Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #11

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Thanks so much trouble!
Snips from trouble's link above:

Source: Investigation Of Shooting At Peterson Home

Reported Shooting Occurred Prior To Stacy Peterson's Disappeance

(CBS) Investigators in the disappearance of Stacy Peterson case might be looking for a bullet hole in Peterson's Bolingbrook home, CBS 2 learned Tuesday night.
As CBS 2 West Suburban Bureau Chief Mike Puccinell reports, police investigators have been looking into a shooting that sources say occurred inside the Peterson home several months before Stacy Peterson disappeared.
A source says Drew Peterson claimed it was an accident involving his police-issued weapon. The source also says then-Sergeant Peterson never reported the shooting to authorities. It's not clear if the hole through the floor of the master bedroom was ever repaired.

CBS 2 has also learned that investigators are looking into reports that Peterson may have blown off a police-issued flash bang grenade on the Fourth of July two years ago.
Hard evidence of a crime against Stacy is?

Funny how these suspects always have a questionable history. It is almost like they keep going UNTIL they get caught.

Drew Peterson called the Pastor of the church the same day Stacy went to see him. Drew had motive. Stacy knew about Kathleen, and told the pastor. Drew knew when he talked to the priest, that now he knows too. Drew assumed the Pastor could not verbally say anything about what he was told, so he took care of Stacy.

If anything is going to bust Drew it is motive, and the assumption that the pastor wouldn't be able to say anything.

He tried to make it look like an accident again. I'm sure he probably marked the exact spot from the garage through the bedroom floor that Stacy should be standing at when she opened the fridge door and tried to shoot the poor girl right through the top of her head.

I know she must've been terrified living with that monster.

I wonder if Kathleen's garage was ever searched for evidence or if any of the house was searched for that matter. Was there a wash cloth or a towel nearby? A change of clothes? Anything to indicate she was taking a bath? So many mistakes made back then. Stacy didn't have to disappear if only one person would've broken that blue line and took action against DP.
By Erika Slife and Matthew Walberg | Tribune staff reporters
11:35 PM CST, December 11, 2007
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Digg Facebook Fark Google Newsvine Reddit Yahoo Print Single page view Reprints Text size: A gunshot allegedly fired by Drew Peterson narrowly missed his wife, Stacy, this summer as she retrieved a can of soda in the garage for him, she told her sister before she disappeared in late October.

Drew Peterson was in the master bedroom when the gun allegedly went off, according to the account Stacy gave her sister Cassandra Cales. The bullet allegedly pierced the floor and went into the garage below.

"She heard a pow. It scared her. She looked around the garage—she didn't know what it was," Cales told the Tribune on Tuesday. "Drew went down there. He picked up all the pieces and he never made a report [to police]. He patched the ceiling. Stacy showed me the hole. She peeled the carpet back and showed me where the hole was.",0,4841682.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout
I just thought of something. Maybe DP thinks Stacy was seeing (dating) the pastor, along with Scott and let's see, 3 others? ;)

You are a mindreader, panthera!

That's what Brodsky said last night on Dan Abrams' show. I saw it live and couldn't believe it. Greta was on right after, and she rec'd emails while on air telling her what Brodsky had implied and SHE couldn't believe it. They eventually got the tape from MSNBC. Her team of defense lawyers were just as dumbfounded that Brodsky would say such a thing about that pastor.

I haven't been to the other Peterson threads yet, so maybe this is being discussed elsewhere. I still can't believe what an idiot Brodsky is. IMO
A gunshot allegedly fired by Drew Peterson narrowly missed his wife, Stacy, this summer as she retrieved a can of soda in the garage for him...

I believe that's the key part. Getting the soda for him. OMG, it's unbelievable. What if she had sent one of the kids and he had hit one of them with a bullet?

A quote from that article...............

Meanwhile, in order to fight back against that "siege", Peterson has a new Web site aimed at helping raise money for his legal defense and to hire a private investigator to search for Stacy Peterson. Any remaining money will be put into a trust for Peterson's children.

This sounds just like O.J. Simpson's pledge to search for the killer of Nicole. :rolleyes:
He tried to make it look like an accident again. I'm sure he probably marked the exact spot from the garage through the bedroom floor that Stacy should be standing at when she opened the fridge door and tried to shoot the poor girl right through the top of her head.

I know she must've been terrified living with that monster.

