The jonbenet Ramsey letter

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It's so blatantly obvious to me that PR wrote the ridiculous note I can't believe there is anyone who would doubt it. I also think that this wasn't an accident over bed wetting. It certainly could have been but, as the poster above points out, that was routine and didn't seem to take much to deal with. They did have a housekeeper, after all.

What really tells me that this wasn't due to bed wetting was the horrific sexually-oriented cover-up. What person could do that to their precious daughter? It, as well, points to PR to me. Someone who's mind works like the one who wrote that over-wrought, fantastical, RN. I think JBR likely suffered abuse at the hands of several people in that house (and outside it) but the darkest, most evil of them all, was PR.

I think JBR was likely pimped out to people, and FW began to be suspicious.

I don't know why some people have a hard time believing this. It happens all the time. And you have a mother who tarts up her young girl and parades her in front of a bunch of strangers. Reportedly, PR was the one who pushed JBR into doing the "more suggestive" moves in her routines. PR was a very sick person, and I have zero sympathy for her.
It's so blatantly obvious to me that PR wrote the ridiculous note I can't believe there is anyone who would doubt it. I also think that this wasn't an accident over bed wetting. It certainly could have been but, as the poster above points out, that was routine and didn't seem to take much to deal with. They did have a housekeeper, after all.

What really tells me that this wasn't due to bed wetting was the horrific sexually-oriented cover-up. What person could do that to their precious daughter? It, as well, points to PR to me. Someone who's mind works like the one who wrote that over-wrought, fantastical, RN. I think JBR likely suffered abuse at the hands of several people in that house (and outside it) but the darkest, most evil of them all, was PR.

I think JBR was likely pimped out to people, and FW began to be suspicious.

I don't know why some people have a hard time believing this. It happens all the time. And you have a mother who tarts up her young girl and parades her in front of a bunch of strangers. Reportedly, PR was the one who pushed JBR into doing the "more suggestive" moves in her routines. PR was a very sick person, and I have zero sympathy for her.

Wow, very interesting...

if this is true then I would be shocked. But then, it could be true. We do know that Patsy wrote the Ransom note.

Is it possible that PR killed her daughter and her husband John, did not know anything about it? Is it possible she hid it from him? The housekeeper would have likely been let off on holiday for Christmas.

That is ONE HUGE TREMENDOUS LIE to keep from someone for so long.

Wouldn't John suspect her because of him seeing the hand writing on the ransom note? Patsy would have had to have been out of bed for hours to stage the crime, then write the ransom note, cover her other tracks them come back up to bed and not wake John. Man, that seems difficult to comprehend.
Patsy would not have made the mistake of putting JonBenet in the size 12s. She was not the one who wiped the body. She wore the same party clothes from the night before. Her fibers enmeshed in the ligature is the most damning evidence against her. She is deceitful during the 911, and then lied about Burke's presence there.

The latest that the RN could have been begun is 5:20am. Some of it is derived from movies, e.g. "Ransom".
Patsy would not have made the mistake of putting JonBenet in the size 12s.
I agree Patsy did not dress size 12s on her darling daughter but someone staging a scene might do that.
She was not the one who wiped the body.
Her molester wiped the body. The inserted paintbrush probably was meant to try to cover up prior abuse.
She wore the same party clothes from the night before.
Patsy probably washed her face before bed and left her clothes laying out because she looked cute at the White's dinner party. The holidays had been hectic and there was more to go. She was taking those black sacks filled with clothes for their Charlevoiux Christmas. She could freshen up there for the arrival of the R's children.
Her fibers enmeshed in the ligature is the most damning evidence against her. She is deceitful during the 911, and then lied about Burke's presence there.
My theory is the fibers were intentionally planted within the ligatures of the knot by a person who knew about forming knots, perhaps from their days in the Navy.
Many times and many ways I've tried (wifi speakers etal) but I can't hear BR asking anything or them directing comments to him in the 911 call. I don't think he left his bed because his mother was in a frantic panic after reading the RNote that instructed her not to call the police. She did it anyway because her baby girl was missing and there was a terrifying RN left in her place.
The latest that the RN could have been begun is 5:20am. Some of it is derived from movies, e.g. "Ransom".
Patsy was not the movie buff but her partner was one. The film Nick of Time was played at the White's earlier that evening. [It's actually a decent flick.] In the plot, Johnny Depp's character's daughter is kidnapped by a Political Faction. Attache is one of the words used in the movie repeated in the RNote.
Release date
  • November 22, 1995

"Showing a badge, the two strangers convince Gene [Depp] that they are police officers and whisk both father and daughter into a van without justification. Once in the vehicle, Gene begins to notice things are not right and gets nervous, but Smith subsequently pistol whips him in the leg to get his attention. Smith then informs Gene that they will kill his daughter by 1:30 p.m. unless he murders a woman depicted in a photograph."

