Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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I have had a problem with the 15th since the beginning.......I think KC killed Caylee on the 13th very late at night, or on the 14th. I think she choked her just like CA allegedly choked her and then threw her in the trunk for a couple of days until she could figure out what to do with her. I think she malicously wanted to bury her in her parents backyard, but finding it was harder to dig a grave than she thought. bagged her and toss her in the woods instead, on the day she ran out of gas and called AL to come help her, and she was walking down the road.

Caylee was videotaped with her grandfather at the nursing home on June 15. Employees of the nursing home verified that Cindy and Caylee were there that day.

Afterwards Shirley shared chili with Caylee. Shirly e-mailed the details to her sister.

I think we agree on a lot.

One piece of silly info, from Boys' Own Book of Knowledge (mythical reputable source), is that a form of torture in Japanese POW camps was to place prisoners in roofing iron box in tropical heat! (cf Pontiac trunk in Florida). No water, and I believe left for hours/days? I do have experience of conditions in Singapore, and that sounds unbelievable, but people did survive.

Adults can survive for a period of time, but children are more vulnerable to harm from heat exposure.

I know you have difficulty reconciling Casey's behavior in Blockbuster with the recent death of her daughter. I have a sociopath for a father. I know we have not had it confirmed that Casey is, in fact, a sociopath or malignant narcissist--but I believe she is. And if this is the case, her Blockbuster behavior is not surprising to me at all.
I really think Caylee died on 6/16 after GA went to work and KC came back to the anthony home. I do think it was some kind of accident. I think she freaked out and she could never let anyone know what happened for fear of what her mother would do now. So she had a flurry of calls to see nobody was coming and used the laundry bag and blanket from the house and put her in the trunk. She was able to go out with Tony L and rent those movies. She came back to the house backing her car up the next few days as attempts to bury the body, but that was too hard. So she drove around with her in the trunk until she dumped the bag. I think the tape was to make it look like a kidnapping and the heart sticker was her sick way of a final kiss. Later the diary of days she wrote she basically says she will never tell anyone what happened.
Adults can survive for a period of time, but children are more vulnerable to harm from heat exposure.

I know you have difficulty reconciling Casey's behavior in Blockbuster with the recent death of her daughter. I have a sociopath for a father. I know we have not had it confirmed that Casey is, in fact, a sociopath or malignant narcissist--but I believe she is. And if this is the case, her Blockbuster behavior is not surprising to me at all.
I don't know how long a child would survive of course.

And my theory is just cobbled together, and I am quite prepared to modify details as we get facts and the discussions proceed.

At the moment I am thinking that KC at least THOUGHT caylee was alive in the trunk when she was in Blockbuster. I guess that is the only way I can fit KC's behaviour even into my imagination of what went on.
I am assuming Caylee could survive for a while, but even if it was shorter time than I think, she (very tragically and sadly) died in the trunk.
I really think Caylee died on 6/16 after GA went to work and KC came back to the anthony home. I do think it was some kind of accident. I think she freaked out and she could never let anyone know what happened for fear of what her mother would do now. So she had a flurry of calls to see nobody was coming and used the laundry bag and blanket from the house and put her in the trunk. She was able to go out with Tony L and rent those movies. She came back to the house backing her car up the next few days as attempts to bury the body, but that was too hard. So she drove around with her in the trunk until she dumped the bag. I think the tape was to make it look like a kidnapping and the heart sticker was her sick way of a final kiss. Later the diary of days she wrote she basically says she will never tell anyone what happened.

The only reason I don't think it was an accident at this point is because of the Block Buster video of her and TL. She is composed. She isn't waiting in the car, or simply too upset to get a video. It would be in my mind a murder of intent or anger and Casey would fit the profile of a Psychopath. Susan Smith shot her kids point blank and slowly drove to the hospital to get them to die before they got there. Psychopaths have no guilt, or remorse, period. If Caylee was in that trunk dead, she put her there and didn't care.
if she was at one time going to bury the baby in the back yard, just who the in the world was she going to throw under the tracks.. ? CA GA ? or perhaps both ???:waitasec:

because - if the baby was buried in the back yard well the baby would be found once the police were coming around - or certainly the grand parents would notice the freshly dug dirt

as far as the killer renting movies.. ?? well that is her crazy way to make things look like a normal day of course she forgot that it wasnt a normal
day and nobody else was aware of a missing child except her

so her trying to appear "NORMAL" was a horrible backwards kind of decision

know what i mean :)
:You all got me thinking...

kc may have stormed out of the house with Caylee on the 15th. I remember Cindy lying and telling us she tucked both Caylee and kc in bed that evening. (So "Walton" of her).

BUT Caylee was not wearing PJ's. They found shorts and t-shirt. So she may have left early evening; grabbed the doll and bag that Cindy had, and took her to the car, parked somewhere; she could not take her to TL's. She may have had to keep her quiet while she talked to her new man....she stayed in the car and talked on the phone all night long. She was on the phone from 7:00pm till almost 3:00am with TL. Her cell was called at 7:30am..Cindy may have been giving her a wake-up call.

I always thought she did this in her bedroom but reading this thread, I am going to change my mind, at least, for now.
Oh, and the shorts found at the scene appear to match what Caylee had on at the Nursing Home.

she still could have done this at the home. She was on the computer on the 16th at least up to 3:00 pm. I don't know if she stayed there or not that night of the 15th, but she returned after GA went to work and my guess is, Caylee was with her. Some thing happened that afternoon to bring this to a head. JMO
Good point Bern,

It is a toss up! But what about the shorts and the diaper bag? appears she may have just grabbed the stuff from Cindy's car on the 15th. Why would she have the stuff in the car- (diaper bag and doll) after she harmed Caylee in the house?

