Sunday Aug 4th 2013 James Kolar on Tricia's True Crime Radio

Another thing Chief Kolar brought up is that the 45 minutes to 2 hour estimate of time between the head blow and the strangulation is partly based on the estimated time that the pineapple would have been digested to the point it was in her digestive tract. IOW, this time period is not solely based on Dr. Lucy’s estimate of time due to the amount of cerebral swelling. But the problem here is that if there is any delay between the ingestion of pineapple and the head blow, it throws the time estimate off completely. And remember, Chief Kolar is somehow vague about when he thinks the molestation occurred. Also, there are a lot of factors which can affect the natural progress of food in individuals. The poster learnin some time back did an experiment by eating barium-soaked pineapple chunks and following the progress through the digestive tract (he/she is a medical imaging technologist). The results were that it took much less time to reach the duodenum than most people would think. You can read the post about it here, and the beginning of the thread is here. So again, as I have pointed out before, that long estimate of time between the head blow and the strangulation is not set in stone, it may not be reliable, and it should not be depended on in formulating any timeline in the events of that night.
Another thing Chief Kolar brought up is that the 45 minutes to 2 hour estimate of time between the head blow and the strangulation is partly based on the estimated time that the pineapple would have been digested to the point it was in her digestive tract. IOW, this time period is not solely based on Dr. Lucy’s estimate of time due to the amount of cerebral swelling. But the problem here is that if there is any delay between the ingestion of pineapple and the head blow, it throws the time estimate off completely. And remember, Chief Kolar is somehow vague about when he thinks the molestation occurred. Also, there are a lot of factors which can affect the natural progress of food in individuals. The poster learnin some time back did an experiment by eating barium-soaked pineapple chunks and following the progress through the digestive tract (he/she is a medical imaging technologist). The results were that it took much less time to reach the duodenum than most people would think. You can read the post about it here, and the beginning of the thread is here. So again, as I have pointed out before, that long estimate of time between the head blow and the strangulation is not set in stone, it may not be reliable, and it should not be depended on in formulating any timeline in the events of that night.

Thanks for posting this, otg. It makes more sense of the autopsy report of the blow and strangulation coming very near in timing, but with the blow first.

I myself had a G.I. test done a couple of years back to make sure my food was emptying out of my stomach and into the intestine correctly. Had to eat scrambled eggs containing the contrast material. It took approximately 25 minutes for the eggs to move completely through my stomach and into the duodenum, so I would have to agree that the pineapple eating had been done just a short time before the time of JB's death - and even though I think Rourke made a justified statement, I'm going to opt for choosing the shorter timeline in considering a theory.

So, from eating pineapple to being strangled with a ligature, if only 30 minutes or so. Bottoms of her feet were lint/dust laden. I think she must have eaten the pineapple in the kitchen, then went to the basement on her own steam where the rest of the crime unraveled. Could she have been vaginally violated prior to that in an upstairs location, cleaned up, dressed in the size 12's and longjohns, taken to the kitchen for a "treat" to soothe her, then been led or coaxed to the basement for some reason?
Maybe the molestor woke her up, with a promise of a midnight snack, and she followed him downstairs. Ate the pineapple, then followed him to the basement, far enough away so that the people upstairs weren't woken up by noise, and where some sort of sexual assault took place and she was hit to shut her up?
Thanks for posting this, otg. It makes more sense of the autopsy report of the blow and strangulation coming very near in timing, but with the blow first.

I myself had a G.I. test done a couple of years back to make sure my food was emptying out of my stomach and into the intestine correctly. Had to eat scrambled eggs containing the contrast material. It took approximately 25 minutes for the eggs to move completely through my stomach and into the duodenum, so I would have to agree that the pineapple eating had been done just a short time before the time of JB's death - and even though I think Rourke made a justified statement, I'm going to opt for choosing the shorter timeline in considering a theory.

So, from eating pineapple to being strangled with a ligature, if only 30 minutes or so. Bottoms of her feet were lint/dust laden. I think she must have eaten the pineapple in the kitchen, then went to the basement on her own steam where the rest of the crime unraveled. Could she have been vaginally violated prior to that in an upstairs location, cleaned up, dressed in the size 12's and longjohns, taken to the kitchen for a "treat" to soothe her, then been led or coaxed to the basement for some reason?

