State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-8-12

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There was also some mention of something that was used for the tooth fairy, some kind of container that was apparently valuable.

More so then the contents of Michelle's purse, laying on the kitchen floor? Meredith testified that Michelle didn't have any jewelry of value except for her wedding rings. The rest was all costume jewelry. What about her laptop? Other electronics in the home? This wasn't a robbery, it was a crime of passion IMO. Who picked up CY and put her in the bathroom? Then wiped her feet off and put her to bed? CY wasn't afraid of a 'bad man in the house' when Meredith got there.
So you are thinking it was a rage-killing by a stranger just there to steal something? Leaving the child unharmed? Not stealing anything?

Alot of odd circumstances IMO.

The only way that would make sense is if it was a rage killing as a way to get back at Jason Young. Like one of the husbands of the people he was sleeping with. I don't in any way believe that is what happened, but would be the only way someone other than JY did this in my opinion.
Plus smoking... even tho he hated it :waitasec:

A lot of non-smokers smoke cigars on occasion (or would that make them smokers???). I don't get it myself. It stinks so much. Was stuck around it recently at a sales conference and had to leave the area, even outside.
To compare one murder to another ... we followed the Meredith Kercher murder and today (according to court verdicts) that appears to have been a random rage killing where very little was stolen - certainly no laptops or other electronics, only small items that could be put in a pocket. One or two people entered the residence, savagely beat, stabbed and strangled an innocent woman, took some small items and left. This isn't that different. If Meredith Kercher had been married, what would people think?

How was that random? Rudy Gudae (sp?) is in jail for her murder. He had seen her before. Definitely a difference from a college student that hangs out with other young people in a college town versus a married woman that hangs out with other married couples.
The only way that would make sense is if it was a rage killing as a way to get back at Jason Young. Like one of the husbands of the people he was sleeping with. I don't in any way believe that is what happened, but would be the only way someone other than JY did this in my opinion.

Yes I would agree, except they would probably take it out on him not his spouse. Not sure of the element JY was involved with but given the brutality of the crime its hard to imagine transfering your anger from one individual to another to that degree.
Well, people have said that "only a parent" would care enough to clean up the child. I'm saying it doesn't make sense to care about the child enough to clean blood off her feet, yet leave her alone to wander around, getting into things and possibly hurting herself.

Maybe CY was complaining about the stuff on her feet "Daddy my feet are yucky". My 3 year old will complain about something on her hand or whatever and won't stop complaining until you wash it off. Based on the pictures, etc., it looks like he put her in the bathroom while he was doing his thing (based on prints behind the door). So quite possibly she could have complained when he went in to get her.
Well, people have said that "only a parent" would care enough to clean up the child. I'm saying it doesn't make sense to care about the child enough to clean blood off her feet, yet leave her alone to wander around, getting into things and possibly hurting herself.

Well if it was the father who did this and did not want to get caught, there is only so much you could do. I am sure if he could redo it he may do things differently but in the moment must be quite nerve-whacking.
Otto, I am curious what you think of the amount of footprints in the bathroom, and how long it looks like Cassidy was in there.

It doesn't look like someone just picked her up and plopped her down in there and then cleaned her up and took her right back out.

And, the step stool had blood on it, is it possible she cleaned herself?
Yes I would agree, except they would probably take it out on him not his spouse. Not sure of the element JY was involved with but given the brutality of the crime its hard to imagine transfering your anger from one individual to another to that degree.

Plus, what else could he do with the child? If he thought he could get away with it (which he would have with all the planning involved) he would get her back at some point. Didn't want to kill her, couldn't take her with him, probably she didn't actually see him hurt her mother, clean her up some and put her to bed.

Am I missing something??? Were the dark clothing/jacket/top seen on the hotel video ever found/produced?
The only way that would make sense is if it was a rage killing as a way to get back at Jason Young. Like one of the husbands of the people he was sleeping with. I don't in any way believe that is what happened, but would be the only way someone other than JY did this in my opinion.

I don't know if you followed the murder of Meredith Kercher, a British Erasmus student in Perugia, Italy, but she was found with 40 injuries, strangulation attempts, slash marks, stab wounds ... a prolonged, violent murder. She was sexually assaulted, not raped. Her credit cards, phones and some cash was stolen. The laptops, jewelry and numerous other valuable items were left untouched. The victim was single, her boyfriend was out of town, she was alone and no one really knew that her 3 roommates were away.

There are similarities to be drawn between the two cases. In Meredith Kercher's case, it appears to have been a man that she had met through a roommate once or twice.
Maybe she cleaned her own feet. Meredith testified that she could use the step stool and turn on the taps. She's heard in the 911 tape talking about a wash cloth and the bathroom appears to have been last used by a child, not an adult. We have bloody socks and bloody footprints so it's quite possible the child went back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom a few times.

Oh , I see you have already had this thought !!

Is it possible?
Maybe CY was complaining about the stuff on her feet "Daddy my feet are yucky". My 3 year old will complain about something on her hand or whatever and won't stop complaining until you wash it off. Based on the pictures, etc., it looks like he put her in the bathroom while he was doing his thing (based on prints behind the door). So quite possibly she could have complained when he went in to get her.

What would be the sequence of events if this were the case?

When would she have stepped in the blood? Do you think CY was in the room when it happened, or did she wander in later while Jason or whoever was still there, then she walked in the blood and they cleaned her up?

Or, the murder could have happened and then later on CY was wandering around and got in the blood. In that case she would have had to clean herself up.
Just finished the parts of SS I missed through audio problems.

Cracker Barrel:

When SS visited MY, it was supposed to just be girls nite.

They hadn't spent all that much time together and wanted to catch up.

Jason was supposed to be out of town, SS surprised to see his car still there.

SS said she and Jason loved Cracker Barrel, it was a southern thing between
them, so, she understood when he said he was going there to eat.

Also, it would be a hour and a half completed on his trip.

This was all from the first trial, so nothing major here.
I don't see how CY could have wandered into the blood while the killer was still there...I would think, especially if it was Jason, that he would have kept her away from the scene and not allowed her to get near her mother. Then obviously at some point she was able to wander around wherever she wanted.

If CY actually witnessed the murder it seems like she would have been very upset when Meredith got there. Or at least not happy.
Maybe CY was complaining about the stuff on her feet "Daddy my feet are yucky". My 3 year old will complain about something on her hand or whatever and won't stop complaining until you wash it off. Based on the pictures, etc., it looks like he put her in the bathroom while he was doing his thing (based on prints behind the door). So quite possibly she could have complained when he went in to get her.

When would he have gone in to get her from the bathroom? Certainly not after he showered and changed because he would risk getting blood on his clothes.

The smear marks below the white towel give me the impression some water was added. It also looks like there are prints on the step stool.

The only similarities I see with the Kercher case is many odd actions/statements by the accused, many odd circumstances and past behavior happen to be against the accused, many unexplainable activities/evidence against the accused during the time of the murder, and most of all... the accused one step away from getting away with that murder.
What was that like? How did they get it in?

I wasn't listening, but the gist I got is that, through Meredith, the prosecution elicited testimony that the child mentioned her father and later mentioned "he" when describing what she saw to Meredith immediately after the body was discovered. We know from the 911 tape that Meredith reported the child stating that "someone was in the house".
Just finished the parts of SS I missed through audio problems.

I had to leave and couldn't watch the very end of her testimony(or did she even finish?) - did she mention feeling watched as she went out to her car?
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