Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

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I do not recall Chelsea saying Timmy had been in an accident and was on pain meds until much later...around the time Hollars was appearing on NG. Did Chelsea ever bring this up about Timmy on pain meds prior to that? 'Cause if she did, I missed it. And if she did not bring it up until months after Haleigh disappeared, I find it a bit too convenient.
I do not recall Chelsea saying Timmy had been in an accident and was on pain meds until much later...around the time Hollars was appearing on NG. Did Chelsea ever bring this up about Timmy on pain meds prior to that? 'Cause if she did, I missed it. And if she did not bring it up until months after Haleigh disappeared, I find it a bit too convenient.

I recall that being stated within the same time frame also..
Somehow I am going to have to trackdown where Chelsea and timmy lived on Feb 9.

Tommy had not lived on Tyler very long when Haleigh vanished. According to Volusia Cty, was in San Mateo in the fall of 2008. When exactly did RC hook up with misty at the bus stop in Satsuma (if that is the first time they met)?

Can anyone tell me where Amber was living when misty started to befriend her and watched Jordan at times?
I am going to say it was Chelsey .. Also, it was either stated on the NG show or in an interview with AH..
It was revealed Jo was staying with Tommy and Lindsey until the gun incident happened.. At that time he went to stay with Hank Sr. and Lisa.. After the car accident he went to stay with Timmy and Chelsey.. That indicates to me... Hank Sr. and Lisa were still living on Magnolia and did not move in with Tommy and Lindsey until sometime after the accident...
Also, Jeff Hardy stated he believed whatever happened to Haleigh may have occurred in the Shell Harbor area.. Tommy also stated to his father in one of those videos that no one could get into the Shell Harbor area because it was locked down and Hank Sr. stated.... "Are you talking about the area where we used to live?"... Tommy said... "Yes"..

Thanks Emeral...I remember that. I recall rc saying that Hank read JO the riot act over the theft. Wasn't it at this point that he kicked him out? JO then went on to Chelsea's. I am having a hard time believing there were three separate residences with the Croslins. I think they switched up addys to avoid Bill Collectors etc. Volusia County has a very large judgement on Hank Croslin jr. That one was served on him on Sunglow in late 2008. Was this the red truck. Was it put in TC's name for his dad or was it really TC's ( I am assuming it was a vehicle by the amt of the lien)

I am trying to establish when lisa and hank lived on Magnolia and if they did so alone or with chelsea and timmy. Or did Chelsea and timmy live there and Hank gave the hospital their addy for the hospital bill. Is it clear that Hank didn't live on Magnolia after Feb 10, 2009?
Somehow I am going to have to trackdown where Chelsea and timmy lived on Feb 9.

Tommy had not lived on Tyler very long when Haleigh vanished. According to Volusia Cty, was in San Mateo in the fall of 2008. When exactly did RC hook up with misty at the bus stop in Satsuma (if that is the first time they met)?

Can anyone tell me where Amber was living when misty started to befriend her and watched Jordan at times?

Whisperer, Misty states in this video that Timmy and Chelsey were living in Crescent City on February 9th...... Chelsey has also stated she and Timmy were living in Crescent City..

Thanks for that video Emeral......that's a good one.

Okay, Chelsea.....must be a total goofball or I need a complete "Idiots Guide to Putnam County". I clearly heard Chelsea say she lived three miles from 202 Green Lane in Satsuma. She did change it up and say Crescent City the following day or so but added it is the same area. When I look at the map Crescent City is no where near Satsuma. Looks to be at least twelve miles away. I don't understand the discrepency. Shell Harbor is close about 4.5 mi. from Green but, my goodness, she said she lived three miles from misty.

Is there any way to tell if any of these people have ever told the truth. Their lack of math skills, measurements and distance are alarming.
About that video...misty says, "One night the gun came up missing from our house". Misty deduces that it wasn't timmy because rc like timmy. So it must be tommy or JO. She concldes that JO stole the gun and hid it at tommy's? This has to be a bunch of malarky.

Now we hear from rc (as told to cobra) found the gun and cleaned it up and insinuates that he, himself, hid it there and now LE has that gun.
About that video...misty says, "One night the gun came up missing from our house". Misty deduces that it wasn't timmy because rc like timmy. So it must be tommy or JO. She concldes that JO stole the gun and hid it at tommy's? This has to be a bunch of malarky.

Now we hear from rc (as told to cobra) found the gun and cleaned it up and insinuates that he, himself, hid it there and now LE has that gun.

