Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #4

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That's the situation with my husband, his father and he had the same first name but different middle names, he has always been referred to by his middle name so as not to confuse the two of them. His middle name is still the only one he uses, except on official documents. :waitasec: I always wondered why his parents didn't just make the first names different, DUH.

I think overtime too some people when they are younger may not care for their first names and will take on the middle name because they like it better.

I know quite a few people, men and women that go by their middle names.

Would that indicate that they were shot from the woods on their side of the road and fell toward the road? When I think of people being shot I think of them falling head first. Does that make sense?

ETA: If they were shot from the road, I would expect them to be feet first.

I wonder when they were first initial shot did they go forward because the shots weren't lethal and they were trying to maybe stand up but when and if he came over there they were already in that position when he fired the second weapon mostly likely the head shots imo.

I am beginning to believe that the first shots may have been to the chest areas and the head shots were done after they were already down.

It is hard to predict which way a body will fall when hit. They may have been standing on a sloped area that could have pivoted them more to fall toward the road.

I wish someone could tell us exactly the distance from Taylor's house to the bridge.

Google Earth shows it as 6/10 of a mile. Reports have stated 1/2 to 3/4 mile.

Obviously, the shorter the distance, the more time Taylor and Skyla had to "mosey," go off the road, stop and talk with others, etc.

At first, when the time was 5:00 to 5:20-5:25, those girls had to walking fairly fast and didn't really have time to stop and meet/talk with anyone in order to be killed by 5:20. But, with nearly 40 minutes, even to walk 3/4 mile and back, is a lot of time.

Does anyone know how far away Skyla lived from Taylor's home?

From what we have been told the girls were shot from the front - so they would have been facing the killer - who was on the road. That tells me that if the killer came from the bridge he would have had to either turn around (u-turn) in the roadway or stop and get out of the vehicle to shoot the girls so that they fell so close to the road. It does not appear he chased them down - they were facing him and he just shot them - perhaps 1st in the chest and face with the revolver (6 shots) and then in the head (from under the chin) with the automatic (at least 2 shots). While he could have done the 1st shots from the vehicle, the head shots mean he got out and stood over each body.

It's those "kill shots" that make this unique. Most people would stay in the vehicle and get the hell outta there once the girls were down on the ground after the 1st shots. It takes someone acting deliberately (and pretty calmly) to stop, get out a 2nd gun, get out of the vehicle and walk to stand OVER the bodies to shoot them AGAIN. The fact that there were TWO guns and TWO sets of shots and the second set was at point blank range - perhaps with the gun TOUCHING the girls says (to me) it was a pretty calm, collected, deliberate, experienced killer.

My Opinion
I have wondered if they were meeting someone or had been meeting someone down there. One thing I'm sure of...we don't know but about 25% of what Rosser and the cops know.

And when I think/visualize people being shot...I always picture them falling backward.
Does anyone know how far away Skyla lived from Taylor's home?

We do not know exactly where Skyla's house was but several miles. Not within walking distance. They went to school together but because of the sparse population the district is very large in area and the kids did not live close. I would assume that some kids live as much as 20 miles from the school. Taylor's house was 8 miles from the school.

It probably was at least a 15 minute drive from Skyla's house to Taylors.

My Opinion
From what we have been told the girls were shot from the front - so they would have been facing the killer - who was on the road. That tells me that if the killer came from the bridge he would have had to either turn around (u-turn) in the roadway or stop and get out of the vehicle to shoot the girls so that they fell so close to the road. It does not appear he chased them down - they were facing him and he just shot them - perhaps 1st in the chest and face with the revolver (6 shots) and then in the head (from under the chin) with the automatic (at least 2 shots). While he could have done the 1st shots from the vehicle, the head shots mean he got out and stood over each body.

It's those "kill shots" that make this unique. Most people would stay in the vehicle and get the hell outta there once the girls were down on the ground after the 1st shots. It takes someone acting deliberately (and pretty calmly) to stop, get out a 2nd gun, get out of the vehicle and walk to stand OVER the bodies to shoot them AGAIN. The fact that there were TWO guns and TWO sets of shots and the second set was at point blank range - perhaps with the gun TOUCHING the girls says (to me) it was a pretty calm, collected, deliberate, experienced killer.

My Opinion

I am still uncertain that the chin shot is correct but maybe just an assumption on Skyla's grandmother's part. It is just as likely imo that he fired a head shot into the top of her head as she lay there and the bullet exited out the chin area.

