The 2nd Attack Theory: Forum Legend???

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beesy said:
You don't think Damon was attacked a second time? I thought you did think Bevel was right. You're confusing the hell out of me lately Goody.
Actually, Beesy, YOU are confusing me. WHEN do you think the knife print was made? And WHERE do you locate it...near where Damon lay at the entry to the kitchen or where he slept near the couch?
SnootyVixen said:
As to the poster, I know just which one she is speaking of. ME. Always me. An apology I can not give her with out a hostile remark. I can not be comfortable here. Time to move on. More comfortable the forum will be for every one. I think it is a real shameful thing that one poster feels good enough to make another so uncomfortable that she must leave. And I do not want to develop the thoughness that would be able to withstand it. So there it is. I'm not angry this time, just sad a tiny bit.
O, snooty, you can't leave. I just realized that we have a little smiley named "snooty." You are destined to be here annoying the likes of Beesy. hahahhaahha. (I bet she secretly enjoys it.:dance: )
Goody said:
Actually, Beesy, YOU are confusing me. WHEN do you think the knife print was made? And WHERE do you locate it...near where Damon lay at the entry to the kitchen or where he slept near the couch?
According to Bevel, the outline was made after Darlie was on the phone with 911 and she spotted Damon moving. The print is closer to where he died than to where he fell asleep. What you confused me about was if you think the knife outline was caused by drips or by Darlie placing the knife down?
beesy said:
According to Bevel, the outline was made after Darlie was on the phone with 911 and she spotted Damon moving. The print is closer to where he died than to where he fell asleep. What you confused me about was if you think the knife outline was caused by drips or by Darlie placing the knife down?
Well, I haven't spent much time analyzing it. It didn't make much sense to me until I saw the demonstration of it in one of the profile shows. That was the first time it clicked what Bevel even meant, although the imagery used was not specifically what he said in court. I hope that makes sense. So I guess the answer to your question is that until now I have pretty much accepted Bevel's explanation. Odd that so many posters don't agree with him.
O, knock it off! Beesy is always getting her feelings hurt over nothing. Apparently you are just as thin skinned as she is. If you want to spar,we can't do it here. It is against the rules. But we can do it here...... Just post away and I will answer you, but be prepared because there are no rules against what we can say and I will tell it like it is. You can call me all the names you want.
Goody said:
O, knock it off! Beesy is always getting her feelings hurt over nothing. Apparently you are just as thin skinned as she is. If you want to spar,we can't do it here. It is against the rules. But we can do it here...... Just post away and I will answer you, but be prepared because there are no rules against what we can say and I will tell it like it is. You can call me all the names you want.
My feelings are not hurt!!!! I am not mad!!! Didn't you read the end of my post?
Goody, seriously, are you feeling ok? You're acting very strange. And don't say I'm just being thin-skinned because I'm not mad or hurt, I'm worried. I am not upset with you, honestly. I have just been teasing you and I hope you know that.

I'm concerned about you, not hurt or mad!
texassnuboots said:
Thank you beesy, you are so kind. But I have listened to it and have heard the word Damon (like a deep guttural sound) coming from Darlie, but I only heard one "Damon" not three like the others have heard. In others words I only heard "Damon" once, spoken with menace and low from the gut kind of voice. I had to listen over and over, but it is there and can be heard. But one has to listen so closely and hold the speakers to the ears blocking out all other sounds. I don't have earphones. When I first heard it, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I was that shook up over it. I had listened to that call many, many times before and had never heard it. It frightened me when I heard it.

Edited to say that I listened to the tape early this morning.
Oh...then you do need a clearer copy. It is there. REALLY CLEAR.
texassnuboots said:
Rubbish!! You are too personally vested. Why? What I mean is you seem to bleed whenever any one cuts Darlie.
O, gawd,you are one of those! hahahahahahahahahahah! you don't know how funny your suspicions are. You are talking to one person who always wondered if a supporter poster was Darin or Darlie Kee or some other friend or family member for the longest time. hahahahahahahahhahaha. So you think Goody is close to the case, maybe even one of the principals because she as you say "bleeds" for Darlie. <sigh> It would be offensive if it weren't so hysterical!
texassnuboots said:
I am a poster who is suspicious as to how many usernames one poster has.
I only have one, but why on earth would you care if you are posting to my posts? I could have 50 and what difference would it make? I could still only post one post at a time. These are silly swipes you are taking at me.

