The Last Happy Hour, book by Charles Joseph Hackett

Come on Truth, you never heard of doctors having stainless steel examination tables in their living rooms?




Are these pictures of the doctor's (CPH) living room? If so, how did you get them? Where did you get them? Why do you have them? How long have you had them?

How do you know the coffee table was once an exam table? It seems really low to the ground, can the height be adjusted?
What we do know beyond a doubt from the investigative reporting done back in 1997 is that CPH is a fantastical liar who has lied to the media then claimed he never said those things. His lying is so compulsive that he lacks the ability to prevent himself from lying even though it will end the career that he considers "nirvana". He wants more than anything to be considered a hero and will make up any unbelievable story to paint him as one.

So which do you think is the lie:

"I saw her running looking distressed so I gave her a sedative"

"She stayed the night at my halfway house then left with her driver"

"I never met her"

Who takes a 50% pay cut and calls it nirvana? Someone whose primary goal is to be close to accidents and trauma, someone who really enjoys it, someone who might even keep news clippings in his home about car accidents and tragedy. Someone who so dearly wants to see the gruesome tragedy of a fiery plane crash that he disobeys the order of his superiors, coerces a police blockade to let him through. This same someone who chose low qualification paramedic work over ER work earlier in his career which resulted in 2 lawsuits and "leaving" that employment and that town, this is odd behavior and should be noted. This pattern is textbook SK behavior, but I guess you wouldn't recognize it as such if you weren't familiar with the existing research on serial murder.

Finally, CPH wasn't picked out of a hat and examined, I examined him because the likelihood of being framed for an act you aren't aware of, then "coincidentally" becoming involved in the investigation by your own accord is on the order of 1 in 5000. And I am being very forgiving in that modeling (math). It is much much more likely (4999 out of 5000) that this individual made that rehab call himself then lied about it, compared to the odds of him being framed then "stumbling" into the very investigation he was framed for (1 out of 5000)

If you believe him, then i guess you also believe him when he said his old employees back in the 90's "sabotaged" his career intentionally, and you probably drink way too much Evian. John Wayne Gacey claimed he killed all those boys in his basement in self defense, do you believe that? That is about as likely as CPH being framed by different groups of people all his life.
You are out of line truth spider and not the only one with opinions or have researched a SK.
IMO, you are mixing found things with opinion and it's a fine line to cross at least be civil.
A book yes that his father has written he is not responsible for that. A lot of bureaucratic red tape a lot of both sides in that situation mixing it up.
I'm curious, how many people here think the perp is a sexual sadist?
Are these pictures of the doctor's (CPH) living room? If so, how did you get them? Where did you get them? Why do you have them? How long have you had them?

How do you know the coffee table was once an exam table? It seems really low to the ground, can the height be adjusted?

No it's not the Docs. It's one of hundreds for sale on the Internet to double as furniture. And yes, it is a real exam table too. This one costs $395;
I totally agree 100%. Whenever I start to get lured into the CPH bandwagon I end up taking a step backwards and look at the so-called evidence and see it's mostly smoke and mirrors.

The guy is extremely weird so it is easy to pull stuff from his life and say it makes him look guilty.

Things I am not pulling out of thin air:

1). Someone called Mari Gilbert claiming to be CPH, saying that he was treating Shannan in his halfway house.

2). CPH DID lie about this phone call.

3). Witnesses tell us that Shannan ran down Anchor Way that evening, the very street CPH lives on.

4). Shannan's body WAS found in a thicket behind the good doctor's house.

I don't see those things as "smoke and mirrors"...I see them as facts I can't simply ignore.

I'm not focusing on CPH to the exclusion of anyone else, but I'm damned sure not going to bump him from the top of my list simply because someone here thinks I'm picking on him either. I've been sleuthing the guy, I will continue to sleuth the guy, and I will continue to post anything of interest I find.

If others think I'm off base, they can skip my posts...if they think I've crossed a line wrt forum rules, they can report any post they find objectionable. Otherwise...this train rolls on. :)
I'm curious, how many people here think the perp is a sexual sadist?

