion the Trustee has not done much of anything to actually find those assets that everyone KNOWS she has.

What happened to the Motion to force her to turn over her laptop? Dropped by the Trustee?

What happened to asking Baez, under oath, about money and gifts she was given? Dropped by the Trustee and his attorney?

Why haven't people and financial records been forced to be turned over by subpoena from the Trustee?

Why hasn't Baez' Proof of Claim been investigated for authenticity?

I have written to the Trustee a few times and got prompt responses.
Why don't you ask him those questions...? The public has a right to know.

I know that the Trustee and his attorney have been given a lot of information, yet apparently have not issued subpoenas for people or for financial records. The Trustee's latest motion with the "joint" agreement with Casey Anthony says it all, together with the ABC interview of Watkins.
Thanks tt. That sounds right. Now I have another thought. It sounds like the bribe got big enough. There had been no mention of getting a copy of the supposed retainer with jb for $500,000. That alone would reduce.her debt to the point that at her age she could reasonably be able to pay off during her life.

Another good question, which I do not have the answer for.
Why has the Trustee NOT investigated that so-called "Retainer Fee" of $ 500,000, when the Trustee was given a lot of information that would tend to show that no such Retainer Fee in that amount was EVER entered into by Casey Anthony?
Why is that Proof of Claim not questioned by the Trustee?
It appears to me that the bottom line is MONEY -- how much it would cost the Trustee and his attorney to continue to investigate this bankruptcy case for hidden assets -- and how much the Trustee and his attorney could potentially end up with/or without when the case is finished.

In my opinion, the Trustee and his attorney have decided their best option is to take the $ 25,000 and get OUT of this case as soon as possible before racking up more costs, and end up with no profit for themselves.


page 4 - "... the potential value of the commercialization rights to a story which the Debtor may never tell are limited and do not warrant the expenditure of the legal time and effort necessary to pursue the sale."

"...The cost of litigation and the risk of potential loss justify the settlement."

"... the complexity of the litigation involved, the expense, inconvenience and delay necessarily attending it; ..."
This entire thing stinks!!

Some things never change my friend, including bad odors attached to every facet of this ongoing travesty of our judicial system.
I have a few thoughts. One of them-25K is an awful lot of sexual favors, but perhaps that is unfair and vindictive of me. The other is that Watkins doesnt seem to be very objective to me-am I not understanding this process very well? He seems to be saying that 25K is a fair assessment for a woman who has nothing more than a HS education. Shouldnt the trustees be looking at the potential revenue of that story, not what Casey has the capacity to pay for it?

One more thing-Casey never worked in any real sense prior to the murder of Caylee. What difference does notoriety make now? I am sure she has some hold back photos and videos in a safety deposit box waiting for the dust to settle here. Why cant the TTEE's take possession of that stuff? If they ruled that the story is an asset, what about the rest of the "memories" she and her family are holding on to?

Shoot, we could have pooled our money together and bought it for 30K.

It seems to me the TTEE's would have to look no further than the next yard sale the felon and her conspirators hold or possibly under any rug in their home. Saying it isn't worth the effort! Really?

What is it with these people? How long can their "luck" (if that's what it is) last? I've never seen such a depraved group continuously benefit from their bad behavior.
It seems to me the TTEE's would have to look no further than the next yard sale the felon and her conspirators hold or possibly under any rug in their home. Saying it isn't worth the effort! Really?

What is it with these people? How long can their "luck" (if that's what it is) last? I've never seen such a depraved group continuously benefit from their bad behavior. that really you???!! Oh, how you have made my heart soar. So glad to see you, dear friend. oxoxoxoxox
Not sure how things work in the States but in Canada it is always the Trustee who is paid first - either by charging the bankruptee or by selling their assets. Most of the time - they are the only people paid. But here you can't declare bankruptcy unless you can afford the basic $1500.00 Trustee fee.

At the end of the day she's FCA no mates who can't live the free life she wants to.

Thrills me to bits!
What is P.I. Dominic Casey's involvement with FCA these days?
Is he trying to make $$$$$ for himself and FCA off of a book he has written, and/or a tv deal he is suspected of working on??? The public wants to know.....

Why is Dominic Casey not listed on FCA's bankruptcy filing as a Creditor?
Did she purposely leave off certain people she hopes to have deals with after the bankruptcy is closed?