I wonder if Kathleen's garage was ever searched for evidence or if any of the house was searched for that matter. Was there a wash cloth or a towel nearby? A change of clothes? Anything to indicate she was taking a bath? So many mistakes made back then. Stacy didn't have to disappear if only one person would've broken that blue line and took action against DP.

--->>>The crime scene pictures might possibly answer some of the great questions you posed.

Along with where was the shampoo (were there traces of shampoo in her hair? NOT likely IF she were taking a bath), the towel ?, the floor mat ? or something to step out on, time of death (normal time for a winter shower or bath?) where were the clothes she removed just prior to the shower ? or bath, did she normally take a bath OR a shower?

All they are saying about the gunshot is that it was this past summer. Stacy was concerned enough that she pointed it out to her sister and showed her where the bullet hole was. And it was in August that she went to the pastor.

Why do I get the feeling that the two (gunshot and pastor) are connected?
Well, at least that answers part of the big question for me about "why" did Stacy seek help from the church in August?

I knew something "big" must have happened prior to seeking out the Pastor's help.

A gunshot in your own home would do it for sure.

At least now we know some of what led up to her contacting the church.

Information about this case is slowly being leaked out.

There is always a concern about contaminating the potential jury pool if this case ever goes to trial.

Well, at least that answers part of the big question for me about "why" did Stacy seek help from the church in August?

I knew something "big" must have happened prior to seeking out the Pastor's help.

A gunshot in your own home would do it for sure.

At least now we know some of what led up to her contacting the church.

Information about this case is slowly being leaked out.

There is always a concern about contaminating the potential jury pool if this case ever goes to trial.


Yep, that's probably what did it for that point is when she realized that maybe he was going to try to kill her too & make it look like an "accident." God, I wonder what was going through her mind at that time. Poor girl, she was so young & naive & he took full advantage of that...He thought he could 'mold' her & control her, he got her pregnant right away-twice in a row. He's a MORON & I would consider him a CHILD MOLESTER being that he's 30 years older than her!
By Erika Slife and Matthew Walberg | Tribune staff reporters
11:35 PM CST, December 11, 2007
Article tools
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Digg Facebook Fark Google Newsvine Reddit Yahoo Print Single page view Reprints Text size: A gunshot allegedly fired by Drew Peterson narrowly missed his wife, Stacy, this summer as she retrieved a can of soda in the garage for him, she told her sister before she disappeared in late October.

Drew Peterson was in the master bedroom when the gun allegedly went off, according to the account Stacy gave her sister Cassandra Cales. The bullet allegedly pierced the floor and went into the garage below.

"She heard a pow. It scared her. She looked around the garage—she didn't know what it was," Cales told the Tribune on Tuesday. "Drew went down there. He picked up all the pieces and he never made a report [to police]. He patched the ceiling. Stacy showed me the hole. She peeled the carpet back and showed me where the hole was.",0,4841682.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout

Talk about accidently on purpose! Drew asks Stacy to get HIM a soda out of the garage and he knows exactly where the sodas are kept. I'll be curious to know if this was shortly after Stacy's meeting with Schori. I wonder how many other "close calls" Stacy had.
You guys have made a good point that this probably caused Stacy to go to Schori, instead of because she went to Schori. Hmmmm, very interesting either way. I could see Drew making a comment to Stacy letting her know it wasn't really an accident.
The more I read about this case the more shocked I am about this man. I thought Kathleen's pleas were terribly upsetting but now I see that Stacy was going through the same thing. He really needs to be locked up the sooner the better as it doesn't seem anyone is safe from him.
It is often hard for an abused woman to consider leaving an abusive spouse because of their fear of the man. But can you imagine contemplating leaving a man who has told you that he killed his ex-wife?

Stacy was extremely brave.
The more I read about this case the more shocked I am about this man. I thought Kathleen's pleas were terribly upsetting but now I see that Stacy was going through the same thing. He really needs to be locked up the sooner the better as it doesn't seem anyone is safe from him.

Me too, CP.
Yesterday's Oprah spotlighted an abused woman and she really touched on a lot of the reasons women are afraid to leave the abuser. Did any of you see it?
It is often hard for an abused woman to consider leaving an abusive spouse because of their fear of the man. But can you imagine contemplating leaving a man who has told you that he killed his ex-wife?

Stacy was extremely brave.

Was it being brave, or sweet and naive? This is one of the most challenging situations anyone could have been involved in. One of the questions that truly haunts me is this, how long did she actually know that Drew had killed Kathy?
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