Steve Thomas Speaks

RiverRat, I kind of thought her hands were tied with Karr needing to be investigated in CO rather than CA, did she really have a choice?

Off topic but about the handwriting comparison: I find it strange that people think Patsy must have used her left hand and that's why it's 'distorted' somewhat... I think her hands were shaking like crazy... she was likely trembling like a small earthquake.

Another personal opnion as a mum with a bedwetter. Whether it's her dad or I that woke up first we would go straight to try and catch her before she had an accident and take her to the washroom and then back to bed(NOT 'catch' in a negative way....). THEN I' or he would grab our showers and get dressed... she was first priority in the early morning routine. Just a comment don't anybody jump on me saying "It doesn't prove she murdered JonBenet. DUH! Just mentioning one of those things I thought of.

RiverRat said:
We have a transcript of sorts already at FFJ! Come peak if you can't wait for me to swipe it! He did an amazing job as always! He did say that he tried to stay open minded about Karr, but he knew in his heart, head and gut that Keenan had the wrong person. :dance:

P - Dimmie is better than ever! I will pass the word for you!

Hi, do you know if I am still banned in FFJ? Can't remember!
We don't ban, we ROCK! They are just now calming down when Dimmie enters the Mr. Excitement.......would get me banned!
RiverRat said:
We don't ban, we ROCK! They are just now calming down when Dimmie enters the Mr. Excitement.......would get me banned!

Yeah, I believe they denied my membership, HAH.

I can see why!
"if he really thot there was no way the scam artist did it-why didnt he say so at the beginning"

he DID plan to do so!

"WOW, so Mary Lacy has always been pro-Ramseys."

EVERYONE knows that, justice2!
Pedro said:
Mary has to go, go!

Her disregard for the tax payers, the people of her community and the basics of prosecutorial behavior are appalling!

She is so Pro-Ramsey that she will chase any wild matter how far-fetched it is. She should go. It's that simple.
Hey, I been out of the loop most of the 10 years. Didn't know who ML was until just lately.

Ridiculously pro-Ramseys ...
RiverRat said:
Here is the audio of Steve Thomas' KHOW interview on the Caplis Show: short.mp3

This should launch in your audio player. If not, copy/paste the url into your Windows Media player by doing this:

Open Media Player
Click on FILE
Click on OPEN URL
Paste URL into the box, and hit OK

The file was reduced from 12 megs, to about 2.5 megs. The sound quality is reduced, but I think acceptable.

IF anyone needs a smaller file, I will do that upon request.



thanks, the link worked perfect!....was nice hearing Mr Thomas talk about the case again, in length, after all this time....class act :cool:
...great interview, RR....
Hiya SuperDave,

In one of the past messages in this thread:

"WOW, so Mary Lacy has always been pro-Ramseys."

EVERYONE knows that, justice2!

Nopers, I didn't know that :( BUT I listened to Mr. Thomas today and did a bit of other digging. I'm so far behind so many of you who have combed this with fine toothed combs.

I was very moved to hear Mr. Thomas, as well as reading some of the info from the Whites.

I wish there were a simple procedure for taking certain things out of certain hands so that corruption could not be permitted to reign. It appears that this is a case of corruption on numerous levels - and not at the level of cop investigators, such as Thomas, who wanted to see justice for JBR.

Are you aware of the personal damage suffered by Mr. Thomas or the White's for their stance for justice for this child?


PS. Thanks for responding to me the times that you have. I appreciate it.
I saw a little segment on Anderson Cooper I think about the various suspects in the JB case. It was very well done and I had no real idea about these people.

So I did a bit of reading this morning about Michael Helgoth, of course thinking of all kinds of questions about him as he so fit the bill for the perfect intruder.

In my reading I read a statement written by a poster named Nathanial, who stated that when Steve started doing investigation work on the case he was very inexperienced, and hence there might have been a lot of unanswered questions about Helgoths involvement.

I saw Steve on TV yesterday and was quite impressed with him, so he has grown into his own, probably through the path of hard knocks just because he worked in Boulder!!!

Hi Scandi! I watched Anderson Cooper yesterday and was so annoyed by his "correspondent" who claimed that the Ramseys had been "exonerated" that I threw a (clean) sock at the tube. (My anger management classes start early next week.) ;)
Dimmie is still around??? I miss the old Cybersleuths way back was jumping!
scandi said:
I saw a little segment on Anderson Cooper I think about the various suspects in the JB case. It was very well done and I had no real idea about these people.

