Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #12

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I don't know how a sketch artist could know for sure whether someone is lying or not. And a sketch artist's drawings are only as good as the information fed to them by the witness or witnesses.

IMO, 35 years experience.
Umm, these are washboard, gravel and dirt roads full of holes and very rough and dusty. No way they were going 60mph on those dirt roads in a bouncy butt PU truck - 30 mph, maybe. Did the truck have AC or was it an old beater truck? Were ALL the boys in the cab? IF only PART of them were inside the cab or the truck had no AC then even at 30MPH they'd be eatin' DIRT.

And 3 miles away to where the locals might target shoot could mean it's 3 miles as the crow flies, not to drive it. The place they went could be down a rough unused road, over a hill and thru a gate into a cow pasture with no road at all and be 8 or 10 miles to drive. Not likely there's a road that goes straight there in a straight line. Roads in Oklahoma are made on "section lines" that are at LEAST 1 mile apart and in some isolated areas 2-5 miles apart before you reach an intersecting road. And half those section line roads do NOT have bridges over water - you might have to go 10 miles to the closest bridge. 3 miles away can be 20 or 30 minutes away depending on where the 3 miles away was. And that's assuming the entire trip can be made by car sometimes those target shooting spots are walk-in only.

3 Miles away tells us nothing about the length of time it would take to DRIVE there. I'd have to know WHERE the spot they went to was to say the length of time it took to drive (or walk) to it - but I can say from personal experience IN a truck on those type roads that 60MPH on any of those roads is impossible - especially in a PU with no weight on the rear wheels and bouncing like a wild bronc over every pothole and lump.

My Opinion
Do we know for a FACT they were 3 miles away? Or is this just what they told LE? Even if they have witnesses that saw them 3 miles away sometime that day, doesnt mean they were there with this happened. Maybe they are the ones who saw the POI in the area, knew him, and turned him in as someone suspicious to shift the focus. Sorry, but I have always thought this way. The poi is just too generic.
So there is another bridge three miles away?

There are all kinds of bridges down in those parts. The closest one to my mind is the one near graham school, but there are likely others. I will try to remember. There may be one any where that runs over Bad Creek before it joins the North Canadian on hsy 84, if the creek runs where a road is. It is hard to tell on mapquest cuz even the one is question doesnt show.
Not to change the subject of bridge ..oh by the way don't forget there is a link here w/pics of bridge. Anyway There are some good answers here to some questions. I had to refresh my memory:

NANCY GRACE Witness Says He Saw Oklahoma Schoolgirls Just Before Murder
Aired June 12, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What took the witness so long to come forward when they`re asking for all this help?

GRACE: Interesting question. What about it, Jessica?

JESSICA BROWN: He was not able to come forward. We`ve checked out his story, and he is completely legitimate. He was just not able to come forward at the time, but he came when he could.

GRACE: When you say not able to come forward, how can that be?

JESSICA BROWN: I really can`t get into it with you. I really wish I could. But we checked out his story. He`s completely legitimate. We believe everything he`s told us.

GRACE: And another thing. If he did not realize what had happened until that night or the next day -- you know, a lot of times, people see significant evidence -- they hear it, they see it -- but they don`t know what they have witnessed until much later. They don`t -- just seeing two little girls on the side of the road, who would think, without knowing, without seeing the news later that night -- who would think that they had witnessed anything to do with a double homicide?

JESSICA BROWN: Nancy, that`s why it`s so important to continue along with this story, because we`re going to get more and more people coming forward.
GRACE: Well, have they determined the angle of the trajectory, the angle of the bullet? Because if that were true, someone shot from above, you could clearly see the angle entry, exit at the lower back.

JESSICA BROWN: We do have a good idea of the trajectory at this point in time, but I can`t get into further details with you. But we`re looking at everything. We`re not taking anything lightly here.

GRACE: Well, obviously, based on what you found at the autopsy, you think that`s a possibility, or else you would have not had someone out there today to determine that. But you`re saying from the front to the back. Here`s another question. From the angle in which they fell, Jessica, could you determine if they were shot right there?

JESSICA BROWN: We believe they were shot there at the scene, not shot elsewhere and taken there. We don`t believe they had time to run away, to move, to get out of the way of these bullets.

GRACE: OK. Next question, to Jessica Brown joining us from the State Bureau of Investigation there in Oklahoma. If you know where they were at the time of the shooting and you know entry/exit, you also know which way the vehicle was traveling if the perpetrator was in a vehicle, yes?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, this morning, a group of the crime scene agents returned to the scene. They were doing additional investigations around the riverbed and the area where the girls were found. We also had an aviation unit of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. They assisted in the examination down there, and I don`t know what all they`ve done. They haven`t been back here yet for debriefing, but they`ve been down there since about 8:00 o`clock this morning.
So there is another bridge three miles away?


Well, LE said they were about 3 miles away, and they had been at a bridge shooting, but it wasn't the same bridge that Taylor and Skyla had walked to. Someone else said there was a bridge over the Canadian River that was about 3 miles away. So, I was assuming that it may have been that bridge the boys were talking about. Of course, you know about assuming, so I may be full of it! LOL!
Any opinions on what OSBI is going to say Monday, and why they are releasing part of the 911 call?
Are they getting desperate for more leads?
see, this is why I like to hear or read things over and over. Angle of trajectory. Something I hadn't heard before. Wonder what they come up with. If anyone was in the back of a truck, the angle would be different.
Mind ya, I am just saying "IF". I am trying to start over at square 1.
They use European to ELIMINATE Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian Indian, and Polynesian. In the US they usually say "white" or "caucasian", but it is now more politically correct to say "European". Most "white" Americans are by definition of European descent/ancestry - and it has to do with facial bone structure, not just skin color, eye color and hair color. Native American, Hispanic, Polynesian, Asian and even East Indians and those of middle eastern descent have unique features that define their ancestry as being different from "European".

My Opinion
You are kidding, Right? OSBI is not nor has ever been that politically correct!! This is Oklahoma.

"Kids" could be responsible but if so, they weren't on Bad Creek Bridge target shooting THAT DAY at 5PM. The witness that saw Taylor and Skyla walking would have had to cross Bad Creek Bridge - and surely since he reported seeing the girls literally MINUTES before they were killed (and he and OSBI are "not answering that question" when asked about whether or not he also saw the POI) he would also have reported seeing the "boys on the bridge" too.

It was only reported that he saw the girls. We don't know where the tip about the boys came from so he could have told them and yes...the way I heard/read it meant the boys were on the bridge that day near that time. They are not releasing what else the witness may or may not have seen. I do think if he saw the girls that he saw the POI, too.

Thanks, TG! You came through again for me. :blowkiss: I KNEW they said European and I had not dreamed it up! I was just too tired last night to look for it.
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