Does Dominic Casey have an association with a certain major network tv producer, who already did a Caylee tv story four years ago? How would Dominic, and FCA, and the producer, and the network all profit from any deal, and keep it secret, and hide income from the bankruptcy court?

Dominic Casey would legally need FCA's approval/permission to do a book or a tv deal, or she could sue him. Does that mean Dominic and FCA are working together to make money off Caylee?

Dominic Casey says he has/had a contract with George and Cindy, and a separate contract with Casey which Dominic says is ongoing.
Dominic Casey had a working relationship with Baez until Dominic got angry because Baez would not pay him.

How did Dominic know exactly where to look in the woods for Caylee's remains, at a time when George, Cindy, Casey were all saying "publicly" that Caylee was ALIVE and needed to be found.

It is my opinion that Dominic knows a LOT more than he ever said in deposition or trial. He FAILED Caylee Marie Anthony.
He should not now $$$$ profit from Caylee's murder.

I KNEW he was putting out a book.
He says this is a "book SERIES".

Does the bankruptcy trustee know -- or care -- that Dominic Casey has put this book out and that Casey Anthony WILL receive money off of it?

I will NEVER put a penny in Dominic's pocket or in Casey Anthony's pocket off of CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY's murder!

I'm furious! How DARE he use precious Caylee's photo on the cover of his BLOOD MONEY book, when Caylee's killer will profit off this book??!!

The photo on the cover of his book looks NEW - did he get it from Casey Anthony?

He says on his own website that he has an ONGOING contract with Casey Anthony.
"D&A Investigations, Inc. was retained by the law firm representing Casey Anthony in July 2008 to investigate the circumstances surrounding Caylee's disappearance. Shortly thereafter, Casey Anthony also retained D&A Investigations, Inc. to provide the same services and entered into a separate Letter of Engagement, as did George and Cindy Anthony."
"D&A Investigations, Inc. has actively investigated this case since July 2008, throughout Casey Anthony’s trial in 2011 and continue to investigate this case to determine the ‘actual' circumstances surrounding Caylee's homicide."

description on Amazon:
... "His agency D&A Investigations, Inc., was retained by the lead defense attorney, Casey Anthony (individually) and her parents, George and Cindy Anthony while the case dominated the media for years."

He says the jury should be praised for their verdict!
Even though Judge Perry said there WAS enough evidence to CONVICT of murder.
page 9 - "They arrived at their verdict based on the merits of the prosecution's case and instructions [56-82] provided to them by the court."
"The jury should not be vilified for their verdict; they should be lauded for their courage. The State had the burden to prove their case byond any reasonable doubt [83-84]. They did not present any evidence to contradict the defense's theory that Caylee Marie Anthony's death was an accident"

[ame=""] Privilege Waived (1) eBook: Dominic Casey: Kindle Store@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
I KNEW he was putting out a book.
He says this is a "book SERIES".

Does the bankruptcy trustee know -- or care -- that Dominic Casey has put this book out and that Casey Anthony WILL receive money off of it?

I will NEVER put a penny in Dominic's pocket or in Casey Anthony's pocket off of CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY's murder!

I'm furious! How DARE he use precious Caylee's photo on the cover of his BLOOD MONEY book, when Caylee's killer will profit off this book??!!

The photo on the cover of his book looks NEW - did he get it from Casey Anthony?

He says on his own website that he has an ONGOING contract with Casey Anthony.
"D&A Investigations, Inc. was retained by the law firm representing Casey Anthony in July 2008 to investigate the circumstances surrounding Caylee's disappearance. Shortly thereafter, Casey Anthony also retained D&A Investigations, Inc. to provide the same services and entered into a separate Letter of Engagement, as did George and Cindy Anthony."
"D&A Investigations, Inc. has actively investigated this case since July 2008, throughout Casey Anthony’s trial in 2011 and continue to investigate this case to determine the ‘actual' circumstances surrounding Caylee's homicide."

description on Amazon:
... "His agency D&A Investigations, Inc., was retained by the lead defense attorney, Casey Anthony (individually) and her parents, George and Cindy Anthony while the case dominated the media for years."

