The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

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I do not think George had anything to do with helping in Caylees death. I think the dates are wrong in estimates of Caylees death by LE or George has the dates wrong when Casey came by, or he would have smelled the car, and also why didnt Tony smell it too that day he picked her up?

Months ago on Nancy Grace, a couple forensics specialists addressed that issue by explaining that altough other odors begin diminishing as soon as the source is removed, the odor of human decomposition actually increases with time.

I know they said that because I was really worried about the same things you've brought up. I sure hope they're correct. LOL. Otherwise this case is a mess.
Just a thought, maybe she wasn't getting something from Amy/Ric's, maybe she was returning something. Wasn't it that morning that she cashed Amy's check at BOA?

IIRC, Tony found Amy's checkbook in KC's things the night of July 15th. If this is what you are referring to in your post.
You know Cindy knew what she was doing by washing the cloths in the car. Who would wash cloths out of a car that smells like a dead body when you havnt seen your daughter or granddaughter in a month. Nobody would bother with doing laundry at a time like that! When did she wash them, before she called 911? Would she really wash cloths that smell like a dead body or would she throw them away or have George take and dump them somewhere on his way to work?

I've wondered about the same things. The only explanation that makes sense is that she didn't dare get rid of them because she couldn't be sure one of the police officers hadn't already noticed them in the car that first night--or even the guy at the tow yard. Rather than get caught disposing of evidence, she washed them instead and put them away--and then, to cover herselfshe went and told LE what she'd done. That made her look more honest and innocent.

What do you think? Does that sound likely?"
I am starting to wonder if George went home alone, and did a lot of cleaning. Cindy said that she went back to work for a few hours, I think she went back to work after she left the tow yard and George went home alone. I am starting to wnder at what point did Cindy know about the smell. It would seem to me that if she knew about the smell at the tow yard she would not have went back to work, so George had some time alone with that car. It has benn said that George is the one that cleans cars to the point of "detailing". When Cindy did get home and the smell hit her that is when she called Amy.

Bolded by me...

According to Simon at the tow yard, as George and Cindy were leaving, they paused in their respective cars and spoke for a couple of minutes. Surely George mentioned the stench at that time--after all, the stench was so bad he had the windows down in the rain.
Moving a stanky car into the garage filled with storage bins (all over in there!), food (the freezer), laundry facilities, cleaning supplies, access to the house where the smell could permeate every item surrounding it is NOT a "thinking move" it is a "hiding move." They put the car in the garage to hide it. They took the battery out to keep Casey from taking it, they say, but truly only a little bit of searching would have found it. You don't put a car battery anywhere but onto the floor or workbench so that the acid inside does not seep out onto whatever is underneath. The rain, therefore, was not the reason the Anthony's put the car into the garage. George drove home in the rain, true enough. But each time one catches oneself saying "man, I'd have done....." and the Anthony's have done something else, it isn't because they're too stupid to figure out what others would have done. It is because they are deliberately doing the opposite to keep a secret, whatever that secret might be. This time, it was the car. I don't believe they were ever going to say anything about the stench in that car. I believe they thought they'd get Casey and Caylee home and whatever Casey might have killed would have remained a mystery they would help cover up. Only, it became Caylee that was missing, added to that smell, multiplied a million times by Casey refusing to relieve her mother's panic by saying where she was.
And the walls came tumbling down.

(Bolded by me)

You are exactly right, IMO! I wonder what would happen if we approached this entire case from that perspective alone.
Bolded by me...

According to Simon at the tow yard, as George and Cindy were leaving, they paused in their respective cars and spoke for a couple of minutes. Surely George mentioned the stench at that time--after all, the stench was so bad he had the windows down in the rain.

Thanks for that info, I still wonder if Cindy returned to work and then came home, it looks like her first call (text)to Casey after the pick up was 4:27 IIRC, that could have been on her way home from work.
Bank of America time and location:

July 15th at approximately 13:24 hours, check number 146 was cashed at the Conway banking center located at 2701 South Conway Road, Orlando, Florida, This check was for $250,00 and was payable to Casey Anthony.
Maybe the time was later...according to owner Danny C, KC stopped by in the afternoon (between 2-4) to make an appt for a tat on the upcoming Saturday.

OK, I was not aware of the two data points and I appreciate the two of you laying them out there for me. Since both stops required some time be run off the clock, there is no way she had time to drive up to Ric / Amy's.