So I did a bit of reading this morning about Michael Helgoth, of course thinking of all kinds of questions about him as he so fit the bill for the perfect intruder.

In my reading I read a statement written by a poster named Nathanial, who stated that when Steve started doing investigation work on the case he was very inexperienced, and hence there might have been a lot of unanswered questions about Helgoths involvement.

I saw Steve on TV yesterday and was quite impressed with him, so he has grown into his own, probably through the path of hard knocks just because he worked in Boulder!!!


--->>>Steve may have been inexperienced in homicide cases as were ALL of the BPD. But he was an experienced narcotics man. One thing he said in the interview yesterday in relating his experience in finding drug informers, was that the first thing you need to find out is what the motive is of the drug informant.

I found this very telling and it harkened me back to my thoughts about BOATMAN in WAterford Michigan, who came forward saying he was offered $10,000.00 by someone who purported to be JAR, trying to BUY a boat accident with JonBenet in the boat.

What was Boatmans motive for coming forward, was it to help find WHO killed JonBenet, or WHAT? Boatman was an undercover drug informant for WPD. Yet when BPD queried WPD, they said he was unreliable, huh?

Steve said he thoroughly enjoyed his work in narcotics undercover.

LOL I need to go read up on Boatman as I know virtually nothing about him. WPD - trying to think what city W would be. You're wondering if there was a drug connection involved with her killing Camper?

I'm beginning to think the male DNA in the panties is not from the killer. Did they compare it to all the other suspects DNA? Were all the hand prints compared, like the prints on the baseball bat? This might be OT here, but you guys are so knowledgable about the case and you are right here! LOL

After reading through this thread and hearing Mr. Thomas on the "sound" link that was shared with all of us, I was curious about how the law suit ended, after the writing of his book. I wanted to see how this man did at the end of this suit, this man who appeared to have integrity and no motive other than to see justice for JBR.

Someone mentioned a website. I went and found this link, for any who are interested:

scandi said:
LOL I need to go read up on Boatman as I know virtually nothing about him. WPD - trying to think what city W would be. You're wondering if there was a drug connection involved with her killing Camper?

I'm beginning to think the male DNA in the panties is not from the killer. Did they compare it to all the other suspects DNA? Were all the hand prints compared, like the prints on the baseball bat? This might be OT here, but you guys are so knowledgable about the case and you are right here! LOL


--->>>Waterford MI. Much water sports there. Two airports a smaller one is Pontiac airport, which primarilly handles corporate planes (isn't that interesting). The other is called Detroit Metro.

I lost my big post here, so later.

For the record, I do at least have this answer, if not Who Killed JonBenet.

Metro Airport is in the SW suburbs, about 3 mi from me, and Pontiac is NW, quite a distance. I would guess about 50 mi, but you're probably looking at Mapquest or something so I'll leave that up to you.

I've been to visit my daughter and her hubby in Waterford, worried about finding my way to their place and back, and didn't look around much but it's not on any large body of water. Maybe some lakes, for all I know, but not the Great Lakes. That info might be at Mapquest too?

Glad we're getting back to subjects other than Karr.

Long shot, maybe Boatman is a pedophile as well as an informant? Nah, I don't really have any theory like that.
Eagle1 said:
For the record, I do at least have this answer, if not Who Killed JonBenet.

Metro Airport is in the SW suburbs, about 3 mi from me, and Pontiac is NW, quite a distance. I would guess about 50 mi, but you're probably looking at Mapquest or something so I'll leave that up to you.

I've been to visit my daughter and her hubby in Waterford, worried about finding my way to their place and back, and didn't look around much but it's not on any large body of water. Maybe some lakes, for all I know, but not the Great Lakes. That info might be at Mapquest too?

Glad we're getting back to subjects other than Karr.

Long shot, maybe Boatman is a pedophile as well as an informant? Nah, I don't really have any theory like that.

--->>>Nopey, I got my info from a desk clerk at a hotel in Waterford over the phone 'about' the corporate plane activity at te Pontiac airport.

I had looked up 'a long time ago', but believe there are boat races near Waterford that are attended by large numbers of folks.


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