The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

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On the colour wheel, purple is directly opposing yellow. In colour terms, yellow is the exact opposite of purple.

and that's why there are no purple sunflowers::happydance:
1.02pm: Justice John Byrne said a person who caused the death of another, directly or indirectly, was deemed to have killed the person.

He said to convict Baden-Clay of murder, the jury had to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that he caused the death of his wife and did so with an intention to kill or cause her grievous bodily harm.
On the colour wheel, purple is directly opposing yellow. In colour terms, yellow is the exact opposite of purple.

Of course KG....thank you...that makes even more sense....albeit a bit vindictive, and not very supportive of the claims by OWB of how much she loved Allison..
Or maybe they just like purple? :)

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I've tried to keep an open mind from the beginning to now. I'm absolutely convinced he killed her and disposed of her or asked someone to help him dispose of her but I'm still undecided whether it was murder or manslaughter. My opinion is changing all the time.

On the one hand, I still doubt he has the guts for murder. I'm having pictures in my mind of them having a fight and him trying to quieten her and accidentally blocking her nose and mouth at the same time, causing her to die.
Then again, I doubt that she'd be the kind of person getting hysterical anywhere close to her children and risking that they'd be affected in any way. This means the wouldn't have been the need to keep her quiet and therefore no accident. Which would lead to the conclusion that is was cold blooded murder.
Either way, he should spend many, many years behind bars.

I'm still inclined to think it all happened outdoors on that night - Scraps definitely was disturbed and it was a disturbance which caused Scraps to bark and carry on the way he did. I think it went from the patio area to the carport and at some point Allison was knocked down and fatally killed by head injury. No blood there necessarily, but perhaps blood from split lip or other minor injury with little blood loss. Blood will not pump after death occurs. MOO For what it is worth - I have always believed that GBC is guilty of murder and hopefully the jury will find the same.
Was anyone else surprised that there ended up being no cctv of the vehicle(s)?
On the colour wheel, purple is directly opposing yellow. In colour terms, yellow is the exact opposite of purple.

WOW !!!

Is it an offence punishable by law to approach a jury ? If so let's hope another BC is in trouble.

I never knew Alison but I have followed this from the start. I'm fining today quite an emotional day. We've waited so long for today and the jury's verdict.

It never sat right with me that he killed her for the money. I realise now that perhaps he killed her to keep up the GBC charade. Did he even know that a body was needed for the insurance money ?
I also feel a slight twinge if pity for Toni McH. What a mess to find yourself tangled up in :( An affair is one thing but being in love with a murderer is totally different. Her life has surely changed forever now.

It's going to be interesting to see if any further charges follow for other members of the BC clan. I predict that the BC seniors will retire overseas.

Thanks to everyone tweeting, it's really appreciated.
Also thanks to those who are actually in the court. Your observations are priceless.
With the 156 watchers on board let's all hold cyber hands and say in harmony "JUSTICE FOR ALLISON".
I am betting Toni won't be coming to see him on visiting days. Guilty for me.

you know, Surfee.. that's the one thing I veer from side to side on. About the only thing.. all along, I figured she would be the first to request to be on his visitors list. .. conjugal visit, no less.. even after her evidence in court , I was firmly of that opinion.. . now I swing a bit after his evidence in regard to Toni.. that relationship was as queer as it gets.. .. she liked to be kicked to the kerb, and he liked to kick her to the kerb, it was, ( is? ) a perfect match in so many ways..

As the days have gone by since his evidence and his defence summing up.. ( Toni 'Wallpaper' McHugh ) .. I wonder if that's been an OK thing between them. She gives him permission to publicise her as this, and he relishes the opportunity to do it. A symbiotic thing..a means to an end.. ..

I don't dwell on it too much because it's unproductive, and god knows, I will never get a resolvement of it.. ..

but say, 8 years down the track.. wouldn't surprise me if Gerard applied for some registration of Toni as partner while he serves his time..
They think they are royalty....purple is an old royal colour....or used for mourning....more recently used as a colour that strong woman wear...take your pick...I think either the first or second option....

OBCW is/was involved with a church program called SHE in Townsville - perhaps it is something to do with this?
I'm still inclined to think it all happened outdoors on that night - Scraps definitely was disturbed and it was a disturbance which caused Scraps to bark and carry on the way he did. I think it went from the patio area to the carport and at some point Allison was knocked down and fatally killed by head injury. No blood there necessarily, but perhaps blood from split lip or other minor injury with little blood loss. Blood will not pump after death occurs. MOO For what it is worth - I have always believed that GBC is guilty of murder and hopefully the jury will find the same.
would also explain why the girls heard nothing good thinking kg1, I have always thought they fought and he choked her but outside makes more sense
I have noticed the predominance of wearing something among the two BC women and other women who are with them sometimes. Does anyone know what this signifies, if anything?

maybe GBC's favourite colour?
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
Nope, I asked a certain journo at the beginning of the trial if the roundabout would be bought up & also if any immunity was offered to anyone & got a reply that she would be very surprised if either of those happened or would happen.
Based on the evidence presented in this trial my vote would be YES Guilty!

me three . and I can't believe ALL the jurors had no opinion before empannelled so that augers well too if you know what I mean
I am still catching up. Alioop, what does this mean (in the quote)?
What I got from the judge summing up was look at the hard evidence and not the dribble of lies that were told.
Not suicide.
Emails to Toni
Scratch marks on face
Financial situation
Phone charger
Blood in car
Leaves in hair
Why he called the police so early
Missing phone
Motive is obvious but not required. Opportunity is there and definitely the means to do
Guilty as charged. Case closed IMO. Fingers crossed. Then go get NBC for helping

Totallyintrigued you have absolutely covered it all!
Guilty since his 'I was a little bit hurt interview' I also believe he smothered her.
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