That is what is leading me to believe she MAY have done this on the 15th. What do you think?
Nevermind! I read you now,...had to be 16th...that is why they are in the car..I should get some sleep before I type these brain droppings...LOL
Interesting theory on taping her mouth shut to keep her quiet while she talked on the phone all night with TL.

Maybe she had lied to TL telling him she was on a business trip and that's why she couldn't be with him.....she needed to keep it super quiet on her end.

<still dying to read the interview with TL discussing that conversation!!>
That, or she led him to believe she was in her bed at home and couldn't leave due to the baby.

I am also anxious to know what they were talking about for 8 hours. I would be willing to bet she had to be complaining about Cindy and her home life.
I think the duct tape was used during the murder because otherwise the child would have told someone, it would have left a terrible rash, and would be horrible to get out of her hair. It was put on to stay, IMO.

I've also come to the conclusion that KC fantasized so much as a result of repression. In other words she felt repressed so much by CA, that the fantasy life and excessive partying resulted as an escape. Perhaps the murder was psychologically the result of repression too.
For some reason, KC stayed in her room until CA left for work. I don't think that phone call to KC's cell was KC trying to locate her cell phone. If it was, CA would have seen KC that morning. Instead, CA stated that she didn't see her but knew she was there because she heard "breathing" through the door. I think KC had to stay in the room until CA left because Caylee was already dead. That phone call to KC's cell at 7:30 am was CA's last attempt to speak to KC before she left for work.
KC bided her time and remained quiet behind the closed door; she knew CA would have to leave soon. After CA left for work KC made her escape. She either had Caylee all wrapped up in her blanket and carried her out or she had already placed her in the trunk in the early am hours.

By the time July 15th came around, CA and GA had put two and two together and realized that Caylee died the night or early am after the fight on the 15th. That's why they concocted the story of seeing KC at 12:50 pm on the 16th. There's no way Caylee stayed in that bedroom until the afternoon. She was already dead.
The only reason I don't think it was an accident at this point is because of the Block Buster video of her and TL. She is composed. She isn't waiting in the car, or simply too upset to get a video. It would be in my mind a murder of intent or anger and Casey would fit the profile of a Psychopath. Susan Smith shot her kids point blank and slowly drove to the hospital to get them to die before they got there. Psychopaths have no guilt, or remorse, period. If Caylee was in that trunk dead, she put her there and didn't care.

I mostly just read in the Caylee Anthony forum, but I wanted to jump in here. I think you mean Diane Downs? Because I think Susan Smith pushed her car into a lake with the kids in it, then claimed the car was carjacked. Diane Downs shot her kids (1 in the front seat, the rest in the backseat -- nowhere to hide, poor things), then drove to the hospital. Cold-blooded, for sure.
I've often wondered if the duct tape was placed on Caylees mouth while KC was on the phone w/ TonE the night of the 15th/early morning 16th. KC was probably telling TonE she was at work , instead of at her house. I think KC chose the "working story" as opposed to the truth , b/c she feared he would drive over there. And she definitely didn't need him showing up over there after her and CA's blow up.

The tape could have been placed on the babys mouth while she was sleeping (just incase she did wake up) , or little Caylee could have woke up crying , and KC in a panic grabbed some tape to hush her, so TonE couldn't hear her crying.

KC continues with her conversation to TonE , and later on she falls asleep (could TonE and KC both have fallen asleep while on the phone together?) forgetting about Caylee w/ tape on her mouth , until she awakens to it. (Maybe Caylee gasping for air is what CA heard , when she said she heard them breathing, the morning of the 16th?) Horrible thought!!
if she was at one time going to bury the baby in the back yard, just who the in the world was she going to throw under the tracks.. ? CA GA ? or perhaps both ???:waitasec:

because - if the baby was buried in the back yard well the baby would be found once the police were coming around - or certainly the grand parents would notice the freshly dug dirt

as far as the killer renting movies.. ?? well that is her crazy way to make things look like a normal day of course she forgot that it wasnt a normal
day and nobody else was aware of a missing child except her

so her trying to appear "NORMAL" was a horrible backwards kind of decision

know what i mean :)

If anything girls have influence over boys (on early dates, I mean) is the movie selection! It's my opinion that if Casey did not want to see a VIOLENT horror flick (I saw it; it was disgusting! And I LOVE horror flicks.) she could easily have told TonE she wanted to see a chick flick. [That scene with the cat stuck to the tape make me SICK.]

THAT would have been "normal".
If anything girls have influence over boys (on early dates, I mean) is the movie selection! It's my opinion that if Casey did not want to see a VIOLENT horror flick (I saw it; it was disgusting! And I LOVE horror flicks.) she could easily have told TonE she wanted to see a chick flick. [That scene with the cat stuck to the tape make me SICK.]

THAT would have been "normal".

bingo !!:)
I can't see KC putting the duct tape on and doing the deed while her parents were in the house. What if CA came into the room in the morning to kiss them goodbye? Or for any other reason? I think it would be too risky for KC. I think she either didn't come home that night and did it on the 15th, or did it on the 16th after GA left for work. I would love to know what TL has to say about the night of the 15th. Or if she called anyone to babysit on the 16th. THAT would certainly give us a better indication of time of death.
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