The Last Happy Hour, book by Charles Joseph Hackett

Examining tables are always padded aren't they? I am curious about this kitchen island that doubles as an examining table on so many levels....

Is it made of butcher block? :floorlaugh: Does the island have a a reclining section that can come up like a chair?
If he repairs an open wound for a neighbor, how do they clean it before it's ready to prepare a summer supper? I understand why his 2 daughters moved to the other side of the country, their home life was just too bizarre, they would never find mates after meeting that dad on the first date... I'm not a fan of hollywood, but if they do swoop down to feast on this story they might as well go dark comedy with the Cohen brothers because this is just becoming more absurd by the day.

Come on Truth, you never heard of doctors having stainless steel examination tables in their living rooms?



Obviously I missed out on a great Christmas gift for DH. Or not.

I am speechless too ~ it is something you couldn't dream up in a million years, especially when it involves someone who fits the possibility so perfectly, what with all the Circumstantial info we have come across. Unbelievable.

Yep scandi you said it.....Unbelieveable!!!!

From the circumstantial evidence we have learned these past few days we now know the Dr has
1) Means....a kitchen island which doubles as an exam table, ewwww and no telling what else.
2) Possible motive.....Dr.s father allegedly procured prostitutes in AC while son was an impressionable child, father wished to 'rehabilitate' prostitutes.
3) Possible opportunity.....if Drs wife indeed works 3rd shift as was rumored many months ago then his free time would coincide with the times the victims were last seen. You know what they say, the wife is always the last to know.

I have worked for several drs thru the years and visited their homes for holiday parties and such and have NEVER known one who has an exam table inside their home. (My dentist did stitch my finger once when a group of us were fishing 30 miles offshore in rough waters and a boat door slammed on it but I didn't have to lie down anywhere for him to do it. He brought out a bottle of bourbon and first aid kit and stitched me up while I sat atop the fish cooler on the stern.:crazy:)

I look forward to hearing what goathairjones finds out about this supposed exam table/counter island. It is creepy freaky, IMPO.

Id like to think the SCPD knows all this info and more as of right now I believe that they said he isnt a suspect...
Id like to think the SCPD knows all this info and more as of right now I believe that they said he isnt a suspect...

Me too Doop! I hope SCPD knows all of this info. If not, then shame on them!

BTW, Welcome to WS:seeya:

Obviously I missed out on a great Christmas gift for DH. Or not.


No worries Dionysia ... there are big Boxing Day specials this week on shower enclosures that double as hypobaric chambers !! Unique gift.

jk ;)
My curiosity about the phrase or term "Mickey Mouse" is the real reason for this post, so please don't look into it too much. From what I gather, the phrase was used to describe something as counterfeit or worthless.

The term Mickey mouse ,is often how used to describe whch other people think childish or cartoonish or overly simple.

Example ;

The contractor turned this job into a Mickey Mouse operation.

Another example .

Dectective Mickey mouse isnt solving this case very quickly.

And when someone completes a easy task with a little trouble, mockingly someone might say '" great job Mickey Mouse"
to which ,he might be called Capt n obvisous for as well.
This is group think. I believe everyone here is ignoring relevant facts to support the "CPH Theory". Its a fact that CPH is not considered a suspect by police. Its a fact that police believe Shannan died of accidental causes. Its a fact that CPH was aware of a missing persons investigation in his neighborhood, after which two of the GB4 were dumped at Gilgo (nonsense).

This smacks of cherry-picking the "evidence" from CPH's life and masquerading this as proof for the CPH Theory.

What your not realizing is that the whole thing is based on a false premise. All these coincidental "connections" that are being drawn can be drawn with just about anyone, especially when you've got a book to draw from.

Check out Carman Monaco Jr. There's a lot more there that fits the evidence that we've really got in this case.
This is group think. I believe everyone here is ignoring relevant facts to support the "CPH Theory". Its a fact that CPH is not considered a suspect by police. Its a fact that police believe Shannan died of accidental causes. Its a fact that CPH was aware of a missing persons investigation in his neighborhood, after which two of the GB4 were dumped at Gilgo (nonsense).

This smacks of cherry-picking the "evidence" from CPH's life and masquerading this as proof for the CPH Theory.

What your not realizing is that the whole thing is based on a false premise. All these coincidental "connections" that are being drawn can be drawn with just about anyone, especially when you've got a book to draw from.