Do not attempt to grow a brain is a line used in the movie Speed.

We know a 911 call was made a few nights before. SS answered the door when the police arrived and explained it was an accident and that, indeed, all was well.

It's possible the molester premeditated this murder because JB might spill the beans, accidentally or otherwise, about the inappropriate touching.
If premeditation is true, the RNote could have been written in advance and in preparation of the event.

It is wrong to declare Patsy wrote the RNote based mostly upon the letter q. It's just as likely that someone studied her writing or had seen it on copious occasions so practicing a few key letters wouldn't be that difficult to replicate. Hence, the RN is a forgery of Patsy's writings. jmoo I'm not an expert.

The missing pages from Patsy's notepad escaped the house without ever being found. It must have gone the wayside along with other missing items, ie, the broken paintbrush section, the duct tape, remaining white nylon cord, etal.

If one is planning a horrific crime of the century, but certainly didn't realize nor anticipate how big the case would become, then the police must be misled which meant several people must be slightly implicated:

PR because of the fibers in the knots of the cord and the RNote. BR simply bc he was in the house. JAR was because of his blue Samsonite location at the window as well as the duvet cover and adult Dr Seuss book found inside. Also, fibers from JAR's rope used for rappeling were found on JBs sheets. The rough thick rope was found in a brown paper bag under his bed. The killer knew this and possibly had tied JB lightly and loosely to her bed at times with that very rope. The knots on her wrists were tied lightly not tightly, too. SantaBill became a POI because of the play his wife had written AND because JonBenet told a few people Santa would pay her a special visit on Christmas Night.

JonBenet may have removed the red turtleneck and left it wadded up by the sink and put on her pretty pink gown for the special visit with Santa. That could be the reason her favorite gown was in the HellHole.

To soothe JBs emotions or a gift from love, her favorite snack, a bowl of pineapple with condensed milk, was offered. She deserved the special silver spoon, this little princess bride. There were probably only two people that JonBenet would likely go with down into that dark basement, especially at nighttime, because it frightened her. She thought she was safe but she was with her killer.

Chronic and acute abuse was noted in the AR. If the molestation freshly happened upstairs in her bed, and the killer was walking behind this child down in the basement for an intentional purpose, then she could have been hit; thereby, cracking her skull without ever knowing it was coming from a secret love.

One of the brilliant and most astute WS members, @otg calculated the items in evidence that could have been this weapon.
  • Black sheet metal from wine cellar (39KKY)
  • baseball bat (3GLI)
  • golf clubs (4GLI)
  • red clay brick (48BAB)
  • baseball bat (74BAB)
  • hammer (6BAH)
  • flashlight (20JRB)
  • golf club (79BAH)
otg also wrote "the object that caused the skull fractures was between 1/2" to 1" diameter" He further opined a leftover piece of pipe from the recent repair in the basement's pipe system would fit the diameter.

The killer should confess of these numerous sins. Two grown men, JAR and BR, would have their good names cleared and restored as they should have been done long ago.

** This is written from recollections of the evidence but it is only a humble opinion of my own bc I don't know who killed the precious Christmas child. MOHOO
Did the murder happen at a childs bedtime? whats the "official" explanation of why JB would have been in the basement in the first place, instead of a warm bedroom?

(just trying to bush up my memory on this case - apologies if its a silly question)
Did the murder happen at a childs bedtime? whats the "official" explanation of why JB would have been in the basement in the first place, instead of a warm bedroom?

(just trying to bush up my memory on this case - apologies if its a silly question)
Based upon the state of the body when found, it was estimated that the time of death could have occurred at any time between 10:00PM and 6:00AM. The R's claimed that she was asleep when they arrived home around 10:00PM. The autopsy showed that she had ingested pineapple a few hours before her death. So it's likely that her death occurred sometime after midnight.