Wow, mama (somehow I feel strange shortening your name like that -- I feel like you’re probably young enough to be my daughter). That then makes two people who’ve had similar tests which indicate about a half-hour for the food to reach that point. Of course, we should note that different people may have different responses, and that we are comparing two adults to a child. But I’ve always had a problem with the upward limit of 2 hours between the head blow and the strangulation since it first came out in Kolar’s book and that he said it was based on Dr. Lucy’s estimate from brain conditions. But after hearing him talk on Tricia’s show, I wonder if he assimilated different information into making that claim. We haven’t seen exactly what she (Dr. Rorke-Adams) wrote, and I mentioned before (I think) two areas where her time estimate could have gone wrong. But now it seems that the estimate was based on more than just her opinion about the brain.

I think (JMO here) that the pineapple came first in the kitchen. I think everything else happened in the basement. I think that after the snack, she walked down the stairs to the basement on her own (she wasn’t carried or dragged, but accompanied). I believe that because of the coroner’s statement about “acute inflammatory infiltrate” not being seen in the vaginal mucosa even though there were other signs of very recent trauma (some blood, a red-purple area of abrasion on what was left of her hymen, internal hyperemia, a bruise on the right labia majora), the recent sexual aspect had to have occurred while she was alive, but very shortly before she died. The lack of vaginal inflammation despite the recent trauma means that she died before her body could respond as it would naturally to the injury.

So taken together, this should all give us a little better timeline and sequence of events -- regardless of who each of us might think the person responsible is.


BTW, OT sort of, but on the subject of Tricia’s broadcast, was anyone else in the chat during this broadcast? I know of two here who were. There was an interesting person (although WL doesn’t think it was a person at all, but a bot) in the chat who claimed “they” were close to finding the person responsible for this. This entity kept posting a website that has been discussed here before and claimed that “they” were in touch with JR on a weekly basis. Also said that JR had indicated prior to the broadcast that he might be there also -- I’m assuming signed in as an unnamed “Guest”. Anyone who doesn’t listen to the broadcasts live so they can be in on the live chats is really missing out. Sometimes it’s like the wild, wild West -- but it’s always interesting.

(Okay, so much for my shameless plug for Tricia’s show.)
You must be pretty old, otg, if you think a granny drawing SS would be young enough to be your daughter!!:seeya:
BTW, OT sort of, but on the subject of Tricia’s broadcast, was anyone else in the chat during this broadcast? I know of two here who were. There was an interesting person (although WL doesn’t think it was a person at all, but a bot) in the chat who claimed “they” were close to finding the person responsible for this. This entity kept posting a website that has been discussed here before and claimed that “they” were in touch with JR on a weekly basis. Also said that JR had indicated prior to the broadcast that he might be there also -- I’m assuming signed in as an unnamed “Guest”. Anyone who doesn’t listen to the broadcasts live so they can be in on the live chats is really missing out. Sometimes it’s like the wild, wild West -- but it’s always interesting.

(Okay, so much for my shameless plug for Tricia’s show.)

Oh boy oh boy, was I there. Got the 81 pages of chat transcript where the "bot" thing made some pretty wild allegations. Log grabber anyone? And that was just a tiny bit of the nuttiness. As I mentioned to someone else in the chat, all I was waiting for the bot thing to suddenly start explaining the background of the "MS-suffereing, mountain climbing killer" in the Fresh price of Bel Aire style. I was so convinced it was a mere troll, then I realised it was just an idiot troll with almost no idea about the actual FACTS of this case. Even so, it was an interesting was to waste some time after such a great show, and a good was for me to see just how well I am remembering the details of this sad case.

Also, whatever he makes above expenses he's donating. I can't recall which charity specifically, but IIRC it's something to do with kids :)

Guess I know what I will be getting some of my friends & family for the xmas/Channukah/etc. holiday season. ;)

I want to see Chief Kolar recoup his expenses and then some-- it is a terrific book, and the truth deserves to be more wildly known.
First of all, thanks to Tricia for bringing James Kolar on for some questions, and for clearing up the Wendy Murphy mess. Now that I’ve had a chance to listen again all the way through to Tricia’s interview with Chief Kolar, a few things have struck me as odd, surprising, or questionable -- and they might be cause for a little more discussion. I’m sure others have found some too, so I’ll mention a couple of them and leave it to others to respond or add other things about the interview that they found interesting. Seems like this should be the thread to discuss it -- no need to start a new thread.