I do believe he is a sexual sadist.

--Types of Sexual Sadism:
Krafft-Ebing (1886/1965) sub-classified sexual sadism into several categories including:

1.Lust-murder. Here he included cases in which there was a connection between sexual arousal and killing which may extend to anthropaphagy or cannibalism (eating body parts of the victim). Among examples he included "Jack the Ripper" and similar types of homicide
2.Mutilation of corpses or necrophilia
3.Injury to females (stabbing, flagellation etc.,)
4.Defilement of women
5.Other kinds of assaults on women - symbolic sadism in which, for example, the perpetrator cuts the hair of his victim rather than harming them directly
6.Ideal sadism or sadistic fantasies alone without acts
7.Sadism with other objects, for example, whipping of boys
8.Sadistic acts with animals
Those eight basic types can be roughly categorized into two main groups of Sexual sadism: Mild sadism in a consensual sexual relationship (eg. S&M) and the major category involving injury or worse, usually in a non-consensual relationship. In both, the element of pain to the victim is the sexual stimulus. "

That all the victims of the GB4 were in the sex trade, this seems to be an indicator for sexual sadism. And if it is true what is speculated, that ligatures were found on some or all of the victims, then that would tie in the bondage factor.

Are there knots consistent with Sexual Bondage or Military?
Is the SK having intercourse pre or post mortem, or none of the above?
Is there any evidence of cannibalism?
Is there any evidence of trophy taking of a sexual nature?
Does LE think he has stopped, taking a break, or still active using another dump site?
I said truthspider was out of line, not you Mountain Kat. Let's be clear, I also Never stated that I ruled out CPH. The things you listed also were things that are already known and things that have made me question the doctor.
Is it reported by the police that there was rope with knots on the victims?
Another possibility is this has nothing to do with sexual sadist, I wonder if the professionals have picked that out in the profiling simply because the victims were prostitutes? I would have to err on the side of profilers of course but, it is possible that it was simply because the victims were easy pickings. I just mention that because it can have one overlook a potential suspect that is not a sexual sadist.
@nutgzter (post #94) - Thanks for this post and the link! Excellent questions! It has given me lots to think about.

@the quiet girl (post #96) - Good point! I will keep it in mind.
If we separate the Manorville MO from the GB4 and possibly the AC murders, there are a few other possibilities. In the case of AC & Gilgo, the killings may represent a symbolic cause or some sort of message to the community to clean up the streets, the town, etc. and the killings very likely had both religious and social motivations.

Another completely different motivation could be to exact revenge, via humiliation, on LE or someone or some entity that the killer feels caused him/her some type of loss. In the GB4 & AC murders, a sexual motivation might not be his/her main focus.

RE: Manorville
The disposal of the remains and the disposal sites were much more crude....leaving butchered bodies/torsos out in plain site and appearing to lack any desire to hide or stow away the remains for the killer's own possession...or for the purposes of revisiting the crimes or to somehow watch over his possessions. Here, there appears to be no social or religious motivation or message. These crimes were definitely sadistic but they may have been related to keeping "employees" in line and sending a message to the sex workers, still under their control or cutting in on their territory, more so than to send a message to LE or the public.

In all of the cases, though, there appears to be a need to gain power and control. In the Manorville cases, there also seems to be a need to instill fear.
Things I am not pulling out of thin air:

1). Someone called Mari Gilbert claiming to be CPH, saying that he was treating Shannan in his halfway house.

2). CPH DID lie about this phone call.

3). Witnesses tell us that Shannan ran down Anchor Way that evening, the very street CPH lives on.

4). Shannan's body WAS found in a thicket behind the good doctor's house.

I don't see those things as "smoke and mirrors"...I see them as facts I can't simply ignore.

I'm not focusing on CPH to the exclusion of anyone else, but I'm damned sure not going to bump him from the top of my list simply because someone here thinks I'm picking on him either. I've been sleuthing the guy, I will continue to sleuth the guy, and I will continue to post anything of interest I find.

