Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #11

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Drew Peterson is asking the public for financial help with his legal defense.

The former police sergeant who is a suspect in his wife's disappearance has set up a Web site to collect money from people who believe he deserves a defense without going broke.

Peterson's attorney, Joel Brodsky, says any money collected on will go into a trust account over which Peterson will have no control.

Brodsky says the money will be used for legal fees and to hire a private investigator to look for Stacy Peterson, who vanished in late October.

Any remaining money will be put into a trust for Peterson's children.

GAG ME!!! What a loser!!! Who in their right mind would contribute money to his defense.

I still can't believe he is NOT behind bars yet.
Who is going to administer this trust? Brodsky has proven that he can't be trusted with a trust account! Can an attorney govern a trust that will ultimately go to pay him? I'm sure Joel will bill enough fees that no one but him sees the money. What a low rate weasil of an attorney he is. It all sounds unethical, IMO.

I love how Brodsky gets a free plug in the links.
And I can't wait to see what this private investigator is going to uncover. Yeah right to find Stacy, Why do I think the only purpose of the PI will be to dig up dirt on anyone who has any evidence against Drew?
I am entertained at the title of one of his pages called "story"- that's what it is- and only 4 FAQ's -hah. It gave me the creeps just looking at it.
I am entertained at the title of one of his pages called "story"- that's what it is- and only 4 FAQ's -hah. It gave me the creeps just looking at it.

Drew left out a few details....
I suspect there are significant differences. Ask these questions:
1. Did your husbands first wife disappear off the face of the earth and not even communicate with her family or friends?
2. Does your husband have a history of people around him turning up missing, dead, or commiting suicide?
3. Does your husband have stories around her leaving that don't make sense or contradict themselves, or what others have witnessed?
4. Did your husband have anything to hide when his first wife left him?

I suspect that since you have been with him for so long, that none of these things are true. Too many things add up to murder in Stacy's case.

You're right. I guess I still just don't want to believe a husband could do this to his wife and mother of his children.
You're right. I guess I still just don't want to believe a husband could do this to his wife and mother of his children.
Greed, money, and power do awful things to some people. It is believed he killed Kathy Salvo for financial gain, but who knows if she also knew of some of his crooked dealing as a policeman. Maybe she was ready to blow the whistle. Maybe D.P was involved with others in corruption and he had her killed, giving him an alibi. Maybe the cop on the jury was protecting one of D.P.'s associates and not D.P.. Many ifs. I think there is more to her murder than meets the eye.

Once the first crime is done, it is a "do whatever is necessary" mentality to prevent getting caught. That just leads to bigger crimes and less concern of how it affects others. It's about selfish survival at this point. I relate this mentality as backing an animal in a corner. The animal will do whatever necessary to survive.
I was just thinking. What if Stacy really did leave out of fear? She told the pastor, why didn't anybody come forward to the police back in August when she told the pastor? From Kathleen's letter it seemed SP harrassed her, maybe SP knew what DP did and couldn't take it anymore with all the lies. I know my husbands first wife up and left him and the kids when the kids were just 2 and 9 months. They were both young, younger then SP. Maybe she really did just leave. Our kids are grown now, 20 and 19. I have been with their father for 10 years and in 10 years their mother called them one time ... and they were teens. Never heard from her again. I guess I just need to see more evidence against DP. Chances are he did have s/thing to do with her disappearance but then again, some young mothers just can't take it.

You know, I read your post and thought, maybe you are on to something. Maybe she went to the pastor and told what she knew and "planned" her disappearance. She knew the pastor would come forward (after she went missing) and if Drew was arrested for Kathleen's murder then Stacy would be free. She could then come home and live a decent life with her children. She left her children now but looking at the bigger picture, what is a short time compared to a lifetime without their mommy?

But then it dawned on me. Stacy would never be free from Drew. If anything she would live in more fear that Drew would hire someone to kill her. So that blows that theory.

I believe in my heart that she is no longer with us. I pray that God's brings her home.... And may justice be done!
I was just thinking. What if Stacy really did leave out of fear? She told the pastor, why didn't anybody come forward to the police back in August when she told the pastor? From Kathleen's letter it seemed SP harrassed her, maybe SP knew what DP did and couldn't take it anymore with all the lies. I know my husbands first wife up and left him and the kids when the kids were just 2 and 9 months. They were both young, younger then SP. Maybe she really did just leave. Our kids are grown now, 20 and 19. I have been with their father for 10 years and in 10 years their mother called them one time ... and they were teens. Never heard from her again. I guess I just need to see more evidence against DP. Chances are he did have s/thing to do with her disappearance but then again, some young mothers just can't take it.

I considered that she may have left out of fear also. But then I thought about the kids. Stacy was the mother of two young children. According to what the pastor has said, she knew DrewP had killed Kathleen. She knew she herself had been abused and she feared DrewP, I think she would have feared leaving the kids with him. She also knew she had an appt. with a divorce attorney for the next day. And she made a point of talking with her sister and telling her that if anything happened to her, that they should look for her. I don't think she would have said that if she planned on leaving- because she wouldn't want people looking for her. DrewP allegedly told Kathleen that he could kill her and make it look like an accident. I think he told Stacy that he could kill her and hide her body so that she would never be found.

The family has said that she would not have left her children. And I believe that with the history of DrewP, if she had left on her own she would have taken the kids with her. Based on all known facts, I just do not see her leaving the kids with him for any amount of time.
Also, I'm not trying to make light of it, but when the Pastor said they met "in a coffee shop," I thought Greta almost laughed and so did I. All I could think of was Morphey, and I wondered just what else goes on in these Bolingbrook coffee shops? :eek: Confessions to ministers, meeting new boyfriends, meeting old boyfriends, stalking by husbands, stalking by policemen, cover-up phone calls. It's all happening at the Denny's and the Krispy Kreme!
I just thought of something. Maybe DP thinks Stacy was seeing (dating) the pastor, along with Scott and let's see, 3 others? ;)
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