  • In responding to KoldKase’s questions about the RN, Kolar indicates that he thinks John wasn’t even in on any of the events until after he figures out who wrote the RN and discovers the body at around 11:00 am that morning. I know others have laid out this scenario over the years, but I have difficulty believing John was an innocent bystander to everything that happened.

  • Kolar was asked about why he stated before that he thought the events leading up to her death began in the kitchen. As I understand his answer, he thinks this based on the connection between the pineapple in JonBenet’s digestive tract, fingerprints on the bowl, and placement of the Maglite -- not because of any evidence of a struggle that might have happened there. He also indicated in this that he has bought into Dr. Spitz’s baloney about the Maglite being what caused the skull fracture (He’s wrong about that, IMO. BTW, have I mentioned yet that Spitz is an idiot?). As far as how she was moved to the basement (and by whom), and where the sexual molestation occurred, he seems a little vague. He thinks (apparently) the entire incident began as a conflict over the pineapple. If so, how and when did the sexual aspect come into the picture, and how and why did the ligature get placed around her neck? So it seems to me, he doesn’t really have a complete picture in his mind about how this all happened; he’s simply made a connection there and assumed that this is where it all started. And if he’s wrong about the weapon and the beginning of the conflict, it follows that he may well be wrong also about where the head blow happened.

Don’t get me wrong. I think Chief Kolar has done a great job of showing just exactly why any “intruder theory” is implausible. And TG he put the Wendy Murphy BS about drugs and *advertiser censored* to rest. But without a believable scenario of exactly what happened, we’re still left with more questions.

I tend to agree with you about JR knowing far more. I simply don't thnk PR and/or BR could pull this off all by themselves.

And yes, Chief Kolar has put to rest the intruder idea once & for all IMO.
Oh boy oh boy, was I there. Got the 81 pages of chat transcript where the "bot" thing made some pretty wild allegations. Log grabber anyone? And that was just a tiny bit of the nuttiness. As I mentioned to someone else in the chat, all I was waiting for the bot thing to suddenly start explaining the background of the "MS-suffereing, mountain climbing killer" in the Fresh price of Bel Aire style. I was so convinced it was a mere troll, then I realised it was just an idiot troll with almost no idea about the actual FACTS of this case. Even so, it was an interesting was to waste some time after such a great show, and a good was for me to see just how well I am remembering the details of this sad case.

Oh, that's right, Sun. I forgot about the MS. (I should read over the chat again, since I saved it.) First, it was that the perp was a mountain-climber because of the carabiner print in the "salt coating covering the wine cellar concrete floor next to where Jonbenet body was found."

Then it was that the perp had MS because of the printing in the RN. "
The killer is a male, age 35, with a case of MS.
MS is a nerve problem, it would look like he was trying to write diffently."

Sure, WL questioned how a person with MS could be also be a mountain-climber, but the obvious answer was that he developed MS later in life (I guess when he decided to become a sadistic, sexual prevert, one-time serial-killer-for-ransom).

And then, of course, the funny line of the night from WL: "This is why there were no footprints outside, the killer ROLLED in."

SunVenus: "Cues twilight Zone theme."

I'm telling you, after the broadcast was over, it was hilarious chatting it up with this guy. And the pitiful thing is, I think he was serious. It went on for about 1-1/2 hours past the end of the broadcast.

Oh, yeah! In the words of Lt. Columbo, "Just one more thing..." This person/bot revealed to us the meaning of SBTC, and I am now going to pass it on so we all know:

"S =Spoon B - Bowl T = Tea C = Cup SBTC"

Oh, that's right, Sun. I forgot about the MS. (I should read over the chat again, since I saved it.) First, it was that the perp was a mountain-climber because of the carabiner print in the "salt coating covering the wine cellar concrete floor next to where Jonbenet body was found."

Then it was that the perp had MS because of the printing in the RN. "
The killer is a male, age 35, with a case of MS.
MS is a nerve problem, it would look like he was trying to write diffently."

Sure, WL questioned how a person with MS could be also be a mountain-climber, but the obvious answer was that he developed MS later in life (I guess when he decided to become a sadistic, sexual prevert, one-time serial-killer-for-ransom).

And then, of course, the funny line of the night from WL: "This is why there were no footprints outside, the killer ROLLED in."