If others think I'm off base, they can skip my posts...if they think I've crossed a line wrt forum rules, they can report any post they find objectionable. Otherwise...this train rolls on. :)

Hi Mountain_Kat, In the back of my brain I keep thinking about CPH calling Mari. I know your #1 is true and assume your #2 is also true.

These calls were made from his land line. Is that correct?

Otherwise, if he used Shannan's cellie he later threw it away with her other personal items. They just found her cell.

If he used his land line to call Mari, how did he get her #? We have no knowledge he knew her from before to know her #, right? Could he have researched Shannan beforehand so as to know her mom's name and #? I doubt it.

I think he had to get her # off Shannan's cellie and then kept it all those months until everything was dumped and the remains laid out in the brambles.

That then makes me wonder why the killer decided on that time to give back the personal effects and remains. That is another question, Yea. Oh, and if it turns out to be CPH, why would he put everything essentially in his own backyard?

I think the calls and phone are more than a clue. Am I way off somewhere?
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NY-LI-4 bodies on Beach-Possible SK-12/10-All id'd,4 more found 3/11 #3[/ame]

This post by Chemco has so many nuggets I thought it would be good to all read it again. Things like what date Sherre went down to Oak Beach, what GC said and what was said about what Shannan did right before she disappeared:
Is it reported by the police that there was rope with knots on the victims?
Another possibility is this has nothing to do with sexual sadist, I wonder if the professionals have picked that out in the profiling simply because the victims were prostitutes? I would have to err on the side of profilers of course but, it is possible that it was simply because the victims were easy pickings. I just mention that because it can have one overlook a potential suspect that is not a sexual sadist.

If memory serves, a garrote (or some part of one anyway), was found on 1 of the GB4. Nothing on the other 3.

But I'm working strictly from (distant) memory here, so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe Matilda of Just K can confirm?
I remember a garrote was reported to be found on 1 victim MK but I don't have a link for it.
I remember a garrote was reported to be found on 1 victim MK but I don't have a link for it.

I have a memory of only one report of a scarf-like item found around the neck of one of the victims.
So far this is all I have found about LISK Victims COD:
"Some reports have stated that the four women found in December had been strangled. Reports also claimed that one of the women was found with an item around her neck, and the family of one victim received a death certificate that listed "asphyxia" as the cause of death. The FBI has enlisted a Profiling Unit, Behavior Analysis Unit, and Forensic Unit to help aid Nassau and Suffolk County Police. The Profiling Unit has been used to help pinpoint potential suspects, while the Forensic Unit analyzes evidence."
"It was revealed on Tuesday that the serial killer may have dismembered several of his victims, law enforcement authorities have told ABC News. ABC News has also learned that at least one of the victims died by "homicidal asphyxiation," which could mean strangulation or being smothered. "

One more:
"ABC News has also learned that at least one of the victims died by "homicidal asphyxiation," which could mean strangulation or being smothered."

No article was found, in this search, that described the item that was used in the asphyxiation death of "one of the victims."

Here are references to COD in AC Murders
"Apr 6, 2011 – One of four Atlantic City murder victims and her estranged husband stayed near Gilgo ... She died of ligature strangulation with a cord or a rope. ..."
"Second Strangulation Confirmed
Investigators confirmed that another woman found dead in Atlantic City was strangled to death. This is the second confirmed strangulation death in the case of four dead women who were discovered near an Atlantic City motel. "
Things I am not pulling out of thin air:

1). Someone called Mari Gilbert claiming to be CPH, saying that he was treating Shannan in his halfway house.

2). CPH DID lie about this phone call.

3). Witnesses tell us that Shannan ran down Anchor Way that evening, the very street CPH lives on.

4). Shannan's body WAS found in a thicket behind the good doctor's house.

I don't see those things as "smoke and mirrors"...I see them as facts I can't simply ignore.

I'm not focusing on CPH to the exclusion of anyone else, but I'm damned sure not going to bump him from the top of my list simply because someone here thinks I'm picking on him either. I've been sleuthing the guy, I will continue to sleuth the guy, and I will continue to post anything of interest I find.