On that I am going to wait for the ME who has only said they died from multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and head. The GM also said Skyla was shot in the arm yet Rosser does not say that.

I do agree with you totally that this man is not new to crimes such as this one. I feel he was cool as a cucumber and calmly got back in his truck and calmly left.

And that - is the scary part. I totally agree with you. Cold blooded and heartless.

**respectfully snipped**

I do agree with you totally that this man is not new to crimes such as this one. I feel he was cool as a cucumber and calmly got back in his truck and calmly left.

We do not know exactly where Skyla's house was but several miles. Not within walking distance. They went to school together but because of the sparse population the district is very large in area and the kids did not live close. I would assume that some kids live as much as 20 miles from the school. Taylor's house was 8 miles from the school.

It probably was at least a 15 minute drive from Skyla's house to Taylors.

My Opinion

Thank you. The reason I ask is because I had seen some on another board say that Skyla and Taylor was walking to Skyla's home that day when it happened. Maybe it was put out in the media early on that way as they do get things confused when breaking stories are first happening. I knew that was false information but did not know how far apart they lived from each other.

Thanks again.
(snip)...They aren't going to arrest him for a five year old $50 hot check, when his family member was just executed in the road. Nope.
I see this as a true attempt by the LE to get Jr in their custody, protect him and keep him from the killer(s). Oh and to gain info from him too.

Could the hot check guy (Joe?) have been the witness to the POI? Something he may have said to Grandpa could have led to the "They shot the girls" remark which- if true- seems odd. He could have recognized- by sight- the POI and not know his name, but he could have recognized him as an enemy, a threat.

From STEADFAST (post 390):
Connecting gun trafficking to Peter Parker (who, by the way has NO CRIMINAL cases filed against him) is beyond a stretch. Like they say, "If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bus."

So now you are saying that Spiderman is involved? This family tree is confusing. :confused:
From what we have been told the girls were shot from the front - so they would have been facing the killer - who was on the road.

The italicized words are correct and reported.

The bold words may or may not be correct and has to be assumed.
Same here I have listened to it over and over and only hear Mr. Placker. Had my husband listen also and asked him what name he hears and he hears Mr. Placker as well.

That is funny. I hear him say mister Placker very clearly. 2 or 3 times in a row. maybe there is a part I am missing.I don;t hear him say Richard at all.
I have wondered if they were meeting someone or had been meeting someone down there. One thing I'm sure of...we don't know but about 25% of what Rosser and the cops know.

And when I think/visualize people being shot...I always picture them falling backward.

Same here. So if they were shot from in front of them from the road, I would expect them to be feet first.
I have wondered if they were meeting someone or had been meeting someone down there. One thing I'm sure of...we don't know but about 25% of what Rosser and the cops know.

And when I think/visualize people being shot...I always picture them falling backward.

They most likely would if they were completely on level ground with the shooter however if they were standing up on a sloped area that rose up some where their body weight would be pitched more toward the road, I think by gravity pull they would topple on their face due to not standing on level ground at the time.

The family tree has been partially updated. I will be working on it throughout the day.
Stars added to the front of the name have been added to note they may not be in the
proper place in the tree. But it did seem necessary to add them at this time.

Thanks to those who have sent me additional information :blowkiss:
Please continue to send me any info you may have to add.

Great job on the family tree! Have we established which nicknames belong to which siblings? For instance, "Willie" may actually be referring to Christopher and his "Wylie" tattoo (and court records link Chris and Touia) and JC may be short for Jessie Carl. Also, according to Taylor's obit on the funeral home website, ,half her siblings are Plackers and the other half are Paschals. Can this be reflected in the family tree?
They most likely would if they were completely on level ground with the shooter however if they were standing up on a sloped area that rose up some where their bodies would be pitched more toward the road I think by gravity they would topple on their face due to not standing on level ground at the time.


True, it would be good to know if they were face down or face up.

I noticed in the Greta video that the area is sort of a niche inside the trees and brush. IIRC, Rosser pointed out that Peter was found sitting by where the memorial teddy bear was. That was tucked back in there. Is that an indication that the girls were that far back in there too?
I am still very curious about the last 24-36 hours before these angels were murdered. I am curious about what calls were made/received on the mobile phone found at the scene. I am curious who the angels may have met outside the home or on a computer...did they have a computer at the house?

It's possible there was a connection made to/with these angels before. It could have even been someone that Taylor had met during her random walks in the past....

Just tossing "stuff" out there. :)
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