SunVenus: "Cues twilight Zone theme."

I'm telling you, after the broadcast was over, it was hilarious chatting it up with this guy. And the pitiful thing is, I think he was serious. It went on for about 1-1/2 hours past the end of the broadcast.

Oh, yeah! In the words of Lt. Columbo, "Just one more thing..." This person/bot revealed to us the meaning of SBTC, and I am now going to pass it on so we all know:

"S =Spoon B - Bowl T = Tea C = Cup SBTC"

I'd completely forgotten about the spoon-bowl- tea cup theory by the Ramseybot. LOL! That was almost as wacky as a former poster who shall not be named who called in and his batshite crazy "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" antics. *rolls eyes so hard I pull a muscle in my eyesocket*

I love modern technology, the internet especially, but it's both a blessing and a curse: it can bring good things: research, entertainment, community... but on the other hand it can make one realise there are a hell of a lot of insane people running loose (or hiding in their mum's basement) fearing things that simply do not exist. ;)
Guess I know what I will be getting some of my friends & family for the xmas/Channukah/etc. holiday season. ;)

I want to see Chief Kolar recoup his expenses and then some-- it is a terrific book, and the truth deserves to be more wildly known.

*high five*

I was getting my hair done, and recommend it to my hairdresser, and she ordered it right then and there.

I have a library copy, but want to buy it to have as reference. My library copy must have a 100 post-it-notes!!!

The digestion discussion is very interesting. Has there ever been other chatter about the brain swelling occurring differently than what was originally concluded?

Although I think the official range estimate between blunt force trauma and strangulation began at approx. 45 minutes up to 2 hours.

Clearly 45 minutes coincides more closely with a 30 digestive estimate :)
Another thing Chief Kolar brought up is that the 45 minutes to 2 hour estimate of time between the head blow and the strangulation is partly based on the estimated time that the pineapple would have been digested to the point it was in her digestive tract. IOW, this time period is not solely based on Dr. Lucy’s estimate of time due to the amount of cerebral swelling. But the problem here is that if there is any delay between the ingestion of pineapple and the head blow, it throws the time estimate off completely. And remember, Chief Kolar is somehow vague about when he thinks the molestation occurred. Also, there are a lot of factors which can affect the natural progress of food in individuals. The poster learnin some time back did an experiment by eating barium-soaked pineapple chunks and following the progress through the digestive tract (he/she is a medical imaging technologist). The results were that it took much less time to reach the duodenum than most people would think. You can read the post about it here, and the beginning of the thread is here. So again, as I have pointed out before, that long estimate of time between the head blow and the strangulation is not set in stone, it may not be reliable, and it should not be depended on in formulating any timeline in the events of that night.

I think it helps to know that of all the foods available. Pineapple has one of the quickest transit times, mainly since its mostly water.

The digestive process did not stop when JonBenet was whacked on the head, but later when she was asphyxiated. Just as when you are asleep, your body continues with the digestive process.

Looks like the molestation happened after the pineapple snack. The debate is did she walk down to the basement or back to her bedroom?

My KISS take on this is JonBenet was promised a doll or similar if she participated in the molestation, and it all went wrong resulting her head inury etc.

I see a bedroom being more likely than the basement, after all the purpose of the staging is to make everyone thing it all took place in the basement?


Oh, that's right, Sun. I forgot about the MS. (I should read over the chat again, since I saved it.) First, it was that the perp was a mountain-climber because of the carabiner print in the "salt coating covering the wine cellar concrete floor next to where Jonbenet body was found."

Then it was that the perp had MS because of the printing in the RN. "
The killer is a male, age 35, with a case of MS.
MS is a nerve problem, it would look like he was trying to write diffently."

Sure, WL questioned how a person with MS could be also be a mountain-climber, but the obvious answer was that he developed MS later in life (I guess when he decided to become a sadistic, sexual prevert, one-time serial-killer-for-ransom).

And then, of course, the funny line of the night from WL: "This is why there were no footprints outside, the killer ROLLED in."

SunVenus: "Cues twilight Zone theme."

I'm telling you, after the broadcast was over, it was hilarious chatting it up with this guy. And the pitiful thing is, I think he was serious. It went on for about 1-1/2 hours past the end of the broadcast.

