State v. Bradley Cooper 4-7-2011

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Hmmm hard drive cleaned... and who did you ask how to clean that hard drive from? Cfry from Cisco maybe????
so - he cleaned the HDD of a computer he was going to donate back in 2007 with the help of coworkers - but had to ask again in 2008 how to wipe an HDD so that data is unrecoverable????

Very evasive on the email interception questions...
Me thinks if the kids can use the computer....the kids can hit redial on the phone.
Like Nancy would use a 'family email address' for her personal communication with her attorney! What a liar!
:waitasec: Kids used email ......... at age 4 and 2 ....... sorry, not buying that one!!
Why can't she stay on topic. It is annoying and clearly and effort to cause him to trip over his words. Is she going to shine a big spotlight in his face next hour? Tell us what you know or I will ask this question over and over sixteen thousand times.
What bugged me was all the 'we's'. WE, this, we that, we did laundry, we took care of the youngest child, we had sex in the closet......opps, not the same 'we's. :maddening:

So the computer they donated was a couple years ago. 'We donated the computer and we put it in the bin'. 'Me and my co-workers?' WTH is that?

He also said "we" took Nancy to the hospital.
Why can't she stay on topic. It is annoying and clearly and effort to cause him to trip over his words. Is she going to shine a big spotlight in his face next hour? Tell us what you know or I will ask this question over and over sixteen thousand times.

Maybe she'll switch to waterboarding soon.
What's the name of the brother's child! What does that have to do with anything.
He also said "we" took Nancy to the hospital.

He says that a lot, Ms. Stubbs will ask him "who is we" and then he will say "um me" ...

He is toast, the defense will have to put him on the stand to explain all his lies from this depo.
Again, he can't remember his 'nephews' name....but HM's childrens names and ages.
He can't remember his only nephew's name. What a guy.
OMG..Is Brad really asserting Nancy's email was not password protected?????????? Cause it was used for the kids..yeah right:banghead: Given Nancy did NOT TRUST Brad..she would NOT protect her PRIVACY after initiating Separation and Divorce....NOT CREDIBLE...I am sure her lap top will indicate something quite different..

Ohhh Man ..I really dont care for him at all..He is so into himself and no one else, Its not a wonder he cant recall person details:loser:
I think a lot of his "can't remembers" are not wanting to name people into this circus sideshow
What's the name of the brother's child! What does that have to do with anything.

The depo was for the child custody case, it goes to prove he didn't have a close relationship with his family, who he said were going to help with the children.

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