Check out Carman Monaco Jr. There's a lot more there that fits the evidence that we've really got in this case.

with all due respect inspector, we have our thread and you have yours.
we aren't coming to your thread and telling you not to sleuth carman sandiego. I didn't respond to your pm asking me to stop sleuthing cph because I am not looking for argument with anyone on this board. please allow me and the other posters on this thread to sleuth cph without interference. it is up to the moderators of this forum to judge what can and can't be posted not posters.
This is group think. I believe everyone here is ignoring relevant facts to support the "CPH Theory". Its a fact that CPH is not considered a suspect by police. Its a fact that police believe Shannan died of accidental causes. Its a fact that CPH was aware of a missing persons investigation in his neighborhood, after which two of the GB4 were dumped at Gilgo (nonsense).

This smacks of cherry-picking the "evidence" from CPH's life and masquerading this as proof for the CPH Theory.

What your not realizing is that the whole thing is based on a false premise. All these coincidental "connections" that are being drawn can be drawn with just about anyone, especially when you've got a book to draw from.

Check out Carman Monaco Jr. There's a lot more there that fits the evidence that we've really got in this case.

I think neither of them are the serial killer, but when we have so many questions and no reals answers we all look for theories and suspects.
This info on CPH and his family has been sleuthed in great detail since December 2010. It is not like anyone is layering this info to fit. In actuality, information on CPH is like an ONION. Every time one of us has tried to rule him out we find yet another layer. In the Spring of 2011, I found tons of bizarre chit on the good doc. At the time, we were told we couldn't sleuth him or his relatives. So, I didn't post any of it But I Saved All of it.
Just to be fair, there is no evidence to outright prove that there aren't two killers with different motivations (re:Manorville & GB4.) Then again, for all we know, there could be a duo/partnership working together for the same cause.
Three sleuthers each with strong feelings, each with a strong hunch.

I think Fluke likes GC,
Inspctgadget likes Carmen,
Truthspider (and my self) likes PCH.

Rather than focus on reasons or evidence that these guys are involved, lets try and eliminate one or two of them, or all three. Much like a sculpturer chips away at the useless pieces of stone to reveal the piece of art; let us look carefully at each of the candidates, and see if we can come up reasons to rule them out. (The fact LE has cleared someone does not count for me)

Also let us try and concentrate on SG's death. Even though I believe all the deaths are related and I maybe wrong, once we solve SG's case, the relationship will come clear.

One reason I would rule out PCH is that it is hard for me to believe a man who has spent his life helping and healing people could be a SK. I think doctors care, about others and SKs do not. Now I have heard stories of doctors 'offing' old and infirm, but healthy young women? That is why I have some doubt about PCH being involved.
This is group think. I believe everyone here is ignoring relevant facts to support the "CPH Theory". Its a fact that CPH is not considered a suspect by police. Its a fact that police believe Shannan died of accidental causes. Its a fact that CPH was aware of a missing persons investigation in his neighborhood, after which two of the GB4 were dumped at Gilgo (nonsense).

This smacks of cherry-picking the "evidence" from CPH's life and masquerading this as proof for the CPH Theory.

What your not realizing is that the whole thing is based on a false premise. All these coincidental "connections" that are being drawn can be drawn with just about anyone, especially when you've got a book to draw from.

Check out Carman Monaco Jr. There's a lot more there that fits the evidence that we've really got in this case.
I totally agree 100%. Whenever I start to get lured into the CPH bandwagon I end up taking a step backwards and look at the so-called evidence and see it's mostly smoke and mirrors.

The guy is extremely weird so it is easy to pull stuff from his life and say it makes him look guilty.
I think neither of them are the serial killer, but when we have so many questions and no reals answers we all look for theories and suspects.

