The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #18 *ADULT CONTENT*

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the letters that were thrown out of evidence:

can be seen in the court minutes

(see opening post)

they were only re-addressed in the evidentiary hearing which is a question I am taking over to the new LEGAL THREAD! (thanks verified attorneys!)

Is there a particular minute entry that you're referring to. As I said, I looked for this one in particular and found only the one where the court ruled based on the withdrawal of the motion.
They weren't "allowed at the hearing" and I assure you Nurmi would not have pulled that stunt with the jury present because those letters and any mention of them has been ruled as inadmissible. Draw the logical inference about the authenticity of the letters.

If he had been stupid enough to go against the Judge's ruling and said that in front of the jury he should be charged with contempt of court and Juan would be standing there demanding it too, imo.
I really don't know. That's why I'm extremely interested in this part of the case. I searched the minute entries and found only that the motion to exclude them was granted because it was withdrawn. Assuming they're the same letter(s) though, then why were they allowed at the hearing at all and why is Nurmi saying an expert has said they were likely written by Travis. Like I said, I've never seen a case where the court excluded evidence where experts disagreed over its validity unless there was some other reason to exclude it (btw, I realize the jury wasn't there -- undue prejudice was just an example)

Right, in his examination of Chris Hughes, Nurmi said an expert found it was "highly likely" that the correspondence was written by TA.
I think it's become a requirement for all HLN shows to be combative and/or annoying. Remember it used to be Headline NEWS? Ah the good ole days!

And CourtTV was around.....I didn't appreciate their coverage enough when they were not TruTV

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I;m sure the defense had such an expert. They pay for those opinions. That certainly does not prove that the letters were real. The letters were not allowed in so clearly, their authenticity was not proven.

In other news, watching the re-direct of the little gal who dated Travis? The blonde with black haired-gal? I am now feeling pretty certain that jodi is going to testify.

The defense asked a lot about Travis going downstairs or whatever and talking to jodi who sped off, after jodi came in the house. She underscored that the gal (Lisa?) had no clue what Travis said. That means, IMO, that they intend to have jodi testify to fill in the holes.

Thanks, gitana. In your professional opinion, do you think that will come soon? Or toward the end of the defense's case?
Yet he said it. You and I both know he's not going to say, in court before the judge, that an expert has said that a letter was probably written by Travis and that the letter speaks to Travis's deviant sexual proclivities if he didn't have such a report and that's not what the letter could reasonably be interpreted to say. Right?

Incorrect. And Nurmi did not say that a letter about Travis' deviant sexual proclivities was determined by an expert to have been probably written by Travis.

Nurmi said, "did you know that an expert determined that "this" was probably authored by Travis" or words to that effect ;) ..For all we know he could have been holding a Mother's Day card Travis sent his mum 7 years ago.

Attorneys play tricks like that, especially when the cameras are rolling.
Lets put it in perspective about the letters and some hired expert....

They have a domestic abuse expert going to testify for Jodi!


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The state concluded that several of the letters matched Jodi's handwriting from her journal. So the state wanted them all out for others reasons as well. The DT withdrew their request to have them admitted. So for whatever reason the DT didn't think they were important enough to fight to get them in.

And several inconclusive.

Prosecutor Juan Martinez told the court that the letters were tested and found to be forgeries.
Nor verified that they were even written by TA which IMO they werent.

Why didnt she turn them over ASAP. Where are the originals?

She is one sneaky snake who will do anything to get away with cold blooded murder just like CA.


Not only that she said she got them from someone else but refused to name who she got them from.
I'm watching "Honest Abe" on Dr. Drew, and liking him less and less. I think he's just another attention wh*re. He comes across as dishonest and pizzed off at the PA.

Mark Eiglarsh just asked him what his "motivation" was to come on the show (twice), basically had him figured out, and Dr. Drew is clearly not impressed with Mark's comments. LoL, my hunky Mark was just dressed down by Dr. Drew. You go Mark! :floorlaugh:

Drew is just jealous cuz HunkaHunka Mark does a much better job interviewing guests than Drew and his co-anchors. Last night I was screaming at my TV, "Shut up Drew and let Mark question this guy!!"
I;m sure the defense had such an expert. They pay for those opinions. That certainly does not prove that the letters were real. The letters were not allowed in so clearly, their authenticity was not proven.
In other news, watching the re-direct of the little gal who dated Travis? The blonde with black haired-gal? I am now feeling pretty certain that jodi is going to testify.

The defense asked a lot about Travis going downstairs or whatever and talking to jodi who sped off, after jodi came in the house. She underscored that the gal (Lisa?) had no clue what Travis said. That means, IMO, that they intend to have jodi testify to fill in the holes.