So many gun stories. Guns under Misty's pillow, gun stolen by Joe, gun found by Misty and Chelsey, gun found by Ron (same gun), guns put into Ron's mouth, Ron threatening to blow Misty's brains out of the back of her head, Ron threatening to kill whoever took Haleigh, Ron threatening to shoot through the back window of the police car, Ron threatening to shoot Charlie Jones, Misty's story about Joe coming over to steal a gun but takes Haleigh instead...............wonder where all the guns are now? So far, we only have the one statement about LE now having the gun that Ron "found" and cleaned. Is this gun the one that Joe "supposedly" wanted to steal the night that Haleigh disappeared? There is so much more to this case than we know.......:banghead:
Let's see...we have Timmy taking prescribed pain meds, ron on pain meds, TN on pain meds, hank on pain meds all about the time Haleigh vanished. Seems like there were enough to supply many people's addictions. Jo is visiting. Misty is partying....my God, the number of pills is staggering. They have pot and pills and I bet meth or coke is what they are really liked when they partied. I have not been able to wrap myself around the amount of dope and alcohol this group consumes. It is amazing how much the body can tolerate.

.....Poor Haleigh and Jr.
There was a guy here in my town, about 13 years ago, who went on a shooting rampage. He killed his gf, his aunt, a guy he was feuding with, & some dogs, I do believe. & then shot a cop. He was found guilty, asked for the death penalty, got it of course, (this is Texas), & then had it hurried along & was executed less than a year later. But what I found almost unbelievable about the whole thing, was that he admitted to drinking liquor & taking 70 valium. 70! I wouldn't think the body could withstand that much dope, but evidently, it did, & he remembered everything. That happened in my neighborhood, & my brother was friends with his sister. Later, while my brother was in law school, they actually studied this case, & his classmates were dumbfounded that he had known him.
In most people valium combined with liquor is lethal. Some people's bodies are just made of steel, especially the young.
In most people valium combined with liquor is lethal. Some people's bodies are just made of steel, especially the young.
He was kind of young, 30 something, & really mean, & I guess he had built up a monster tolerence...but I still don't know if I believe he took 70 But even though he was as mean as a junkyard dog...at the end, like so many others, he changed, & did right. It's funny what death knocking on your door, can do for you. I guess he wanted to meet his maker, as a cleansed man.
Here is what Chelsea said on the Apr. 22 NG episode

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I told them that Joe, when he was staying in Satsuma with us -- I lived in Crescent City, a little bit farther, but it`s all in the same area. He stayed at Tommy`s house for a few days until him and Ronald had had that falling out regarding the gun that he had stolen that was recovered. From there, he went and stayed at Lisa and Hank`s house. There was a car accident and Hank was airlifted off to Gainesville. I`m talking about Hank, senior.


From 4/16 NG show-Jean Caserez guest hosting

CASEREZ: I want to go back out to Chelsea Croslin, who is with us tonight, the sister-in-law of Misty. Chelsea, you had mentioned before we went to break about a van. And I remember you talking to law enforcement early on about a van. You were using a van at that time in Florida, and that night, it was borrowed by someone. Is that right?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Yes, it is. It was my sister-in-law`s van.

CASAREZ: And who borrowed it that night?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Well, I borrowed it from my sister-in-law. And when I woke up the next day, the van was parked in a different spot than I had parked it. So I assumed that the van had been taken from the home that night.

CASAREZ: Do you know who drove it?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: If anybody drove it, it had to have been Joe.


CHELSEA CROSLIN: Because my husband was sleeping next to me. He had just been in a car accident and he was on medication. He was asleep hours before I was.

CASAREZ: What about Tommy? Why couldn`t Tommy have taken the van?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Because Tommy lived at least three miles from where my house was. And it was Tommy`s van, but he lent it to us that night. Joe would have had to have taken the van from my house to go back to that neighborhood. Tommy lived right next to where Misty and Haleigh did, about six houses apart.


Chelsea does not say she lives 3 miles from the area Tommy/Ron lived, she says AT LEAST which could mean more than 3 miles.
In the first transcript I posted Chelsea says when Joe stayed in Satsuma with us, then clarifies she lived in CC at the time stating it is a bit farther but that it is all in the same area. I take that to mean S. Putnam Co, to her it is in the same general area. I don't think she is being untruthful about where she lived on Feb. 9, 2009.

Hank and Lisa lived on Magnolia by Shell Harbour, that is clarified in the jail tapes with Hank and Tommy and also some of the locals stated it to the media at the time of the Shell Harbour dock area search and it is the address Hank used at the hospital at the time of his auto accident.

Property records show 116 Tyler was deeded to Lindsy and her gpa on 9/17/2008 so they would have moved there shortly after that imo.
Originally Posted by Whisperer
About that video...misty says, "One night the gun came up missing from our house". Misty deduces that it wasn't Timmy because rc like timmy. So it must be tommy or JO. She concldes that JO stole the gun and hid it at tommy's? This has to be a bunch of malarky.