Now, Boots, it is time to get back on topic. Have you checked out the Goody Challenge thread? If not, please do. Since you are in the Dallas area, can you tell us if you know of a reputable psychic in that area. It has to be a good one with a good solid rep. We would appreciate any recommendations you could provide.
cami said:
Please stop fighting you guys. It's a new year, 2006, let's all shake hands and make up. :truce:
Good idea, Cami. Goody has already tired of this game. I hope Boots will take me up on the Goody challenge. She could prove to be helpful.
I've been catching up on reading the threads here (Had to laugh at the Dave M. posts and then the memories of Cheryl-lol) and came across one about the wall by where Damon was found. I have always believed Damon was attacked more than once but thought there was no blood evidence to support this. Was there cast-off blood on that wall section? I backed away from this case because it got a bit depressing and now I don't recall all the specifics. I did think there was no blood evidence on that wall. I know some of you can quote the transcripts like a preacher quotes scriptures, so if someone would pllllllllleeeeeeeaaase tell me if this is in the transcript I would be forever grateful.
It makes sense that he was attacked twice. I would love to see something actually backed that up.
StellaTravers said:
I've been catching up on reading the threads here (Had to laugh at the Dave M. posts and then the memories of Cheryl-lol) and came across one about the wall by where Damon was found. I have always believed Damon was attacked more than once but thought there was no blood evidence to support this. Was there cast-off blood on that wall section? I backed away from this case because it got a bit depressing and now I don't recall all the specifics. I did think there was no blood evidence on that wall. I know some of you can quote the transcripts like a preacher quotes scriptures, so if someone would pllllllllleeeeeeeaaase tell me if this is in the transcript I would be forever grateful.
It makes sense that he was attacked twice. I would love to see something actually backed that up.

Yes, both Darlie and Damon's blood was found on the wall in the area where Damon's body was located.

From Judith Flood's testimony:

3 A. Also, the hallway area.
4 Q. All right. We see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 along
5 the wall of the family room. You also tested those; is
6 that right?
7 A. That's correct.
8 Q. And are the three on the hallway, what
9 I am going to call the entry hallway, that you did
10 testing on also?
11 A. Yes.

4 Q. On the kitchen floor here, with the RM
5 and RH designation, those are who?
6 A. Those are Darlie.
7 Q. Again, along the wall here in the
8 kitchen near the light switch?
9 A. Yes, those are Darlie.
10 Q. This up here on the kitchen bar area?
11 A. Darlie.
12 Q. And, then a designation for the green
13 and white plaid rag there, item No. 29?
14 A. Darlie.
15 Q. Along the wall here in the hallway as
16 well as the family room?
17 A. Darlie.
18 Q. Where we have represented Damon
19 Routier here on the carpeted area?
20 A. That is correct.
21 Q. That would be Damon; is that right?
22 A. That's correct.

p.s. there is a blood map in MTJD that shows where the blood was found. Damon was designated in the colour green, Darlie red and Devon yellow. It used to be on the net at one time in FoxNews unsolved mysteries but I can't find any longer.
Thank you. I remembered about the blood map on the carpet, etc but couldn't recall about the wall. I am going to go read the whole section about this. I hate to re-read the entire transcript but reading on these posts, I have forgotten so much.
Now I remember why I stopped trying to stay on top of this case. I have been re reading volume 38 of the trial transcripts and it makes my blood boil. Isn't it amazing how when a person is guilty and doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Tahiti they always blame the inept police or the corrupt justice system? I've read all this before but there is nothing like a refresher to remind me of why I am so certain she is guilty. There are many people out there who will never read the transcripts for whatever reason and accept what the Darlie camp is saying. The part that has set me off now is the section about Devon's wounds. According to the Poor Innocent Darlie side, Devon was definitely stabbed with a different weapon. Nowhere does it say that. yeah, I know we all knew that, but reading it again really lit my fuse. Where are the supporters getting their supporting evidence??? I don't see any testimony that say the knife could not have been the weapon used on Devon. I see a lot of twisting around to try and make the testimony say that, but the final word was the knife could have made the wounds.