Oh, yeah! In the words of Lt. Columbo, "Just one more thing..." This person/bot revealed to us the meaning of SBTC, and I am now going to pass it on so we all know:

"S =Spoon B - Bowl T = Tea C = Cup SBTC"

Showing my ignorance here...what "chat" are you referring to? Who's WL? Sounds like I missed some good entertainment! Mountain climbing, MS suffering, pedo child killer? :floorlaugh: That's got to be one of the best SODDI theories I've ever heard! :floorlaugh: I'd love to read the transcript of this chat you're referring to. :floorlaugh:
(respectfully snipped)
The digestion discussion is very interesting. Has there ever been other chatter about the brain swelling occurring differently than what was originally concluded?

Although I think the official range estimate between blunt force trauma and strangulation began at approx. 45 minutes up to 2 hours.

Clearly 45 minutes coincides more closely with a 30 digestive estimate :)
The only "original conclusion" about the amount of brain swelling was from the autopsy report by Dr. Meyer where he wrote: "Mild narrowing of the sulci and flattening of the gyri are seen. No inflammation is identified." He also weighed the brain at 1450 grams. You might find [ame=""]this post[/ame] helpful in understanding what he found in the brain. Also, at FFJ, I posted [ame=""]this[/ame] about the swelling. There are two charts there showing average brain weights by age, and also by body weight. Either one of those charts shows that at 1450 gm, JonBenet's brain was much larger than should be expected.

Over the years, there has been a great deal posted and discussed about this. You can search here for some of the discussions. But the upward limit of 2 hours that Kolar wrote in his book was never mentioned until his book came out (to my knowledge). He said it was based on what Dr. Lucy Rorke-Adams had reported, but in this recent broadcast, he mentioned that this estimate was also based on the estimated digestion timeline, which leads me to question exactly what Dr. Lucy determined. Also, there are additional factors which she may have not taken into account that may have thrown off the results of what she was looking at when she did her examination of the evidence she was given.
I think it helps to know that of all the foods available. Pineapple has one of the quickest transit times, mainly since its mostly water.
I wasn't aware of that, UKG, but it makes sense.

The digestive process did not stop when JonBenet was whacked on the head, but later when she was asphyxiated. Just as when you are asleep, your body continues with the digestive process.
I agree.

Looks like the molestation happened after the pineapple snack. The debate is did she walk down to the basement or back to her bedroom?

My KISS take on this is JonBenet was promised a doll or similar if she participated in the molestation, and it all went wrong resulting her head inury etc.

I see a bedroom being more likely than the basement, after all the purpose of the staging is to make everyone thing it all took place in the basement?
Good point, about where she walked to after the snack because of the point of staging a different location from the actual act. I'll have to give it a little more thought, but my first thought has been that the two went to the basement next where everything else took place. I know you are still trying to account for the possible blood on her pillow and some of the other minor details, and I can't discount that possibility.
Showing my ignorance here...what "chat" are you referring to? Who's WL? Sounds like I some good entertainment! Mountain climbing, MS suffering, pedo child killer? :floorlaugh: That's got to be one of the best SODDI theories I've ever heard! :floorlaugh: I'd love to read the transcript of this chat you're referring to. :floorlaugh:
Nom, when you listen to Tricia's show live, there is a live chat toward the bottom where you can post in real time. Tricia reads the chat while on-air, and will sometimes pass on questions to her guest (unfortunately though, she didn't mine).

I was hesitant to give exact names of those present, but SunVenus has already volunteered her presence, and I don't think "WL" would mind my revealing his hat here: WonderLlama.

This person/bot was asked if he was working for Ramsey. His response was that "they" were working with John Ramsey. I don't even want to post the website here to give it any more traffic than it deserves, but it's obvious that they have lots of information wrong and are trying to promote Ramsey innocence.

I'll try to post the chat in a document somewhere later and pass on the URL to it.

I wasn't aware of that, UKG, but it makes sense.

I agree.

Good point, about where she walked to after the snack because of the point of staging a different location from the actual act. I'll have to give it a little more thought, but my first thought has been that the two went to the basement next where everything else took place. I know you are still trying to account for the possible blood on her pillow and some of the other minor details, and I can't discount that possibility.