I agree Doop. When the SK is finally caught (and he will be), I will not be surprised to discover that it is a name we have never heard of before. That is why I am also trying to keep tabs over at the LISK site. I can pretty much guarantee you that the SK is reading and/or posting here and over there. I am currently following the postings of someone over there that is convinced the SK is her husband and lives in New Jersey. She may be a total whack job, but I have followed her postings long enough that I am convinced she definitely BELIEVES her husband is the SK. In any case, someone who inserted their self into a high profile case like this, the way CPH did, has to expect scrutiny. Early this morning, one of our other WS'ers posted a scathing tirade about how we are destroying CPH and should be ashamed of ourselves. They have since removed the post, so I don't know if anyone else saw it. I mean CPH no harm, and will publically apologize after the SK is arrested if it turns out to be someone else. In the interim, I think the coincidences are fascinating and worthy of inspection. After all... that is what we do..... I honestly have much more sympathy for the victims and the families of the victims at this point in time. We are not a jury, and as my Mother always said - "The Truth Will Stand When The World Is On Fire". Our theories are speculation, but they have all been identified as speculation. The "coincidences" that we have found are comprised of information from various news articles, historical documents, and real-world items that are in the public domain.
I totally agree 100%. Whenever I start to get lured into the CPH bandwagon I end up taking a step backwards and look at the so-called evidence and see it's mostly smoke and mirrors.

The guy is extremely weird so it is easy to pull stuff from his life and say it makes him look guilty.

If you go into anyone's past looking for info that they MIGHT be a killer, you can convince yourself of anyone's guilt. But even with the excellent and intriguing info we have on the doc, there's not much suggesting that he's violent, much less a serial murderer.

Given his past history of lying, it could be argued that he called Mari because he wanted to look like a hero like he is alleged to have done in the past.
I agree Doop. When the SK is finally caught (and he will be), I will not be surprised to discover that it is a name we have never heard of before. That is why I am also trying to keep tabs over at the LISK site. I can pretty much guarantee you that the SK is reading and/or posting here and over there. I am currently following the postings of someone over there that is convinced the SK is her husband and lives in New Jersey. She may be a total whack job, but I have followed her postings long enough that I am convinced she definitely BELIEVES her husband is the SK. In any case, someone who inserted their self into a high profile case like this, the way CPH did, has to expect scrutiny. Early this morning, one of our other WS'ers posted a scathing tirade about how we are destroying CPH and should be ashamed of ourselves. They have since removed the post, so I don't know if anyone else saw it. I mean CPH no harm, and will publically apologize after the SK is arrested if it turns out to be someone else. In the interim, I think the coincidences are fascinating and worthy of inspection. After all... that is what we do..... I honestly have much more sympathy for the victims and the families of the victims at this point in time. We are not a jury, and as my Mother always said - "The Truth Will Stand When The World Is On Fire". Our theories are speculation, but they have all been identified as speculation. The "coincidences" that we have found are comprised of information from various news articles, historical documents, and real-world items that are in the public domain.

I hope you are correct about him getting caught, because until he is I wont believe it. For all we know he could have moved on and is now doing this somewhere else. Im not to optimistic about this case, but Im glad people out there believe. As far the SK posting/reading here, I could care less if he reads my posts. If that takes the time out of his day from stalking his next victim than that is fine with me. The chilling thing I think about is that the SK could have his victim right now is torturing them :gasp:.
I agree Doop. When the SK is finally caught (and he will be), I will not be surprised to discover that it is a name we have never heard of before.

Sort of off-topic, but your comment above reminded me of something.

When I was in London 2 years ago, I went on a Jack the Ripper Walk. This was the real deal, led by respected Ripperologist Donald Rumbelow. (You can Google him; the walk can be found at

When asked by one of those on the walk who he thought the Ripper was, Rumbelow said something to the effect of, "On Judgment Day, when all is revealed, we will all say 'Who?!' when the Ripper stands up."
I agree with you on this except I would change your "or"s into "and"s.
I think its all 3. Jack the Limper a former police surgeon, mocking the police for being let go... And they can't charge him yet.... Ouch ouch ouch. Think of the lawsuits against any organization that hired this misfit and turned a blind eye at his damaging acts.... All hell is going to break loose eventually. Warm the popcorn.

If it is CHP, it is taking police a long, long time to build a case against him.

I sure hope they are keeping him under surveillance so he can't bring another girl home.
If it is CHP, it is taking police a long, long time to build a case against him.

I sure hope they are keeping him under surveillance so he can't bring another girl home.

Thanks Pinkhammer! I have been meaning to post a thought on this subject! Isn't it interesting that the summer of 2011 does not appear to have yielded any NEW bodies! Our SK was on a roll for the past 2 - 3 years, and now... the spotlight is on, and .... tension builds.

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