He says the jury should be praised for their verdict!
Even though Judge Perry said there WAS enough evidence to CONVICT of murder.
page 9 - "They arrived at their verdict based on the merits of the prosecution's case and instructions [56-82] provided to them by the court."
"The jury should not be vilified for their verdict; they should be lauded for their courage. The State had the burden to prove their case byond any reasonable doubt [83-84]. They did not present any evidence to contradict the defense's theory that Caylee Marie Anthony's death was an accident" Privilege Waived (1) eBook: Dominic Casey: Kindle Store

What an odd book - Amazon calls it a 'voluminous book' yet it shows it has only 113 pages..... We got to see his 'investigation' in detail via his numerous ridiculous emails and I'd be surprised if anyone is stupid enough to buy this 'book'. It's asking price is $2.99 - what does that tell you? :floorlaugh:
As one of the reviewers says - Dominic Casey couldn't find his own butt with a map, two hands, a flashlight and a GPS system!! Yet another reviewer says
"What a leech!". I think his sales figures will be in competition with JB for least sold.
I KNEW he was putting out a book.
He says this is a "book SERIES".

Does the bankruptcy trustee know -- or care -- that Dominic Casey has put this book out and that Casey Anthony WILL receive money off of it?

I will NEVER put a penny in Dominic's pocket or in Casey Anthony's pocket off of CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY's murder!

I'm furious! How DARE he use precious Caylee's photo on the cover of his BLOOD MONEY book, when Caylee's killer will profit off this book??!!

The photo on the cover of his book looks NEW - did he get it from Casey Anthony?

He says on his own website that he has an ONGOING contract with Casey Anthony.
"D&A Investigations, Inc. was retained by the law firm representing Casey Anthony in July 2008 to investigate the circumstances surrounding Caylee's disappearance. Shortly thereafter, Casey Anthony also retained D&A Investigations, Inc. to provide the same services and entered into a separate Letter of Engagement, as did George and Cindy Anthony."
"D&A Investigations, Inc. has actively investigated this case since July 2008, throughout Casey Anthony’s trial in 2011 and continue to investigate this case to determine the ‘actual' circumstances surrounding Caylee's homicide."

description on Amazon:
... "His agency D&A Investigations, Inc., was retained by the lead defense attorney, Casey Anthony (individually) and her parents, George and Cindy Anthony while the case dominated the media for years."

He says the jury should be praised for their verdict!
Even though Judge Perry said there WAS enough evidence to CONVICT of murder.
page 9 - "They arrived at their verdict based on the merits of the prosecution's case and instructions [56-82] provided to them by the court."
"The jury should not be vilified for their verdict; they should be lauded for their courage. The State had the burden to prove their case byond any reasonable doubt [83-84]. They did not present any evidence to contradict the defense's theory that Caylee Marie Anthony's death was an accident" Privilege Waived (1) eBook: Dominic Casey: Kindle Store

113 pages....a booklet, serial novel type...Did he Self Publish this E-serial book?


Quote from the book :drumroll:
"Thy shalt not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate anyone who does"

Well what happened then?
This describes Casey Anthony or is he describing Baez because it seems there is no love lost there by the way he describes Baez "his rhetoric and active interference"

He refers to the "homicide of Caylee Marie Anthony" he doesn't believe in the accidental drowning story? He thinks someone did kill Caylee?? That is what I am understanding as I read the snippets.

He also disparages those directly and indirectly associated with Casey that, after the trial ended, have continued to focus on false allegations as if it were fact...BAEZ still pushing the George molestation theory and George took Caylee's body and disposed of it???
I hope he spills the beans, or at the very least rattles a few cages. Somebody has to.
Dominic has always supported the GEORGE DID IT theory.
In his emails with Luke and the psychic Ginny.
He has always said Casey was innocent.

He did self publish this "book" on Kindle

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

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I believe that Casey Anthony WILL profit from this book, and will profit from any media appearances that Dominic Casey does to promote his "book" - and will open the door for Casey Anthony's own book and media interviews to talk about their books.

Dominic Casey has connections with a CBS TV Producer .....

Nobody really gave a doo doo about what Cindy and George had to say on Dr. Phil ... but still they got PAID $ 600,000 !!!
They still got $ 20,000 from CBS for photos
Baez still got $ 200,000 from ABC for photos
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