I think there was a prior staging in the basement, and that some of the items found, lets say, out place formed part of this staging. When this was abandonded JR invented his I broke the window and I brought the suitcase down to the basement stories, LHP offers her knowledge on this subject and from memory LHP and husband were down in that basement digging up Christmas decorations etc, just prior to Christmas.
Perfect Murder/Perfect Town, excerpt
While the press was chasing Hunter and Koby for sound bites, at police headquarters Detectives Jane Harmer and Melissa Hickman were interviewing Linda Hoffmann-Pugh and her husband, Merv, for a third time. The detectives went over the housekeeper’s story again and collected additional blood, hair, and saliva samples. They wanted to know when Linda had last changed JonBenét’s sheets. The Monday before Christmas, she told them. When they told Linda that John Ramsey had said he’d broken the basement widow to enter his home, she found it odd. She said that Ramsey always came in through the garage door, which he opened with a remote-control device, then through a door to the house that was never locked except when Nedra was home alone at night with her grandchildren.

Hoffmann-Pugh was then asked to make a list of everyone she knew who frequented the house and a list of those who had keys. After two hours of intense questioning, she was so upset that for a moment she couldn’t find her own key. Months later, the police asked her about scuff marks they found on the wall below the broken basement window and near John Andrew’s suitcase. Maybe someone had climbed in that night and left the marks. Had she ever seen the marks? No, she told them.

One very important detail in the case is that JonBenet's hair had been put up in asymmetric ponytails. LHP stated that Patsy did JonBenet's hair, PMPT, hardback, pp 181.

Also Patsy Ramsey in her account on placing JonBenet to bed nowhere says she did JonBenet's hair

So when was JonBenet's done and by whom? My money is on Patsy, I think she puts JonBenet's hair up, and prepares her for bed. The big Q is before the pineapple snack or after?

The above details suggest to me that Patsy never knew about the pineapple snack, and that she dressed JonBenet for bed possibly in the Red Turtleneck?

Same applies to JR, he cannot have knowledge of the pineapple snack else it would be factored into their version of events? Two parents forgetting a snack seems odd.

Sooo the acute sexual assault may have taken place in her bedroom, then it was off downstairs for a pineapple snack and possibly thereafter a hunt in the basement for Christmas gifts?

Alternatively something similar to the above except the children have a pineapple snack while the parents finish off preparing for their vacation flight. Patsy is relaxed about JonBenet since she is dressed for bed and has her hair done. Then after the snack its back to one the bedrooms, where JonBenet is sexually assaulted?

He summarizes his presentation to Lacy et al that given the evidence he presented he "believed wholeheartedly that this (family involvement) was a viable investigative lead that deserved pursuit. If nothing came of it, then at least they could say that they had covered all their bases."

Lacy replied that "she was unwilling to pursue that lead b/c she didn't want to harm her relationship with the Ramsey family." (280-81)

He then knew that any real investigation was futile, unless of course one was only willing to consider IDI. Nonetheless, he went out on that limb, and continued to try to do so even after he left the DAs office. Not only did he write to ML seeking permission to present an alternate case theory to the special prosecutors who conducted the original grand jury investigation, but then when he was ignored by Lacy he then made his case to the Governor. And it was Gov. Owens who planted the seeds of "going public." (Lacy's reply to Kolar after he contacted the Governor was actually kinda comical!)

His "theory of prosecution" was also sent to Stan Garrett, and Tom Beckner. Kolar expressed his belief that, " there is no statute of limitations on murder, but all persons in the home the night of the murder have been formally 'cleared' of any crime. Those actions by past prosecutors create a formidable obstacle to any future prosecution. Yet clearly, the death of JonBenet remains an open murder investigation, and while no one is likely to ever be criminally charged with this crime, his opinion is that there are proactive steps that should be taken to bring it to a resolution and closure.

In our pursuit of truth and justice, not only for JonBenet , but for all of the other innocent people wrongly accused by her family, isn't it our responsibility as criminal investigators and prosecutors to go and search for it?" (428-29)


Holy crap, boy did I go off on a tangent!!!!!!!

Oh we'll, Ill let it stand, b/c in a round about way it proves my point. Kolar doesn't have all the answers, but he definitely believes more answers could have been found....if only the people in charge wanted to try and seek them.


I'd ask your pardon while my head explodes, IF it hadn't been for the fact that I've been saying these things since God knows when.
I bump this for my convenience, in reading?
Slowly making my way through Kolar Interview ,,,,

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