Somewhere on the many threads I have been reading here, someone made mention of how Darlie is still manipulating people and I do believe that accounts for a lot of the blind following she has. But wouldn't you think the people closest to her have some inkling of the truth? I use to think her family was in strong denial and accepted everything blindly. Not so sure now. I'm thinking they have dismissed the boys in favor of saving Darlie no matter what. They had to have seen much more of the flaws of her case up close and personal. No body can be in that strong of denial.
StellaTravers said:
Now I remember why I stopped trying to stay on top of this case. I have been re reading volume 38 of the trial transcripts and it makes my blood boil. Isn't it amazing how when a person is guilty and doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Tahiti they always blame the inept police or the corrupt justice system? I've read all this before but there is nothing like a refresher to remind me of why I am so certain she is guilty
I despise that. You aim for no mistakes in an investigation, but that is a very high goal. It is very difficult to maintain a pristine crime scene when there are living victims in the same room. They totally trash PO Walling, the first on the scene. He did what he was supposed to do. He believed the intruder might be in the pitch black garage. At that time he had no reason to think she was lying. If he had gone into the garage and been killed, the family is unprotected again. He stood in the entry standing guard at the front door, but he could see the UR door from that vantage point.
There are many people out there who will never read the transcripts for whatever reason and accept what the Darlie camp is saying. The part that has set me off now is the section about Devon's wounds. According to the Poor Innocent Darlie side, Devon was definitely stabbed with a different weapon. Nowhere does it say that. yeah, I know we all knew that, but reading it again really lit my fuse. Where are the supporters getting their supporting evidence??? I don't see any testimony that say the knife could not have been the weapon used on Devon. I see a lot of twisting around to try and make the testimony say that, but the final word was the knife could have made the wounds
I have heard Darin from his own big mouth, say Devon was killed a bayonet type device, something sharp on both sides. No! The autopsy demonstrates nothing to that affect and as you said it is not said at all in the testimony. They can't just make things up and state them as fact. Perhaps if they said "the autopsy report says this, but our research turned up this" I might actually listen to them if they said that.
Somewhere on the many threads I have been reading here, someone made mention of how Darlie is still manipulating people and I do believe that accounts for a lot of the blind following she has
That might have been me. If it wasn't, that's how I feel. She has
scads of supporters who pay for all of these tests and attorney fees. Maybe some of her supporters will calm down now that she's been a stay. It's not over though, dear Darlie

But wouldn't you think the people closest to her have some inkling of the truth? I use to think her family was in strong denial and accepted everything blindly. Not so sure now. I'm thinking they have dismissed the boys in favor of saving Darlie no matter what. They had to have seen much more of the flaws of her case up close and personal. No body can be in that strong of denial
Of course they know there was no intruder, but they may not know everything about how it happened, but they know. What we need is a peripheral member of the family to squeal.
cami said:
Wasn't the bloody knife print nearer to Devon's body than Damon's?
It's hard to tell, but I think maybe between the chair and about even with the front of the couch. Bevel said the knife outline in Darlie's blood supports the 2nd Attack Theory, and it does, but why is the knife so away? Damon crawled more after the 2nd attack? Dr. Townsend-Parker said he could have lived as much as 8-10 mins. after the fatal wound. Darlie ran out of time to attack him yet again?
I noticed in the photos in "MTJD" that there were cut marks on the inside of every finger
which indicated to me that while she was stabbing the boys, the knife slipped and cut her on what she claims were defense wounds.
silentrose said:
I noticed in the photos in "MTJD" that there were cut marks on the inside of every finger
which indicated to me that while she was stabbing the boys, the knife slipped and cut her on what she claims were defense wounds.
Those cuts are more like paper cuts and they aren't where a person gets knife slip cuts. Those are usually in the webbed part between thumb and forefinger and the palm. But those are not defense wounds either. She would have had cuts to the bone by grabbing at a knife. Here is a link to true defense wounds; notice the baby at the bottom of the page. She has a cut to the bone from grabbing at the knife:

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