If others think I'm off base, they can skip my posts...if they think I've crossed a line wrt forum rules, they can report any post they find objectionable. Otherwise...this train rolls on. :)

I'm not going to skip your posts, MK, I like them. But I think these "facts" are an oversimplification of the collection of facts and known sequences of events. They require more analysis for a proper interpretation.

Let's talk about #1 for a second. There are other perfectly reasonable explanations for the mystery call. Let me start with what is NOT reasonable:

- May 1st - CPH murders Shannan (or he was part of some group that did)
- Sometime between May 1-6 - He coincidentally meets Diaz and Pak while they were walking through the neighborhood. Hackett gives them his biz card, says to call if he can be of assistance.
- May 4th - Shannan is reported missing in NJ (the date of the missing persons flyer).
- May 6th - CPH calls Mari and says that Shannan was "with him that night at his rehab clinic, she left with her driver in the morning".

OK, if I'm Mari, I go absolutely crazy if I get a call on the 6th from CPH after I've already reported her missing. I say "Hey, you need to talk to Detective so and so from the NJ PD, etc., etc. I don't let this person off the phone in 4 minutes without SERIOUS follow-up action items.

What if CPH called Mari before he met Diaz/Pak? This is even more unreasonable because:
- According to Sherre, the mystery of Shannan’s disappearance began on May 3, 2010. Sherre Gilbert got a phone call from her sister’s boyfriend reporting that Shannan hadn’t come home in two days. So if the "rehab call" comes in let's say May 1st or 2nd, why is this not the beginning of the mystery of Shannan's disappearance? Why doesn't Sherre tell Diaz about that call?
- Why didn't Diaz/Pak confront him when they met him about the call?
- Why didn't Mari report this mystery call to NJ/Suffolk County police?

I think there are some reasonable explanations for all this confusion. Here's some very likely possibilities:

1) Mari entirely made up the contents of the call (false allegation/accusation). She did in fact receive a phone call from CPH, who later became her "prime suspect", and in order to direct media and police attention towards him, she concocted the story of the "rehab" call. I hope you don't think my suggestion here is crass - on the contrary, I think its completely understandable for someone under such enormous stress to do such a thing. I'll also point out that this was first suggested by Peter_Brendt here on this board, so I'm not even taking credit for the suggestion. This theory just makes the most sense to me.

2) Mari misremembered the contents of the call. She did in fact speak with CPH, and did meet him at his house on the 9th. She never really confronted him on May 9th about the call (she said Sherre was the one who "confronted" him about the call on the 9th, whereas she stayed back in the crowd - this "confrontation" about the rehab call was never corroborated by anyone else in attendance that day). This sounds squirlley to me because Mari received the call from CPH, so why didn't SHE directly confront him about the contents of the call? Months later (the Suffolk County missing persons flyer is dated June 18, 2010 and police deny she reported any such call from CPH, which I happen to believe), when the media firestorm had started because of the discoveries along Ocean Parkway, she somehow mis-remembers the contents of CPH's calls from May. Its very possible that CPH said something that stuck in her head, like "Maybe she went to a rehab clinic" or something along those lines. Somehow, the stress combined with the time lapse caused Mari to completely mis-recall the contents of the calls from CPH.

3) Much less likely of a possibility (but one worth mentioning) is that Pak/Diaz somehow arranged for a friend to make that call in order to divert any police investigation away from themselves (motive) because of any illicit activities that they may be involved in on a day to day basis. I doubt this, since that would be a fairly elaborate scheme and not well played (i.e., she "left with her driver"). They had Hackett's name from his biz card, so they had "opportunity", but why would they then ask him to call Mari if they already set him up as a patsy (again, not well played)? This theory is nonsense and just creates more confusion.


Mountain_Kat, as far as your #2, "CPH DID lie about the phone call"...