Now we hear from rc (as told to cobra) found the gun and cleaned it up and insinuates that he, himself, hid it there and now LE has that gun.[/


So many gun stories. Guns under Misty's pillow, gun stolen by Joe, gun found by Misty and Chelsey, gun found by Ron (same gun), guns put into Ron's mouth, Ron threatening to blow Misty's brains out of the back of her head, Ron threatening to kill whoever took Haleigh, Ron threatening to shoot through the back window of the police car, Ron threatening to shoot Charlie Jones, Misty's story about Joe coming over to steal a gun but takes Haleigh instead...............wonder where all the guns are now? So far, we only have the one statement about LE now having the gun that Ron "found" and cleaned. Is this gun the one that Joe "supposedly" wanted to steal the night that Haleigh disappeared? There is so much more to this case than we know.......:banghead:

Notice all the talk about the guns and how they try to insert Joe as being the POI. Take note of who all had access to the gun and who is Ron's buddy.
Timmy, Ron's buddy Misty deduces that it wasn't Timmy because Ron likes him
Misty, Access to gun
Ronald, Access to gun
Chelsea, Access to gun
Ronald Admits
"He was the one that hid the gun and retrieved it"!
Misty & Chelsea also Admit That they retrieved the gun from the culvert.

People who admit to access to the gun are Ronald, Misty & Chelsea.

So, how and why is Joe in the mix of things here? IMO, because he is their scape goat. I really really pray that LE has been looking into Timmy & Chelsea closer. LE did say that we will never believe who "one" of the POI from the several will be. We have all been looking at Misty, some at Ron, some at Tommy, some at Joe. When it comes to Timmy and Chelsea not much is said and they were the first to get the heck out of dodge. Maybe it's just me, but IMO they know much more.

So many gun stories. Guns under Misty's pillow, gun stolen by Joe, gun found by Misty and Chelsey, gun found by Ron (same gun), guns put into Ron's mouth, Ron threatening to blow Misty's brains out of the back of her head, Ron threatening to kill whoever took Haleigh, Ron threatening to shoot through the back window of the police car, Ron threatening to shoot Charlie Jones, Misty's story about Joe coming over to steal a gun but takes Haleigh instead...............wonder where all the guns are now? So far, we only have the one statement about LE now having the gun that Ron "found" and cleaned. Is this gun the one that Joe "supposedly" wanted to steal the night that Haleigh disappeared? There is so much more to this case than we know.......:banghead:

If anything good comes of this, hopefully it will be that Ronald Cummings can no longer own or possess fire arms with several felonies on his record.
Thanks for that video Emeral......that's a good one.

Okay, Chelsea.....must be a total goofball or I need a complete "Idiots Guide to Putnam County".


Is there any way to tell if any of these people have ever told the truth. Their lack of math skills, measurements and distance are alarming.

Whisp . .. On the previous page you were mentioning about the amount of drugs & ETOH these lunes consume . . . . There ya go . . Who can have a brain after all they mess with . .and how much of a brain was there to begin with is my issue.

Had to step away from this case because there is virtually nothing that comes out of their mouths that is coherent . . even if they are trying to tell the truth . . which is rare
this be MOO of course :0)
I'm just wondering if Chelsea is going on NG because Misty is breaking down and now she's deflecting? Just speculation on my part. Someone else may have posted this in another thread this weekend and if they have, I apologize. I haven't had a chance to read all the new posts!

Has this thought crossed anyone else's mind? I've been suspicious of Timmy and Chelsea since early in this case. :eye:
They sure did get out of Putnam County fast after Haleigh went missing. And now Chelsea is claiming Lindsay's time line is not adding up. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

Have we finally reached the point where they are all on edge turning on one another and maybe the truth will come out?
Didn't she say on NG that Gramma Hollars was lying and then go back and say she was telling the truth? I thought I saw someone post here about that. If that is true, I'd love to see the link because I'm not sure if I remember that right or not.

There is something fishy with this Chelsea.
This is what Chelsea is quoted as saying about the time line of Lindsay.


While Tommy has changed his story more than runway models change clothes, his ex wife, Lindsay, maintains he was home with the kids when she returned from nursing school about 10:15 p.m. and they had dinner and went to bed. She says if he left, she never heard him.

“She’s adamant,” says Chelsea, “but I have letters contradicting her time line. I’m just not able to explain” the differences.
“I’ve heard about the machine gun from day one,” Misty Croslin attorney Robert Fields tells The Bald Truth. “If they’ve found it, that’s important, and it should help Misty. It’s the one consistent thing in both Misty and Tommy’s accounts. I heard someone called in and said, ‘You can pick up the gun at a certain location.”
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