Yes, and so does the prosecution pay for their opinions. That said, being a verified attorney, would you not agree that where there are competing experts reaching opposite conclusions about the authenticity of documents, especially in a death penalty case, that the court allows the trier of fact to decide? And wouldn't you also agree that if the court has already ruled that the letters are "phony," Nurmi would not have mentioned the letter, much less brought it up in open court at the evidentiary hearing?

Imo, something's up with that letter.
Are you talking about the pedophilia claim? Isn't the only basis for that from her, and contained in those phony letters that won't come into evidence?

If they can't find a child he molested, I don't see how they get that in. All his relationships were with women. And sexual fantasies don't count, IMO. They're perfectly normal.

Ideas how they'll wiggle this in other than the little innuendos like 'boy's briefs'?

I was thinking that it meant the anal sex thing. I don't regard that as "deviant", but I know alot of people here have called it so.

If it's the phone sex call which supposedly :rolleyes: has TA saying JA sounds like a 12yo girl having her first orgasm, well, then, I'll believe it when I hear it.

I know it would creep ME out as a pedo thing to say (but my DD is 11) but I seriously doubt that TA said any such thing.
I agree. I think most of the other attorneys on here do as well (Minor4th?)

I think the prosecution has done an incredible job and the defense has done zero, zip, zilch to open the door to a self-defense claim. It so reeks of desperation that i can smell it through my computer.

Totally agree. I don't fault the defense attorneys -- they are clearly exasperated and frustrated at the complete loser of a case they have to defend. How many times did the defense attorney sigh today right in the middle of a direct exam?

All they can do is hope to humanize Jodi a bit and make Travis seem less than perfect and hope for some amount of compassion from a couple of jurors so that Jodi doesn't get the death penalty.
Chris Hughes posted this to his FB:
Some people have been asking about the ability to contact attorney's via the LegalShield membership. As a LegalShield Member for 13 years, let me set the record straight. All LegalShield Members can call their attorney at any time, for any reason, from the trivial to the traumatic, between the hours of 9am-5pm M-F, and 24 hours a day in certain emergency situations. I just put in a call this morning with a question about my friends murder trial. If anyone wants more information about the LegalShield membership, inbox me, but at least now we all know the facts. :)
eta 7 hrs ago
I agree. I think that she will be quite certain in her narcissism that she will be able to win over at least one juror, if not the entire male section. She is a legend in her own mind.

That is what she said to the prosecutor when she wanted to make a deal with them for 2nd degree murder. Arias said there is no jury out there that will find me guilty of 1st degree murder. The prosecutor said well were are not making any deals with you we are going for the DP.
The state concluded that several of the letters matched Jodi's handwriting from her journal. So the state wanted them all out for others reasons as well. The DT withdrew their request to have them admitted. So for whatever reason the DT didn't think they were important enough to fight to get them in.

And several inconclusive.

I think even her defense attorneys knew they had been had and believed Jodi's lies. They withdrew because they knew they cant put in forged documents.

I hope they do come in at the sentencing phase though. It will let the jury know what lengths she went to in order to tarnish Travis trying to get away with murder.

:what: I don't know about you guys,,,,,but if it were not for the camera in the courtroom, I would have a very skewed view of what went on based on the coverage on Jane VM and Nancy G.

(What happened to Jean C??? It's like she is on the DT payroll.)

Huge waste watching these shows, mostly.

I want to point out something else about the photos taken of their "sex session" right before the slaughter and the ones of Travis in the shower.

Not one photo shows them together in the photos. These photos (to me) do not look like a happy couple who has just had sex. Even Jodi looks strange in the ones of her front. (OK, she looks strange from the back too, but I am NOT touching that again).

People say that they had sex because there are photos of them both nude, the KY is there, yada yada. Frankly, Travis looks pizzed in every one of them and although I won't go so far as to say that he didn't pose for any of them, it is plausible to me that he didn't.

He was laying there nude. It was June. Maybe he was hot.

The KY was there. Jodi could have snuck up while he was laying there nude and put the KY there next to him. He doesn't look happy when his hand is up in the air and, in fact, I believe he looks startled.

The nude photos of Jodi - She was a photographer (albeit crappy one). A trained monkey can learn to set up a timer on a camera. Sure, the backside one looks like she was rode hard and put away wet, but how do we know if this might be the way she always looks.

The photos in the shower of Travis - he doesn't look happy in the least bit and even looks like he is just then noticing that she is still there.

I would be very wary of these photos to prove that he let her in and had sex willingly with her. Nothing would surprise me about her and I wouldn't put it past her to totally set the entire thing up.
I believe beyond the question of authorship, they were only copies, and the originals could not be obtained.

ETA: Perhaps I should have used "manufacture" rather than "obtained", as I believe from reading the court minutes, they were all "manufactured", and I also believe that is why the first attorney quit.

Wasn't there a cellmate who helped play secretary? ;)
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