It is believed that the basement was the staging area for the cover up if you are a believer that one of the R's was responsible. In this instance it is likely that the R's were lying about her bedtime and being asleep, and that she was actually awake much later than 10PM. If you believe the IDI theory, then she would have been brought from her bedroom to the basement to be sexually assaulted and then murdered. This is what the R's claimed happened.
Thanks :) I found this part intriguing on this page
'The floors were heavily carpeted, so it’s possible that an intruder carried a stunned child down to the basement without waking the family'

And Mr Oliva was described this way by his friend Vail "would frequently break into homes, schools, and other buildings to commit petty theft. I would call him a creeper,"

I'm thinking that the shoe fits here on quite a few levels
Does this look and sound ridiculous and fake in your mind? Seems the writer was really trying hard to make it look like a random kidnapping took place. This should suggest one of the parents wrote this and no way some random person scribbled all this down somehow knowing the things about the fathers Job ext. Has phony misleading hoax written all over it. What are your thoughts? Thank you everyone.View attachment 427073
I have been following this case for a long time, and it occurs to me that the handwriting analysis done on Patsy Ramsey was inconclusive. They think she wrote it, but they couldn't prove it. My thoughts is that she wrote part of it with one hand and part with her other. jmo
Based upon the state of the body when found, it was estimated that the time of death could have occurred at any time between 10:00PM and 6:00AM. The R's claimed that she was asleep when they arrived home around 10:00PM. The autopsy showed that she had ingested pineapple a few hours before her death. So it's likely that her death occurred sometime after midnight.

It is believed that the basement was the staging area for the cover up if you are a believer that one of the R's was responsible. In this instance it is likely that the R's were lying about her bedtime and being asleep, and that she was actually awake much later than 10PM. If you believe the IDI theory, then she would have been brought from her bedroom to the basement to be sexually assaulted and then murdered. This is what the R's claimed happened.
It seems to me that the party the previous night may have attracted a predator. At one point that evening, she said she "didn't feel pretty anymore". Maybe she was going to tell?
the killers writing vs Oliva's writing. Look at the uneven style. To the left, then right, in a distinctive way.
Let it not be lost on the reader, that both letters are requests for money! From the same individual surely...

In my opinion, the plan was a kidnapping, but he found it too hard, so he just took her to the basement and then raped / killed her and left
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Did the murder happen at a childs bedtime? whats the "official" explanation of why JB would have been in the basement in the first place, instead of a warm bedroom?

(just trying to bush up my memory on this case - apologies if its a silly question)

Jon Benet was put to bed at approximately 10pm Dec. 25, 1996. Patsy Ramsey found the ransom note at 5:30am Dec. 26, 1996 as she was up and dressed getting ready to make breakfast and then they were headed to the airport for their flight to Michigan. Jon Benet's body was found at 1:05pm December 26, 1996. Official time of death was between 10pm and 6am. A neighbor, MS, reported being awakened by a horrible scream from the direction of the Ramsay house just between midnight and 2 in the morning of December 26, 1996. Boiler room theory arises in Ramsey killing.

I believe that someone had been talking to Jon Bennet before the night of the murder so she thought he was a "secret" friend. IMO, he told Jon Benet that he was going to take her to see Santa for a special visit on Christmas night to gain her compliance in getting out of bed and coming downstairs with him. That is what Jon Benet said at the White's party that night - that she was going to have a special visit with Santa that night (Christmas night), but no one took her seriously and told her Santa had already come the night before (Christmas Eve).

In addition, a short distance from the Ramsay's home, another little girl, "Amy" age 12, who only lived 2 miles away in Boulder was sexually assaulted by an unknown intruder who crept into her bedroom during the night, called her by name and threatened to "knock her out." Her assailant was never caught. "Amy" attended the same dance studio that Jon Benet attended. Camel Blue cigarette butts were found outside the Ramsay home AND outside of Amy's home. There are many similarities between the two cases:

All JMO.
Jon Benet was put to bed at approximately 10pm Dec. 25, 1996. Patsy Ramsey found the ransom note at 5:30am Dec. 26, 1996 as she was up and dressed getting ready to make breakfast and then they were headed to the airport for their flight to Michigan. Jon Benet's body was found at 1:05pm December 26, 1996. Official time of death was between 10pm and 6am. A neighbor, MS, reported being awakened by a horrible scream from the direction of the Ramsay house just between midnight and 2 in the morning of December 26, 1996. Boiler room theory arises in Ramsey killing.

I believe that someone had been talking to Jon Bennet before the night of the murder so she thought he was a "secret" friend. IMO, he told Jon Benet that he was going to take her to see Santa for a special visit on Christmas night to gain her compliance in getting out of bed and coming downstairs with him. That is what Jon Benet said at the White's party that night - that she was going to have a special visit with Santa that night (Christmas night), but no one took her seriously and told her Santa had already come the night before (Christmas Eve).