The thing I will need to do is rationalize the pings up in their direction. The direction of the pings is OK, it is the distance that bothers me. Also, as she drove from the banking center to Cast Iron she drove right past a cell tower that she pinged off...then pinged off another couple quite some distance away. I find that odd.
Can body decomp. fluids be absorbed UPWARDS into particle board or carpeting in the trunk?

Just wondering if she hid Caylee in the the spare tire compartment since George said that the odiferous stain was centered above that area?
I don't know when she cashed that check, but it is plausible she dropped something off. In fact, that would make more sense. She was there very briefly, indicating that she did not look around for long. If all she had to do was drop something off she could get in/out quickly.

True but she would never feel obligated to "return" anything. I think she remembered she left something there when staying with Amy, and she knew she'd never have another chance to get it back, once Amy realized her bank account was cleaned out.

Just a thought. :)
Can body decomp. fluids be absorbed UPWARDS into particle board or carpeting in the trunk?

Just wondering if she hid Caylee in the the spare tire compartment since George said that the odiferous stain was centered above that area?

I would venture to say yes, if there is "contact" between the body and "material" that is absorbent. that the fluids would be drawn up by it.
If they picked up the car and it smelled like decomposition and they hadn't seen KC or Caylee, then why would GA go to work if he was afraid it had been one of them?

Because after his initial panic over the stench, he remembered that Cindy had been in touch with KC throughout the entire period the car was impounded.
Or perhaps Cindy reminded him of that when they sat talking in their cars at Johnson's before finally driving off?
I would venture to say yes, if there is "contact" between the body and "material" that is absorbent. that the fluids would be drawn up by it.

Thanks for your response. Is there any reason to be certain she was in a container or bag?
No, pings indicate she did not stop there. Everything indicates she drove right by.

"C., Danny – owner of Cast Iron Tattoo, the place where Casey got the tattoo Bella Vita (meaning Beautiful Life) on July 2 or 3, 2008. Casey has been customer there for about 1.5-2 years and regularly visits the establishment. He last saw Casey on July 15, 2008, between 2-4 p.m. She came in shop to schedule appointment for July 19, 2008. She arrived in maroon or red 4-door compact (Toyota maybe) and said she was picking up a friend at the airport and the friend’s luggage would not fit in her car. He had last seen Caylee 3 to 6 months ago. He asked about her, and Casey said she would bring her to the July 19 appointment."
Thanks for that info, I still wonder if Cindy returned to work and then came home, it looks like her first call (text)to Casey after the pick up was 4:27 IIRC, that could have been on her way home from work.

I also remember reading in the docs somewhere that as GA drove out of the towyard, he spoke to CA in the other car, because she asks him if he wants her to drive the Pontiac home because of the stench.

Now, if the first call/text to KC was at 4:27, and they got back home from the tow yard by around 1:30, IIRC, why would CA wait until almost 4:30 to text KC? If I smelled that car and hadn't seen my grandaughter for 31 days, I'd sure as heck try calling/texting KC IMMEDIATELY--as in, on the way home from the towyard. Why the delay? :waitasec:
I thought when Cindy called in to 911 originally she stated the car had been stolen. If it was for Casey's use why did she call and say the car was stolen?

I believe they let her use the car cause Casey gets what Casey wants or else the whole family pays a price. The Anthony's may have cooked up in their head that if anything ever happens (such as an accident) involving the car they will say they didn't give Casey permission to use it, she must have stolen it.....

and GA was a cop????? geez..........above the law, these ants are!
Can body decomp. fluids be absorbed UPWARDS into particle board or carpeting in the trunk?

Just wondering if she hid Caylee in the the spare tire compartment since George said that the odiferous stain was centered above that area?

Short answer is yes. See Wikipedia.

Capillary action, capillarity, capillary motion, or wicking is the ability of a substance to draw another substance into it. The standard reference of capillary action is to a tube in plants, but it can be seen readily with porous paper.

Particle board, carpet, paper...all porous materials. Contact must be made between the fluid and the material - it cannot occur across an airgap.
I've wondered about the same things. The only explanation that makes sense is that she didn't dare get rid of them because she couldn't be sure one of the police officers hadn't already noticed them in the car that first night--or even the guy at the tow yard. Rather than get caught disposing of evidence, she washed them instead and put them away--and then, to cover herselfshe went and told LE what she'd done. That made her look more honest and innocent.

What do you think? Does that sound likely?"

This sounds VERY likely. She had no way of knowing whether or not Simon had seen the pants and the knife so she had to mention them, just in case.

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