The news today states they still have no motive and no suspects.
I said the boys were PROBABLY at home or elsewhere. Regardless, they have been cleared by the OSBI.
GP's were inside a house upwind (windy day) with AC and TV on. Boys would have been outside downwind on a bridge, ear witnesses were FURTHER away and outside and THEY heard the shots.
Two guns multiple shots, pile of casings on road. I SUGGEST the killer(s) emptied one gun and maybe TWO. That's at least 8 shots - two guns would hold 10 or 12 without reloading.
For links I suggest you look in the media thread and there are two article links in this thread added today where Rosser talks specifically about the boys, the shotgun and clearing the boys. Neither article says that the boys were AT THE BRIDGE AT THE TIME THE GIRLS WERE KILLED - they say the were there "that day" and were seen "in the area".
The girls were not shot with a shotgun - shotguns do not have bullet casings, they have shells. Bullet casings were found in the road at the scene. Girls were shot with guns probably handguns - one PROBABLY a high powered semi automatic or automatic - neither weapon a shotgun. Plus LE doesn't usually call shotguns "guns" they call them shotguns - just like they call a rifle a rifle.
I have a contact in Weleetka - there are 3 POI witnesses and two are known to the locals and the 3rd is "SPECULATED" to be the witness (local) who saw the girls "minutes" before they were shot and who OSBI says "we're not answering that question" when asked if he also saw the POI NEAR the girls on County Line Road. One of the witnesses DID see the POI at or near the crime scene - the other two saw him on a road that connects with County Line Road. It makes sense that the person who saw the girls ALSO is also the POI witness who saw the POI nearby.
The boys with the shotgun HAVE BEEN CLEARED and I don't think it's by some "powerful parent" who has connections. The OSBI isn't political or elected (like the county Sheriff) and it would not matter WHO the boy's parents were to the OSBI. OSBI wants to SOLVE this case badly and if it was "kids" so be it.
If it's KIDS then it wasn't the group of boys mentioned - THEY HAVE BEEN CLEARED and I think that would involve far more than one set of parents stating the boys were not involved. Local people SAW these boys and ID'd them to LE. They weren't some "random" boys. These days an alibi could be as simple as cell phone records or the boys being at the drive-in in Weleetka at 4:30 - 5:30PM or the boys being elsewhere (with random non-related adults around) target shooting. Finally, we have no idea what ages these "boys" were or what school they might attend (there are 4 locally they COULD go to) or where they live - home could be in Henryetta - a 30 minute drive from the scene.
I am sure OSBI would have cracked at least on of the "boys" if they had killed Taylor and Skyla. There is just no way that they wouldn't get questioned (and alibi's checked) thoroughly by the OSBI and Sheriff's Dept. - and if nothing else - been witnesses to the POI who 3 other people saw hanging around before and after the shots were heard.
Believe what you like - it could have been KIDS, just not the "KIDS" in the truck with the shotgun.
My Opinion