In addition, a short distance from the Ramsay's home, another little girl, "Amy" age 12, who only lived 2 miles away in Boulder was sexually assaulted by an unknown intruder who crept into her bedroom during the night, called her by name and threatened to "knock her out." Her assailant was never caught. "Amy" attended the same dance studio that Jon Benet attended. Camel Blue cigarette butts were found outside the Ramsay home AND outside of Amy's home. There are many similarities between the two cases:

All JMO.
It was the R's story that JB was put to bed at approximately 10:00PM. Can this be relied upon as the truth? IMO, it cannot. The pineapple found in her digestive system indicates that it was eaten approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours prior to her death. The White's said they did not serve pineapple at their Christmas dinner that night. And a bowl of pineapple was found on the kitchen counter the next morning, with both PR and BR's fingerprints on it. This calls the R's timeline into question, as also does differing comments by BR.

The story you are relating about the secret friend is a little off. She did tell a friend's mother that Santa was going to pay her a visit AFTER Christmas. This occurred at the friend's house a day or so before Christmas and not at the White's house on Christmas night. Most likely it was because the R's were due to celebrate a 2nd Christmas in Charlevoix with JR's two older children, which is where they were supposed to be flying on the 26th.

The cigarette butts is an interesting coincidence, but it didn't lead anywhere. The "Amy" incident was a sexual assault, there was no kidnapping aspect. And for me, I have to question how an intruder who was careful enough to have not left virtually any evidence of himself at the crime scene (Ramsey), would at the same time be so careless as to leave cigarette butts behind in the alleyway near the R house, in particular that could tie him to a 2nd crime.
the killers writing vs Oliva's writing. Look at the uneven style. To the left, then right, in a distinctive way.
Let it not be lost on the reader, that both letters are requests for money! From the same individual surely...
View attachment 485296

In my opinion, the plan was a kidnapping, but he found it too hard, so he just took her to the basement and then raped / killed her and left
I also notice how the first small "a" is write-in the modern style in the word "carefully" in the first sentence, whereas the writer reverted to the older "backwards 6" style small "a" in the next sentence in the word "are" and this same "backwards 6" style "a" is in the Gary Oliva letter. I believe this was a failed attempt to disguise the ransom letter's writer's handwriting.
I also notice how the first small "a" is write-in the modern style in the word "carefully" in the first sentence, whereas the writer reverted to the older "backwards 6" style small "a" in the next sentence in the word "are" and this same "backwards 6" style "a" is in the Gary Oliva letter. I believe this was a failed attempt to disguise the ransom letter's writer's handwriting.

This is actually an interesting exercise that my friend (a forensic hand writing expert) had me do for him one day a few years ago before his super bowl party.

He had me write 3 sentences with my dominant hand and disguise it as well as possible.

I thought I did an absolute perfect job, changing the slant, angle, width, characters, spacing, everything I could do to possibly change it.

He showed me how by the 3rd sentence, I had screwed up and gone back to almost my own hand writing especially with unique letters that I didn't even know nobody else did.

He showed me so many things that "I did wrong".. that I asked him if I could try again.. and he said No, let's get a beer and get ready for the game.

Try it yourself, right now.

Write 3 sentences disguising your handwriting as best as you can. Watch how your 3rd sentence you draw your guard and your style changes
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I'm a former grafitti artist, so I pay attention to little curls and flicks in writing and I have an eye for these little clues. That is Oliva's writing. It's almost a fingerprint.

Read this article
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the killers writing vs Oliva's writing. Look at the uneven style. To the left, then right, in a distinctive way.
Let it not be lost on the reader, that both letters are requests for money! From the same individual surely...
View attachment 485296

In my opinion, the plan was a kidnapping, but he found it too hard, so he just took her to the basement and then raped / killed her and left

PR was reportedly ambidextrous and able to write with the opposite hand. The letter on the left shows "shakiness" which is what a person writing with the wrong does.... but this person was better than normal person at writing with their opposite hand.

Although Gary Oliva letter has some similar lettering, the PR comparison was closer.

The long and the short of it is we will never know for sure who wrote the note. I would "vote" or Pat.
Patsy's writing is more 'spiky' almost like barb wire. The killer's writing has more curvature.
In comparison, Oliva's letter is much closer. It's there in front of us, people. Look again.
And look how Patsy's writes the letter a the regular way, but the killer uses the old style which has a 'canopy'


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