- News reports clearly indicate that that CPH denied making that call. I believe they ALL trace back to the interview he gave on his porch where he was asked if he ever called Mari and told her that she was at his halfway house, to which he responded "No, I never said that, I never met Shannan, I never saw her that night, etc." I am not aware of any other quote, interview or other direct (non-hearsay) source attributable to a specific denial by CPH that he "never called". So, is he a "liar" because he didn't say in that porch interview "Hey, I did call her family the week after her disappearance, but I never said THAT!". I don't think so. Later in his letters to 48 Hours, he doesn't deny calling Mari in either letter. He is completely forthcoming, and in the second letter he provides details of his call logs. I don't call this being a liar. He was also "Very cooperative" with police, so if he lied to them about anything I doubt they would say that he was "very cooperative" or publiclly rule him out as a suspect. I think that the multiple news reports that he "lied" or otherwise "denied" are basically just crappy reporting. I mean, which one cites him verbatim? None.

As far as your #3, "Witnesses tell us that Shannan ran down Anchor Way that evening, the very street CPH lives on."

- Yeah, but so what? There's like 500 people that live in that area of Oak Beach. We can't just say "He lives close to where she was last seen, and this is therefore evidence of guilt."

As far as your #4, "Shannan's body WAS found in a thicket behind the good doctor's house."

- This is the most exonerating evidence yet. Police believe she died of accidental causes after she went into the woods and got lost. By all accounts, she was having some type of episode. Getting lost in the woods in a matter of seconds in the dark IS EASY. Getting hypothermia from being cold and wet IS EASY, and QUICK. Taking your clothes off when you get hypothermia IS COMMON. And how stupid would CPH be if he dragged her back there? He would leave all kinds of physical evidence. I think its clear that SG died of natural causes while thousands of man-hours have been spent narrowly focused on identifying her "killer" where none existed. While we need to be respectful to Shannan and her family, I think we owe it to ourselves and to the Melissal, Amber, Maureen, Megan, Jessica, Jane Doe#6 and any other victim of this serial killer to see the facts clearly and interpret them correctly. For me, CPH is not the killer we're looking for. I'll continue to discuss him, but I'll maintain my position unless any "actual evidence" or "relevant fact" is brought forward.

One quick thing unrelated to my response to MK...
TruthSpider mentions the statement: "I saw her running looking distressed so I gave her a sedative"

- This is hearsay, not fact. Flukeyou is claiming this over at LISK. You judge the veracity for yourself.
Excellent ideas, Inspctrgadeget.

In my efforts to try and eliminate someone I find that the phone calls from PCH to Mari, are the main reason I was drawn to consider PCH.

If the phone call(s) never took place, or are 'mis-construed' PCH becomes only a minor character in the play.

On the other hand if the phone calls are 'real', and Mari is accurate then PCH comes to the forefront again.

Inspctrgadget by focusing on the phone calls you have identified the key to PCH's involvement.

There then are alternatives

PCH never made the calls and someone is trying to incriminate him.

PCH did make the calls 'innocently' based on his emotional desire to be part of the Big case. Then the calls were misconstrued by Mari et al.

PCH made the calls because he is involved and likes playing with the family of the victims.

Since PCH has admitted to making at least one call I believe, the question is..... Where did he get Mari's phone number?

Is it likely that MP and AC gave PCH Mari's phone number?

"Hi, we are looking for SG who is missing, I am her boyfriend and this is her driver; if you hear or see anything call." who?
her mother

Assuming MP and AC are street wise, why in the world would they want PCH calling Mari? If they are somehow involved, they would want to limit the distribution of information. If they are not involved criminally all the more reason to involve the police.

Has anybody asked MP or AC what phone numbers they gave PCH, if any? This is crucial.

If they did not give PCH, Mari's phone numbers, where did he get them, off SG's cell?

PCH still could be innocent even if MP and AC never gave out Mari's phone number.

Another person who is the Killer could have got the phone numbers off SG's cell, posed as CPH and made the calls. But then we come back to PCH admits making a call, so where did he get the phone number?

Is there anybody out there who knows what MP and AC said to PCH and what instructions they gave him?

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